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Open-Ended Rubrics
1. The child in the story said there were “rules” to follow when owling. Use examples from the
story to name 2 rules, tell what they mean, and tell why they were important to follow.
Answer is unresponsive, unrelated, or inappropriate.
Answer names a rule or rules, but explanation may be literal, may not contain examples
from the story and is sparse, confusing, or vague.
Answer uses 2 examples to name rules from the story, but may leave out meaning and
why important. The explanation has minor errors or is too brief for a higher score.
Answer names 2 rules using examples from the story. The explanation tells what the
rules mean and why they were important to follow.
2. At the end of the story, the child did not speak to the father as they walked home. If
they had talked, what do you think they would have said to each other? Explain your answer
using examples from the story.
0 Answer is unresponsive, unrelated, or inappropriate.
1 Answer explains what the child and father would have said to each other if they had
talked. The explanation may be literal, may or may not contain examples from the story
and is sparse, confusing, or vague.
2 Answer explains what the child and father would have said to each other if they had
talked. The explanation contains examples from the story but has minor errors or is too
brief for a higher score.
3 Answer explains what the child and father would have said to each other if
they had talked. The explanation contains examples from the story and is
clear, correct, and developed.
3. The family in Owl Moon raised rabbits. They kept the rabbits in an area with 4 rows of
cages with 5 cages in each row. They have 8 black rabbits, and an equal number of white,
brown and spotted rabbits. Show in a diagram below which cages hold the different kinds
of rabbits.
What fractional part of the cages holds brown rabbits? ________
Explain or show how you determined your answer.
Open-Ended Rubrics
Does not address the task, unresponsive, unrelated, or inappropriate.
Nothing correct.
Answer addresses item but is only partially correct. For example, the diagram is
correct, but the fraction and explanation are incorrect or missing.
Answer deals correctly with most aspects of the question, but contains a minor error
or omission. For example, the diagram and fraction are correct, but the explanation is
weak or missing.
Answer deals correctly with all parts of the question. Diagram, fraction, and
explanation are correct and complete.
4. In the story Owl Moon the child saw a great horned owl. There are many kinds of owls of
different sizes. In the chart below are some of these owls and their lengths. Make a graph
of the lengths of the owls. Be sure to add a title and labels to the graph.
elf owl
great gray owl
barn owl
great horned owl
screech owl
burrowing owl
6 inches
30 inches
18 inches
24 inches
10 inches
9 inches
Answer is unresponsive, unrelated, or inappropriate.
Answer contains a graph with at least one bar or point plotted correctly.
Answer contains a graph but something is missing or contains minor errors. For
example, the title is missing or scale is inappropriate.
Answer contains a properly labeled and titled graph. All data is correctly displayed on
the graph.
Open-Ended Rubrics