Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Major in Youth Studies Distribution of Subjects per Semester (64 units) First Year First Semester (12 units) Second Semester (15 units) *Research Seminar 1 *Research Seminar 2 *Growth Group 1 *Growth Group 2 New Testament 1 New Testament 2 Theology 1 Theology 2 Filipino/Asian Youth Culture Effective Teaching Counseling Foundations Personal & Spiritual Formation Open Elective (3u) Inter-Semester Module (2 units) Foundations & Models of Youth Ministry (2u) Summer (6 units) Adolescent Development (2u) Youth Outreach & Evangelism (2u) Youth Retreats & Camps (2u) Second Year First Semester (15 units) Second Semester (14 units) *Growth Group 3 Old Testament 1 Theology 3 Being a Servant Leader Family Ministry Open Elective *Growth Group 4 Old Testament 2 (3u) Adolescent Sexuality (2u) Strategy for Youth Ministry (2u) LIFE (2u) Open Elective (5u) * A non-credit requirement Summary of Units Foundation Old Testament -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 units New Testament ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 units Theology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 units Being A Servant Leader/Developing Leaders for Youth Ministry -----------------------3 units Personal & Spiritual Formation/Spiritual Formation for Youth --------------------------3 units Total --------- 27 units Professional Core Foundations & Models of Youth Ministry -------------------------------------------------2 units Adolescent Development ---------------------------------------------------------------------2 units Adolescent Sexuality --------------------------------------------------------------------------2 units Effective Teaching -----------------------------------------------------------------------------2 units Strategies for Youth Ministry -----------------------------------------------------------------2 units Youth Outreach & Evangelism --------------------------------------------------------------2 units Creative Youth Ministry/ Youth Retreats and Camps -------------------------------------3 units Counseling Youth -----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 units Family Ministry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 units Filipino/Asian Youth Culture -----------------------------------------------------------------3 units Total --------- 24 units Electives Professional or Open -----------------------------------------------------------------------------11 units Total --------- 11 units Internship LIFE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 units Total --------2 units Course Description for Additional Subjects Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Major in Youth Ministry Foundations & Models of Youth Ministry—An examination of various strategies, programs and resources pertaining to youth ministry as it relates to the total program of the local church. Designed to give the student both a theoretical and working knowledge of designing, implementing and managing effective youth ministry. Special attention will be given to growing a healthy youth group and to the personal life of the youth worker. Adolescent Development—A study of adolescent growth, development, identity and related problems together with study of cultural influences in thinking and behavior today. Designed to help those interested in youth understand the dynamics of youth from a developmental viewpoint, covering psychology, sociology and culture as they relate to ministry with youth. Covers junior high through college. Students gain in creased understanding of adolescents. Adolescent Sexuality—Sexual development and sexual issues will be discussed, with an emphasis on abstinence as the only “safe sex”. This course will use materials developed by Focus on the Family Sex, Lies and …The Truth and Southern Baptist/Church Strengthening Ministries’ True Love Waits (Filipino Version). Spiritual Formation of Youth—Examines the Biblical and educational perspectives of adolescents, including needs, skills and abilities; the basis for morals and value training, and factors in building selfesteem and socialization in the adolescent person. Students gain an understanding of spiritual formation from faith development, conversion, discipleship and spiritual disciplines. Developing Leaders for Youth Ministry—Planning, developing and maintaining a ministry to youth involves developing leaders. Students will gain skills in recruiting, training and supervising volunteers in effective ministry to youth. Teaching Youth—The youth worker needs sensitivity, skill and enthusiasm to disciple new Christians. This course examines the ways youth learn and introduces effective teaching strategies for communicating with youth. The student will gain a wide range of communication skills for working with youth. Youth Outreach & Evangelism—Contemporary approaches for witnessing to youth both within and outside the framework of organized church structure. Students gain a better understanding of communication and how the Gospel is contextualized among adolescents. Youth Ministry Communications—Students will study various ways, strategies, and forms of communicating with and through the youth of this present generation. They will also explore the underlying core values and paradigms that influence the thinking of the youth in order to better understand them and as a result could better communicate with them. Counseling Youth—This course considers the issues adolescents struggle with today and how best to help them respond to problems. Students will gain an understanding of adolescent problems and counseling skills needed to work with youth. They'll also develop basic skills of intervention and advocacy. Creative Youth Ministry—This will enable students to explore, research on, compile, and put into action the different facets and dimensions of ministering to the youth in a creative way. Filipino/Asian Family—Students will be introduced to major systems approaches to marriage and the family as it finds expression in the Philippines. An examination of social, cultural, religious, educational, economic and family style patterns will provide students with a framework for understanding family structure and its role in adolescent development. Filipino/Asian Youth Culture— Components of Filipino youth culture influencing adolescent behavior, value systems and attitudes will be studied. The course includes lectures with case studies and research. Students will learn how to analyze culture and research on adolescents, looking especially at the family, media, school, and peers. Youth Camps & Retreat—Will equip the students to evaluate youth ministry camps and retreats in the context both inside and outside of the church, assessing the real needs and cultural trends that impact the nature of ministry in any camping setting. The assessment principles should apply cross-culturally. With a special emphasis and overview of methods and programming of camps and retreats. The class will include lecture, discussion, small group interactions, and video presentations.