Satellite Observing System Task Team Report

Fourth session
Submitted by: M. Drinkwater
Lanzhou, China, 13-15 March 2013
Date: 23.I.2013
The Polar Space Task Group (PSTG) of the WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar
Observations, Research and Services (EC-PORS) now has membership comprising
representatives from 13 Space Agencies and agreed Terms of Reference. At its second session
the PSTG started assessing the current state of satellite user requirements, as a first step in
ensuring a prioritised and coordinated Space Agency response to cryosphere-related user
requirements, including those in support of the GCW, GIPPS, and PPP.
PSTG also reviewed current cryosphere-related space agency priorities and plans, especially
those related to large-scale interferometric SAR coverage of the ice sheets, which is currently
sub-critical since the loss of the Envisat satellite. The Group is engaging with CSA and the
operators of RADARSAT-1 and -2 to mitigate the current gap in capability. Meanwhile a
subsidiary working group on SAR coordination was also established in 2012 to address this set
of continental ice sheet monitoring requirements, as a matter of urgency, together with other
SAR cryosphere monitoring needs.
PSTG relies on continuing and broad Space Agency support and active engagement, for which
globally representative membership is essential. CGMS satellite operators have therefore been
invited to join/confirm (as appropriate) PSTG at the recent CGMS-40 meeting, in case they have
not yet done so. Similarly, PSTG has engaged CEOS during the 2012 SIT meeting to develop a
formal reporting interface. Both initiatives will directly contribute to fully coordinated engagement
of the respective agencies in the development of a space-based cryospheric component of the
WIGOS and the GEOSS.
ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED: Progress in establishment of Polar Space Task Group (PSTG)
DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED: EC-PORS members to take note of progress of PSTG
and to support active engagement of communities of practice engaged in GCW, GIPPS, and
other relevant cryosphere projects/activities to express consolidated sets of observation
1. PSTG2 Meeting Plan (
2. PSTG2 Final Report
Appendix 1: Final PSTG Terms of Reference
EC-PORS-IV/Doc. 3.2.4, p. 2
The Polar Space Task Group of the WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar
Observations, Research and Services (EC-PORS) now has membership by representatives
from 13 Space Agencies and agreed Terms of Reference (Annex I). To its second meeting 1214 June 2012 at WMO Headquarters, the Team invited a number of expert groups who reported
on cryosphere-related projects, initiatives and plans, including on:
• Antarctic research
• Southern Ocean monitoring
• Arctic monitoring
• Ice sheet monitoring
• Glacier monitoring
• WCRP-related initiatives
• The International Polar Initiative
• The WWRP/THORPEX Polar Prediction Project
This provided important input to PSTG in assessing the current state of satellite user needs, as
an initial step in ensuring a prioritised, coordinated Space Agency response to cryosphererelated satellite observation requirements. Such a response will include coordinated mission
acquisition plans, product generation, and support to the emerging Global Cryosphere Watch
PSTG also reviewed current cryosphere-related space agency priorities and plans, including
upcoming Announcements of Opportunity. PSTG also discussed the implications of the loss of
Envisat to cryospheric monitoring and research, and possible mitigation options.
A PSTG website has been set up (, with a
record of past meetings including all relevant documentation of its predecessor, the IPY Space
( etc.
EC-PORS-IV/Doc. 3.2.4, p. 3
At its second session, at the request of EC-PORS, PSTG recognized critical recent advances
made in the use of ice sheet interferometry in generating continental scale maps of ice velocity
and glacier discharge into the ocean. With climate warming, glacier dynamics has become a
principal driver of ice sheet mass loss, and together with glacier melting the most critical
contributors to global sea level. With the recent loss of radar capability in space (ERS-2, ALOS
PALSAR and Envisat ASAR all no longer available), there is no more redundant capability for
mapping ice sheet change and dynamics at continental scale. Consequently, the scientific
community made an appeal to PSTG for urgent establishment of a short term strategic
approach to secure the acquisition of periodic (at intervals of 3-5 years) continental ice sheet
surveys (in particular Antarctica) using satellite SAR.
PSTG is currently working with the Canadian Space Agency and other partners to secure a
coordinated, multi-agency response to this user request. Data acquired during the International
Polar Year (IPY), particularly by the Canadian RADARSAT-2, have made a fundamental
contribution to the first ever seamless ice sheet velocity maps (from 2007-2009) for both
Greenland and Antarctica. While forthcoming SAR satellites such as GMES Sentinel-1, ALOS-2,
and RADARSAT Constellation Missions will restore redundant capability for continental ice
sheet mapping, the community currently faces a critical gap of data with which to assess ice
sheet change impact on sea level since IPY ended. PSTG is establishing a subsidiary,
instrument-specific group, the PSTG SAR Coordination Working Group, to develop a detailed
response to this and other SAR-related requests.
PSTG has a full agenda and several open actions that need to be tackled over the coming year,
using contributions by all Space Agencies represented, and WMO secretariat support. These
are governed by its Terms of Reference and actions identified by the Group, and include:
• identifying a list of datasets and routinely generated products for preparation of an inventory
of satellite products for the cryosphere
• identifying new satellite products to support GCW pilot projects and services
• devise a mechanism to assess maturity of such products by the scientific community
• review existing cryosphere-related user requirements, and agree on developing a prioritised,
coordinated response along strategic goals
• defining interactions with CEOS and WCRP
The third meeting of PSTG has been scheduled for 22-23 May 2013, at CNES HQ, Paris,
EC-PORS-IV/Doc. 3.2.4, p. 4
Appendix I
Terms of Reference
Polar Space Task Group (PSTG)
(Final - 31 October 2012)
The Polar Space Task Group (PSTG) has been established under the auspices of the World
Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar Observations
Research and Services (EC-PORS). The group’s mandate is to provide coordination across Space
Agencies to facilitate acquisition and distribution of fundamental satellite datasets, and to contribute
to or support development of specific derived products in support of cryospheric and polar scientific
research and applications.
The PSTG shall actively seek realisation of benefits from the growing constellation of polar orbiting
satellites by mobilising the unique and complementary capabilities of each of the respective
participating Agencies, whether research and development or operationally oriented. In the case of
the latter, the role is to support the scientific activities that may lead to improved numerical weather
and climate forecasting, or development of improved operational polar products and services, to
the extent that these activities fall within each Agency’s mandate.
The PSTG is a successor of the successful International Polar Year Space Task Group (IPY-STG),
established for the purpose of Space Agency planning, processing and archiving of the IPY Earth
Observation legacy dataset. This new group shall be an independent working group which reports
to the EC-PORS via common membership of its Observational Task Team. A suitable reporting
mechanism shall be established to inform CEOS, CGMS and WMO Consultative Meetings on
High-Level Policy on Satellite Matters on relevant PSTG progress and issues.
Membership of the PSTG has been established by invitation from the WMO Secretary General and
nomination by the respective Space Agency. Following the successful IPY-STG, the reestablishment of the PSTG coincides with the four year interval bridging the WMO Congresses in
2011 and 2015 (i.e. Cg-XVI and Cg-CVII). Thus, the initial working term of PSTG foresees a 3 year
interval of activities between 2011 and 2014, with the goal to review progress and working
mandate prior to the deadline for inputs to the WMO Congress in 2015.
1. The group shall review cryosphere and polar scientific requirements, including user needs and
observational requirements stemming from, but not limited to GCOS, the IGOS-P Cryosphere
Theme Report, the WMO Expert Team on Satellite Utilization and Products (ET-SUP), and the
specific needs of the WMO Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), the World Climate Research
Programme (WCRP), SCAR/IASC and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO);
2. The group shall develop a mechanism to source these requirements, through workshops,
meetings, etc.;
3. The group shall develop a set of key strategic goals to meet user needs and observational
requirements and prioritize them considering existing Agency-specific programmes (in
collaboration with the WMO Expert Team on Satellite Systems (ET-SAT)), or International
project frameworks;
4. The group shall develop a short-, mid- and long-term implementation strategy covering
atmosphere, ocean and terrestrial domains, based on the strategic goals and requirements;
EC-PORS-IV/Doc. 3.2.4, p. 5
5. Members shall establish commitments on behalf of their Agency to support data acquisition,
and support for product development and establishment of relevant accompanying scientific
studies, as appropriate for the Agency;
6. Members shall participate in the joint development and coordination of mission acquisition
plans with consideration of:
- existing in-situ observing system infrastructure;
- individual agency mandates and resources, including space-segment and groundsegment assets;
- time-space distribution of planned in-situ and air-/ship- borne campaign activities;
7. The group shall develop and coordinate plans for satellite data product distribution and
8. The group shall develop indicators or metrics of success of data use;
9. PSTG meetings shall be held at least once each year, with:
- Intermediate Working Group meetings as needed;
- Quarterly teleconferences as needed;
- Standing invitation to Members for hosting meetings at their respective premises or
suitable local venues.
a) Members of PSTG shall be nominated by Heads of Space Agencies, upon invitation by the
WMO Secretary General;
b) Positions of Chair and Vice-Chair of PSTG shall be established:
- The Chair and Vice-Chair are nominated by PSTG members as needed,
- The Chair and Vice-Chair rotate amongst Member Agencies.
Policy Framework
The EC-PORS Panel of Experts reports annually, via the WMO Secretariat, to the Executive
Council (EC) of WMO. The EC consists of 37 Members, including the President, three vicePresidents and the presidents of the six regional associations (each ex-officio members). The
Executive reports to WMO Congress every four years (2011, 2015, etc.), on which all members of
WMO are represented.
Reporting Framework
The PSTG shall informally report to WMO via the EC-PORS in the context of its Observations
Framework. EC-PORS will take responsibility for establishing the scientific needs of its research
framework and identify observation gaps or specific science and data requirements originating from
the GCW which are relevant to PSTG.
Observational requirements assembled by PSTG shall be provided as an input to the Rolling
Review of Requirements (RRR) process of the WMO Inter-Programme Expert Team on the
Observing System Design and Evolution (IPET-OSDE).
Representatives of GCOS and WCRP (particularly, the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project) will
be invited to participate in the PSTG meetings to facilitate coordination. Other groups with polar
interests may also be invited to participate, as appropriate.
The PSTG (through an agency liaison) shall provide a report on an annual basis to the Committee
on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), particularly at their Strategic Implementation Team (SIT)
EC-PORS-IV/Doc. 3.2.4, p. 6
meetings, and the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) (through WMO), as
well as to the WMO Consultative Meetings on High-level Policy on Satellite Matters, where Actions
and Recommendations can be brought to the attention of the Space Agency members.
The group’s Secretariat shall be provided by the WMO Space Programme (SAT) within the
Observing and Information Systems (OBS) Department of the WMO Secretariat.
The Secretariat will prepare meeting invitations, assemble, post and/or distribute documents,
convene intersessional teleconferences, prepare, review and distribute meeting minutes, ensure
action items are communicated to members and followed up, and necessary mail and email
exchanges with members, and hosting of meetings.
ANNEX to PSTG Terms of Reference
Key Functional Requirements
The PSTG activity shall enable to:
a) Assemble disciplinary science requirements for polar and cryospheric research to be
addressed with spaceborne systems through regular and broad interaction with the science
b) Through iteration amongst the planning and processing arms of the participating international
Space Agencies, including their representatives within ET-SAT, develop a concise, prioritized
list of observational objectives based on:
i) Efficient use of the international constellation of satellites;
ii) Operating mandates of each Space Agency;
iii) Satisfying science objectives best served by coordinating agency activities;
c) Regularly assess and revise observation acquisitions and acquisition plans;
d) Redirect observation priorities over time;
e) Develop plans to use shared resources for processing and distributing data and data products;
f) Establish subgroups addressing instrument specific issues; and
g) Encourage active participation by all interested Space Agencies.
Members may be requested to contribute to meeting presentations or periodic reports to EC-PORS
or WMO Consultative Meetings on High-Level Policy on Satellite Matters, identifying progress and
successes, or key Actions and Recommendations.