Associate to Professor

Academic Year 02-03
This application must be submitted to your supervisor no later than January 1. All responses
should refer to activities and developments since your previous promotion or original appointment
to the college, whichever is more recent. Please do not attach evaluations or other evaluative
documents which are a part of your professional file. The review process involves a consideration
of these evaluative materials. Please type or print.
Present Rank:
Associate Professor
A. Teaching and Related Responsibilities
1. In general, how have you demonstrated growth and competence in teaching and
other responsibilities related to instruction?
I have demonstrated growth and competence in teaching and other responsibilities
related to instruction by:
Full time faculty for past eight years, teaching lectures and serving as a clinical
instructor in Nur 101-Fundamentals of Nursing and Nur 111- Family Health Nursing
 Preparation of clinical assignments with selection of appropriate patients to
enhance student learning
 Facilitation of pre conference to discuss nursing care plans
 Supervision of 7-10 students on clinical unit with implementation of skills
including physical assessments; vital signs; medication administration;
dressings; catheterizations; bathing; intravenous maintenance and patient
 Completion of anecdotal noted to document student learning
 Facilitation of post conference to help students reflect on clinical experience
 Final clinical summary on each student with a face to face conference
 Preparation and updates on all lectures to reflect ever changing field of
Smith College Connections- selected to teach in conjunction with a Smith College
professor, Statistics and Women’s Health, in both 2000 and 2001.
 Team teaching of lectures 4 days a week
 Advisement of students 3 hours week both individually and together
 Assisting students to succeed in a challenging course
 Attendance at weekly staff meetings to discuss student progress
 Development of course design and syllabus prior to beginning of course
Clinical and Academic advisement of 20-25 nursing students each semester related
 Program planning
 Quiz and exam review
 Simulated lab progress
 Personal issues
 Test taking strategies
 Clinical issues
 Review of lectures to enhance understanding
Facilitator at Center for Teaching’s Workshop “Orientation for New Faculty”, in
Madison, June 1999.
Extra office hours to accommodate the large number of advisees and facilitate
easier accessibility for students.
Selected to teach 3 credit distance class through Charter Oak College LPN to RN
Bridge, developed by the Connecticut League of Nursing to offer more opportunities
for an LPN to earn an RN in 2002 and 2003:
 9-10 students with “virtual office hours” online as well as availability by
telephone to assist in success of student
 assignments are sent via email and returned within 1 week of completion
 advisement on specific learning difficulties with student
 completion of online grades
 maintenance of web chat room to enhance students sense of support
 telephone conferencing when appropriate with other instructors
Team taught with xxxxxx an EMS Instructor evening class. My responsibilities
 Teaching 3 credit class on theory of teaching and learning
 Demonstration by role modeling related to teaching strategies; teaching
methods; audiovisual aids; quiz preparation and small group presentations
 Evaluation of large group presentations to EMT classes in the community
 Distance learning component that included posting of student assignments
on web board
Enthusiastic use of new technology related to classroom instruction and simulated
lab to facilitate student learning through:
 Data camera
 Power point presentations
 Importing video
 Scanning pictures, graphs and tables into lectures
 Computed aided instruction related to nursing skills
 Computerized mannequins for nursing skills
2. List accomplishments, special projects, or unusual work in regard to the items
indicated in Article X, Section 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
I have completed several special projects since my last promotion including:
Development, implementation and teaching of 1 credit distance learning class Nu
112- LPN to RN Mental Health Nursing Psychic Imbalance, during my refresher
leave in Fall, 2000:
 Facilitates entry of students into XXX Community College AD program
through Connecticut League of Nursing initiative
 Web based course involves students active participation in chat room
 Clinical component - 2 days on Psychiatric unit with a XXX nursing
 Checking compliance of all participants in terms of required health
information; orientation packet; eligibility and admission into XXX ADN
 Attendance at bi-monthly meeting with Connecticut League for Nursing
and Articulation Committee
 Submission of grades to registrar
 Advisement of students to enhance success in Nu 115
Presently beginning preliminary development of an Evening Nursing Program at
XXX as part of refresher leave for spring, 2003
 Facilitated a meeting with counselors assigned to nursing to discuss
counseling needs for evening program
 Attended a meeting with President xxxxxx, Director xxxxxx and xxxxxx of
1199 to brainstorm in terms of ways to begin an successful evening
 Email and phone contact with other community colleges who presently
run both day and evening nursing programs
 Attendance at State of Connecticut Articulation meetings to discuss
nursing shortages and ways to facilitate an increase in students,
graduates and successful passing of NCLEX
 Ongoing conversations and planning with Director of Nursing at XXX
related to financial aspects of evening program and potential for funding
of this program by State of Connecticut
Class on Complications in Labor and Delivery presented to EMT students
Nominated and selected to be published in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers,
2002 by a graduate of XXX nursing program
3. What activities have you undertaken to maintain contact with your discipline or to
develop knowledge in your field or specialty?
Management Organizational Theory and Behavior- 3 credits at Western
New England College
Completed and successfully passed the American Nurse’s Association
Certification for Perinatal Nurse.
Completed and successfully passed the International Board of Lactation
Consultants Examination for certification as a Lactation consultant.
Re-certified for CPR for the Professional Rescuer
Re-certified for Neonatal Advanced Life Support
Selected to participate in “Computerized Clinical Simulation Testing (CST); A Future
Component of NCLEX-RN” in Philadelphia, PA.
Selected as a reviewer of Gorrie, McKinney, Murray; Foundations of Maternalnewborn Nursing, chapters 24, 25, 26, & 27.
Selected as a reviewer of Lowdermilk, Maternity Nursing, chapters 1, 17, 18, 21,
and 23.
Selected and participated in a 4 day workshop in Princeton, NJ, to develop exam
items for NCLEX exam.
Selected and participated in perinatal case study reviews for Sigma Theta Tau.
These case studies are utilized for CEU’s by members of Sigma Theta Tau.
Per Diem staff nurse in obstetrics at Manchester Memorial Hospital to facilitate the
maintenance of my skills and enhance my knowledge base in maternity nursing.
Collaborated with two other faculty members in development of teaching module on
Nursing Process.
Preceptor for three University of Hartford graduate students in the MSN program.
Active membership in the following professional
organizations/certifications/professional journals:
National League of Nursing -member
AWHONN (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nursing)
ILCA (International Lactation Consultant Association)
Sigma Theta Tau- inducted as a Community Leader in Obstetrics
ANCC Perinatal Nurse
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
MA Registered Nurse
CT Registered Nurse
NALS (Neonatal Advanced Life Support)
Certified Peer Education Advisor and Educator
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association
Breastfeeding Committee at Manchester Memorial Hospital in Family Birthing
Receive the following professional journals:
MCN (Maternal Child Nursing)
JOGN (Journal of Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing)
Journal of Human Lactation
Reflections (Journal of Sigma Theta Tau)
Lifelines (Journal of AWHONN)
Journal of Nursing Scholarship (Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing)
Journal of Nursing Education
Attended and obtained CEU’s for the following workshops since last promoted:
Fetal Monitoring Review
Neonatal Assessment: A Nursing Approach
Computerized Clinical Testing in Nursing Education
Breastfeeding Problems; Preventing, Triaging and Treating
Breastfeeding Advances
Enhancing Clinical Assessment Skills in Obstetrics
Test Taking Strategies
Acidosis and Asphyxia in Obstetrics
Complications and High Risk Pregnancy
Advances in Lactation Management
Breastfeeding Problems Big and Small
Advanced Fetal Monitoring
Neural tube Defects
Pre-Conception Health Promotion
Obstetrical Issues
Feedback Techniques for Reflective Teaching
Best Beginnings presented by Rhode Island State Nurses Association
B. Other Assignments
1. List the college committees on which you have served and briefly describe your
work on them.
Since my last promotion I serve or have served on the following college committees:
College Senate (member) elected to two consecutive terms (1998-2002)
Promotion Committee (member) 2000 and 2001.
Search Committee for Director of Nursing, Spring, 2000 (member)
Search Committee for (4) full time nursing faculty, Spring, 2001(member)
FSSD- (member) elected for a two-year term 1997-99.
Ad Hoc Committee- Writing Across the Curriculum- (Member)
Wellness Committee (member) 1996-99.
Volunteered for Diversity Committee
I have served or presently serving on the following nursing division committees:
Curriculum Committee (member)
Graduate Survey Committee (member)
Nursing Club – former co- advisor
Student-Faculty Liaison former advisor 2000-01.
Master Evaluation Plan Criterion- Standard III #10; Standard VII- #23D
NLN Accreditation Committee
NLN Self Study- responsible for writing Standard III #10 and Standard VIII #23D
State of CT. Accreditation- Freshman Faculty Representative
LPN to RN State Articulation Committee
Admission/Readmission Committee
Interagency Advisory Council Planning Committee (member)
2. List any student club or organization advisor-ships and describe your work in
this role.
 Advisor Nursing Club- former advisor
Facilitated student involvement via community projects like food
drives; clothing drives
Assisted with college awareness programs like breast cancer; AIDS;
domestic violence
Supported students in fund raising activities
Student-Faculty Liaison former advisor 2000-01.
Meet with students several times a semester to open line of
communications related to class problems, program problems and
generalized concerns of students and faculty.
3. Have you developed any new instructional techniques, course offerings, or
(As previously mentioned in A2):
Development, implementation and teaching of 1 credit distance learning class Nu
112- LPN to RN Mental Health Nursing Psychic Imbalance, during my refresher
leave in Fall, 2000:
Facilitates entry of students into XXX Community College AD program
through Connecticut League of Nursing initiative
Web based course involves students active participation in chat room
Clinical component - 2 days on Psychiatric unit with a XXX nursing
Checking compliance of all participants in terms of required health
information; orientation packet; eligibility and admission into XXX ADN
Attendance at bi-monthly meeting with Connecticut League for Nursing
and Articulation Committee
Submission of grades to registrar
Advisement of students to enhance success in Nu 115
Presently beginning preliminary development of an Evening Nursing Program at
XXX as part of refresher leave for spring, 2003
 Facilitated a meeting with counselors assigned to nursing to discuss
counseling needs for evening program
 Attended a meeting with President xxxxxx, Director xxxxxx and xxxxxx of
1199 to brainstorm in terms of ways to begin an successful evening
Email and phone contact with other community colleges who presently
run both day and evening nursing programs
Attendance at Sate of Connecticut Articulation meetings to discuss
nursing shortages and ways to facilitate an increase in students,
graduates and successful passing of NCLEX
Ongoing conversations and planning with Director of Nursing at XXX
related to financial aspects of evening program and potential for funding
of this program by Sate of Connecticut
Created, developed and implemented a new computerized based grading tool for
nursing to facilitate the access of statistics related to:
 Number of students who begin each nursing course
 Number who are readmissions
 Number who are successful
 % of successful on NCLEX
 grades on each quiz and exam
Initiated grade postings, clinical assignments and announcements related to nursing
course on web page to facilitate easier access by our students with the help of C.
4. In what community service activities of the college have you participated as part
of your regular assignment (not for additional pay)?
Interagency Advisory Committee for Nursing- meet with representatives of
healthcare facilities to keep them updated related to our program and our student’s
special needs.
Preceptor for three University of Hartford MSN students
Participation in many college activities related breast cancer awareness
Participation in Orientation for new students in the nursing program on 6/28/02
Volunteer participation on state wide information sessions for LPN to RN Articulation
Model at community colleges.
Volunteered to teach a two day seminar at Babies R US on breastfeeding issues
Volunteer participation on state wide information sessions for LPN to RN Articulation
Model at community colleges.
Volunteer at WIC (Women, Infants & Children) and to offer lactation services to
economically disadvantaged women
Participation in Pinning Ceremony for nursing –(previous master of ceremonies)
Active recruitment at all healthcare facilities where I do clinical for potential nursing
5. Indicate any other college service not covered above which you wish to have
considered by those reviewing this application.
Course Leader for Nu 101- Fundamentals of Nursing, applied for and was selected by
Division Director. As Course leader I:
Set up planning meetings in early spring to facilitate any changes required
related to textbooks; course calendar; readings; simulated labs, etc.
Developed, created and implemented a Fundamentals of Nursing Booklet to
organize all related materials for the students entering the nursing program. It
was sent out for printing through Marie Farrell and sold in bookstore. The
booklet included:
Program synopsis
Student policies
Standardized course outline
Class calendar with objectives and readings
Calendar of lab modules
Simulated learning lab objectives
Weekly clinical objectives
Guidelines for clinical evaluations
Evaluation of clinical unit
Final course evaluation.
Signature sheet
Coordinate all course meetings with full and part time faculty to review
student progress and discuss course issues.
Coordinate quiz and exam preparations with full time faculty
Mentor new full and part time faculty as needed to ensure congruence with
out nursing model
Develop mini lab quizzes with full time faculty input to administer weekly for
six weeks
Administer and follow-up on Posology tests for all Nu 101 students as
Facilitate open lines of communication with nursing tutor, nursing
counselors and division director.
Maintain student records in terms of quiz and exam grades; progress
reports and evaluations.
Maintain records of course minutes
Advise all Nur 101 students as needed
Work closely with Lab Instructor in terms of simulated lab needs and health
forms for students
Report to Division of Nursing bimonthly
Report to nursing curriculum monthly as needed
Mentor for new Nu 111 course leader
Course Leader for Nu 111- Four years as a course leader in second semester nursing
course. Responsibilities included for 110 students:
To facilitate the preparation of course by preparing course outlines; syllabus;
assigned readings; bibliography; class and lecture schedules; student
clinical assignments; lab content; quiz and final preparation.
Maintain course leader book to meet NLN guidelines.
Maintain student records in relation to grades; progress reports and follow up
Maintain detailed course meeting minutes and complete final report to
division chair.
Coordinate adjunct and part time faculty to ensure congruency of meeting
course objectives.
Coordinate with counselor for nursing to plan seminars on test taking and
study skills for nursing students to increase retention.
Extended office hours to meet the needs of my 25 advisees as well as the
entire class for discussions related to quizzes; clinical; lectures and
personal issues.
C. Supplemental Information to be Completed by those Seeking Promotion to
Professor or Associate Professor
1. Cite any evidence of your demonstrated growth and effectiveness in community
Prepared in service on Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Pregnancy for staff at Family
Birthing Center at Manchester Memorial Hospital.
Volunteer expertise in Lactation Education to WIC
Volunteer participation at state wide information sessions for LPN to RN Articulation
Model at community colleges.
Volunteered to mentor and precept 3 MSN students from University of Hartford
2. Have you engaged in any professional development activities other than those
indicated in A3 above?
In addition to those activities mentioned in A3, I also continue to work in my discipline
as a nurse to maintain and enhance my knowledge base in nursing. I also:
Assisted a local Certified Nurse Midwife in her presentation of STD’s to an
AWHONN meeting in October, 2202 by:
Reviewing her PowerPoint presentation for accuracy, and to
checking references for relevance, recent and evidence basis.
Active participation in my professional organizations as previously mentioned.
Continuing attendance at conferences in order to maintain my expertise and
Certification in Perinatal Nursing
Certification as an International Board certified lactation consultant
Massachusetts RN licensure
Connecticut RN licensure
3. Outline briefly and specifically your overall contribution to the college. (Attach
additional sheet if more space is required).
(As previously described above)
Since my last promotion, I have continued to contribute to XXX Community College by:
Senate member for four years
Participation in All College Meetings
Participation in nursing committees
Participation in state wide nursing committee
Participation in activities to promote nursing and XXX at area facilities
Smith College Connections, 2000 and 2001
NCLEX item writing participation in October, 2000
Development and maintenance of 1 credit LPN to RN course at XXX
Continuing to challenge myself with technology to enhance the education of
my students.
D. Supplemental Information to be Completed by Those Seeking Promotion to the Rank
of Professor.
1. Provide evidence of effective academic leadership.
(As previously described)
My role as a Course leader in both Nu 111 for 4 years, and now Nursing 101, demonstrates
my ability as an effective leader. I am responsible for the day to day running of a course with
between 110-125 students. This year was especially challenging with the move. I am
responsible for:
Initiating contact with all eight facilities for clinical in Nu 101
Instructional materials required by course
Leading by example the use of technology to assist in learning needs of our nursing
Leading course meetings with eight full and part time faculty.
Planning and carrying out agenda for each meeting in a timely manner
Quiz and exam preparation meetings for four quizzes, one final exam and six mini
lab quizzes with full time faculty
Active participation in Curriculum meetings on a monthly basis and advocate for my
course and faculty
Communication with full and part time faculty related to student progress, course
problems, any course changes, clinical problems
Elicit faculty input related to any problems with lectures, simulated labs, clinical sites
or new curriculum
Meet with Director of Nursing on a regular basis to ensure the smooth transition of
these entering nursing students
Complete a year end report to Division of Nursing
Advocate for XXX Community College on a statewide basis in terms of LPN to RN
Faculty leader in developing an evening nursing program to facilitate more graduates and
help to alleviate the nursing shortage in the Hartford area.
I have included all the supporting documents in my Professional File.
Signature __________________________________________ Date ____________