
Cache County
Milk Shake Dairy
Soil name and description
Symbol |
| Parleys silt loam,0 to 3 percent slopes
| It is used for irrigated and nonirrigated crops of
| alfalfa and wheat-fallow in rotation. The hazard to
| erosion is slight to moderate. Conservation tillage
| and irrigation water management are recommended.
| is a very deep, well drained soil on medium and high
| lake terraces. It has a silt loam surface layer about 8
| inches thick. Below this is a moderately slowly
| permeable clay loam subsoil about 23 inches thick. The
| substratum is silt loam to a depth of 60 inches or
| more. The available water holding capacity is 10 to 12
| inches to a depth of 5 feet. A layer of lime
| accumulation occurs at a depth of about 31 inches. A
| detailed description of this map unit is on 65 of the
| soil survey of Cache Valley Area, Utah.
| Timpanogos silt loam,3 to 6 percent slopes
| It is used for irrigated and nonirrigated crops of
| alfalfa and wheat-fallow in rotation. The hazard to
| erosion is slight to moderate. Conservation tillage
| and irrigation water management are recommended.
| is a very deep, well drained soil on lake terraces. It
| has a silt loam surface layer about 9 inches thick.
| Below this is a moderately permeable loamy subsoil to a
| depth of 60 inches or more. Available water holding
| capacity is 10 to 12 inches to a depth of 5 feet. A
| layer of lime accumulation occurs at a depth of about
| 13 inches. A detailed description of this soil is on
| pages 85 and 86 of the soil survey of the Cache Valley
| Area, Utah.
Soil name and description
Symbol |
| Parlo silt loam,0 to 3 percent slopes
| PARLO SILT LOAM, 0 TO 3 PERCENT SLOPES is a very deep,
| well drained soil on medium and high lake terraces. It
| has a silt loam surface layer about 11 inches thick.
| Below this is a moderately permeable silty clay loam
| subsoil about 20 inches thick. The upper substratum is
| loam about 9 inches thick. The lower substratum is
| very gravelly loamy sand to a depth of 60 inches or
| more. The available water holding capacity is 6 to 8
| inches to a depth of 5 feet. A layer of lime
| accumulation occurs at a depth of about 21 inches. A
| detailed description of this map unit is on page 66 of
| the soil survey of Cache Valley Area, Utah.
| Ricks gravelly loam,0 to 3 percent slopes
| It is used mostly for nonirrigated crops of alfalfa and
| small grain-fallow in rotation. The hazard of erosion
| is slight to moderate, conservation tillage and residue
| management practices are needed. Where irrigated, water
| management is essential. Wear on tillage equipment is
| accelerated because of the gravel.
| is a very deep, somewhat excessively drained soil on
| medium and high lake terraces. It has a gravelly loam
| surface layer about 9 inches thick. Below this is a
| moderately rapid permeable gravelly loam and gravelly
| sandy loam subsoil about 9 inches thick. The
| substratum is very gravelly sand and very cobbly sand
| to a depth of 60 inches or more. Available water
| holding capacity is 3 to 4 inches to a depth of 5 feet.
| A layer of lime accumulation occurs at a depth of
| about 18 inches. A detailed description of this map
| unit is on page 73 and 74 of the soil survey of the
| Cache Valley Area, Utah.