JOIN TODAY Complete this simple application to start your membership. Payroll deduction makes it even easier! Name: ________________________ School / Dept.:__________________ Position: Social Security #: _____ - ___ - _____ Email: ______________________@CCISD.US CHECK ONE: _____ I authorize the CCISD Payroll Department to deduct $11 CCPSA dues per pay period. _____ I am paying my dues in full for the school year. Signature and Date Who encouraged you to join CCPSA? RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: ANGIE FLORES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 2009-2010 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OfFICERS DONNA ADAMS, President Director, Certified Personnel Administration Building ALBERT MARTINEZ, President-Elect Director, Technology Support Services Technology Service Center JOSIE ALVAREZ, Vice-President Principal, Mireles Elementary SUKHBIR SINGH, Treasurer Math Coach, Secondary Curriculum Coles HS & Education Center PAMELA WRIGHT, Secretary Principal, Schanen Estates Elementary STEVE BARRERA, Parliamentarian Principal, Haas Middle School SECONDARY REPRESENTATIVES ANGELA PORTIS-WOODSON Principal, Wynn Seale Academy DOUG CROSS Assistant Principal, King High School ELEMENTARY REPRESENTATIVES DEBORAH SCATES Principal, Casa Linda Elementary CYNTHIA WILSON-FERRIS Principal, Menger Elementary LOY ALDAPE Assistant Principal, Travis Elementary SUPERVISOR REPRESENTATIVES ANGIE FLORES Coordinator, Mentoring Services Administration Building KIRBY WARNKE Captain, Security Services Sunbelt Corpus Christi Principals and Supervisors Association P.O. Box 6976 Corpus Christi, TX 78466 CCPSA Empowering Communication, Collaboration and Commitment Representing and Supporting Corpus Christi Independent School District’s Leaders CORPUS CHRISTI PRINCIPALS AND SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION Terri Alaniz, Executive Director Home 992-6910 Cell 548-1877 Email: WHY CCPSA? The Corpus Christi Principals and Supervisors Association strives to promote networking and collegiality among its members to support the welfare of Corpus Christi ISD students. All administrative employees, through the director level, are eligible for membership. No other organization provides the type of representation and service that CCPSA offers to its members, including: Local Voice. CCPSA is the only organization “on the ground” in Corpus Christi to voice administrators’ concerns about salaries, policies, and other issues of interest. Representation. CCPSA represents individuals in grievances and complaint processes. Representation is just a phone call or email away. Vision. CCPSA leaders plan annually to address issues of interest and concern to members. Knowledge and Experience. CCPSA is staffed with the knowledge and experience to address your concerns. Legal Representation/Counsel. CCPSA has an attorney on retainer for legal representation. Call Terri Alaniz at 992-6910 for more information. ANNUAL JAN POWERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP CCPSA sponsors an annual scholarship for graduating seniors planning to pursue a career in education. Honoring Jan Powers, a long-time and much-loved CCISD administrator and former CCPSA president, this scholarship is a fitting legacy for a woman who represented our ranks with passion and commitment to children. ANNUAL EVENTS COMMUNICATION Winter Breakfast. Immediately following the Winter Break in January, CCPSA members start the year off right! Retirement Reception. Retirees each year are honored at a reception in late May. New officers are installed, as well. Additional events, professional development opportunities, and membership meetings will be scheduled during the year. KEY… CCPSA works hard to keep members “in the know,” and to communicate Association issues to key decision makers. Members are kept up to date via: Website Legal and professional development updates. E-mail. Informational email messages from CCPSA President or CCPSA Executive Director sent to membership on a regular basis. Have a question. Call Terri Alaniz at 9926910. Presence at Board Meetings. CCPSA represents Association members at CCISD Board meetings and other District events. CCPSA brings members together throughout the year for networking and professional development. These annual events include: Fall Back to School Luncheon. All CCISD administrators/supervisors are invited to greet one another at this special event. Potential members are welcome. IS