COUNCIL REPORT FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY JANUARY 27, 2014 PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD: 6:00 - 6:30 1. Ron Sostad - spoke about prominent past members of COPE and his hopes that CNV will form a COPE Assn. 2. Jennifer Clay - The Provincial Govt. should get involved in preserving the Flamborough Head. 3. Gloria Haxton - downsize the Flamborough Head into an artwork 4. Ivan Leonard - council should preserve our heritage. 5. Peter Miller - showed how the Flamborough Head could be set up for use in the future 6. Rolly Webb - (from Whiterock) spent his working life at NV shipyards. Spoke of why the Flamborough Head is important 7. Ian McCardle - spoke of the educational aspects of the Flamborough Head 8. Kerry Morris - re Bike Lane motion on agenda. Before a decision can be made there should be a review of city traffic plans 9. Don Lemieu - (Van. Maritime Museum docent) There is a strong interest in history 10. Jack Hetherington - Without monuments history is not remembered 11. Peter Hopper - the actual stern is far better than a granite slab monument 12. Jack Nitch (?) - should consider gains and loss study of Flamborough Head. Somethings have no cost. 13. John Harvey - re Flamborough Head - city taxpayers should not have to pay for preservation. Those who want this should raise the money and the Washington Group should contribute. 14. Heather Drugge - spoke in favour of the AAA Bike lane plan FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: Staff to provide an outline of City revenues and program expenditures, along with potential funding options to assist council in its decision making process regarding the Financial Plan and tax rates.. The Draft 2014 Program Plan will be adjusted on the basis of the feedback received and brought back to the Finance Committee (Council) on Feberuary 24, 2014 for their consideration. NOTE: This report and discussion lasted 2 hours. It was very informative but impossible to summarize. It is well worth watching, either on the city website or on the Shaw Cable replay on Saturday at 1:30. VOTE: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY IN CAMERA SESSION: Duration 1 1/2 hours. NOTE: When council returned, appointments to the city's various committees were announced. AGENDA ITEM 2l: Flamborough Head (Submitted by Councillor Bookham) RECOMMENDATION: Since the discussion leading to Council's decision to scrap the stern took place in a Closed meeting and the report informing that discussion remained in a Closed meeting, be it resolved that the decision to scrap the stern be revisited, that the discussion take place in open Council and that staff report back on options and financial implications for preserving the stern. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: C. Bookham - September decision was not "our finest hour" .....Costs due to the delay should not be held against the Flamborough Head. ... read a letter from Mike Sexsmith in favour of preservation. C. Bell - Sept. decision was made in camera because safety issues had been raised .....He appreciates the history ...... is willing to look at new options. C. Clark - praised the community members for bringing the matter back .... looking forward to staff report ...cannot commit until he knows how much it will cost. ..... committee should raise funds. C. Heywood - there is no plan for the museum to use this in the future.......Cost is important .....the new museum will feature NV"s shipbuilding history. C. Keating - more info is good...... $700,000 spent so far ..... must know costs .... City does look after heritage and preservation. C. Buchanan - wanting to hear staff reporrt on costs. .....happy to see people come out .....lots of money already spent, must be careful of future costs........We have lots of heritage on the waterfront. M. Mussatto - council has liabilities to take care of. .... more info needed...... must look at the Big Picture .......Will ask Waterfront consultant how he would use Flamborough Head at the waterfront. VOTE: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AGENDA ITEM 16: All Ages and Abilities (AAA) Bicycle Network for CNV RECOMMENDATION: That AAA bicycle projects be brought forward in future 10 year financial plans for Council's consideration. That this report be forwarded to the Integrated Transportation Committee and HUB for their information. NOTE: At this time only routes have been looked at, not design. This is a long term plan over the next 10 years. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: C. Keating - long term vision is the way to go ...... This gets vehicular traffic off the road C. Heywood - Is there any data on seniors? Answer: No ............these plans are too aggresssive. Our population is getting older C. Bookham - supports safe cycling ......Integrated transit should be part of City Shaping discussions ....... Does the community agree with this? C. Bell - shares C. Bookham's concerns C. Buchanan - other forms of transport need to be encouraged M. Mussatto - AAA way to go, Safety concerns are the reason there aren't more bikers. MOTION FROM C. BELL - To defer until there is a full Council (C. Clark left meeting due to late hour) VOTE TO DEFER; CARRIED AGENDA ITEM 17: Arts Office: Project Grant Recommendations, 2014 Round One RECOMMENDATION: That $62,000 in grants be approved to support a mix of art projects and community-cultural events. That a further grant in the amount of $4,000 be provisionally approved to support "Art in the Garden" pending Council's consideration of a recommendation to wrap municipal support for the event to the core operating grant received by the NV Community Arts Council . That the City's 50% contribution to these grants be approved for release subject to approval of these same recommendations by the District of NV. and that the DNV be invoiced for its equal contribution. VOTE: CARRIED AGENDA ITEM 18: Interim Support for Core-Funded Arts Groups: First Instalment on 2014 grants. RECOMMENDATION: That this first round of 2014 payments, being equivalent to 50% of the group's 2014 grants and totalling $317,492. be approved in accordance with Council policy.. that the City's portion of this first instalment , including $103,754 in operating grants and $54,992 in facility grants , be approved .... that the District of NV be invoiced for its contribution, including $148,746 in operating grants and that the balance of the 2014 core funding grants be disbursed in or after June 2014, following final approval of the municipal budget. VOTE; CARRIED AGENDA ITEM 19: Development Variance Permit Application 976 Cloverley St. Note: This recommendation was defeated by Council on Jan. 20 and is being brought back for reconsideration by M. Mussatto RECOMMENDATION: That a Public meeting be scheduled and that as a condition of issuance a Covenant be registered on title prohibiting the residential use of the garage. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: C. Bookham - Must be given new reasons for rethinking this development. VOTE: CARRIED AGENDA ITEM 20: Kinder-Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline (Submitted by C. Bookham) RECOMMENDATION: Since the CNV has a direct interest in the impact of the proposed expansion be it resolved that the City apply for intervener status at the National Energy Board Public Hearing in order to ensure that Kinder-Morgan has adequately accounted for the potential social, environmental and economic impacts that their proposal could have on the CNV. VOTE: CARRIED AGENDA ITEMS 22 and 23 (submitted by C. Clark) were not discussed because C.. Clark had left the meeting due to the late hour. MEETING ADJOURNED : 11:00pm