Enclosed is the Partners Healthcare System Graduate Medical Education Annual Report for Academic Year (AY) 2008-09. The activities and accomplishments described here are the result of a team effort by the Graduate Medical Education (GME) staff, listed below, and the larger community of educators at PHS. Special thanks go to Jennifer Goldsmith, Georgi Bland and Maria Dellarocco for their efforts in producing this report. This annual report is intended to provide: a current overview of the size and scope of GME at Partners an inventory of GME programs and program directors information regarding educational programs and other activities that may be useful in preparing program- or department-specific accreditation documents or other reports a snapshot of changes and key accomplishments in GME during the academic year required reporting to the medical staff and governing bodies regarding selected areas of GME oversight. It is important to recognize the unwavering support that the Partners HealthCare System (PHS) and its member hospitals provide to graduate medical education, even amidst a sea of external constraints and a number of competing priorities. We are particularly grateful to Drs. Mongan, Gottlieb, Slavin, Nicholson, and Whittemore for their ongoing advocacy and guidance. Comments, suggestions, and/or corrections to this report are most welcome, and we are happy to provide more detailed information upon request. Debra F. Weinstein, M.D. Partners Vice President for Graduate Medical Education AY 2008-09 Partners Graduate Medical Education (GME) Staff: Debra F. Weinstein, M.D. PHS Vice President for GME John Patrick T. Co, M.D., M.P.H. Senior Associate Director, PHS GME Eric Nadel, M.D. Associate Director, PHS GME Dempsey Springfield, M.D. Associate Director, PHS GME Susan Farrell, M.D., Ed.M. Education Specialist, PHS GME Sharon Muret-Wagstaff, Ph.D. Education Specialist, PHS GME Jennifer Goldsmith, M.P.H, M.Ed. Administrative Director, PHS GME Maria Dellarocco Assistant Director, PHS GME Georgi Bland Sr. Accreditation Director, PHS GME Irina Knyshevski Accreditation Administrator, PHS GME Angela Byers Project Manager, PHS GME Jessica Perlo GME Strategic Initiatives Coordinator Shawn Vanner Manager, Partners Office of Resources for Trainees (PORT) Lisa DiPrizio Administrative Coordinator, PORT Melaurie Brown, Tennille Doyle and Jean Tammaro Administrative Assistants Candace Strouble Coordinator (7/08-3/09) http://www.partners.org/research/gme/research_gme.asp Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Graduate Medical Education Annual Report for Academic Year 2008-09 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE AY 2008-2009 in Review ........................................................................................................... 4 GME PROGRAM SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 7 SELECTED AREAS OF GME OVERSIGHT ............................................................................. 8 Table I: GME PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY THE PARTNERS HOSPITALS ..................... 10 TABLE II: GME DIRECTORS, PROGRAM OVERSIGHT....................................................... 17 TABLE III: PARTNERS INTEGRATED GME PROGRAMS .................................................... 18 TABLE IV: AY 08-09 GME PROGRAM LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS .................................. 19 TABLE V: AY 08-09 PROGRAM APPROVALS ...................................................................... 19 TABLE VI: AY 08-09 ACCREDITATION STATUS AND REVIEWS ........................................ 20 TABLE VII: AY 08-09 AFFILIATIONS AND INTEGRATION ................................................... 22 Table VIII: EDUCATION RELATED FORUMS ....................................................................... 23 APPENDIX A: EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS ......................................................................... 24 Program Director Workshops ............................................................................................... 24 Clinical Fellows Retreat........................................................................................................ 24 Core Curriculum Retreat ...................................................................................................... 24 Chief Resident Course ......................................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX B: CENTERS OF EXPERTISE ............................................................................ 27 APPENDIX C: GME COMMITTEES, AY 2008-09 .................................................................. 28 BWH Education Committee ................................................................................................. 28 MGH Executive Committee on Teaching and Education ..................................................... 29 Partners Education Committee ............................................................................................ 31 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 AY 2008-2009 in Review During Academic Year (AY) 2008-09, Graduate Medical Education (GME) at Partners HealthCare System, Inc. (PHS) continued to grow in breadth and depth, strengthened by the commitment of our excellent faculty, the diverse learning opportunities offered by patients seeking care across the PHS network, the outstanding resources of our institutions, and the talent and dedication of our residents and fellows. In working to optimize GME we have paid close attention to the detailed requirements of accreditation, while pursuing innovations that will help our educational programs and our trainees fulfill their greatest aspirations. At the close of AY 08-09 Partners GME training programs numbered 210. Several new training programs were initiated, but the total number decreased because some existing fellowships coalesced (notably, the surgical subspecialties of Pathology). One-hundred two of these GME programs—34 residencies and 68 fellowships—are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME); these provide post-graduate training to 1730 physicians. Nineteen programs accredited by other national organizations, such as the Council on Dental Accreditation and various specialty societies (Table I), provide training to 45 physicians. Two Associate Directors for GME were recruited early in the academic year. Dr. Eric Nadel assumed this position in October, 2008, alongside his role as the Program Director for the BWH-MGH Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency. Dr. Dempsey Springfield, a former Program Director and Chair of Orthopedics in New York, assumed the role in November, 2008 and was subsequently appointed to an additional role as Program Director for the Harvard Combined Orthopedic Residency Program. Dr. John Co became Senior Associate Director of GME and assumed the ACGME-designated “DIO” (Designated Institutional Official) role for the Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women’s Hospitals. Each clinical department’s GME programs at the Partners hospitals are now linked primarily either to Dr. Co, Dr. Nadel or Dr. Springfield, as shown in Table II. Dr. Harry Rubash, Chair of Orthopedics at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), continued as Chair of the MGH Executive Committee on Teaching and Education (ECOTE) and Co-Chair of the Partners Education Committee (PEC). Dr. Jonathan Borus, former Chair of Psychiatry for Brigham and Women’s/Faulkner Hospitals, assumed the role of Director of Medical Education for Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and continued to serve as Chair of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Education Committee (BWHEC) and Co-Chair of PEC. While the hospital-based GME committees (GMECs) provide oversight of the GME programs sponsored by each institution, PEC approves all new program applications for Partners sponsorship and/or national accreditation and works on broader issues related to medical education and policy development. Residents are elected by their peers to serve as voting participants on each of the GMECs (Appendix C), and all residents and clinical fellows are invited to educational forums such as Housestaff Town Meetings (Table IX). During AY 08-09, the GMECs reviewed nineteen GME programs seeking formal approval as outlined in Table V, including two BWH Radiology fellowships integrated with and sponsored by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI). The scope of GME programs reviewed by PEC was extended to include GME programs without direct patient contact (e.g., Medical Simulation). In accordance with the “Guidelines for Industry Support of Educational Programs”, PEC and its Gifts Subcommittee reviewed numerous educational gift proposals and updated standards and processes based on evolving external standards and internal “case law”. PEC made recommendations to Partners and hospital leadership regarding residency program expansion and resident salaries; discussed ways of strengthening the program director role; focused intensively on duty hours monitoring and compliance; and examined a summary of citations from the Residency Review Committees (RRCs) of the ACGME across specialties, to identify areas ripe for system-wide improvement efforts. Discussions continued regarding the institutional oversight of non-ACGME fellowship programs at the Partners hospitals: results of a May-June, 2008 survey of fellows in BWH and MGH non-ACGME programs were reviewed, and an enhanced survey was conducted in May-June, 2009. The Partners Education Committee also considered periodic reports on the implementation of the PHS GME strategic initiatives (further detail below), and from a New Innovations (NI) Advisory Committee that was convened to address a number of issues raised by a PHS NI user survey conducted in the spring of 2008. This group met throughout the year and was able to prioritize a number of desirable enhancements to the system, many of which were accomplished after discussions with the vendor. page 4 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 During the 2008-09 academic year, twenty-nine internal GME program reviews were conducted of PHS programs under the auspices of the hospital-based education committees. The GMECs evaluated reports from these reviews, as well as numerous follow-up reports from programs in response to prior internal review recommendations, to support continuous quality improvement in physician education. Twenty-one GME programs underwent RRC site visits and all maintained accreditation. Both the BWH and MGH underwent ACGME institutional site visits focused on duty hours during the year. The BWH also had a full institutional site visit by the ACGME and MGH received results of the institutional site visit that occurred during the prior academic year. Both were successful, with continued accreditation and multi-year review cycles. Seventeen accreditation actions by the Residency Review Committees were reviewed by BWHEC and ECOTE, some reflecting site visits from the prior year (Table VI). These GMECs also approved the appointments of eight new ACGME program directors (Table IV), following candidate interviews and review of job descriptions and resources made available to support the role. Annual recruitment to BWH and MGH programs remained strong in AY 2008-09. As in prior years, a survey of applicants who could have matched to programs sponsored by these hospitals—including those who did match and those who chose to go elsewhere—revealed that each of these two institutions continues to be the other’s strongest competitor (where residency training is not integrated). Personal/family considerations and the high cost of living in Boston continue to be cited as important factors by applicants who chose to train elsewhere. Collated anonymous program-specific survey responses were provided to program directors. Partners’ community and specialty hospitals remain important sites for resident education (Table VII). NewtonWellesley Hospital (NWH), Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital (SRH) and Salem Hospital-North Shore Medical Center (NSMC) each sponsor one ACGME-accredited core residency program. SRH also sponsors two ACGMEaccredited fellowships, and McLean Hospital sponsors one. Many residency and fellowship programs based at the BWH and/or MGH utilize rotations at the other PHS hospitals: nine send their residents to Faulkner Hospital, seven to NWH, three to NSMC and two to SRH. The level of GME integration across the Partners academic medical centers has remained stable with a total of 30 fully integrated BWH-MGH programs (Table III), 32 including MGH-sponsored programs integrated with McLean Hospital. More than one-quarter of ACGME trainees at PHS are in integrated programs. Partners GME staff oversee accreditation-related activities; support ECOTE, BWHEC, and PEC; carry out internal program reviews; produce a PHS GME newsletter; provide support and training for directors and coordinators of the individual training programs; and offer a variety of educational programs to trainees, faculty, and GME program leadership and staff. The GME directors serve as liaisons to external organizations related to physician education. In addition, they help identify appropriate solutions to conflicts that may arise between trainees and program leadership, and assist program directors in addressing concerns about the clinical competence or professionalism of individual trainees. Major events during the year (detailed in Appendix A) included the 11th Annual Partners Housestaff Core Curriculum Retreat for interns and first-year specialty residents, a Clinical Fellow Retreat, the Chief Resident Course, Program Director Workshops, GME Coordinator Retreats, and PHS Medical Education Grand Rounds in association with Visiting Professorships. GME staff also convened Resident-Clinical Fellow Town Meetings at BWH and MGH, and provided trainee orientation programs for approximately 750 residents and clinical fellows matriculating to BWH and MGH programs. Implementation of GME strategic initiatives continued in AY 08-09. Centers of Expertise (COEs) in Academic Health Care Management, led by Jean Elrick, MD and Michael Gustafson, MD, and in Global Health and Humanitarian Medicine, directed by David Bangsberg, M.D. and Michael Vanrooyen, M.D., MPH were initiated, joining the COE in Patient Care Quality and Safety, launched in the spring of 2008 and co-directed by Drs. Tejal Gandhi and Gregg Meyer. Details regarding the COEs are provided in Appendix B. The GME Education Specialists, Susan Farrell, M.D. and Sharon Muret-Wagstaff, Ph.D., completed detailed reviews of written curricula for nearly all ACGME-accredited residency and fellowship programs at BWH and MGH, and provided advice for enhancing their design and delivery. Interested program directors and faculty were invited to participate in a three-part workshop focused on curriculum development. Initial meetings were page 5 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 held to begin planning for the development of a pilot OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) for incoming interns. A biannual Partners Medical Education Grand Rounds series was initiated. Speakers spend 1-2 days at PHS as a Visiting Professor and conduct large and small group sessions on the BWH and MGH campuses. David Irby, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Education and Professor of Medicine at the UCSF School of Medicine and Codirector of the Carnegie Foundation’s Study of Medical Education initiated the series in October, 2008 and Michael Johns, M.D., Chancellor of Emory University and Chair of the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Optimizing Graduate Medical Trainee (Resident) Schedules to Improve Patient Safety was featured in May, 2009. Efforts to facilitate and strengthen medical education-related research at PHS were expanded. Inventories of ongoing projects and ideas for future research were assembled and posted on the web to encourage collaboration. A compilation of grant opportunities for education-related research was also posted, and is being updated periodically. A “Works in Progress” series was initiated at BWH and MGH, with faculty from the PHS system welcome to attend any session. These sessions allow faculty to get input from colleagues about early-stage medical education research projects, and participants learn about study design and other aspects of research through the discussions. These are led by Drs. Jon Borus and Graham McMahon at BWH, and by Dr. John Patrick Co at MGH. Partners GME leadership participated in planning for a Medical Education Research Methods course, co-sponsored by the HMS Academy and HMS hospitals, to be offered in the fall of 2009. Implementation moved forward on five pilot projects aimed at enhancing education and efficiency at the interface of education and patient care, with funding previously allocated via a prior internal grants process. Collection of initial outcomes data began. The Partners Office of Resources for Trainees (PORT) was launched in September, 2008 in order to provide additional support for residents and fellows regarding non-academic “quality of life” issues. Relevant information was compiled and posted on the GME website for easy reference, and trainees were invited to meet individually via walk-in office hours, by phone or by appointment for a more customized referral to useful resources. (It became clear by the end of the year, however, that individual consultation was not being utilized.) A PORT Advisory Committee, including trainees, program coordinators and directors, and led by PORT and GME staff, met periodically to generate and prioritize ideas for the Office. The PHS GME website was expanded to include additional information for incoming trainees, details regarding some of the GME strategic initiatives, easy access to the GME newsletter, and other resources. Collaboration with the hospital and PHS marketing departments was initiated to plan for further enhancements in the organization and architecture of the site. page 6 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 GME PROGRAM SUMMARY AY 08-09 NO. OF GME PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY PARTNERS HOSPITALS 209 No. of programs sponsored by BWH: 93 (45 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by McLean: 2 (1 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by MGH: 106 (51 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by NSMC-Salem: 1 (accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by NWH: 3 (1 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by SRH: 4 (3 accredited by the ACGME) NO. OF RESIDENCY PROGRAMS 39 No. of programs sponsored by BWH: 16 (15 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by MGH: 20 (17 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by NSMC-Salem: 1 (accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by NWH: 1 (accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by SRH: 1 (accredited by the ACGME) NO. OF FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS 169 No. of programs sponsored by BWH: 77 (31 accredited by the ACGME; 5 with other national accreditation) No. of programs sponsored by McLean: 2 (1 accredited by the ACGME) No. of programs sponsored by MGH: 86 (34 accredited by the ACGME; 8 with other national accreditation) No. of programs sponsored by NWH: 2 (1 with other national accreditation) No. of programs sponsored by SRH: 3 (2 accredited by the ACGME) NO. OF CLINICAL TRAINING PROGRAMS (BWH) NO. OF PARTNERS INTEGRATED TRAINING PROGRAMS 2 32 No. of integrated residency programs: 11 No. of integrated fellowship programs: 21 NO. OF PARTNERS TRAINEES 1943 No. of Residents: 1359 (1342 accredited by the ACGME) No. of Fellows: 578 (391 accredited by the ACGME) No. of Clinical Trainees: 6 page 7 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 SELECTED AREAS OF GME OVERSIGHT GME Reports to Hospital Leadership: BWH Chiefs MGH Chiefs BWH-MGH Joint Chiefs Council BWH Care Improvement Council MGH Board of Trustees MGH Board of Trustees Research and Education Subcommittee MGH General Executive Committee Partners Operating Heads Partners Senior Management Retreat Strategic Initiative Steering Committee Resident Supervision The Office of GME maintains a database of current trainee supervision policies from each program to ensure that each clearly addresses: who is the designated supervising faculty member when residents need advice, guidance or other assistance whom the resident should contact in the event the designated faculty member cannot be reached what the trainee should do if s/he is unable to fulfill clinical responsibilities due to a) unexpected illness, b) significant fatigue, or c) unusually high clinical volume. As of AY 2008-09, the contract issued to each resident and fellow includes a copy of the Partners Guidelines for Supervision. Resident Responsibilities The trainee contract delineates resident responsibilities, including providing patient care with proper supervision, fully participating in the training program’s educational activities, submitting evaluations of faculty and the program, and abiding by resident duty hour policies which includes logging their work hours honestly and accurately as required. These issues are discussed at GMEC meetings as well as at program internal reviews. Resident Evaluation As in past years, the GME Directors gave a number of presentations focused on evaluation and feedback to faculty and trainees. Evaluation was discussed in detail at internal reviews of individual programs and at GMEC meetings. A review of ACGME RRC citations across all programs was presented to the PEC at its April, 2009 meeting and the topic of resident evaluation was highlighted: the Partners Education Committee endorsed additional teaching efforts on this topic for the coming year. Resident Duty Hours During AY 08-09, trainees in all ACGME-accredited programs were required to record their duty hours daily using the duty hours module in the New Innovations residency management suite. Program compliance was reviewed regularly at the education committee meetings, presented and discussed at various hospital leadership meetings, and assessed during internal reviews. A number of enhancements in the monitoring software were achieved to facilitate the residents’ logging of their hours. Patient Safety and Quality of Care page 8 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 At the BWH and MGH orientations for interns, first year specialty residents and fellows, several presentations addressed various aspects of patient safety. Additional education was provided as part of the Annual Partners Housestaff Core Curriculum Retreat, the Clinical Fellows Retreat and the Chief Resident course. Topics addressed included: communication skills risk management patient hand-offs patient safety reporting, including use of the electronic incident reporting tool that supports the collection of data regarding systems-based issues affecting patient safety cultural competence page 9 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Table I: GME PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY THE PARTNERS HOSPITALS Type #Trainees Accreditation Sponsoring Institution Program Director BWH William Camann BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH Daniel Dedrick Douglas Shook Beverly Philip Nicholas Sadovnikoff Linda Aglio Anesthesia Integrated Program/s Obstetrical Anesthesia BWH Program/s Anesthesiology Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Ambulatory Anesthesia Critical Care Anesthesiology Neuroanesthesia-Clinical Neurophysiology Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology Regional Anesthesia Vascular Anesthesia MGH Program/s Anesthesiology Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Critical Care Anesthesiology Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology F 5 R F F F F 95 5 0 4 0 ACGME ACGME F F F 8 1 0 ACGME BWH BWH BWH Srdjan Nedeljkovic Mercedes Concepcion Stanley Leeson R F F F 90 4 3 6 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH Keith Baker Michael Fitzsimons Edward Bittner Gary Brenner R 19 ACGME MGH Joseph Kvedar CT 1 BWH Andrew Werchniak F F F 2 0 0 MGH MGH MGH R. Rox Anderson Hensin Tsao Joseph Kvedar R 56 ACGME BWH Eric Nadel F F F F F F 2 38 9 18 18 27 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH MGH David Carr-Locke Robert Mayer Vicki Jackson Benjamin Davis J. Kevin Tucker David Systrom R F F F F F F F 172 2 6 18 4 6 15 3 BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH Joel Katz Laurence Epstein Marianna Castells Joshua Beckman Laurence Epstein Robert Dluhy Robert Burakoff David Bates ACGME Dermatology Integrated Program/s Dermatology BWH Program/s Cutaneous Oncology MGH Program/s Dermatology Laser Melanoma Telemedicine Emergency Medicine Integrated Program/s Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine Integrated Program/s Advanced GI Endoscopy Hematology and Oncology Hospice and Palliative Care Infectious Disease Nephrology Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care BWH Program/s Internal Medicine Advanced Cardiac EP Allergy and Immunology Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Endocrinology, Diab. & Metabolism Gastroenterology General Internal Medicine ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME page 10 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Type #Trainees Heart Failure/Transplant Interventional Cardiology Preventive Cardiology Rheumatology Sleep Medicine Transplant Nephrology Vascular Diagnostic & Interventional Vascular Medicine MGH Program/s Internal Medicine Allergy and Immunology Cardiac Transplant/Heart Failure Cardiac Ultrasound (Echo) Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinical Vascular Medicine Endocrinology, Diab. & Metabolism Gastroenterology General Internal Medicine GI Motility and Functional Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease Interventional Cardiology Nuclear Cardiology Obesity Medicine and Nutrition Rheumatology Structural Heart Disease Intervention Transplant Hepatology Transplant Infectious Disease Vascular Diagnostic & Interventional Salem-NSMC Program/s Internal Medicine Accreditation Sponsoring Institution Program Director BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH Lynne Stevenson Pinak Shah Michael Gaziano Simon Helfgott Lawrence Epstein Edgar Milford Andrew Eisenhauer Mark Creager MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH Hasan Bazari Aidan Long Marc Semigran Michael Picard Calum MacRae Jeremy Ruskin Michael Jaff Beverly Biller Andrew Chan Michael Barry Braden Kuo Bruce Sands Igor Palacios Henry Gewirtz Lee Kaplan Margaret Seton Igor Palacios Raymond Chung Jay Fishman Joseph Garasic Wayne Trebbin F F F F F F F F 4 5 4 10 2 0 2 5 R F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 159 2 1 7 18 1 0 9 12 3 0 1 5 2 0 3 1 0 1 4 ACGME ACGME R 21 ACGME Salem-NSMC R F ABIM/ABD 0 MGH BWH F 1 UCNS R R F 4 1 2 ACGME ABIM/ABMG F 1 R 28 R 6 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME Inter-Departmental Integrated Program/s Internal Medicine-Dermatology Urogynecology BWH Program/s Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Internal Medicine-Medical Genetics Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging McLean Program/s Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry MGH Program/s Internal Medicine-Pediatrics NWH Program/s Transitional Year BWH Joseph Kvedar Neeraj Kohli Kirk Daffner BWH BWH BWH Niraj Sharma Michael Murray J. Wu; S, Dorbala McLean Bruce Price ACGME MGH David Ting ACGME NWH Janet Larson page 11 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Sponsoring Institution Program Director UCNS ACGME ACGME MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH David Greer Alice Flaherty Samia Khoury Jonathan Rosand Anthony Amato Jonathan Rosand 3 ACGME BWH Barbara Dworetzky R F F F 5 0 3 2 ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH Katherine Sims Nagagopal Venna Andrew Cole Scott Plotkin F F 1 1 BWH BWH Peter Black Arthur Day R 8 ACGME MGH Emad Eskandar R 40 ACGME BWH Ruth Tuomala F F F F F 2 1 4 2 1 ABOG ABOG ABOG MIGS BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH Alisa Goldberg Mark Hornstein Michael Muto Louise Wilkins-Haug Jon Einarsson F F F F 3 2 0 4 ABOG MGH MGH MGH MGH AnneKathryn Goodman Jeffrey Ecker Jan Shifren Thomas Toth MIGS NWH Keith Isaacson ADA BWH Agnes Lau BWH Agnes Lau MGH MGH Maria Troulis Jeffry Shaefer Type #Trainees Accreditation R F F F F F 43 1 2 3 6 4 ACGME F Neurology Integrated Program/s Neurology Movement Disorders Multiple Sclerosis Critical Care Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Vascular Neurology BWH Program/s Clinical Neurophysiology MGH Program/s Child Neurology Advanced General Neurology Clinical Neurophysiology Neuro-oncology ACGME UCNS Neurosurgery BWH Program/s Brain Tumor Cerebrovascular MGH Program/s Neurological Surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology Integrated Program/s Obstetrics and Gynecology BWH Program/s Family Planning Fertility and Endocrinology Gynecologic Oncology Maternal Fetal Medicine Minimally Invasive GYN Surgery MGH Program/s Gynecologic Oncology Maternal Fetal Medicine Menopause Reproductive Endocrinology NWH Program/s Minimally Invasive GYN Surgery Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Integrated Program/s Dental BWH Program/s Hospital Dentistry MGH Program/s Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Orofacial Pain F R 6 F 1 R F 7 1 ABOG ABOG CODA Sponsoring page 12 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Type #Trainees Accreditation Institution Program Director R F F F 60 2 5 6 ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH Dempsey Springfield Mark Vrahas Laurence Higgins Kirkham Wood F F F F 3 2 3 2 BWH BWH BWH BWH Daniel Estok Michael Wilson Barry Simmons Scott Martin F F F F F R 4 3 3 3 1 3 MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH Andrew Freiberg Chaitanya Mudgal Francis Hornicek Thomas Gill Brian Grottkau Robert Scardina F 0 NWH Louis Jenis F F 2 4 ACGME ACGME BWH BWH Richard Kaufman Janina Longtine R F F F F F 36 2 4 2 3 4 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH Gayle Winters Edmund Cibas Geraldine Pinkus Rebecca Folkerth Christopher Crum Christopher Fletcher R F F F F 33 2 1 3 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH Stephen Black-Schaffer Rosemary Tambouret Robert Hasserjian Matthew Frosch Gregory Lauwers R F F 49 ACGME MGH MGH MGH Emmett Schmidt James Perrin Harland Winter F F F F 6 7 4 2 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH Natan Noviski Madhusmita Misra Gary Russell Kenan Haver Orthopedic Surgery Integrated Program/s Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Trauma Shoulder and Elbow Spine Surgery BWH Program/s Arthroplasty Foot and Ankle Hand Surgery (Orthopedics) Orthopedic Sports Medicine MGH Program/s Arthroplasty Hand Surgery Musculoskeletal Oncology Orthopedic Sports Medicine Pediatric Orthopedics Podiatric Medicine and Surgery NWH Program/s Spine Surgery ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME CPME Pathology Integrated Program/s Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Molecular Genetic Pathology BWH Program/s Pathology- Anatomic and Clinical Cytopathology Hematology Pathology Neuropathology Selective Pathology Surgical Pathology MGH Program/s Pathology- Anatomic and Clinical Cytopathology Hematology Pathology Neuropathology Subspecialty Surgical Pathology Pediatrics MGH Program/s Pediatrics General Academic Pediatrics Pediatric Advanced Inflammatory Bowel Disease Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatric Gastroenterology Pediatric Pulmonology 2 page 13 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Sponsoring Institution Program Director ACGME ACGME ACGME SRH SRH SRH SRH Kevin O'Connor Alec Meleger Sunil Sabharwal Joanne Borg-Stein ACGME BWH Julian Pribaz MGH William Austen, Jr. Type #Trainees Accreditation R F F F 20 1 0 1 25 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation SRH Program/s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pain Medicine, PM&R Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Sports Medicine, PM&R Plastic Surgery Integrated Program/s Plastic Surgery R MGH Program/s Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast F 1 Psychiatry Integrated Program/s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry Addiction Psychiatry BWH Program/s Psychiatry Psychosomatic Medicine McLean Program/s Geriatric Psychiatry MGH Program/s Clinical Psychology Forensic Psychiatry Psychosomatic Medicine Radiation Oncology Integrated Program/s Radiation Oncology BWH Program/s Brachytherapy MGH Program/s Head and Neck Radiation Oncology Proton Radiation Radiology BWH Program/s Nuclear Medicine Radiology-Diagnostic Abdominal Radiology Breast Imaging Cardiothoracic Radiology Emergency Radiology Medical Informatics MR - Image Guided Therapy Musculoskeletal Radiology Neuroradiology Nuclear Oncology – PET Oncoradiology R R F 18 60 3 ACGME ACGME ACGME MGH MGH MGH Eugene Beresin Kathy Sanders Shelly Greenfield R F 56 5 ACGME ACGME BWH BWH William Greenberg David Gitlin F 1 ACGME McLean Sumer Verma F F F 0 1 3 APA ACGME ACGME MGH MGH MGH R 29 ACGME BWH Jay Harris BWH Phillip Devlin MGH MGH Paul Busse Annie Chan BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH S. Ted Treves Barbara Weissman Stuart Silverman Sughra Raza Beatrice Dickenson Salvatore Viscomi Lucila Ohno-Machado Ferenc Jolesz Philipp Lang Liangge Hsu Annick van den Abbeele Fiona Fennessy F F F 0 0 F R F F F F F F F F F F 7 38 6 1 1 2 2 0 7 6 3 1 ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME ACGME Sheila O'Keefe Ronald Schouten Gregory Fricchione page 14 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Vascular & Interventional Radiology Women's Imaging MGH Program/s Radiology-Diagnostic Abdominal (Body) Imaging Abdominal and Interv. Radiology Breast Imaging Cardiac Imaging (MR - CT) Emergency Radiology Interventional Neuroradiology Musculoskeletal Radiology Neuroradiology Pediatric Neuroradiology Pediatric Radiology Thoracic Radiology Vascular & Interventional Radiology Sponsoring Institution Program Director ACGME BWH BWH Chieh-Min Fan Sughra Raza 38 7 7 3 2 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 6 ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH Theresa McLoud Raul Uppot Debra Gervais Elizabeth Rafferty Suhny Abbara Robert Novelline James Rabinov William Palmer Pamela Schaefer Katherine Nimkin Sjirk Westra JoAnne Shepard Ronald Arellano F F 3 1 SSO MGH BWH Barbara Smith Francis Moore, Jr. R F F 50 1 0 ACGME BWH BWH BWH Stanley Ashley Edward Kelly Steven Mentzer F F F 2 3 2 BWH BWH BWH David Brooks Selwyn Rogers Michael Belkin R F F F F F F F 52 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 ACGME MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH Charles Ferguson Hasan Alam Robert Sheridan Steven Zeitels David Rattner Hasan Alam James Markmann Christopher Kwolek R F R F F CT 8 2 2 1 1 5 ACGME BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH BWH Raphael Bueno Raphael Bueno Raphael Bueno Raphael Bueno David Sugarbaker Raphael Bueno R F R 9 0 1 ACGME MGH MGH MGH Douglas Mathisen Douglas Mathisen Douglas Mathisen Type #Trainees Accreditation F F 3 3 R F F F F F F F F F F F F ACGME ACGME ACGME Surgery Integrated Program/s Breast Surgery Endocrine Surgery BWH Program/s Surgery-General Acute Care Surgery Cancer Surgery-Advanced Clinical Training Minimally Invasive Surgery Surgical Critical Care Vascular Surgery MGH Program/s Surgery-General Acute Care Surgery Burn Surgery Laryngology and Phonosurgery Minimally Invasive Surgery Surgical Critical Care Transplant Surgery Vascular Surgery Thoracic Surgery BWH Program/s Thoracic Surgery General Thoracic Surgery Joint Thoracic and General Surgery Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Thoracic Oncology Cardiac Surgery (Junior) MGH Program/s Thoracic Surgery Cardiac Surgery Joint Thoracic and General Surgery ACGME ACGME ACGME ASTS ACGME ACGME ACGME page 15 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Sponsoring Institution Program Director ACGME BWH BWH Jerome Richie Jim Hu ACGME MGH MGH W. Scott McDougal Douglas Dahl Type #Trainees Accreditation R F 12 1 R F 8 0 Urology BWH Program/s Urology Urologic Oncology MGH Program/s Urology Urology Oncology Notes: 1. Integrated programs are those for which two or more Partners hospitals function as co-sponsors. 2. Program Type: R = Residency F = Fellowship CT = clinical training program for which prior completion of a residency is not required 3. Numbers of trainees provided for ACGME programs, and as reported by non-ACGME programs page 16 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE II: GME DIRECTORS, PROGRAM OVERSIGHT DEPARTMENT Anesthesiology Dermatology Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine Neurosurgery Neurology Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Orthopedics Pathology Pediatrics Physiatry Plastic Surgery Podiatry Psychiatry Radiation Oncology Radiology Surgery Thoracic Surgery Urology GME DIRECTOR Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. John Co Dr. John Co Dr. John Co Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Eric Nadel Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. John Co Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Eric Nadel Dr. John Co Dr. Eric Nadel Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Eric Nadel Dr. John Co Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Eric Nadel Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Dempsey Springfield Dr. Dempsey Springfield page 17 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE III: PARTNERS INTEGRATED GME PROGRAMS The Partners integrated residency and fellowship programs listed below are recognized by the ACGME as sponsored by only one institution—either the BWH or the MGH—but are fully integrated across the two institutions. The Addiction Psychiatry program is integrated across MGH, BWH and McLean. In addition to these programs, the MGH Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry residency programs are integrated between the MGH and McLean Hospitals. ACGME Sponsor Program Name R/F Certification MGH Addiction Psychiatry F ACGME BWH Advanced GI Endoscopy F BWH Blood Banking- Transfusion Medicine F ACGME MGH Breast Surgery F SSO MGH Critical Care Neurology F UCNS BWH Dental R CODA MGH Dermatology R ACGME BWH Emergency Medicine R ACGME BWH Endocrine Surgery F BWH Hematology and Oncology F ACGME MGH Hospice and Palliative Medicine F ACGME MGH Infectious Disease F ACGME MGH Internal Medicine/Dermatology R ABIM/ABD BWH Molecular Genetics Pathology F ACGME MGH Movement Disorders F BWH Multiple Sclerosis F BWH Nephrology F ACGME MGH Neurology R ACGME BWH Neuromuscular Medicine F ACGME BWH Obstetrical Anesthesia F BWH Obstetrics and Gynecology R ACGME MGH Orthopedic Surgery R ACGME MGH Orthopedic Trauma F BWH Plastic Surgery R ACGME MGH Pulmonary Disease - Critical Care Medicine F ACGME BWH Radiation Oncology R ACGME MGH Shoulder and Elbow F BWH Spine Surgery F BWH Urogynecology F MGH Vascular Neurology F ACGME page 18 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE IV: AY 08-09 GME PROGRAM LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS ACGME Sponsor Program Name Outgoing Program Director New Program Director BWH Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology William Stevenson, M.D. Laurence Epstein, M.D. BWH PHS Obstetrics and Gynecology Lori Berkowitz, M.D. Ruth Tuomala, M.D. BWH Allergy and Immunology Jonathan Arm, M.D. Marianna Castells, M.D. BWH Neuropathology Umberto De Girolami, M.D, Rebecca Folkerth, M.D. MGH PHS Orthopedic Surgery James Herndon, M.D. Dempsey Springfield, M.D. MGH Cardiovascular Disease Calum MacRae, M.D. Douglas Drachman, M.D. MGH Gastroenterology Andrea Reid, M.D. Andrew Chan, M.D. MGH Hand Surgery, Orthopedics Sang-Gil Lee, MD. Chaitanya Mudgal, M.D. TABLE V: AY 08-09 PROGRAM APPROVALS Institution MGH MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH NWH BWH BWH BWH BWH-DFCI BWH-DFCI Program Internal Medicine – Dermatology Joint Thoracic and General Surgery GI Motility and Functional Disease Colorectal Surgery Schizophrenia Interventional Nephrology Craniofacial Surgery Medical Dermatology Clinician Neuroimaging Transplant Nephrology Geriatric Psychiatry Medical Simulation Cutaneous Oncology Spine Surgery Transplant Nephrology Neuroanesthesia - Clinical Neurophysiology Women's Imaging Oncoradiology Translational Imaging page 19 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE VI: AY 08-09 ACCREDITATION STATUS AND REVIEWS ACGME Accreditation Sponsor BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH BWH MGH BWH MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH MGH BWH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH ACGME Accredited Programs Abdominal radiology Addiction psychiatry Adult cardiothoracic anesthesiology Adult cardiothoracic anesthesiology Allergy and immunology Allergy and immunology Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Blood banking/transfusion medicine Cardiothoracic radiology Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular disease Child and adolescent psychiatry Child neurology Clinical cardiac electrophysiology Clinical cardiac electrophysiology Clinical neurophysiology Clinical neurophysiology Colon and rectal surgery Critical care medicine Critical care medicine Cytopathology Cytopathology Dermatology Emergency medicine Endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism Endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism Forensic psychiatry Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Hand surgery, Orthopedics Hand surgery, Orthopedics Hematology Pathology Hematology Pathology Hematology and oncology Hospice and palliative medicine Infectious disease Internal medicine Internal medicine Internal medicine/Pediatrics Internal medicine/Pediatrics Interventional cardiology Interventional cardiology Molecular genetic pathology Musculoskeletal oncology Nephrology Status Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Proposed withhold, initial accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Full Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Full Accreditation Initial Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Activity during AY 08-09 R e Accreditation Internal v Action Site Visit Review 10/6/2008 9/10/2008 9/12/2008 4/29/09 2/4/2009 3/6/2009 10/10/2008 5/18/2009 11/5/08 12/2/08 3/16/2009 4/17/2009 9/14/2008 1/15/09 7/14/2008 5/14/2009 11/13/08 9/5/2008 12/12/08 3/13/2009 7/1/2008 5/17/2009 5/14/2009 11/11/08 11/12/08 6/17/09 3/6/2009 1/16/2009 9/30/2008 page 20 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE VI: AY 08-09 ACCREDITATION STATUS AND REVIEWS, cont ACGME Accreditation Sponsor MGH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH BWH MGH MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH BWH BWH MGH BWH MGH MGH BWH MGH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH MGH ACGME Accredited Programs Neurological surgery Neurology Neuromuscular medicine Neuropathology Neuropathology Neuroradiology Neuroradiology Nuclear medicine Obstetrics and gynecology Orthopaedic sports medicine Orthopaedic surgery Pain medicine Pain medicine Pathology-anatomic and clinical Pathology-anatomic and clinical Pediatric critical care medicine Pediatric endocrinology Pediatric gastroenterology Pediatric pulmonology Pediatric radiology Pediatrics Plastic surgery Psychiatry Psychiatry Psychosomatic medicine Psychosomatic medicine Pulmonary disease and critical care Radiation oncology Radiology-diagnostic Radiology-diagnostic Rheumatology Rheumatology Selective pathology Sleep medicine Surgery Surgery Surgical critical care Surgical critical care Thoracic surgery Thoracic surgery Transplant hepatology Urology Urology Vascular and interventional radiology Vascular and interventional radiology Vascular neurology Vascular surgery Vascular surgery Status Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Full Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Full Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Full Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Accreditation Continued Full Accreditation Activity during AY 08-09 R e Accreditation Internal v Action Site Visit Review 12/3/08 5/5/09 10/30/2008 4/17/2009 9/24/08 2/25/09 10/21/2008 5/20/09 5/1/2009 1/16/2009 7/1/2009 10/17/08 5/6/09 3/11/2009 4/17/2009 9/10/08 10/20/2008 4/6/2009 5/7/09 10/8/2008 2/24/09 2/13/2009 4/17/2009 9/29/2008 2/19/2009 9/11/08 8/5/08 11/18/08 1/21/2009 2/18/09 8/22/2008 12/3/2008 10/15/2008 2/26/09 10/31/08 5/27/2009 page 21 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 TABLE VII: AY 08-09 AFFILIATIONS AND INTEGRATION Sponsor Program MGH Program Rotating to 1 BWH MGH BWH BWH MGH BWH MGH MGH MGH BWH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH BWH MGH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH MGH BWH BWH Allergy and Immunology Allergy and Immunology Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease Child Neurology Cytopathology Critical Care Medicine Gastro Enterology Hand Surgery Hand Surgery Hematology Pathology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine/Medical Genetics (NA) Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Neuromuscular Medicine Neuropathology Ob/GYN (PHS) Pain Medicine Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Pediatrics Psychiatry Psychiatry Psychosomatic Medicine Radiology-Diagnostic Rheumatology Rheumatology Surgery Surgery Surgical Critical Care Urology BWH progam rotating to Programs rotating to Faulkner2 2 Programs rotating to Newton Wellesley2 MGH1 Programs rotating to Salem Hospital/ Programs rotating to Spaulding Rehab NSMC2 Hospital2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1ACGME programs sponsored by BWH and MGH that are not fully integrated, but whose trainees have rotations at the sister academic medical center. NOTES: Some non-ACGME accredited BWH or MGH-based programs also include rotations at PHS community/specialty hospitals. Some community/specialty hospitals include rotations at BWH and/or MGH (not shown on this table). Source: ACGME WebADS page 22 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Table VIII: EDUCATION RELATED FORUMS Housestaff Town Meetings December 2, 2008: BWH January 12, 2009: MGH Education Committee Meetings Brigham and Women’s Hospital Education Committee September 5, 2008 December 1, 2008 March 25, 2009 June 1, 2009 MGH Executive Committee on Teaching and Education October 8, 2008 December 12, 2008 March 18, 2009 June 17, 2009 Partners Education Committee August 13, 2008 October 24, 2008 December 19, 2008 February 18, 2009 April 1, 2009 June 26, 2009 page 23 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 APPENDIX A: EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS The Partners Office for Graduate Medical Education provides educational programs for trainees, faculty, and program staff. Program Director Workshops Participation in the faculty development series designated as “Program Director Workshops” is open to all Program Directors, Chief Residents, Associate Program Directors, other faculty and frequently program coordinators, depending on the topic. CME credit is provided. September 8 and 9, 2008 An Institutional OSCE at Partners? Implications for Residency and Fellowship Training Presented by Monica Lypson, MD Assistant Dean of Graduate Medical Education, University of Michigan May 20 and 21, 2009 Program Evaluation and Improvement Dempsey Springfield, MD, Keith Baker, MD, Sharon Muret-Wagstaff, PhD Clinical Fellows Retreat October 29, 2008 Approximately 90 fellows attended the second annual Partners Clinical Fellow Retreat. The retreat addresses goals similar to the Housestaff Core Curriculum Retreat—that is, to (1) provide trainees with a valuable educational opportunity within a block of protected time; (2) foster learning and relationship-building across specialties; and (3) help program directors fulfill curricular requirements. Topics related to the core competencies, professional development, and work-life balance were presented: Topics covered: Career Panel Common Legal and Risk Issues for Housestaff Communication Skills: Difficult Conversations Culturally Competent Care Ethical Issues for Consultants Leadership: Some Challenging Questions Presentation Skills Teaching and Feedback: When You Only Have 5 Minutes The Effects of Fatigue on Performance Tips for Publishing: Perspective from the NEJM Work-Life Balance Core Curriculum Retreat March 10 and 11, 2009 All Partners interns and first-year specialty residents were invited to attend the full-day Core Curriculum Retreat; approximately 300 participated. As in prior years, the program was repeated on two consecutive days so that half the trainees could attend at one time. to facilitate clinical coverage. Plenary sessions were “Residents as Teachers and Mentors,” presented by Steven Schlozman, M.D., MPH, and “Quality and Patient Safety (as seen from the bedside)” presented by Cyrus Hopkins, M.D. Multiple small-group breakout sessions, each led by an experienced faculty educator, addressed the following topics: page 24 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Topics Presented: Common Legal and Risk Issues for Housestaff Communication Skills – Difficult Conversations with Patients Evaluation and Feedback Work-Life Balance: Oxymoron or Possibility Working with Medical Interpreters to Help You Deliver High Quality Care Alternative Career Paths in Medicine Chief Resident Course May 6, 2009 Approximately 70 incoming Chief Residents participated in the annual full-day Chief Resident Course. Plenary topics were “Enhancing Leadership Skills in the Chief Resident” (Debra Weinstein, M.D.) and “Challenging Communication” (Ron Walls, M.D.), complemented by small group break-out sessions and followed by a Program Director panel and a panel of outgoing Chief Residents. Topics covered: Challenging Communications Clinical Teaching Creating Change: Choosing a CR project that will have a Positive Impact on the Program Enhancing Leadership Skills in the Chief Resident Role Giving and Getting Effective Feedback Management 101: Running a Meeting Giving a Talk Supporting Residents with Personal and Professional Difficulties Work-Life Balance Time Management Writing a Paper and Getting It Published Orientation Programs for Incoming Interns, First-year Specialty Residents, and Clinical Fellows BWH: June 18; and July 1, 2009 MGH: June 22; and July 1, 2009 Topics Covered: Introduction to Graduate Medical Education – Ombuds Services ACLS Benefits Centers of Expertise Central Line Training Core Competencies Credentialing, Licensure and Malpractice Duty Hours Employee Assistance Program Fire, Safety and Security Handoffs HIPAA Compliance (Healthstream) Infection Control page 25 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Introduction to Professionalism JCAHO Medical Library Resources Medical Records and Physician Order Entry Needle Safety Occupational Health Patient Safety Quality of Care Risk Management Supervision of Trainees TB Fit Testing Curriculum Development Series Fall-Winter, 2008-09 Dr. Farrell organized a three-part workshop focused on curriculum development, attended by 27 program directors and other teaching faculty. Program Coordinator Retreats October 3, 2008 April 3, 2009 Coordinator retreats were organized by Angela Byers with assistance from other GME staff; one was held on/near each campus and coordinators from across PHS were invited to both. Each program was attended by approximately 125 coordinators. Sessions covered information common across programs and allowed coordinators to share ideas about best practices. Topics covered: Centers of Expertise Common program requirements demystified Developing a Program Coordinator Best Practice Group Orientation and the Partners Office of Resources for Trainees New Innovations Preparing for an ACGME site visit New Coordinators overview New Innovations Training Group and individual training sessions in use of the New Innovations residency management suite were provided to program staff by Maria Dellarocco. page 26 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 APPENDIX B: CENTERS OF EXPERTISE Two Centers of Expertise (COEs) were initiated during AY 08-09. Participation in the COEs has been growing, though the number of residents able to attend monthly sessions remained modest. New matriculants in July, 2009 were asked to sign up for existing and potential COEs aligned with their areas of interest. It appears that the level of interest in these areas is quite high, though the time available for residents to participate is limited. COE in Quality and Safety This COE is chaired by Drs. Tejal Gandhi and Gregg Meyer, and offered the following monthly seminars. Didactic Sessions AY08 – 2009 Patient Safety Research and Practice Quality & Safety 101 Safety Management Lessons from the Air Force & the Titanic, CRICO Videos “When Things Go Wrong” and “Sued”, along with an informal faculty discussion Quality and the Evolution of the Healthcare Marketplace Pay for Performance Contracts Transparency in Health Care Quality Problem doctors - Assessing and Improving Performance and Competence Lessons in Safety and Quality from a For-Profit Multi-Hospital System: Can It Be Achieved? The Nash Equilibrium Breaks Down: How current market pressures make improvement possible and imperative David Bates, MD, MSc Lucian Leape, MD Gregg Meyer, MD, MSc Tejal Gandhi, MD, MPH Gregg Meyer, MD, MSc Gregg Meyer, MD, MSc Jessica Dudley, MD Elizabeth Mort, MD, MPH Lucian Leape, MD Jennifer Daley, MD Thomas Lee, MD, MSc The Quality and Safety COE invited requests for research funding up to $5,000 for resident projects in the area of quality and safety; two projects were funded. This COE also provided funding for trainees to attend IHI's National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care and/or to NPSF's Annual Congress. Sponsored residents were asked to present a summary of meeting highlights to their COE resident colleagues after the meeting. The COE website provides interested trainees with easy access to relevant literature, notices about local rounds and conferences, and biosketches of individual faculty who make themselves available for advice or mentoring. COE in Academic Healthcare Management Led by Drs. Jean Elrick and Michael Gustafson, this COE was launched in early 2009. Topic Facilitator(s) Kick-off Receptions Jean R. Elrick, MD; Vice President of Administration, MGH; Gary Gottlieb MD, MBA; President, BWH; Michael Gustafson, MD, MBA; Vice President Clinical Excellence, BWH; Peter L. Slavin, MD, President, MGH Influence of Market Forces Tom Glynn. PhD, Chief Operating Officer, PHS on Healthcare Reimbursement 101 Peter Markell, Chief Financial Officer, PHS Healthcare & the Media Peter Brown, PHS Marketing A listing of residents with some experience in this area was compiled and posted on the web so that these residents can be available as peer resources, in addition to the faculty members who have agreed to be available for mentoring, shadowing, etc. The COE arranged for ten residents to attend the Partners Senior Management Retreat on June 1, 2009. COE in Global Health and Humanitarian Medicine This COE was initiated in June, 2009 and is co-directed by David Bangsberg, MD and Michael VonRooyen, MD. Core faculty have been recruited and a seminar series was planned to initiate in September, 2009. page 27 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 APPENDIX C: GME COMMITTEES, AY 2008-09 BWH Education Committee Chair Partners Vice President, GME Senior Associate Director, GME Associate Director, GME Associate Director, GME Chief Medical Officer Quality and Safety Representative Simulation Representative HMS PCE Director Residency Program Directors Fellowship Program Directors Resident/Fellow Representatives GME Staff Jon Borus, MD Debra Weinstein, MD John Patrick Co, MD, MPH Eric Nadel, MD Dempsey Springfield, MD Anthony Whittemore, MD Allen Kachalia, MD Charles Pozner, MD Erik Alexander, MD Stanley Ashley, MD Lori Berkowitz, MD Raphael Bueno, MD Daniel Dedrick, MD William Greenberg, MD Jay Harris, MD Joel Katz, MD Tracey Milligan, MD Eric Nadel, MD Julian Pribaz, MD Jerome Richie, MD Niraj Sharma, MD S. Ted Treves, MD Barbara Weissman, MD Gayle Winters, MD Fiona Fennessy, MD Simon Helfgott, MD Richard Kaufman, MD Frederick Makrauer, MD Robert Mayer, MD Srdjan Nedeljkovic, MD Robert Odze, MD Douglas Shook, MD Kendra Bowman, MD Emily Brown, MD Janice Chyou, MD Matthew Doran, MD Danielle Margalit, MD Sara Nelson, MD Susan Pasnick, MD Eric Rosenthal, MD Fidencio Saldana, MD Simon George Talbot, MD Peter Vezeridis, MD Katherine Young, MD Georgi Bland Irina Knyshevski BWH Director of Medical Education Medicine Medical Director, STRATUS Center BWH Dir. of Medical Student Educ. Surgery PHS OB-GYN Thoracic Surgery Anesthesia Psychiatry PHS Radiation Oncology Medicine PHS Neurology PHS Emergency Medicine PHS Plastic Surgery Urology Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Nuclear Medicine Radiology Pathology Oncoradiology Rheumatology PHS Blood Banking – Trans. Med. Gastroenterology PHS Hematology-Oncology Pain Medicine Gastrointestinal Pathology Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia General Surgery PHS Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine Anesthesiology PHS Radiation Oncology PHS Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine PHS Neurocritical Care & Stroke Cardiovascular Disease PHS Plastic Surgery PHS Orthopaedic Surgery Psychiatry GME GME page 28 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 MGH Executive Committee on Teaching and Education Chair Senior Associate Director, GME President of MGH (delegate) MGH Trustee (Emeritus) Partners Vice President, GME Chair, MGH Chiefs' Council Chief Medical Officer Quality and Safety Representative Simulation Representative Institute of Health Professions (IHP) MGPhysician Organization HMS PCE Director (representative) Residency Program Directors Fellowship Program Directors Resident/Fellow Representatives Harry Rubash, MD John Patrick Co, MD, MPH Ann Prestipino Matina Horner, Ph.D. Debra Weinstein, MD W. Gerald Austen, MD Britain Nicholson, MD Andrew Karson, MD James Gordon, MD Janis Bellack, RN, PhD David Torchiana, MD Marc DeMoya, MD Deborah Pedersen, MD Steven Schlozman, MD Katherine Sims, MD David Ting, MD Joseph Kvedar, MD Eric Nadel, MD Hasan Bazari, MD Emad Eskandar, MD David Greer, MD Lori Berkowitz, MD Maria Troulis, MD Dempsey Springfield, MD W. Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD Emmett Schmidt, MD Jay Austen, MD Kathy Sanders, MD Anthony Zietman, MD Theresa McLoud, MD Charles Ferguson, MD Douglas Mathisen, MD Dianne Sacco, MD Aidan Long, MD Kenan Haver, MD Calum MacRae, MD Gary Brenner, MD Rosemary Tambouret, MD Michael Jaff, MD David Systrom, MD Ronald Arellano, MD Alyssa Letourneau, MD Bradley Monash. MD Benjamin White, M.D Jay Shah, MD Harald Ott, MD Kyle Eberlin, MD Michael Roehrl, MD Nicte Mejia, MD James Monica, MD Chair, Orthopedic Surgery Senior Vice President President, MGH IHP President, MGPO Surgery Clerkship Director Anesthesiology Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Child Neurology Internal Medicine – Pediatrics PHS Dermatology PHS Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine Neurological Surgery PHS Neurology PHS Obstetrics and Gynecology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery PHS Orthopedics Pathology Pediatrics PHS Plastic Surgery Psychiatry PHS Radiation Oncology Radiology – Diagnostic Surgery – General Thoracic Surgery Urology Allergy-Immunology Pediatric Pulmonology Cardiovascular Disease Pain Medicine Cytopathology Vascular Medicine PHS Pulmonary Disease-Crit. Care Vascular & Interventional Radiology Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Internal Medicine-Pediatrics PHS Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine Surgery – General PHS Plastic Surgery Pathology PHS Neurology PHS Orthopedic Surgery page 29 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 GME Staff Daniel Guss, MD David Grelotti, MD Margot Phillips, MD Georgi Bland Irina Knyshevski PHS Orthopedic Surgery Psychiatry Psychiatry GME GME page 30 Partners Graduate Medical Education Annual Report: AY 2008-09 Partners Education Committee Co-Chair Co-Chair Partners Vice President, GME Senior Associate Director, GME Associate Director, GME Associate Director, GME Chief Medical Officer, BWH Chief Medical Officer, MGH Chair, MGH Chiefs' Council Faulkner Hospital McLean Hospital Salem Hospital (NSMC) Newton-Wellesley Hospital Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital MGH Trustee (Emeritus) HMS PCE Director HMS PCE Director Program Director Representatives Trainee Representatives GME Staff Harry Rubash, MD Jon Borus, MD Debra Weinstein, MD John Patrick Co, MD, MPH Eric Nadel, MD Dempsey Springfield, MD Anthony Whittemore, MD Britain Nicholson, MD W. Gerald Austen, MD Pardon Kenney, MD Shelly Greenfield, MD Wayne Trebbin, MD Lawrence Friedman, MD Ross Zafonte, DO Matina Horner, Ph.D. Erik Alexander, MD Marc DeMoya, MD Stanley Ashley, MD Lori Berkowitz, MD W. Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD Daniel Dedrick, MD Charles Ferguson, MD Simon Helfgott, MD Joel Katz, MD Robert Mayer, MD Theresa McLoud, MD Rosemary Tambouret, MD Kyle Eberlin, MD Daniel Guss, MD Danielle Margalit, MD Sara Nelson, MD Michael Roehrl, MD Fidencio Saldana, MD Georgi Bland Irina Knyshevski MGH Orthopedics BWH Medical Education PHS Graduate Medical Education PHS Graduate Medical Education PHS Emergency Medicine PHS Orthopedics Surgery Chief Academic Officer Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation BWH Medicine clerkship director MGH Surgery clerkship director BWH Surgery PHS OB-GYN MGH Pathology BWH Anesthesia MGH Surgery – General BWH Rheumatology BWH Medicine PHS Hematology-Oncology MGH Radiology – Diagnostic MGH Cytopathology PHS Plastic Surgery PHS Orthopedic Surgery PHS Radiation Oncology PHS Emergency Medicine MGH Pathology BWH Cardiovascular Disease PHS GME PHS GME page 31