Chicken Anemia Virus Infection (Chicken infectious anemia, Blue wing disease, Anemia dermatitis syndrome, Hemorrhagic aplastic anemia syndrome) Etiology, Epidemiology, and Pathogenesis : Chicken anemia virus (CAV), a 52nm, nonenveloped, icosahedral virus with a single-stranded, circular DNA genome, is the only member of the genus Gyrovirus of the Circoviridae family. The genome codes for 3viral proteins (VP). VP 1is the capsid protein, but VP 5may be needed as a scaffold protein to allow proper folding of VP1. VP3, or apoptin, is a nonstructural protein that induces apoptosis in infected cells. CAV infects only chickens, although antibodies have been detected in Japanese quail. The virus is present worldwide based on serology and virus isolation. The disease, chicken infectious anemia, has been described in most countries where chickens are raised commercially . Horizontal transmission of CAV is by the fecal-oral route and perhaps by the respiratory route. Vertical transmission occurs when seronegative hens become infected and continues until neutralizing antibodies develop. Chicks hatched from these eggs are viremic, and CAV can rapidly spread horizontally from these chicks to susceptible, maternal antibody-negative hatchmates. Roosters shedding CAV in the semen are another source of vertical transmission. Vaccination of seronegative flocks prior to the onset of egg production is recommended to prevent vertical transmission . Maternal antibody-negative chicks are susceptible to infection and disease until 5-1wk of age. In contrast, maternal antibody-positive chicks are protected from disease and probably from infection. Age resistance to clinical disease, but not infection, begins at approximately 1wk of age. The age resistance can be overcome by coinfection of CAV with immunosuppressive agents such as infectious bursal disease virus ( Infectious Bursal Disease: Introduction), Marek’s disease herpesvirus ( Marek’s Disease), and reticuloendotheliosis virus ( Reticuloendotheliosis ( . Many SPF flocks developed antibodies to CAV during or after the onset of sexual development. Spread of infection by CAVcontaminated embryo- or cell-culture-derived vaccines is possible . When day-old susceptible chicks are inoculated IM with CAV, viremia occurs within 52hr. Virus can be recovered from most organs and rectal contents up to 32days after inoculation. The principal sites of CAV replication are hemocytoblasts in the bone marrow, precursor T cells in the cortex of the thymus, and CD 8 cells in the spleen. Replication in the first leads to anemia, while replication in the latter two causes immunosuppression. Neutralizing antibodies are detectable 51days after infection and clinical, hematologic, and pathologic parameters return to normal ~ 32days after infection. CAV infection has adverse effects on proliferative responses of spleen lymphocytes and on the production of interleukin- 5and interferons by splenocytes. Infection can cause a marked decrease in generation of antigenspecific cytotoxic T cells directed against other pathogens. In addition to T-cell defects, macrophage functions such as Fcreceptor expression, phagocytosis, and antimicrobial activity may be impaired. Subclinical, horizontally acquired infection with CAV in broiler progeny of seropositive parent flocks may be associated with impaired economic performance . Clinical Findings : Signs of illness or adverse effects on egg production do not occur when seronegative adult chickens become infected. However, vertical transmission or infection of maternal antibody-negative chicks before 1wk of age can cause clinical disease 11-15days after hatching or infection. Chicks are anorectic, lethargic, depressed, and pale. PCV is low (in chicks, anemia is defined as a PCV of ≤51), and blood smears often reveal anemia, leukopenia, or pancytopenia depending on the state of the disease. Blood may be watery and clot slowly. Mortality rates are variable but may be high with secondary complicating infections . Lesions: Organs are pale; the thymus is generally atrophied, and the bursa of Fabricius may be small. Bone marrow is pale or yellow. Hemorrhage may be present in or under the skin, muscle, and other organs. Histologically, lymphoid cell populations are depleted in primary and secondary lymphoid organs. Granulocytic and erythrocytic compartments in the bone marrow are atrophic or hypoplastic . Diagnosis : A tentative diagnosis is based on history, signs, and gross and histopathologic lesions. Confirmation requires detection of virus or viral DNA in the thymus or bone marrow. PCR and quantitative PCR techniques are commonly used to demonstrate the presence of CAV. Viral isolation can be used but is slow and expensive. To isolate CAV, chloroform-treated extracts of tissues are inoculated in MDCC-MSB 1or MDCC- 121cultures (a lymphoblastoid cell line derived from Marek’s disease tumor) or into susceptible, immunocompromised (antigen- and antibody-negative), day-old chicks. Commercial ELISA kits are available to detect serum antibodies to CAV and can be used to identify breeder flocks that are seronegative prior to egg production and to monitor the efficacy of vaccination . Treatment and Prevention : There is no specific treatment. Secondary bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics. Live vaccines are available for vaccination of antibody-negative breeder flocks prior to the start of egg production. Administration is by injection or by addition to the drinking water depending on the type of vaccine available in individual countries. In some areas, transfer of litter to noncontaminated premises and the addition of crude homogenates of tissues from affected chickens to the drinking water have been used to ensure infection and seroconversion of parent flocks before they begin to lay, thereby diminishing the risk of egg transmission. However, these procedures are risky and not recommended. Because of the synergism between CAV and other immunosuppressive viruses, control of the latter is also important . At present, there is no vaccine available to prevent subclinical losses in broilers .