Consent & Disclosure for Non-Invasive “Extreme Makeover” Program Preliminary Remarks The Non-Invasive “Extreme Makeover” Program is a series of 16 treatments performed approximately once a week by Dr. Christian and the Aesthetician to markedly increase the health and appearance of your skin. However, It should be used only as an adjunct to well planned skin care program consisting of twice daily cleansing, some form of exfoliation, moisturizing and sun protection. We will review your current program of skin care and work with you to make sure you are using appropriate products for your skin type during the initial consultation. We promote primarily the SkinCeutical line of products and these can be purchased from us at a 10% Discount. In addition there may some other products which may reduce the appearance of unwanted pigment and wrinkles or which may enhance the effects of the procedures we will perform. It makes no sense to apply some of the high technology procedures we will be using and not be committed to a daily program of skin care for maintenance and prevention of further damage. Much can be done over time with a daily skin care program but the procedures in the “Extreme Makeover” program are designed to hasten the improvement of your skin health and appearance. We cannot proceed with the “Extreme Makeover without your commitment to a daily skin care program. I understand the importance of a daily skin care regimen and I agree to utilize products appropriate to my skin type as recommended by Dr. Christian. If I cannot afford a program of skin care products I understand I cannot participate in the “Extreme Makeover” program. Skin Care Products are not included in the cost of the program and in some cases you may need additional products to enhance the results of your program. The cost of these is not included in the program. The initial cost of a supply of basic skin care products may be about $300. ____Initials The Program, Summary Complementary Diamond Microdermabrasion and Javani Initial Consultation and Your Skin Care Product Program 6 Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatments of Face, Neck, Hands with Javani 3 Nd:Yag Laser treatments of Spider Veins or other lesions for 30min each 7 Diamond Microdermabrasions or Facials with Javani ____Initials Page 1 of 7 Expected Results You will learn the basics about skin care and preventive measures Markedly reduce the appearance of pigment, brown or dark lesions Markedly reduce redness, flushing, small vessels, Rosacea The skin will be more even toned and smoother Markedly reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles Markedly reduce the occurrence of breakouts and blemishes Increase Collagen, Elastin, thickness of Epidermis Over the long term there may continue to be some improvement in some of these areas especially with a program of daily skin care. Alternatively, there will be continued sun exposure and the aging process continues and a maintence program of IPL and Microdermabrasions most likely be required. ____Initials The Program, Details Complementary Diamond Microdermabrasion and Javani You may receive a complimentary treatment consisting of a Diamond Microdermabrasion and Javani Procedure prior to your formal consultation to give you some idea of how profoundly even a single treatment can improve the texture and appearance of your skin. At this session Dr. Christian will explain some of the basics of skin care and some pictures will be taken. ____Initials Initial Consultation and Treatment During this one hour consultation, Dr. Christian will review your present Skin Care program and determine your Fitzpatrick Skin Type. More pictures will be taken and the face and body will be examined for “targets” for treatment. A list of these “targets” and our objectives will be made and a preliminary plan for treatment will be formulated. This plan may change depending on how your skin responds as the program progresses. If we feel the skin needs some rest for rejuvenation, we may delay some treatments until the skin is ready for more care. During this period, consistent use of skin care products is critical to allow the skin to renew and repair. If suspicious cancerous lesions are discovered during this consultation, referral to Dermatologist will be made for resolution prior to the treatments. ____Initials Page 2 of 7 6 Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatments with Javani Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a very useful tool to reduce the appearance of skin changes associated with aging and sun damage. Any IPL treatment program will consist of a series of 5-6 treatments, with a minimum of 2 weeks between treatments. Other procedures such as Diamond Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels/Facials will be used between some of the sessions to enhance the effects of the device as well as your daily skin care program. ____Initials Indications For Use of IPL A series of IPL procedures assists in the treatment of the following skin conditions: Vascular changes, including spider veins, broken capillaries and the redness and flushing associated with Rosacea. Pigmentation changes, including brown/black spots or freckles associated with aging and sun damage. Large pores will be reduced in size and appearance. Improvement in acne and other inflammatory lesions are reduced Some congenital vascular lesions such as hemangiomas Reduction in the redness of old scars Some improvement in fine wrinkles and skin laxity over the long term with continued maintenance treatments several times per year. Some resolution of Actinic Keratoses (pre Cancerous Lesions) with use of Levulan. __Initials Contraindications For Use of IPL IPL should not be used if any of the followed apply: I am diabetic and subject to poor healing History of Keloid Scar formation Pregnancy Active tanning in the sun or in Tanning Booths for 4 weeks prior to the treatment. Fitzpatrick Skin Types V and VI. Dark Brown or Black skin Use of Accutane in the 6 months prior to the treatment Use of Retin A in the week prior to the treatment Use of anticoagulants such as Coumadin or Heparin and large doses of daily aspirin. Open Sores or wounds or uncontrolled Acne. Active herpes simplex (cold sores) or shingles. Use of Sun Sensitizing Medications Suspicion of cancerous lesions. None of these apply ___Initials Page 3 of 7 Mechanism The IPL Device produces a broad beam of highly concentrated light delivered in a pulse. This light is filtered to a wavelength that is selectively absorbed by target tissues (the lesions we want to treat) with hopefully minimal effect of the surrounding skin. Once the target absorbs the light, it is converted to heat which in turn destroys the undesirable target tissue. The body’s natural healing process then absorbs the damaged tissue or the damaged tissue will flake off over a period of days to weeks. The settings on the device consist of the duration of the pulse and the energy and are determined by your skin type and the type of target lesions. Initially the settings are on the low side to test how your skin will react to the pulse and at subsequent sessions the settings are increased or adjusted to get maximum results with minimal side effects. ____Initials Operator Your procedure will be provided by Dr. Christian who has been trained in laser science, use of the equipment, laser safety and skin care. ____Initials Safety All standard safety precautions will be followed to ensure the utmost safety during your treatments. This includes the use of protective eyewear at all times while the equipment is in use. We recommend removal of contact lenses during facial treatments. ____Initials Alternatives to IPL I understand that IPL is used as an adjunct to a comprehensive program of skin care and a prolonged course of these products may achieve some of the desired skin changes I am seeking. I have explored these alternatives to my satisfaction and have made an independent decision to proceed with IPL treatments in the hope that the desired skin changes may be more rapid, effective and more lasting. ____Initials Limitations I understand that some rejuvenation is achieved in nearly everyone, but that my results and/or complete rejuvenation and resolution of the undesirable target lesions may not occur. Results are limited by many factors including the equipment capability as well as my personal skin characteristics. My Fitzpatrick Skin Typing has been analyzed and I understand that a higher Fitzpatrick Typing increases the potential risk of the treatment. Currently, IPL Photo Rejuvenation is limited to Skin Types I – IV. Hormonal therapy and other medical conditions may affect my results. Results are cumulative and a series of treatments as well as a well planned program of skin care products are necessary to achieve maximum benefit. Actual results cannot be guaranteed. ____Initials Page 4 of 7 Side Effects and Complications Discomfort Pain and discomfort during the procedure are the most common described side effects. The pain is similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin and most individuals are able to tolerate this sensation for the short duration of the treatment. Dr. Christian may apply a topical anesthetic prior to the procedure in some individuals. I cannot have a topical anesthetic if I have a known allergy to “caine” type anesthetics such as benzocain, tetracain, xylocaine or lidocaine. Serious skin reactions and rarely death due to a severe allergy can occur. ____Initials Burning, Blistering, Scarring and Swelling The IPL device works by creating heat to destroy the target lesion and hopefully leave the normal tissues undamaged. Sometimes the target lesions take up enough light and covert it to heat that swelling or burning and then a blister will form. Tanned skin and especially recent tanning will increase the possibility of damage to the normal skin. Tattoos or permanent makeup will take up the light readily and can easily blister and we will stay away or cover these areas. Please realize that a sunburn type sensation with a little swelling is normally seen for up to a day after the treatment. This can be relieved to some extent with aloe Vera products or a mild steroid cream. If blistering develops, I will contact Dr. Christian and he will prescribe a treatment program to allow for healing of the blister which may include antibiotics. If untreated the blister may become infected with poor healing. Scarring is rare but can occur in individuals with a history of Keloid formation. In some patients there can be activation of herpes simplex (cold sores) in and around treated areas. ____Initials Bruising and Bleeding When the target tissues are blood vessels, the heat generated hopefully will cause them to go into spasm and the blood will clot and the body will then slowly absorb the blood vessel through a normal healing process. Occasionally, the blood vessel will rupture cause a small bruise which on the face will resolve in 7-10 days but on the body may take 4 weeks or longer to resolve. ____Initials Pigment Changes If a blister forms or some bruising occurs, the healing process may result in either some increased pigmentation or decreased pigmentation. This may last several months and slowly improve or may be permanent. The use of post treatment sunscreen can minimize this risk and in some cases bleaching creams may be of additional benefit. ____Initials Long Term Risk I understand that the long term risks of IPL use may not be fully known. Although considered safe and research studies have shown IPL to be useful for the Indicated conditions, Inside Outside Wellness Center and Medical Spa cannot be held responsible for any IPL risk not yet discovered or commonly known. ____Initials Page 5 of 7 3 Nd:Yag Laser Treatments of 30min duration. The 1064 Nd:Yag laser is a very useful tool to reduce the appearance of spider veins, some congenital vascular lesions and some skin tags. Much can be achieved with 3 treatments of some lesions and some will be treated with only a single treatment. If more than 3 treatments are required for some areas, there will be a 50% reduction in the cost of these treatments. I understand that all of the proceeding comments in the IPL section also apply to the Nd:Yag Laser. This is especially true of the side effects and complications. These procedures will not be followed with Javani Treatments. ____Initials 7 Diamond Microdermabrasion or Facials with Javani Interspersed between the IPL and Nd:Yag Laser treatments we will perform 7 other procedures consisting of Diamond Microdermabrasions and/or facials with the Javani Procedure. The side effects of these procedures consist only of some mild redness and a slight sunburned or windburned feeling for about 12-24 hours after the procedure. Rarely some bruising or worse irritation may occur. ____Initials Continued Consent I agree that this consent shall apply to all subsequent treatments of a similar nature. ____Initials Guarantee I understand that although every reasonable effort will be made to achieve a desirable outcome not guarantees are stated or implied, however, if you are not completely satisfied with the improvements in the health and appearance of your skin or the treatment you received, we will refund your money. Alternatively, if you wish to stop the program, we will make a partial pro rated refund. ____Initials Photographs I consent to the taking of photographs prior to and during the period of treatment to document the changes and any complications that might occur. These photographs will be the property of Dr. Christian and may be used for teaching and demonstration purposes and my identity will not be revealed at any time. ____Initials Page 6 of 7 Physican Option to Modify or Discontinue Program Dr. Christian reserves the option to modify the program at any time to achieve the best results with the technology we have available. In addition, Dr. Christian reserves the option to discontinue the program at any time he feels the client is not complying the directed skin care program or is having other procedures done at another facility which may jepordize this program. I agree to inform Dr. Christian of new medicines or any new procedures I am having performed on my skin. ____Initials I certify that I am a competent adult of at least 18 years of age. Minors (under 18 years of age) require additional consent form a parent or legal guardian. ____Initials My signature attests to the fact that I have fully read this entire consent form, that I have had any concerns answered to my satisfaction, that I understand the information contained within, and accept the risks inherent in IPL and Nd:Yag laser treatments. ____Initials I hereby consent to proceed with the Inside Outside “Extreme Makeover” Program. Date: _______________ Signed: ___________________________ Printed Name: _________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian: ______________________________ Page 7 of 7