Jan 11, 06 Minutes - Speed Skate New Brunswick

SSNB Competitions Meeting -
Draft Minutes
SSNB Competitions Meeting
Jan 11th, 2006
Jan 11, 2006
Present Chair Wendy leBlanc
Angela Alexander , Richard Roy, Howard Streight, Donna Bubar, Renaud Gionet ‘
Darren Oakes , Steve Laskey and Peter Steele
Meeting brought to order at 8.14 pm
1. Approval of agenda
A motion to accept agenda as presented
Steve asked that two items be added 1. John Baxter Registration 2. Jan 2007 meet schedule
Motion to approve agenda by Donna 2nd Steve
Motion approved unanimously.
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion for approval of minutes from the Dec 12th , 2005 meeting was made By Darren and 2nd
by Donna
Motion approved unanimously.
3. Business arising
Discussion on reducing numbers of skaters at competitions. .
Saint John was to be the trial event to test the formula for reducing numbers. The Competition only
had 142 skaters so there wasn’t any need to use a formula.
Competitions committee will have a call if the Hampton, Codiac or St.Croix meets have a problem
with too many skaters
Committee Chair felt that SSNB should be the leader in setting the standard.
- Proposals we listened to for cutting an equal number of skaters from each club. EXAMPLE : If 10
skaters needed to be cut there would be an equal number from each club. The Clubs will decide
who they will cut. If a small club is affected by the numbers being cut – they will be exempted
because of their overall small numbers.
Registrations should carry a provision laying out the registration number restrictions and the
formula to be used. If this is to be SSNB driven the formula should always be standard.
- Leeway will be given to Meet Coordinators to carry 5 extra names to accommodate for day of
meet scratches. Total allowable for a 1 day meet is 145 and a two day is 185.
- SSNB needs to make it clear that the reasons to restrict numbers is to
1. Create a quicker turn around time for competing skaters and
2. To give volunteer’s and Officials a shorter day with sufficient breaks.
MOTION : Donna - 2nd Darren
Total number of skaters to be added to a one day meet will be 145 and a two day meet will be 185
Motion approved unanimously.
SSNB Competitions Meeting -
Jan 11th, 2006
666 Races :
SSNB Competitions committee to look at building into the SSNB competitions schedule
opportunities for New Brunswick juvenile skaters that do not have opportunities to get their 666M times
because they are too fast to skate in those divisions in an ability format. These race opportunities are
needed to meet the Quebec requirement of a combined 500 and 666M time for Juvenile participants.
SSNB will try to create 1 opportunity before Christmas break and another soon after the Christmas break.
ACTION ITEM : this discussion will be deferred until the around the table discussion.
Provincial Record Certificate & Other Recognition awards :
There was discussion about creating a certificate for every skater through out the year that breaks a
Provincial Record. Design is to be brought to the committee by Peter, for approval
Award may be handed out at subsequent competitions by the Club coaches
Wendy to look at adding recognition t-shirts
Discussion about awards for SSNB Relays Ribbons / Medals
Eastern Canadian Fee increase :
There was a motion at last meeting that was not seconded and wasn’t voted on.
An e-mail vote was held and the vote passed 3 – 1
It was noted that all fee increases need to be established prior to the start of the Skating season and before
the Competition Kit is completed.
Job Shadowing :
Clubs need to get back to their volunteer/parents and point out the need to recruit new officials at
all levels to replace and assist officials that SSNB presently has.
Getting people to shadow current officials is a critical step in replacing Officials
Officials Clinics are a requirement and must be attended to get your SSC certifications
Steve asked that we recall his motion of last spring for Meet Coordinators to be able to call parents
from other clubs. Several committee members still disagree with this approach . Item was tabled and will
be worked out at the around the table meeting.
ACTION ITEM : this discussion will be deferred until the around the table discussion.
Pilot FUNdamentals meet :
Discussion was held on the Codiac Cyclones competition. Especially the 1 day competition to be
held on the smaller 2nd ice surface. SSNB Competitions will be looking at incorporating into this
development competition different FUNdamental skills that younger skaters require. A report will be filed
after the completion of the competition for discussion at the around the table discussions. We are looking
for a maximum of 84 skaters for the competition
SSNB Competitions Meeting -
Jan 11th, 2006
New Business
1. Chair of Competitions questioned the need of an Age Class competition in a small Province like New
Brunswick. Committee members were asked to think about it and have their thoughts for the sit down
ACTION ITEM: this discussion will be deferred until the around the table discussion.
John Baxter Registration:
Donna stated that this was not an issue to be discussed at this meeting and it was a club registration
issue only.
2006 – 2007 Meet schedule:
Saint John wants to make sure that there are no back to back meets with their competition next
season and was asking that the ice be booked early.
Donna stated that
Harold Joyce was booked for Nov 25 – 26, 2006
Eastern’s were booked for Jan 27 – 28, 2007
Steve stated that Saint John was booked for Jan 13 – 14, 2006
All clubs were asked to confirm their meet dates with their local rinks
A Date for the Competitions Committee’s around the table discussion was talked about
A tentative date of April 8th was discussed
Motion by Donna to adjourn at 9.28