Name________________________ Period__________ Date___________ JAMESTOWN: AGAINST ALL ODDS 1. Where does America begin? Jamestown, VA 2. Who is in a race with Britain to colonize the new world? Spain 3. Who pays for this voyage to the new world? Virginia Company 4. Who is John Smith? Former mercenary & pirate who was a natural leader who took control of the colony 5. How does he describe Jamestown? Swampy, dirty water, mosquitoes 6. What happens to the settlers when Smith goes to explore the James River? Attacked by Indians 7. What have the settlers not unpacked due to overconfidence? firearms 8. How do the Indians fight and how is this different from the English? No rules compared to formal fighting style 9. What did the settlers lack which made them rely on trade with the Indians? food 10. Who is Powhatan? Indian chief of the Powhatan tribe 11. How does Smith keep the Powhatan Indians from killing him? Using his guide as human shield & showing them his compass 12. What story does Smith tell about Pocahontas, which many historians believe is a lie? that she saved his life & what she looked like 13. What deal does Smith make with Powhatan? Food for copper & beads 14. What does Smith find back at Jamestown when he returns from the Indian camp? Most were dead of malnutrition & disease 15. What do the settlers decide to do to Smith when he returns? How does he escape? Execute him for the deaths of those who accompanied him;a ship arrived & new balance of power resulted in charges being dropped 16. What do some historians believe about how the settlers and Indians lived? That they lived side by side inside Jamestown’s walls 17. What does Smith say about those who “shall not work”? That they would not eat 18. What happens to the settlers when they drink the river water? They became ill 19. What do the colonists need to dig to save the colony? A well 20. What do some of the colonists want to do to Smith? Get rid of him