Milano-Marittima, Italy
14-21 September, 2013
The XIV-th International Conference
"Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics" (CML-2013)
Milano-Marittima, Italy
14-21 September, 2013
The 1st International Conference
"Cognitive Modeling in Science, Culture, Education" (CMSCE-2013)
Milano-Marittima, Italy
14-21 September, 2013
Forum organizers
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Russia) (www.kcn.ru )
South Federal University (Russia) (www.sfedu.ru )
Institute of Improving Specialists’ of Education Qualification (Russia) (www.roipkpro.ru)
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) (www.iling-ran.ru)
Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia) (www.linguanet.ru)
New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria) ( www.nbu.bg )
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsky (Bulgaria) ( www.uni-sofia.bg )
 The University of Zadar (Croatia) ( http://www.unizd.hr )
 ITHEA International Scientific Society and Institute for Information Theories and
Applications FOI ITHEA ( www.ithea.org )
 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Romania) ( www.uaic.ro/uaic/bin/view/Main/WebHome)
 Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen (Bulgaria) (www.shu-bg.net/EN)
 National Research Technological University (MISIS) (Russia) (www.misis.ru)
 Scientific and Educational Center of Linguistics (Russia)
 Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) (www.etro.vub.ac.be)
With participation:
Interregional Association of Cognitive Researches (www.cogsci.ru)
Russian Association of Linguists-Cognitologists (Russia)
Web Journal of Balkan Rusistics (Serbia) (www.russian.slavica.org/index.html)
Supported by
The International Journal "Information Theories and Applications"
The International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge"
Aims and Scope
The International Forum on cognitive modeling (IFCM-2013) is held for the first time. He
grew from a series of conferences on cognitive modeling in linguistics. In the "Cognitive
Modelling in Linguistics" conference took part not only linguists, but also scientists from other
spheres of science. The organizing committee decided to expand a subject field of conference
within the International Forum on cognitive modeling (IFCM). Forum purpose: to unite work
of experts on cognitive modeling in linguistics and in other fields of activity and knowledge.
The Organizing Committee decided to hold at the same time two conferences:
- The XIV-th International Conference "Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics" (CML-2013),
- The 1st International Conference "Cognitive Modeling in Science, Culture, Education"
Conference "Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics" has his own history. Conferences of the
series "Cognitive Modeling" have been held with success since 1998. In 2000 the direction was
specified as "Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics" (CML). In 1998 and 2000 CML conferences
were held as a part of the Russian National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), in 2001
as a part of the International Congress on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI-2001), which took place
in Divnomorskoe (Russia). In 2002 the CML conference was held in Divnomorskoe, as a part of
the IEEE International Conference "Artificial Intelligence Systems" (IEEE AIS'02). From 2003
to 2007 CML conferences took place in Bulgaria (Varna and Sofia). In 2008 the Conference was
conducted in Bechichi, Montenegro. CML-2009 visited Constanza (Romania), in 2010 CML was
held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. In 2011 the CML conference was conducted on Corfu, Greece.
The new XIV-th Conference (CML-2013) is planned in Italy in Milano-Marittima. It is
carried out at the same time with the I-st International conference "Cognitive Modelling in
Science, Culture, Education" (CMSCE-2013).
Plenary sessions of both conferences are held in common, work of sections and seminars –
on each conference separately taking into account specifics of their subject.
The International Forum on cognitive modeling (IFCM-2013) is held for the first time. He
grew from a series of conferences on cognitive modeling in linguistics. In the "Cognitive
Modelling in Linguistics" conference took part not only linguists, but also scientists from other
spheres of science. The organizing committee decided to expand a subject field of conference
within the International Forum on cognitive modeling (IFCM). Forum purpose: to unite work
of experts on cognitive modeling in linguistics and in other fields of activity and knowledge.
The Organizing Committee decided to hold at the same time two conferences:
- The XIV-th International Conference "Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics" (CML-2013),
- The 1st International Conference "Cognitive Modeling in Science, Culture, Education"
Conference "Cognitive Modeling in
Dubrovnik, Croatia. In 2011 the CML
Linguistics" has his own history.
conference was conducted on Corfu, Greece.
Conferences of the series "Cognitive
Modeling" have been held with success
since 1998. In 2000 the direction was
specified as "Cognitive Modeling in
Linguistics" (CML). In 1998 and 2000 CML
conferences were held as a part of the
Russian National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (CAI), in 2001 as a part of the
Intelligence (ICAI-2001), which took place
in Divnomorskoe (Russia). In 2002 the
Divnomorskoe, as a part of the IEEE
Intelligence Systems" (IEEE AIS'02). From
2003 to 2007 CML conferences took place
in Bulgaria (Varna and Sofia). In 2008 the
Conference was conducted in Bechichi,
Montenegro. CML-2009 visited Constanza
(Romania), in 2010 CML was held in
The new XIV-th Conference (CML-2013) is planned in Italy in Milano-Marittima. It is
carried out at the same time with the I-st International conference "Cognitive Modelling in
Science, Culture, Education" (CMSCE-2013).
Plenary sessions of both conferences are held in common, work of sections and seminars –
on each conference separately taking into account specifics of their subject.
Conference Location
The XIVth International Conference “Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics” (CML– 2013)
will be held in Milano-Marittima.
Milano-Marittima is a resort settlement in Italy. The town is located 30 km to the north of
Rimini, between Rimini and Ravenna. Milano-Marittima is divided into parts by the channel.
Milano-Marittima is a unique city-park just on the shore of the Adriatic Sea. Magnificent
pine and cedar groves surround the city from all sides, the air is pure and rich, saturated with
iodine and dense coniferous smells. The abundance of blossoming bushes, trees and colorful
flower beds create an unforgettable festive mood. Milano-Marittima is surrounded by a great
number of small medieval towns, fortresses, monasteries.
Hotel Gallia was chosen as a place of the CML-2013 venue. The modern magnificent
comfortable grand hotel Gallia is located in Milano-Marittim's quiet region in an environment of
the Mediterranean cedars, in 30 meters from the sea and in 5 minutes of walking to the
downtown. To services of guests there is a multipurpose conference room with the modern
equipment, an Internet, a panoramic terrace.
Forum Chair
Organizing Committee - Masalova Svetlana (Chair), Prof., Institute of Improving
Specialists’ of Education Qualification, Russia. cml2013@mail.ru, cmsce2013@mail.ru,
Program Committee - Solovyev Valery (Chair), Prof., Kazan Federal University
(Russia) maki.solovyev@mail.ru
Organizing committee structure
Kibrik Andrey (Cochair), Prof., Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Russia
Belousova Alla (Cochair),, Prof., South Federal University, Russia
Abrossimova Larisa, Ph. D, South Federal University, Russia
Ajdukovich Jovan, Ph.D, D.Sc., University of Belgrade, Serbia
Blinnikova Irina, Ph. D, Moscow State University, Russia
Bogdanova Marina, Ph. D, South Federal University, Russia
Božić Rafaela, Ph.D, the University of Zadar, Croatia
Fenk-Oczlon Gertraud, Prof., Alps-Adriatic University, Austria
Hoidas Spyros, Prof., University of Athens, Greece
Hlebunova Sarra, Prof., Institute of Improving Specialists” of Education Qualification,
Kalashnikov Evgeny, Prof., National Research Technological University (MISIS),
Kujumdjieff Theodor, Bulgaria
Lebedinskiy Petr, South Federal University, Russia
Markov Krassimir, Ph.D, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Bulgaria
Milica Ioan, Ph.D, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania
Petrova Krassimira, Ph. D, Sofia St.Kliment Ohridsky University, Bulgaria
Velka Popova, Prof., Ph.D. Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria
Serva Maurizio, Prof. University of di L'Aquila, Italy
Slavova Velina, Prof., New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
Schalley Andrea, Ph.D, University of New England, Armidal, Australia
Suleymanov Djavdet, Acad., Prof., Institute of Applied Semiotics, Russia
Program Committee structure
Ajdukovich Jovan, Prof., Scientific laboratory on linguistics and Slavic philology of
Belgrade, Serbia
Belousova Alla, Prof., South Federal University, Russia
Blinnikova Irina, Dr., Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Russia
Božić Rafaela, Dr., The University of Zadar, Croatia
Faber Pamela, Prof., University of Granada, Spain
Fenk-Oczlon Gertraud, Prof., Alps-Adriatic University, Austria
Gulchevskaia Vera, Dr., Institute of Improving Specialists’ of Education Qualification,
Hoidas Spyros, Prof., University of Athens, Greece
Kalashnikov Evgeny, Prof., National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»,
Koroleva Larisa, Dr., Institute of Improving Specialists’ of Education Qualification,
Kovalenko Elena, Prof., South Federal University, Russia
Larouk Omar, Dr., ENSSIB, University of Lion
Marchuk Yury, Prof., Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Russia
Markov Krassimir, Dr. Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Bulgaria
Masalova Svetlana, Prof., Institute of Improving Specialists’ of Education Qualification,
Milica Ioan, Dr., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania
Nadolinskaia Tatiana, Prof., Institute of Improving Specialists’ of Education
Qualification, Russia.
Neagu Mariana, Dr., Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania
Petrova Krassimira, Dr., Sofia St.Kliment Ohridsky University, Bulgaria
Polyakov Vladimir, Ph.D., National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»,
Popov Dimitar, Prof., Ph. D, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria
Potemkin Sergey, Dr., Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Russia
Ronzhin Andrey, Prof., St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS,
Ryabtceva Nadezhda, Prof., Institute of Linguistics of RAS, Russia
Schalley Andrea, Dr., University of New England, Armidal, Australia
Serva Maurizio, Prof., University of di L'Aquila, Italy
Sineokova Tatiana, Prof., Nijnii Novgorod State Linguistic University, Russia
Slavova Velina, Prof., New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
Subbotin Alexandr, Dr., South Federal University, Russia
Suleymanov Djavdet, Acad., Prof., Institute of Applied Semiotics, Russia
Vvedensky Victor, Dr., National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute», Russia
Vorobyova Elena,Prof., South Federal University, Russia
Wichmann Soeren, Dr., Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Germany)
The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.
Important Dates
Early submission deadline - April 15, 2013
Early notification of acceptance - May 1, 2013
Late submission deadline - May 15, 2013
Late notification of acceptance - May 25, 2013
Deadline for final report - May 31, 2013
Conference dates - September 14-21, 2013
An extended abstract (4-5 page) of the report needs to be submitted for the Program
Committee and Organizing Committee. The text of article for the Russian authors is submitted in
2 options – in English and Russian languages.
A report accepted for presentation at CML-2013 and CMSCE-2013 cannot be published
elsewhere or presented at another meeting with publicly available published proceedings. For
reports that are being submitted to other conferences, this must be indicated on the title page.
Notification of receipt and acceptance of reports will be sent to the first author.
All submissions will be subject to academic peer review by at least two members of the
Programm Committee.
Selection criteria include relevance and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of
results, and the general quality of presentation.
For every accepted report, at least one author is required to attend the conference to present
the report.
Extended abstract can be submitted in English up to April 15, 2013 according to
submission form. Late submission deadline - May 15, 2013.
Article should be sent to the both of the addresses:
Prof. Svetlana Masalova
- cml2013@mail.ru (for CML-2013),
- cmsce2013@mail.ru (for CMSCE-2013)
Contact phone: +7-928-189-58-77 Prof. Svetlana Masalova - Chair Organizing Committee
+7 (8432) 61-69-14 Prof. Valery Solovyev - Chair Program Committee
The proceedings with extended abstract will be published.
Further the best reports will be recommended to publishing in the form of journal paper in
the publishing system of IITA FOI ITHEA (www.foibg.com), and/or in other publishing
Please see http://www.confcognresearch.ru for a complete set of submission details.
The XIV-th International Conference
"Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics" (CML-2013)
Milano-Marittima, Italy
14-21 September, 2013
Aims and Scope
The Program of the conference CML-2013 includes a plenary and section sessions,, a
Tutorial in Lexical and Grammatical Statistics (organized by the Institute of Linguistics of the
Russian Academy of Sciences), an Exhibition of Cognitively-Oriented Computer Applications
and Linguistic Resources (organized by the National Research Technological University
(MISIS)), other Discussion Tables devoted to modern trends in Cognitive Science.
The aim of the conference CML-2013 is to integrate the work of specialists in cognitive
science, cognitive linguistics, semiotics, psycholinguistics, etc.
The results of the conference CML-2013 are expected to contribute to the investigation of
cognitive processing of language information.
Topics of interest CML– 2013
General topics
- Cognitive Models of Language Phenomena
- Formal Models in Language and Cognition
- Cognitive - Oriented Computer Applications and Linguistic Resources
Models and Studies in
- Speech Perception and Production
- Psycholinguistics and Psychosemantics
- Semiotics, Semantics and Pragmatics
- Language Processing, Memory and Thought
- Child Speech and Language Acquisition
- Language Typology
- Translation (перевод) and Cognition
- Speech Impairments
- Language Disorders
- Cognitive Aspects of Theology
- Cognitive Aspects of Information Technologies Development and Using
Cognitive Linguistics
- Metaphor Theory
- Mental Lexicon and Lexicon Ontology
- Naive World Image and Verbal Form
- Knowledge Conceptualisation and Verbalisation
- Cognitive Mechanisms for Text Processing
- Cognitive Models in Language Learning
- Species-Specificity of Human Language
- Cognitive Slavistics
The 1st International Conference
"Cognitive Modeling in Science, Culture, Education" (CMSCE-2013)
Milano-Marittima, Italy
14-21 September, 2013
Aims and Scope
The Program of the conference CMSCE-2013 includes a plenary and section sessions, a
Cognitive Science Workshop (organized by the Psychology Department of Lomonosov's
Moscow State University and Southern Federal University), other Discussion Tables devoted to
modern trends in Cognitive Science.
The aim of the conference CMSCE-2013 is to integrate the work of specialists in cognitive
science, epistemology, cognitive psychology, philosophy of science, cognitive culturology,
anthropology, cognitive pedagogic, learning theory, neural network theory, knowledge
engineering etc.
The results of the conference CML-2013 as expect, will promote expansion of possibilities
of mezhdisiplinarny researches of cognitive modeling of processes and technologies of
receiving, transfer, processing, storage, transformation of information on the world and the
person in various fields of activity of the cognizing subject.
Topics of interest CMSCE-2013
1. Methodology
1.1. General Problems of Cognitive Science
1.2. Schematization, Konstructioning and Modeling
1.3. Consciousness Modeling
1.4. Сognition in Modeling
1.5. Cognitive Modeling of Activity and Behavior
1.6. Decision Making
2. Sciences about the World and the Person
2.1. World Picture and World Image
2.2. Cognitive Processes
2.3. Irrational and Rational in Cognition
2.4. Cognitive Styles and Style of Thinking
2.5. Emotions and Knowledge
2.6. Cognitive Psychophysiology
3. Culture
3.1. Culture and Cognitive Processes
3.2. Cognitive and Cognitive-LinguisticForms of Culture
3.3. Cognitive Basis of Creative Activity
3.4. Cognitive Aspects of Musical Creativity
3.5. Sports and Cognitive Modeling
4. Education
4.1. Cognitive-Information Paradigm in Education
4.2. Educational Technologies and Cognitive Modeling
4.3. Cognizing Subject and Activity Subject
4.4. Educational Environment
4.5. Cognitive Andragogics