Syllabus 2010/11 C. Brown/ Chemistry Draft Date: 02SEP10 Syllabus from week 1 to week 36 1 Timeline: ............................................................................................................................. 2 Syllabus ............................................................................................................................... 3 Standards Pacing Guide .................................................................................................... 23 Science Grading Policy ..................................................................................................... 30 Class Rules in Chemistry .................................................................................................. 32 Seating Plan ...................................................................................................................... 34 Required Materials that Each Student Must Have ............................................................ 36 T Rubric for Writing Assignments ................................................................................... 37 T Rubric for Lab Reports .................................................................................................. 38 Rubric for “Design Your Own” Labs ............................................................................... 40 Rubric for Presentations .................................................................................................... 43 Makeup Work Request Form ............................................................................................ 44 Timeline: Lapsed Time: 3 weeks Time required: 3- weeks Chapters1: 1 & 2 Matter and Change and the Scientific Method Lapsed Time: 10 weeks 1-weeks Lapsed Time: 11 weeks Time required: 1- weeks Chapter 25 Chapter 6 Periodicity Lapsed Time: 20 weeks Time required: 1- week 10 Chemical Quantities Nuclear Chemistry 4.5 weeks 1.5- weeks 8 weeks 3.5 --weeks 3 Scientific Measurement 9 1 week 4&5 Atomic Structure and Electrons in Atoms Review/Assess 1 Standards for chapters 15 13.5 weeks 14.5weeks 16 weeks 17 weeks 18 weeks 19 weeks 2.5- weeks 1`-week 1.5 -week 22 1-week 1-week 1-week 7&8 9 Chemical Composition & Ionic & Covalent Bonding Chemical Names and Formulas 23 Hydrocarbon Compounds Chapters: 24 Functional Groups and Organic Reactions The Chemistry of Life (Biological Chemistry) 21 weeks 22.5 weeks 24 weeks 25.5 weeks 27 weeks 28 weeks 30 weeks 1- week 1.5-weeks 1.5-week 1.5- weeks 1.5weeks 1 week 2-weeks 11 Chemical Reactions 12 Stoichiometry 20 Redox Reactions 16 Solutions Review/Assess 3 Standards for Chapters 112; 15 & 16; 20, 2225 Chapters: 19 Acids, Bases and Salts Lapsed Time: 31 weeks Time required: 1- weeks Chapters: 13 States of Matter 15 Water and Aqueous Systems 32 weeks 33-weeks 34-weeks 35 weeks 1- week 1-week 1-week 1- week 14 The Behavior of Gases Chapter 17 Thermochemistry 18 Reaction Rates and Equilibrium Review for CST Standards for Chapters 120, 2225 1 Chemistry California Edition Wilbraham Pearson Prentice Hall 0132013053 2 Review/Asses s2 Standards for Chapters 19; 2225 Lapsed Time: 36 weeks Time required: 1- weeks Chapters: 21 Electrochemistry Syllabus Week Orientation Objectives Assessment of reading, writing and mathematics skills Homework Laboratory Phase Change Lab Video (boiling) How to do Journal Writing Binder: Chemistry section for journal entries, labs, class-work and homework sheets, projects KWL: What did I know before yesterday; What did I learn yesterday; what will I learn by reviewing or redoing the work I did yesterday How to organize a binder for chemistry Seating Assignments What is air made of? 1 2 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Summary: Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 Safety slide show, quiz and contract Select careers in chemistry and conduct investigations Resume En Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Physical vs. Chemical change (Demonstrate combustion) States of matter (solid, liquid, gas) Chapter 1 Safety Activity Doing labs and worksheets Roll-out project Reading the text book HW1 (cont) Science Progress Chart Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Practice Problems and Vocabulary Review HW1 Section Review 1.3 Section Review 1.4 Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions INTERPRETING GRAPHICS 3 PreLab1 Observing and Inferring Making Observations of Matter and key Safety Slide Show Chemistry Lab Safety_read only Chem Lab Safety Contract Lab1 Observing and Inferring CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES— Laboratory Practical and Record sheet Project: Careers in Chemistry: Initial Investigations Documentation (50) Research Specific Jobs and Careers and Government Organizations that hire Chemists PreLab1 SMALL-SCALE LAB: Laboratory Safety QUICK LAB: Quiz Formative As #5: Formative As Formative As Journal Entrie Quiz 1 Chapter Test Quiz 1A, 1B, Chapter Test Chapter 1 Qu Safety Quiz 1 Week 3 Objectives Homework Section Review 1.1 Section Review 1.2 Chapter 2 Second Safety Quiz Review a sample lab report Project: Select one career and write a current event report involving that career Extra Credit: Do first worksheet What is Mass What is Volume What is Density Density (water and solid, temperature of liquid, g/mL) Mass (triple beam balance, grams) Volume (graduated cylinder, cm3, mL)) Mixtures vs. Pure Substances (compounds and elements) Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Mixtures Percent Composition of a Mixture Physical vs. Chemical change (Demonstrate Evaporation) Extensive Properties vs. Intensive Properties Conservation of Mass Conservation of Energy Qualitative vs. Quantitative Observations Chapter 2 Summary: Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review HW2 Resume en Espanol Study Guide Power Point Science Progress Chart Percent Composition Significant Figures (rules and calculations) Mixture vs. Compound Qualitative vs. Quantitative Observations Hypotheses, Tests, Models Read Rubrics for Lab Reports and Writing Assignments and Sample Lab Report Section Review 2.1 Section Review 2.2 Section Review 2.3 Section Review 2.4 Laboratory Bubbles! Safety Lab Project: Careers in Chemistry: Review Assignment and Starting Points and set up PowerPoint files PreLab2 CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Measure Mass of Sugar in Gum (Percent Composition of a Mixture) Filtration, Sedimentation, Evaporation, Dissolving and Magnetism (Separating Known Mixtures) Review a sample lab report Physical and Chemical Change Observing a chemical reaction Mixtures-quick lab Lab2 SMALL-SCALE LAB: 1 + 2 + 3 =BLACK! Physical and Chemical Change Observing a Chemical Reaction SSLM: Lab-2—A Study of Chemical Changes Separating salt from a Mixture_Lab Practical— postpone until after chemical equations have been discussed Project: Careers in Chemistry: Career Choice (10) and Current Event (20): Make contacts with a Chemist in an organization 4 Quiz Quiz2 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Chapter 2 Quiz Mass Volume Density Chemist Chemica Matter Solid Liquid Gas Tempera Safety Quiz 2 Worksheet for Ext Chapter 2 Matter a Week Objectives Homework 4 Chapter 3 Safety—read chemical lab and small scale lab safety sheets and sign second safety contract Evaluate each student’s lab skills Project: students contact people in their career choice field and write first draft of report. Extra Credit-Do second extra credit worksheet Differentiated Instruction: For those students who can not do the project because of IEP status, the alternative will be to build a balance and weights SI Base Units (length, mass, time, temperature, amount of substance, electric current, luminous intensity) SI Prefixes (mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro, pico) Derived SI Units (area, volume, density, molar mass, molar volume, energy) Scientific Notation Accuracy and Precision (percentage error, plus and minus notation) Rules for Rounding Numbers Significant Figures (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) Resume en Espanol HW3 Study Guide Power Point Science Progress Chart Section Review 3.1 Section Review 3.2 Section Review 3.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Laboratory and schedule a visit/ phone call or e-mail in order to conduct an interview. Develop interview questions. Prelab3 Basic Measurement and Density-Lab Practical and record sheet Measure and Calculate Volumes of Solids and the percentage error Mass and Significant Figures (0.001 g sensitivity balance vs. 0.1 g sensitivity balance) Volume and Significant Figures Densities and Electrical Conductivities of various saline solutions Accuracy and Precision (PHSE p. 72) Exploring Density (PHSE p. 62) Dimensional Analysis (PHSE p. 86) Mass, Volume and Density Small Scale lab Safety—read only Second Safety Contract Lab 3 5 Mass, Volume and Density Determination of the mass of salt in an unknown saline solution (Direct Proportionality) Determination of pressure vs. volume of air at room temperature (Inverse Proportionality Determination of the percentage of water in popcorn kernels (Accuracy Quiz Quiz 3 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Lab Skills Evaluat p. 3 Percent C Conserv Mass an Homoge Heteroge Mixtures Filtration Sedimen Evapora Dissolvi Magneti Extensiv Intensive Hypothe Models Worksheet for Ext Chapter 3 Scientif Measurement Week Objectives Homework 5 Chapter 3 (cont.) Safety: read techniques for using small scale equipment Project: Continue interviewing an adult in the chemistry-related field and submit second draft of report Conversion Factors Dimensional Analysis Direct Proportionality Inverse Proportionality Chapter 3 Sample Problems Chapter 3 Summary: Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 HW3 (cont) Section Review 3.4 Chapter 4 Conservation of Mass Law of Definite Proportions Law of Multiple Proportions Elements (symbols, names and types) Electrons Periodic Table (Groups and Periods, metals, nonmetals and metalloids) Resume en Espanol HW 4 Study Guide Power Point 6 Review Worksheet 1.1 Review Worksheet 2 Review Worksheet 2.2 Section Review 1.3 Percent Error Worksheet SR 3.1 Worksheet SR 3.2 Worksheet SR 3.3 Section Review 3.3 Science Progress Chart The Atom Section Review 4.1 Laboratory and Precision) SSLM: Lab 5Massing Activities for a Small Scale Balance—D.I. SSLM: Lab 3 – Design and Construction of a Small Scale Balance—D.I. Project: Careers in Chemistry: First Draft of Project Report--Thorough Answers for all questions (40) : Conduct interviews with a Chemist Lab 3 (cont) Science Materials Request for week 7 SSLM: Lab 4—Design and Construction of a set of standardized weights SSLM: Now What Do I Do? PreLab4 Safety-Techniques for Using Small Scale Equipment read only Van Der Graaf generator and Wimshurst Machine (existence of electrons) Using Inference: the Black Box (SE p. 107) SSLM: Lab 6-Isotopes and Atomic Mass Lab 4 Direct and Inverse Proportionality: Mass and Volume of water, and: Pressure and Volume of air The Atomic Mass of “Candium” (PHSE p. 120) Project: Careers in Chemistry: Second Draft of Project Report: Interview (40) : Conduct interviews with a Chemist Quiz Quiz 3 (cont) Chapter 3 Quiz SI Base SI Prefix Derived percenta Significa Convers Dimensi Analysis Direct Proporti Inverse Proporti Scientifi Week 6 Objectives Chapter 4 (cont) Safety: Students sign third safety contract Project: students prepare audiovisual presentation Extra Credit: Do third worksheet CBL: Do two virtual chemistry labs (VCL) 5-principles of Dalton’s Theory of the atom Mass Number Average atomic masses Mole: the quantity one mole is set by Homework HW4 (cont) Section Review 4.2 Section Review 4.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Vocabulary Review defining one mole of carbon 12 atoms to have a mass of exactly 12 grams. Avogadro’s Number, Molar Mass The atom (electrons, nucleus, size of the atom, protons (Rutherford’s Experiment), neutrons and isotopes) the nucleus of the atom is much smaller than the atom yet contains most of its mass. Scientific Method Hypotheses, Tests, Models and Theories chemical processes can either release (exothermic) or absorb (endothermic) thermal energy. Draw a Periodic Table (include symbols, full element name, group number and period number, and differentiate between metals, nonmetals, metalloids and noble gases using colors) Worksheet SR 4.1 Worksheet SR 4.2 Worksheet SR 4.3 Laboratory Lab 4 (cont) Thompson Cathode Ray Tube Experiment (VCL Lab 4) Millikan Oil Drop Experiment (VCL Lab 5) Modeling Atomic Structure—Lab Practical and record Atomic Structure: Rutherford Experiment (VCL Lab 6) Third Safety Contract Project: Careers in Chemistry: Presentation (100) Conservation of Mass (CH3COOH + NaHCO3 CO2 + Na(CH3COO) + H2O) Definite proportions B-vary the proportion of two substances and measure the amount of heat given off (react NaOCl (aq) and Na2S2O3 (aq)) 7 Chapter 5 Projects: Roll out the Forensics and Applied Sciences project (2-weeks) and prepare for the Photoluminescence project (2weeks) 7 HW5 Science Progress Chart Section Review 5.1 Electrical Conductivity of various elements Elements Bingo What’s in the box or can? (Making a model of an unknown object by inference) Isotopes Puzzle: Determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons for a given isotope. PreLab5 Observing Light Emission From Wintergreen Mints (PHSE p. 126) SL: Atomic Quiz Quiz 4 (Cont) Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Chapter4 Quiz Conserv Mass Law of D Proporti Law of M Proporti Element names an Electron Periodic (Groups metals, n and meta Element names an Worksheet for Ext Chapter 4 Atomic 5-princip Dalton’s the atom Mass Nu Average masses Mole, A Number, Mass Isotopes Quiz 5 Review Quiz 5A, 5 Scientifi Hypothe Models a Week 8 Objectives Skills Workshop: Hypothesis, Inference and Prediction Electromagnetic Radiation Wavelength Frequency Photon c= E=h Light behaves as a wave and also as a mass-less particle. Electrons are particles with mass that also behave as waves. The photoelectric effect The Bohr Model of the hydrogen atom Energy levels and quantum Absorption vs. Emission Chapter 4 Summary: Section 4.1 Show segment from the DVD “What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole” on waves and particle behavior. Observe absorption spectra of incandescent bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, neon and carbon dioxide (line-emission vs. continuous spectrum) Lesson Plans o 5.1 o 5.2 o 5.3 Homework Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Chapter 5 (cont) ultraviolet light is a form of electromagnetic radiation to associate a wavelength and a frequency to each color to calculate the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation of a given wavelength or frequency to understand why some materials show photoluminescence and others do not\ Electron Configurations (rules—the Aufbau Principle, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule) Orbital Notation Electron-Configuration Notation HW 5 (cont) Section Review 5.2 Section Review 5.3 Practice Problems Interpreting Graphics 8 and Vocabulary Review Holt Scilinks Topic: Electromagnetic Spectrum SciLinks code: HC60482 Topic: Photoelectric Effect SciLinks code: HC61138 Topic: William Ramsay SciLinks code: HC61666 Laboratory Emission Spectra (PHSE p. 137) Lab5 SSLM: Lab 7— Design and Construction of a Quantitative Spectroscope SSLM: Lab 8— Visible Spectra and the Nature of Light and Color VCL Lab 7: Atomic Emission Spectra VCL Lab 8: The Photoelectric Effect VCL Lab 9: Diffraction Experiments VCL Lab 10: Electronic State Energy Levels Projects: Photoluminescence and Forensics Worksheet 4.4-1 Worksheet 4.4-2 Worksheet 4.4-3 Worksheet 4.4-4 Worksheet 4.4-5 Read Rubric for Design Your Own Labs Read Rubric for Presentations PROJECT: SELECT A TEST DESIGN FOR YOUR PROJECT ON PHOTOLUMINESCENCE (see Worksheet 4.4-5) PreLab5 (cont) Flame Tests (PHSE p. 142) Quiz Electrom Radiatio Wavelen Frequen Photon c= E=h Light be wave an mass-les Electron particles that also waves. The pho effect The Boh the hydr Energy l quantum Absorpti Emission Quiz 5 (cont) Chapter Test A Lab5 (cont) Chapter Test B Lab Practical 5-1: Flame Tests and record LM: Lab 6— Flame Test for Metals LM: Lab 7— Energies of Electrons Chapter5 Quiz Week Objectives Noble-Gas Notation Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans o 5.3b Homework Fall MidTerm: Review chapters 15 Standards 1. None 2. None 3. None 4. None 5. None 6. None 7. None 8. None 9. None 10. None 11. None 12. I&E: a, b, c, d, f Study Guide_Chapter 1 Laboratory VCL Lab 1: Flame Tests for Metals LM: Lab 8— Introduction to the Spectrophotometer Lab Practical 5-2: Spectroscopy with a Spectrophotometer Quiz 9 Study Guide_Chapter 2 Study Guide_Chapter 3 Study Guide_Chapter 4 Study Guide_Chapter 5 Lab Skills Evaluation-chart on p. 3 Assessment--Student demonstrates safety handling equipment measurement of mass of liquid and solid measurement of volume of liquid and solid ability to focus on results during conclusion Distinguish 10 Chapter 6 Standards 1.a; 1.b, 1.c, and 1.d The Periodic Table: Periodicity of Properties Periodic Trends trends in ionization HW 6 energy, electronegativity Valence Electrons 9 Section Review 6.1 Section Review 6.2 Section Review between hypothesis and theory as scientific terms Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence Identify possible reasons for inconsistent results, such as sources of error or uncontrolled conditions. Select and use appropriate tools and technology Identify and communicate sources of unavoidable experimental error. PreLab6 Density and the Periodic Tableand Solubility and the Periodic Table_and record MidTerm-Fall Sem Exam Edusoft Hypothe Inferenc Predictio Workshe Workshe Workshe Electrom Radiatio Wavelen Frequen Photon c= E=h Light be wave an mass-les Electron particles that also waves. The pho effect The Boh the hydr Energy l quantum Absorpti Emission Quiz 6 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Week Objectives the relative sizes of ions and atoms. relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its atomic number and atomic mass. to understand how photoluminescence is useful in industry, medicine, and detection. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle The Schrodinger Wave Equation Atomic Orbitals Quantum Numbers (n, l, m and spin) Orbitals vs. Sublevels Orbital letters (s, p, d, f) Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans 6.1 6.2 6.3 Homework 6.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Assessment Review 1a, 1b and 1c Laboratory sheets _lab practical Elements Bingo Periodic Properties A Periodic Table Logic Problem_SSLM 9 Observe voltage of solar cell The wave Nature of Light: Interference Worksheet 4.4-1 Worksheet 4.4-2 Worksheet 4.4-3 Worksheet 4.4-4 Lab 6 11 Chapter 25 Standards 1.e, 11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 11.d, 11.e, The nucleus Radioactive decay Nuclear radiation Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Field Trip to LBL Lesson Plans 25.1 25.2 25.3 HW 25 Section Review 25.1 Section Review 25.2 Section Review 25.3 Section Review 25.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Lab 25 Vocabulary Review 10 Periodic Properties_Lab 9 Periodic Trends in Ionic Radii_quick lab (SE p. 175) Periodicity in Three Dimensions_Small Lab Black Light Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Simulation of nuclear decay using paper and pennies (new text p. 708) DEMO: Radioactivity (A26), use probeware The Schrodinger Operator—Rules that relate atomic number (i.e., the number of electrons) and quantum number signature Orbital letters and quantum number signature Radioactivity and Half-Lives_SSLM p. 809 Half-Lives and Reaction Quiz Chapter6 Quiz Quantum (n, l, m a Orbitals Sublevel Orbital l d, f) Electron Configu (rules— Principle Exclusio Hund’s r Orbital N Electron Configu Notation Noble-G Periodic trends in energy, electrone Valence the relati ions and relate the an eleme periodic atomic n atomic m Quiz 25 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Quiz 25 (cont) Chapter25 Quiz The nucl Radioac Nuclear Nuclear nuclear f Atomic O Week Objectives Homework Laboratory Rate_SLM41 Studying Inverse Square Relationships_Qui ck Lab Radioactivity and Radiation and pre-assesment Quiz Lab 7 Conductivity as an Indicator of Bond Type (B7) Chapter Test A 12 Chapter 7 Chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds Electronegativity and bonding types Molecule and molecular formula Potential energy, bond length, bond energy Octet rule Lewis structures: steps to making Lewis structures: single, double, triple bonding Resonance structuresChemical formula: molecular compounds vs. ionic compounds Crystals: arrangement of ions, lattice energy Properties of ionic compounds and molecular compounds Metallic Bonding Intermolecular Forces: dipoles, hydrogen bonding, London dispersion forces Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans 7.1 7.2 7.3 13 Chapter 8 Chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds Electronegativity and bonding types Molecule and molecular formula Potential energy, bond length, bond energy Octet rule Lewis structures: steps to making Lewis structures: single, double, triple bonding Resonance structures Chemical formula: molecular compounds vs. ionic compounds Crystals: arrangement of ions, lattice energy Properties of ionic compounds and molecular compounds Polyatomic ions: Lewis structures of… 11 HW 7 Section Review 7.1 Section Review 7.2 Section Review 7.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Chapter Test B Chapter7 Quiz Solutions Containing Ions (Quick Lab p, 199) Analysis of Anions and Cations_SSL p.200 Ionic and Metallic Bonding_Small Scale Lab Electron Configurations of Atoms and Ions Crystal Structures and preassessment_Lab 10 Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds_VCL Lab 2 HW 8 Section Review 8.1 Section Review 8.2 Section Review 8.3 Section Review 8.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Lab 8 Quiz 8 Bonding Game 1 Chapter Test A Strengths of Covalent Bonds_Quick Lab Chapter Test B Chapter8 Quiz Molecular Models_LM11 Paper Chromatography_SSLM 11 Model Building and empirical Formula of a hydrated compound_lab practical Observing evidence of polarity (balloons and water)__DEMO Week 14 15 16 17 Objectives Metallic Bonding Intermolecular Forces: dipoles, hydrogen bonding, London dispersion forces Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint and Alternate Power Point Lesson Plans 8.1 8.2 8.3/8.4 See Chapter 8 above Chapter 9 Molecular vs. empirical formulas Binary Ionic compounds: determine formulas from ions, naming of Binary Molecular Formulas: determine formulas using prefixes, writing formulas from names Monatomic ad polyatomic ions Polyatomic ions: Lewis structures of… Oxidation Numbers: assigning Molar mass from a chemical formula Converting between mass and moles using molar mass Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Chapter 22 Abundance and Importance of Carbon Organic Compounds Saturated Hydrocarbons Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans o 22.1 o 22.2 o 22.3 o 22.4 o 22.5 Chapter 23 12 Homework Laboratory Quiz HW 9 Lab 9 Quiz 9 Chapter Test A Section Review 9.1 Section Review 9.2 Section Review 9.3 Section Review 9.4 Section Review 9.5 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and The ion name game and tables of ions Names and Formulas for Ionic Compounds_SL Chapter Test B Chapter9 Quiz Chemical Names and Formulas_SSLM 12 Making Ionic Compounds_Quick Lab Nomenclature Lab Practical 9-1 and record Vocabulary Review HW 22 Section Review 22.1 Section Review 22.2 Section Review 22.3 Section Review 22.4 Section Review 22.5 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Lab 22 Carbon Alkanes and Alkenes: Modeling Quiz 22 Chapter Test A Structural Isomers of heptane_Quick Lab Chapter22 Quiz Chapter Test B Molecular Structure of hydrocarbons_SSLM37 Hydrocarbons: A Structural Study_LM 49 Model Building with Organic Compounds_LP221 Vocabulary Review Lab 22: Alkanes and Alkenes (modeling) HW 23 Lab 23 Quiz 23 Week Objectives Functional Groups and Classes of Organic Compounds More Classes of Organic Compounds Organic Reactions Polymers Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Homework Section Review 23.1 Section Review 23.2 Section Review 23.3 Section Review 23.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Laboratory All Fats are not Equal Casein Glue Quiz Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Esters of Carboxylic Acid_LM50 Chapter23 Quiz Acid catalyzed Iodination of acetone (exp. 21-1, p. 884) Testing for an Aldehyde_Quick Lab Vitamin C in Drinks_SSLM39 Vitamin C in Tablets: SSLM38 Esters of Carboxylic Acid_LP23-1 Polymers SL p.753 18 19 Chapter 24 Cells and Photosynthesis Carbohydrates Amino Acids and their Polymers Lipids Nucleic Acids Metabolism Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 HW 24 Section Review 24.1 Section Review 24.2 Section Review 24.3 Section Review 24.4 Section Review 24.5 Section Review 24.6 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Benchmark Assessment Fall Study Guide_Chapter 1 Vocabulary Review Lab 24 Quiz 24 Demonstration: Denaturing egg white (new text p. 765) Chapter Test A Chapter Test B The Egg: A biochemical storehouse_SSL p. 774 Chapter24 Quiz Preparation of Soap_LM51 Reactions of Biomolecules_SSLM40 A Model of DNA_QL Testing for Simple Sugars Casein Glue Study Guide_Chapter 2 Review chapters 19; 2225 Standards 1. a, b, c ,d, e, f, g, h, i, j 2. a,b,c,d e,f, g, h 3. None 4. None 5. None 6. None 7. None 8. None 9. None 10. a,b,c,d,e,f 11. a,b,c,d,e,f,g I&E: a, g d, Study Guide_Chapter 3 Study Guide_Chapter 4 Study Guide_Chapter 5 Study Guide_Chapter 6 Study Guide_Chapter 7 Study Guide_Chapter 8 Study Guide_Chapter 9 13 Lab Skills Evaluation-chart on p. 3 Assessment--Student demonstrates safety handling equipment measurement of mass of liquid and solid measurement of volume of liquid and solid ability to focus on results during conclusion Distinguish Alternative Final-F Semester Final-Fall Semeste Exam Edusoft Week Objectives Homework Laboratory Study Guide_Chapter 22 Study Guide_Chapter 23 Study Guide_Chapter 24 Study Guide_Chapter 25 20 Chapter 10 Calculations with moles, Avogadro’s number and average atomic mass Pressure: def.’n; units, STP Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Lesson Plans 10.1 10.2 10.3 HW 10 Section Review 10.1 Section Review 10.2 Section Review 10.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Quiz between hypothesis and theory as scientific terms Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence Identify possible reasons for inconsistent results, such as sources of error or uncontrolled conditions. Select and use appropriate tools and technology Identify and communicate sources of unavoidable experimental error. Lab 10 Empirical Formula Determination LM13 Percent Composition_Quick Lab10.3 Quiz 10 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Chapter10 Quiz Measuring Mass a Means of Counting_SSLM13 Empirical Formulas_LP10-1 Counting by Measuring Mass SL10.2 21 Chapter 11 Chemical Reactions: observations of, equations describing (word, formula and balanced chemical) Types of chemical reactions Activity Series Complete & Net Ionic Equations Resume en Espanol Study Guide Power Point and Alternate PowerPoint Lesson Plans 11.1 11.2 11.3 HW 11 Section Review 11.1 Section Review 11.2 Section Review 11.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Lab 11 Precipitation Reactions: Formation of Solids SL-11.3 Types of Chemical Reactions LM14 Reactivity of Metals LM15 Identification of Anions and Cations in Solutions LM16 Precipitation Reactions LM17 Qualitative Analysis LM18 14 Quiz 11 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Chapter11 Quiz Week Objectives Homework Laboratory Quiz Removing Silver Tarnish_Quick Lab11.1 (p. 326) Chemical Equations_SSLM14 Balancing Chemical Equations_SSLM15 Titration of Bleach_SSLM16 Halogen Ions in Solution_SSLM17 Reactivity of Metals_LP11-1 Identification of Anions in Solution_LP11-2 Precipitation Reactions_LP11-3 Reaction Types_LP11-4 22.5 Chapter 12 Stoichiometry Mole ratio Finding unknown amounts and masses of reactants or products Limiting Reactants Theoretical and Actual Yield Percent Yield Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint HW 12 Section Review 12.1 Section Review 12.2 Section Review 12.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Lab 12 Vocabulary Review Limiting Reagents_Quick Lab12.3 (p. 372) Quiz 12 Chapter Test A Analysis of Baking Soda SL-12.2 Chapter Test B Quantitative Analysis LM19 Chapter12 Quiz Balanced Chemical Equations LM20 Titrations: Determining How Much Acid is in a Solution_SSLM18 Mass Titrations: Measuring Molar Concentrations_ SSLM19 Stoichiometry in a reaction_LP12-1 Limiting Reagent_LP12-2 24 Chapter 20 OILRIG HW 20 Section Review 20.1 15 Lab 20 Quiz 20 Chapter Test A Week Objectives Oxidation Numbers Balancing REDOX Equations Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint Homework Section Review 20.2 Section Review 20.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Laboratory Half-Reactions SL-20.3 Quiz Chapter Test B Oxidation-Reduction Reactions LM46 Chapter20 Quiz Corrosion LM47 Bleach It! Oxidize the Color Away _Quick Lab20.3 (p. 653) Determination of an Activity Series_SSLM34 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions _ SSLM35 Reduction of manganese in permanganate ion (exp. 19, p. 652, new text, Modern Chem) Rust Race (inq. Exp., sect. 1, Ch. 19 new ext Modern Chem) Redox Reactions (sect. 3, new text, Modern Chem 25.5 Chapter 15 Water properties Solvent, solute, solution process Electrolytes and nonelectrolytes hydrates Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint HW 15 Section Review 15.1 Section Review 15.2 Section Review 15.3 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions and Lab 15 Vocabulary Review Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes LM29 Electrolytes SL-15.2 Chapter Test B Distillation LM26 Chapter15 Quiz The Solvent Properties of Water LM27 Water of Hydration LM28 Surfactants _Quick Lab15.1 (p. 448) Reactions of Aqueous Ionic Compounds_SSLM22 Identification of Eight Unknown Solutions _ SSLM23 Electrolytes SSLM24 Hard and Soft Water SSLM25 Water and Aqueous 16 Quiz 15 Chapter Test A Week Objectives Homework Laboratory Systems_LP15-1 Quiz 27 Chapter 16 solution process, solubility, factors affecting solubility, solutions and colloids Concentrations of solutions, molarity, molality, ppm, ppb Dilution %(v/v) and % (w/w) Colligative properties, phase diagrams, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint and Alternate Power Point HW 16 Section Review 16.1 Section Review 16.2 Section Review 16.3 Section Review 16.4 Lab 16 Quiz 16 Chapter Test A Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Making aSolution SL-16.4 Chapter Test B Factors Affecting Solution Formation LM30 Chapter16 Quiz Supersaturation LM31 Introduction to Chromatography LM32 Freezing Point LM33 Solutions and Colloids _Quick Lab16.3 (p. 489) Solubility Rules_SSLM26 Chromatography LP16-1 28 Spring MidTerm: Review chapters 112; 15 & 16; 20, Study Guide_Chapter 2 2225 Study Guide_Chapter 1 Standards 1. a, b, c ,d, e, f, g, h, i, j 2. a,b,c,d e,f, g, h 3. a,b,c,d,e,f,g 4. None 5. None 6. a,b,c,d,e,f 7. None 8. None 9. None 10. a,b,c,d,e,f 11. a,b,c,d,e,f,g I&E: a, g d, Study Guide_Chapter 3 Study Guide_Chapter 4 Study Guide_Chapter 5 Study Guide_Chapter 6 Study Guide_Chapter 7 Study Guide_Chapter 8 Study Guide_Chapter 9 Lab Skills Evaluation-chart on p. 3 Assessment--Student demonstrates safety handling equipment measurement of mass of liquid and solid measurement of volume of liquid and solid ability to focus on results during conclusion Distinguish Study Guide_Chapter 10 Study Guide_Chapter 11 Study Guide_Chapter 12 Study Guide_Chapter 15 Study Guide_Chapter 16 Study Guide_Chapter 20 Study Guide_Chapter 22 Study Guide_Chapter 23 Study Guide_Chapter 24 17 between hypothesis and theory as scientific terms Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence Identify possible reasons for inconsistent results, such as sources of error or uncontrolled conditions. Select and use appropriate tools and technology Identify and communicate MidTerm-Spring S Exam Edusoft Week Objectives Homework Laboratory Study Guide_Chapter 25 30 Chapter 19 Properties of Acids and Bases Acid-Base Theories Acid-Base Reactions Strengths of acids and bases Neutralization reactions Salts in solution, buffers Aqueous solutions and the concept of pH Determining pH and Titration Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint and Alternate Power Point Quiz sources of unavoidable experimental error. HW 19 Section Review 19.1 Section Review 19.2 Section Review 19.3 Section Review 19.4 Section Review 19.5 Lab 16 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Reactions of Acids LM41 Quiz 19 Chapter Test A Ionization Constants of Weak Acids SL-19.4 Chapter Test B Estimation of pH LM40 Chapter19 Quiz Neutralization Reactions LM42 Acid-Base Titrations LM43 Salt Hydrolysis LM44 Vocabulary Review Buffers LM45 Indicators from Natural Sources _Quick Lab19.2 (p. 604) A small-scale colorimetric pH meter_SSLM30 Titration Curves_SSLM31 Determining pH LP19-1 Acids and Bases LP19-2 Titration LP19-3 Lab 18: Hydronium ion concentration and pH (A12) Titration of an acid with a base (A13) Measure pH using probe ware. 31 Chapter 13 The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter (ideal and real gases; expansion, density, fluidity, compressibility, diffusion and effusion) Solids, liquids and gases Changes of state Hydrogen Bonding Types of Solids Capillary Action Phase Diagrams HW 13 Section Review 13.1 Section Review 13.2 Section Review 13.3 Section Review 13.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Resume en Espanol Study Guide PowerPoint and Alternate Power Point 18 Vocabulary Review Lab 13 The Behavior of Liquids and Solids SL-13.3 Allotropic Forms of Sulfur LM21 Changes of Physical State LM22 Sublimation _Quick Lab13.4 (p. 402) Absorption of Water by Paper Towels: A Consumer Quiz 13 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Chapter13 Quiz Week Objectives Homework Laboratory Lab_SSLM20 Changes of Physical State LP13-1 19 Quiz 32 Chapter 14 Gas Laws (Boyle’s, Charles, Gay Lussac’s, Dalton’s law of partial pressure)Law of Combining Volume, Avogadro’s Law, Standard Molar Volume of a Gas PV=nRT, the ideal gas constant, gas density Stoichiometry of Gases: gas volume ratios Effusion and Diffusion: Graham’s Law of Effusion, relative rates of effusion, molecular velocity vs. molar mass Resume en Espanol Study Guide Power Point HW 14 Section Review 14.1 Section Review 14.2 Section Review 14.3 Section Review 14.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Lab 14 Quiz 14 Chapter Test A Diffusion SL-14.4 Chapter Test B Pressure-Volume Relationships for Gases LM23 Chapter14 Quiz Temperature-Volume Relationships for Gases LM24 Diffusion of Gases LM25 Carbon Dioxide from Antacid Tablets Quick Lab14.3 (p. 428) Synthesis and Qualitative Analysis of Gases_SSLM21 Boyle’s Law LP14-1 Charles’ Law LP14-2 Demonstration: Diffusion and Cell Membranes (Forensics experiment, Ch. 13, new text 33 34 Chapter 17 Thermochemistrytemperature, heat and work; exothermic and endothermic processes; heat transfer units; heat capacity and specific heat Enthalpy Changes— calorimetry; thermochemical equations; heat of reaction, combustion and formation Latent Heat of Fusion and Vaporization Hess’s Law Resume en Espanol Study Guide Power Point Chapter 18 Reaction Rate The nature of chemical equilibrium Shifting Equilibrium HW 17 Section Review 17.1 Section Review 17.2 Section Review 17.3 Section Review 17.4 Lab 17 Quiz 17 Chapter Test A Heat of Combustion of a Candle SL-17.4 Chapter Test B Freezing Point LM33 Chapter17 Quiz The Specific Heat of a Metal LM34 Heats of Reaction LM35 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Heat of Fusion of Ice Quick Lab17.3 (p. 522) Heat of Fusion of Ice_SSLM27 Specific Heat LP17-1 Vocabulary Review Heat of Reaction LP17-2 HW 18 Section Review 18.1 Section Review 18.2 Lab 18 20 Enthalpy and Entropy SL18.4 Quiz 18 Chapter Test A Chapter Test B Equilibria of acids, bases, and salts Solubility equilibrium Driving Force of Reactions—spontaneity, Entropy and Free Energy The reaction process— the reaction rate constant; intermediate products, activation energy Resume en Espanol Study Guide Power Point and Alternate Power Point Section Review 18.3 Section Review 18.4 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Vocabulary Review Section Review 18.5 Factors Affecting Reaction Rates LM36 Chapter18 Quiz The Clock Reaction LM37 Disturbing Equilibrium LM38 A Solubility Product Constant LM39 Does Steel Burn? Quick Lab1.1 (p. 544) Factors Affecting the Rate of a Chemical Reaction_SSLM28 Le Chatelier’s Principle and Chemical Equilibrium_SSLM29 Reaction Rate LP18-1 Lab 19: Colorimetry probeware experiment to determine the reaction rate of crystal violet reaction (need to get Vernier writeup) Lab 20: Equilibrium (B19) Buffering Capacity (A20) 35 Spring Final: Review chapters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Study Guide_Chapter 1 Standards for Chapters 120, 2225 Study Guide_Chapter 2 Standards a, b, c ,d, e, f, g, h, i, j a,b,c,d e,f, g, h a,b,c,d,e,f*,g* a,b,c,d,e,f, g*, h*,i* a,b,c,d,e*,f*,g* a,b,c,d,e*,f* a,b,c,d,e*,f* a,b,c,d* a,b,c,* a,b,c,d,e,f a,b,c,d,e,f,g I&E: a, g d, Study Guide_Chapter 3 Study Guide_Chapter 4 Study Guide_Chapter 5 Study Guide_Chapter 6 Study Guide_Chapter 7 Study Guide_Chapter 8 Study Guide_Chapter 9 Study Guide_Chapter 10 The solubility Product Constant of NaCl (A19) Lab Skills Evaluation-chart on p. 3 Assessment--Student demonstrates safety handling equipment measurement of mass of liquid and solid measurement of volume of liquid and solid ability to focus on results during conclusion Distinguish Study Guide_Chapter 11 Study Guide_Chapter 12 21 between hypothesis and theory as scientific terms Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence Identify possible reasons for inconsistent Final-Spring Semester Exam Edusoft Form Study Guide_Chapter 13 Study Guide_Chapter 14 Study Guide_Chapter 15 Study Guide_Chapter 16 results, such as sources of error or uncontrolled conditions. Select and use appropriate tools and technology Identify and communicate sources of unavoidable experimental error. Study Guide_Chapter 17 Study Guide_Chapter 18 Study Guide_Chapter 19 Study Guide_Chapter 20 Study Guide_Chapter 22 Study Guide_Chapter 23 Study Guide_Chapter 24 Study Guide_Chapter 25 36 Chapter 21 Introduction to Electrochemistry—halfcells and cell potentials Voltaic Cells Electrolytic Cells Resume en Espanol Study Guide Power Point HW 21 Section Review 21.1 Section Review 21.2 Section Review 21.3 Lab 18 Electrolysis of Water SL21.3 Chapter Test B Corrosion LM47 Chapter21 Quiz Electrochemistry LM48 Practice Problems Guided Reading and Study Workbook and solutions Interpreting Graphics and Electrochemical Analysis of Metals Quick Lab21.3 (p. 564) Vocabulary Review Lab 28: Electric Charge (inq. Exp., Modern Chem) Small-Scale Voltaic Cells_SSLM36 Electroplating LP21-1 Lab 29: Voltaic Cells (p. 678, new text, Modern Chem) 22 Quiz 21 Chapter Test A Standards Pacing Guide: The CST standards schedule for chemistry is as follows: Standard Atomic and Molecular Structure 1. The periodic table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements relates to atomic structure. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know how to relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its atomic number and atomic mass. b. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify metals, semimetals, nonmetals, and halogens. c. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and transition metals, trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, and the relative sizes of ions and atoms. d. Students know how to use the periodic table to determine the number of electrons available for bonding. e. Students know the nucleus of the atom is much smaller than the atom yet contains most of its mass. f. *Students know how to use the periodic table to identify the lanthanide, actinide, and transactinide elements and know that the transuranium elements were synthesized and identified in laboratory experiments through the use of nuclear accelerators. g.*Students know how to relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its quantum electron configuration and to its reactivity with other elements in the table. h.*Students know the experimental basis for Thomson’s discovery of the electron, Rutherford’s nuclear atom, Millikan’s oil drop experiment, and Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect. i.* Students know the experimental basis for the development of the quantum theory of atomic structure and the historical importance of the Bohr model of the atom. j.* Students know that spectral lines are the result of transitions of electrons between energy levels and that these lines correspond to photons with a frequency related to the energy spacing between levels by using Planck’s relationship (E = # of CST test items 6 Marking Period # 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 07-08 End Date for Mastery Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any 2 10 week 12 week Photoluminescence Density and the Periodic Table A Periodic Table Logic Problem Periodic Properties Periodic Trends in Ionic Radii Periodicity in Three Dimensions 2 10 week 11 week 2 10 week 11 week 2 10 week 11 week 2 10 week 11 week 2 11 week 12 week 1 1 2 1 1 NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* 23 Standard hv). Chemical Bonds 2. Biological, chemical, and physical properties of matter result from the ability of atoms to form bonds from electrostatic forces between electrons and protons and between atoms and molecules. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know atoms combine to form molecules by sharing electrons to form covalent or metallic bonds or by exchanging electrons to form ionic bonds. b. Students know chemical bonds between atoms in molecules such as H2, CH4, NH3, H2CCH2, N2, Cl2 and many large biological molecules are covalent. c. Students know salt crystals, such as NaCl, are repeating patterns of positive and negative ions held together by electrostatic attraction. d. Students know the atoms and molecules in liquids move in a random pattern relative to one another because the intermolecular forces are too weak to hold the atoms or molecules in a solid form. e. Students know how to draw Lewis dot structures. f. *Students know how to predict the shape of simple molecules and their polarity from Lewis dot structures. g.*Students know how electronegativity and ionization energy relate to bond formation. h.*Students know how to identify solids and liquids held together by Van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding and relate these forces to volatility and boiling/melting point temperatures. Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry 3. The conservation of atoms in chemical reactions leads to the principle of conservation of matter and the ability to calculate the mass of products and reactants. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know how to describe chemical reactions by writing balanced equations. b. Students know the quantity one mole is set by defining one mole of carbon 12 atoms to have a mass of exactly 12 grams. c. Students know one mole equals 6.02 x 1023 particles (atoms or molecules). d. Students know how to determine the molar mass of a molecule from its chemical formula and a table of atomic masses and how to convert the mass of a molecular substance to moles, number of particles, or volume of gas at standard temperature and pressure. e. Students know how to calculate the masses of reactants and products in a # of CST test items Marking Period # 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 07-08 End Date for Mastery Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any 3 12th week 19th week Solutions Containing Ions Ionic and Metallic Bonding_ Crystal Structures 3 12 14 3 15 17 3 12 13 3 12 13 3 10 11 7 2 1 1 Evaporation and Ink Solvents (extended Lab) 1 2 NA* NA* Evaporation and Ink Solvents (extended Lab) NA* 10 2 3 14 16th week 3 15 16 3 14 15 3 14 15 3 14 15 Stoichiometry and Gravimetric Analysis (extended Lab) 3 15 16 Stoichiometry and Gravimetric Analysis Colored Precipitates (extended Lab) 1 1 3 3 24 Standard chemical reaction from the mass of one of the reactants or products and the relevant atomic masses. f.* Students know how to calculate percent yield in a chemical reaction. g.* Students know how to identify reactions that involve oxidation and reduction and how to balance oxidation-reduction reactions. Gases and Their Properties 4. The kinetic molecular theory describes the motion of atoms and molecules and explains the properties of gases. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know the random motion of molecules and their collisions with a surface create the observable pressure on that surface. b. Students know the random motion of molecules explains the diffusion of gases. c. Students know how to apply the gas laws to relations between the pressure, temperature, and volume of any amount of an ideal gas or any mixture of ideal gases. d. Students know the values and meanings of standard temperature and pressure (STP). e. Students know how to convert between the Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales. f. Students know there is no temperature lower than 0 Kelvin. g.*Students know the kinetic theory of gases relates the absolute temperature of a gas to the average kinetic energy of its molecules or atoms. h.*Students know how to solve problems by using the ideal gas law in the form PV = nRT. i.* Students know how to apply Dalton’s law of partial pressures to describe the composition of gases and Graham’s law to predict diffusion of gases. Acids and Bases 5. Acids, bases, and salts are three classes of compounds that form ions in water solutions. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know the observable properties of acids, bases, and salt solutions. b. Students know acids are hydrogen-iondonating and bases are hydrogen-ionaccepting substances. c. Students know strong acids and bases fully dissociate and weak acids and bases partially dissociate. d. Students know how to use the pH scale to characterize acid and base solutions. e.*Students know the Arrhenius, BrønstedLowry, and Lewis acid-base definitions. f.* Students know how to calculate pH from the hydrogen-ion concentration. # of CST test items Marking Period # 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 07-08 End Date for Mastery Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any (extended Lab) NA* NA* 6 3 and 4 15th week 24th week 4 23 24 4 23 24 3 16 17 Boyle’s Law (extended Lab) 3 15 16 Boyle’s Law (extended Lab) 3 15 16 Boyle’s Law (extended Lab) 3 16 17 Boyle’s Law (extended Lab) 4 21nd week 23rd week 4 21 22 4 21 22 4 21 22 4 22 23 1 1 2 1 1/2*** 1/2*** NA* NA* NA* 5 2 1 1 1 NA* NA* 25 Standard g.*Students know buffers stabilize pH in acidbase reactions. Solutions 6. Solutions are homogenous mixtures of two or more substances. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know the definitions of solute and solvent. b. Students know how to describe the dissolving process at the molecular level by using the concept of random molecular motion. c. Students know temperature, pressure, and surface area affect the dissolving process. d. Students know how to calculate the concentration of a solute in terms of grams per liter, molarity, parts per million, and percent composition. e.*Students know the relationship between the molality of a solute in a solution and the solution’s depressed freezing point or elevated boiling point. f. *Students know how molecules in a solution are separated or purified by the methods of chromatography and distillation. Chemical Thermodynamics 7. Energy is exchanged or transformed in all chemical reactions and physical changes of matter. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know how to describe temperature and heat flow in terms of the motion of molecules (or atoms). b. Students know chemical processes can either release (exothermic) or absorb (endothermic) thermal energy. c. Students know energy is released when a material condenses or freezes and is absorbed when a material evaporates or melts. d. Students know how to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature changes, using known values of specific heat and latent heat of phase change. e.*Students know how to apply Hess’s law to calculate enthalpy change in a reaction. f. *Students know how to use the Gibbs free energy equation to determine whether a reaction would be spontaneous. Reaction Rates 8. Chemical reaction rates depend on factors that influence the frequency of collision of reactant molecules. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know the rate of reaction is the decrease in concentration of reactants or the increase in concentration of products with time. b. Students know how reaction rates depend on such factors as concentration, temperature, and pressure. # of CST test items Marking Period # 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 07-08 End Date for Mastery Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any 1 and 4 3rd week 21st week Water quality: bringing chemistry alive to the outside world—how science can influence the social situation. 4 19 20 4 19 20 4 19 21 1 4 3 20 4 21 1, 2 , 3 and 4 5th week 24th week 4 23 24 1 2 4 3 4 5 13 23 15 23 6 14 24 16 24 3 4 15 23 16 24 4 and5 23th week 25th week 4 23 24 5 24 25 NA* 3 1 1 1/2*** 1/2*** NA* NA* 5 1 1 1 2 Evaporation and Ink Solvents (extended Lab) NA* NA* 4 1 1 or 2 ** 26 Kinetics Lab (Gentian Violet) Standard c. Students know the role a catalyst plays in increasing the reaction rate. d.*Students know the definition and role of activation energy in a chemical reaction. Chemical Equilibrium 9. Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic process at the molecular level. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know how to use LeChatelier’s principle to predict the effect of changes in concentration, temperature, and pressure. b. Students know equilibrium is established when forward and reverse reaction rates are equal. c.*Students know how to write and calculate an equilibrium constant expression for a reaction. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 10. The bonding characteristics of carbon allow the formation of many different organic molecules of varied sizes, shapes, and chemical properties and provide the biochemical basis of life. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know large molecules (polymers), such as proteins, nucleic acids, and starch, are formed by repetitive combinations of simple subunits. b. Students know the bonding characteristics of carbon that result in the formation of a large variety of structures ranging from simple hydrocarbons to complex polymers and biological molecules. c. Students know amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. d.*Students know the system for naming the ten simplest linear hydrocarbons and isomers that contain single bonds, simple hydrocarbons with double and triple bonds, and simple molecules that contain a benzene ring. e.*Students know how to identify the functional groups that form the basis of alcohols, ketones, ethers, amines, esters, aldehydes, and organic acids. f. *Students know the R-group structure of amino acids and know how they combine to form the polypeptide backbone structure of proteins. Nuclear Processes 11. Nuclear processes are those in which an atomic nucleus changes, including radioactive decay of naturally occurring and human-made isotopes, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know protons and neutrons in the nucleus are held together by nuclear forces that overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between the protons. # of CST test items 1 or 2 ** Marking Period # 07-08 End Date for Mastery 25 Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any 5 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 24 5 24th week 25th week Equilibrium Lab 5 24 25 5 24 25 5 27th week 30th week 5 29 30 5 27 28 5 29 30 2 11th week 12st week 2 11 12 NA* 4 3 1 NA* 2 1 1/2*** 1/2*** NA* NA* NA* 2 2/5*** 27 Organic Naming Standard b. Students know the energy release per gram of material is much larger in nuclear fusion or fission reactions than in chemical reactions. The change in mass (calculated by E=mc2) is small but significant in nuclear reactions. c. Students know some naturally occurring isotopes of elements are radioactive, as are isotopes formed in nuclear reactions. d. Students know the three most common forms of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, and gamma) and know how the nucleus changes in each type of decay. e. Students know alpha, beta, and gamma radiation produce different amounts and kinds of damage in matter and have different penetrations. f. *Students know how to calculate the amount of a radioactive substance remaining after an integral number of half lives have passed. g.*Students know protons and neutrons have substructures and consist of particles called quarks. Investigation and Experimentation 1. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other four strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations. Students will: a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology (such as computer-linked probes, spreadsheets, and graphing calculators) to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data. b. Identify and communicate sources of unavoidable experimental error. c. Identify possible reasons for inconsistent results, such as sources of error or uncontrolled conditions. d. Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence. e. Solve scientific problems by using quadratic equations and simple trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. f. Distinguish between hypothesis and theory as scientific terms. # of CST test items Marking Period # 2 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 11 07-08 End Date for Mastery 12 2 11 12 2 11 12 2 11 12 1, 2,3,4 and 5 2nd week 24th week 1 2 2 7 6 12 1 2 1 2 3 7 3 7 6 12 6 12 1 2 4 5 3 7 23 25 6 12 24 26 1 2 3 5 7 13 6 12 18 Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any 2/5*** 2/5*** 2/5*** 2/5*** NA* NA* 6 g. Recognize the usefulness and limitations of models and theories as scientific representations of reality. h. Read and interpret topographic and geologic maps. i. Analyze the locations, sequences, or time intervals that are characteristic of natural phenomena (e.g., relative ages of rocks, locations of planets over time, and succession of species in an ecosystem). j. Recognize the issues of statistical variability and the need for controlled tests. 28 Careers in Chemistry Standard # of CST test items Marking Period # k. Recognize the cumulative nature of scientific evidence. l. Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science. m. Investigate a science-based societal issue by researching the literature, analyzing data, and communicating the findings. Examples of issues include irradiation of food, cloning of animals by somatic cell nuclear transfer, choice of energy sources, and land and water use decisions in California. n. Know that when an observation does not agree with an accepted scientific theory, the observation is sometimes mistaken or fraudulent (e.g., the Piltdown Man fossil or unidentified flying objects) and that the theory is sometimes wrong (e.g., the Ptolemaic model of the movement of the Sun, Moon, and planets). 29 07-08 Begin Date for Teaching 07-08 End Date for Mastery Which Project Used to Teach Standard, if any Science Grading Policy Category Percentage of final grade Homework 15% Labs 15% Quizzes, Midterm and Final Test 30% Projects 25% Class Participation 15% TOTAL 100% Percentile Letter Grade 90% A 80% B 70% C 60% D Lower F Science Grading Methods Homework: Each chapter of Chemistry will have one (1) homework assignment. The homework assignment for all the sections of the chapter will be collected on the day that the chapter has been completed. Complete homework will receive a score of 100. Incomplete homework will receive a lesser score. Missed homework will receive a score of 0 until it is submitted late. The average of scores for all homework assigned during a marking period divided by 100 will be the basis for pro-rating the earned points in this category. Class Participation: This grade is based on infractions of class rules and unpreparedness. An infraction or unpreparedness event will add 1 to the sum of items in this category each time it occurs. The sum of these entries will then be divided by the number of lapsed days in the marking period for the basis for pro-rating the earned points in this category. If the number of entries exceeds the number of lapsed days, then the class-participation points will bottom out at 0. Projects: This grade is based on the scoring provided with the project. The basis for pro-rating the earned points in this category will be the ratio of score earned to maximum score. Better than 60% of the maximum score will be required to earn an overall passing grade on the project. If a project is not conducted during a marking period, then the points allocated to it will roll over to laboratories. Laboratories: This grade is based on completeness of lab reports. Complete lab reports will receive scores of 100. Incomplete lab reports will receive lesser scores. Missed lab reports will receive a score of 0 until submitted late. The average of scores for all lab 30 reports assigned during a marking period divided by 100 will be the basis for pro-rating the earned points in this category. Quizzes, the Mid-Term and the Final Examinations: There will be one quiz per chapter. There will be one midterm offered in the 2nd marking period and one final exam offered in the 3rd marking period of each semester. The average of scores for all quizzes given during a marking period divided by 100 will be the basis for pro-rating the earned points in this category, unless a mid-term or final exam is given. In the 1st marking period of the semester, quizzes will constitute 30% of the total grade. In the 2nd and 3rd marking periods, quizzes will constitute 15% while the mid-term or final will constitute another 15%. If the final examination score exceeds the combined score from all other grades (including the final) then it will be the marking period grade. There will be no “curve” grading on any test, except under special circumstances. Make-up Work Missed projects, quizzes, the mid-term and, the final exam can not be made up. A remedy for missing a few of these assessments is to do extra credit work. Late Work Work is late after the due date. Late homework or lab reports may be turned in for credit in the weeks following the due date. However, 10-points will be deducted from the score for each week that the work is late. Project presentations must be delivered on time under all circumstances. Extra Credit This category consists of an essay (5 points), a notebook and textbook check (5 points) and completion of three worksheets (10 points) during a marking period. Late extra credit work will not be accepted. Spillover If in any marking period, a student earns more than 100 points, then the points earned in excess of 100 will be credited to the following marking period as spillover. 31 Class Rules in Chemistry Infractions Disruption of the class (a serious matter that is considered unlawful in California), unauthorized leaving of the class room, consumption of food and/or drinks in the class room, drawing graffiti, not having one’s binder or, infraction of safety rules will result in infraction points for each event. Leaving the class room Leaving the class room for a visit to the rest room during 60 minute periods, even when authorized by the teacher, will result in an infraction point. Food and Drink This class is a chemical lab that contains poisonous chemicals so not eating or drinking in it is conducive to good health. Any student who consumes food (i.e., all carbohydrates, seeds, chewing gum) or drinks containing electrolytes (excepting bottled or tap water) in the class room during class hours will receive an infraction point. Use of Markers on Walls, Floors, Desks, Counters, Drawers or Cabinets Any graffiti on walls, floors, desks, counters, drawers or cabinets will be considered the work of every student in proximity unless the perpetrator is caught in the act or confesses. Lab Safety Safety rules are to be followed at all times. Every student shall have a signed safety contract on file. Every student shall have passed the safety examination before doing chemistry lab experiments. Desk Spaces, Drawers and Cabinets The only items that will be kept on or in desks, drawers and cabinets will be the student’s science binders and the class room text sets, unless the teacher explicitly requires other materials to be kept there. All other materials will be removed by the students assigned to that desk, drawer or cabinet. Failure to maintain these areas will result in an infraction point. Floors Cleanliness of the floor area around a desk or lab-space is the responsibility of the students assigned to that area. Spills of any nature therefore must be reported at once. 32 Disrespect Any student cited for disrespect by the teacher will receive an infraction point. Absences Two or more unexcused absences within any grading period will require a parent-teacher conference to discuss ways to recover missed instruction. Tutoring Students who are receiving a C or lower must seek tutorial help. The DUSTY program offers such help after school. Text Books Text books marked “CS” are not to be removed from the class for any reason, unless explicitly authorized by the teacher. Chemistry Portfolio in the Student’s Binder Each student will develop a portfolio of his or her work in this chemistry class. That portfolio will include a section of the student’s binder dedicated to chemistry that has tabbed dividers for graded quizzes, graded lab reports, graded project deliverables, graded homework, in-class worksheets & handouts and, journal entries. Journal entries will be dated for each day of attendance and will include warm-up exercises and class notes. Students are required to retain all documents during a semester. Mr. Brown CBIT School 33 Seating Plan The seating plan is based on the following evidence derived from the Aeries database: CELDT score GPA Letter grades in Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, Physical or Earth Science, and Physics IEP or RSP status Attendance record The strategy is to make a desk-group consisting of four students. This group of students will share the four texts at their desks. The desk group will work together to learn new vocabulary and will critique each other’s work produced. Table text book 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 seat 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b 3c 3d 4a 4b 4c 4d 5a 5b 5c 5d 6a 6b 6c 6d 7a 7b 7c 7d 8a 8b 8c 8d period 1 period 2 34 period 3 period 4 period 5 period 6 Table text book 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 seat 9a 9b 9c 9d 10a 10b 10c 10d period 1 period 2 PHChemistry Zumdahl 35 period 3 period 4 period 5 period 6 Required Materials that Each Student Must Have Scientific Calculator Tabbed Dividers in Student’s Binder (three ring binder preferably) Sharpened Pencils Metric Ruler Internet Access at Home (e-mail address other than the school’s student account) Student’s Lotus e-mail account 36 T Rubric for Writing Assignments EACHER RESOURCE PAGE Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. CRITERIA (100 points possible) 90–100 80–89 70–79 The assignment is engaging, concise, and polished. An attention grabbing headline and a clear topic sentence in the first paragraph introduce the reader to the subject. Factual details, visual elements, quotations, and/or the proper use of scientific terminology add clarity and interest to the assignment. The assignment is well written. An attention-grabbing headline and a clear topic sentence in the first paragraph introduce the reader to the subject. Factual details, visual elements, quotations, and/or the proper use of scientific terminology add clarity and interest to the assignment. Sometimes, the writing is slightly repetitive or unclear, but the writer demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter. The assignment is fairly well written and clear, but several errors indicate that the author may not have a complete understanding of the subject. Factual details, visual elements, quotations, and/or the properuse of scientific terminology are used. 60–69 The assignment has several significant problems in style and content. The topic is never clearly stated, scientific terms are misused, and misspelled words are present. Inadequate or incorrect use of factual details, visual elements, or quotations seems to indicate that the author does not have a solid understanding of the subject. 10–59 Although the assignment has been attempted, the author has clearly not put forth much effort. The writing is unclear, unfocused, and vague. A topic sentence is not given or is not adequately supported with details. The author has not used scientific terminology correctly and has introduced false statements and errors in writing style that make reading this work very difficult. No work was completed. 0 SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT (40 points possible) 36–40 31–35 26–30 21–25 0–20 complete understanding of topic; topic extensively researched; variety of primary and secondary sources used and cited; proper and effective use of scientific vocabulary and terminology good understanding of topic; topic well researched; a variety of sources used and cited; good use of scientific vocabulary and terminology acceptable understanding of topic; adequate research evident; sources cited; adequate use of scientific terms poor understanding of topic; inadequate research; little use of scientific terms lacks an understanding of topic; very little research, if any; incorrect use of scientific terms 37 T Rubric for Lab Reports EXPERIENCED LEVEL (5 points) • Excellent technique was used throughout the lab procedure. Procedures were well-planned and well-executed. • Data and observations were recorded accurately, descriptively, and completely, with no serious errors. • Calculations and data analyses were performed clearly, concisely, and accurately, with correct units. • Graphs, if necessary, were drawn accurately and neatly and were clearly labeled. • Students recognized the connections between their observations and the related physics concepts; this understanding was expressed clearly and completely. • Answers to questions were complete and were written correctly and accurately. COMPETENT LEVEL (4 points) • No errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure. Procedures were well-planned and were carried out in an organized fashion. • Data and observations were recorded accurately, descriptively, and completely, with only minor errors. • Calculations and data analyses were performed accurately, with correct units and properly worked-out calculations, but the work may have been slightly unclear or disorganized. • Graphs, if necessary, were drawn accurately and neatly. • Students effectively expressed their recognition of the connections between their observations and the related physics concepts. • Answers to questions were written correctly and accurately but may have revealed minor misunderstandings • Only minor errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure. Procedures were carried out well but may have been slightly disorganized. • Data and observations were recorded accurately, with only minor errors or omissions. • Calculations and data analysis were performed accurately, but some minor errors were made either in calculations or in applying correct units. • Graphs, if necessary, were drawn accurately and neatly. • Students satisfactorily expressed their recognition of the connections between their observations and the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL (3 points) 38 TRANSITIONAL LEVEL (2 points) related physics concepts. • Reasoning was occasionally weak in the report, but only in a few places. • Answers to most questions were correct, but there are some misunderstandings or minor errors. • Only a few errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure, but they may have been significant. Procedures may not have been wellplanned, or they may have been carried out in a disorganized fashion. • Data and observations were recorded adequately, with only minor errors or omissions. • Calculations and data analysis were performed accurately, but minor errors were made both in calculations and in applying correct units. • Graphs, if necessary, were drawn adequately. • Students recognized connections between their observations and the related physics concepts, but this understanding was very weakly expressed. • Reasoning was generally weak throughout the report. • Some answers to questions were incorrect because of misunderstandings, minor errors, or poor data. BEGINNING LEVEL (1 points) • Several serious errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure. Procedures were not wellplanned and were carried out in a disorganized fashion. • Most data and observations were recorded adequately, but with several significant errors or omissions. • Calculations and data analysis were performed inaccurately, but correct units were used most of the time. • Graphs, if necessary, were drawn adequately. • Students may not have recognized connections between their observations and the related physics concepts; no expression of understanding was evident in the report. • Errors in logic were made in the report. The report may have been disorganized and unclear. • Some answers to questions were incorrect or poorly written. UNACCEPTABLE LEVEL (0 points) • All work was unacceptable. • No responses were relevant to lab. • Major components of lab were missing. 39 Rubric for “Design Your Own” Labs EXPERIENCED LEVEL (5 points) COMPETENT LEVEL (4 points) • Plan showed careful and thorough planning with good reasoning and logic. Students expressed a clear understanding of the science concepts to be investigated through the plan. • Plan was complete, appropriate, and safe. • Proposed data tables were complete and clearly indicate all measurements that must be made to solve the problem. • Excellent technique was used throughout the lab procedure. • The final report followed the prescribed format. All apparatus was described in detail. All necessary diagrams, equations, and graphs were correctly labeled. The procedure and results were described clearly and in an organized fashion. Writing was clear, concise, and wellorganized, with few grammatical or stylistic errors. The connection between the initial problem and the results of the lab was clearly expressed. • Students were successful at solving the problem presented by the lab. Percentage error for quantitative answers was less than 15%. • Plan showed careful planning, although the reasoning and logic behind it may not have been clearly expressed. Plans reflected some understanding of the science concepts to be investigated through the lab. • Plan was appropriate, safe, and nearly complete. • Proposed data tables indicated all measurements that must be made to solve the problem, but there may have been some minor errors or omissions. • No errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure. • The final report followed the prescribed format. All apparatus was described in detail. All necessary diagrams, equations, and graphs were correctly labeled. The procedure and results were described clearly and in an organized fashion. Writing was clear, concise, and wellorganized, with few grammatical or stylistic errors. The connection between the initial problem and the results of the lab was clearly expressed. • Students were essentially successful at solving the problem presented by 40 the lab. Percentage error for quantitative answers was less than 25%. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL (3 points) • Plan showed some logic, but the reasoning could have been more careful, more thorough, or more clearly expressed. Plans reflected understanding of the science concepts to be investigated through the lab, but not clearly. • Plan was appropriate and safe, but there were some omissions. • Proposed data tables indicated all measurements that must be made to solve the problem, but no provision was made for multiple trials. • Only minor errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure. • The final report followed the format. All necessary diagrams, equations, and graphs were included, but they may not have been complete. Apparatus was vaguely described. The procedure and results were described, but the writing was not clear or organized. There may have been serious grammatical or stylistic errors. Students understood the connection between the initial problem and the outcome of the lab. • Students were somewhat successful at solving the problem presented by the lab. Percentage error for quantitative answers was less than 35%. TRANSITIONAL LEVEL (2 points) • Plan showed some logic, but not enough to completely solve the problem. Plan reflected understanding of the science concepts to be investigated through the lab, but not clearly. • Plan was safe, but it included inappropriate procedures or omitted necessary steps. Plan may not have directly addressed the problem presented. Planned procedure will probably not work as written. The plan was poorly written or disorganized. • Proposed data tables may not have included all measurements that must be made to solve the problem. • Procedures may not have been well planned, or they may have been carried out in a disorganized fashion. • The final report followed the format, but each section may not have been completely addressed. There were serious grammatical or stylistic errors. Students may have understood the connection between the initial problem and the outcome of the lab, but this understanding was 41 not expressed in the report. • Students’ results only approximately addressed the problem presented by the lab. Percentage error for quantitative answers was less than 50%. BEGINNING LEVEL (1 point) • Plan showed very little logic or understanding of what is required to solve the problem. Plan did not reflect understanding of the science concepts to be investigated through the lab. • Plan may not have been completely safe. The plan was poorly written. • Proposed data tables did not include all measurements that must be made to solve the problem. • Several serious errors in technique were observed during the lab procedure. Students attempted to solve the problem by trial-and-error. • The final report followed the format, but there may have been several omissions. There were serious grammatical or stylistic errors. Students did not understand the connection between the initial problem and the outcome of the lab. • Students’ results may not have adequately addressed the problem presented by the lab. Percentage error for quantitative answers was less than 65%. UNACCEPTABLE LEVEL (0 points) • All work was unacceptable. • Major components of the plan were missing. The plan was completely illogical, unsafe, or completely irrelevant to the problem. • Major components of lab were missing. • Data and observations were incomplete and did not address the problem presented in the lab. • The report did not address the problem presented in the lab. Percentage error for quantitative data was more than 80%. 42 Rubric for Presentations TEACHER RESOURCE PAGE Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Program Introduction 39 ORAL PRESENTATION (30 points possible) clear, concise, engaging presentation that is well supported by use of multisensory aids; 27–30 scientific content effectively communicated to peer group well-organized, interesting, confident presentation that is supported by multisensory 23–26 aids; scientific content communicated to peer group presentation acceptable; only modestly effective in communicating science content to 19–22 peer group presentation lacks clarity and organization; ineffective in communicating science 16–18 content to peer group poor presentation; does not communicate science content to peer group 5–15 EXHIBIT OR PRESENTATION FORMAT (30 points possible) layout and presentation format that is self-explanatory and successfully incorporates a 27–30 multisensory approach; creative use of materials layout and presentation format that is logical, concise, and can be followed easily; 23–26 materials used are appropriate and effective layout and presentation format that is acceptable; materials are used appropriately 19–22 layout and presentation format that could be improved; somewhat ineffective use of 16–18 materials layout that lacks organization and is difficult to understand; poor and ineffective use of 5–15 materials 43 Makeup Work Request Form [Insert Date] Dear Parent or Guardian, I am sorry that your child was unable to attend chemistry class on [insert date(s)]. In order to help your son or daughter keep up with the instruction, the following is a short summary of coursework he or she missed. I'd appreciate your support in helping your child make up this material. Our science class covered the following topics: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ We also completed the following in-class activities: Activity Makeup Date _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ These assignments were given while your son or daughter was away: Assignment Due Date _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ I have attached additional worksheets or other materials your son or daughter needs to complete in order to keep up with the class. If you have any questions about these assignments or your child’s progress, please feel free to contact me at [insert school number]. Sincerely, 44 Chemistry Syllabus Mr. Brown 2009-2010 Welcome to Chemistry! Chemistry is an ancient science that comes from our inherited skills at manipulating the matter around us. This course is an advanced science class intended to prepare students to succeed in entry-level college science classes. Topics Outline: 1. Matter and Change, Scientific Measurement and, Atomic Structure 2. Electrons in the Atom, Periodicity, Nuclear Chemistry and, Chemical Composition 3. Ionic and Covalent Bonding, Chemical Names and Formulas, Hydrocarbon Compounds, Organic Chemistry and, Biochemistry 4. Chemical Quantities, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry and, Redox Reactions 5. Water and Aqueous Systems, Solutions, Acids, Bases and, Salts 6. States of Matter, The Behavior of Gases, Thermochemistry, Reaction Rates and Equilibrium and, Electrochemistry Textbook: Chemistry by Ed Waterman et al (Prentice Hall). Each student is assigned a textbook for which (s)he is responsible. It may be kept at home. A class set of textbooks will be kept in the classroom. Supplies: Students are expected to have access to a scientific calculator at home. If you bring your personal calculator to school, you do so at your own risk. Calculators will be provided in class when required. Students are expected to bring to every class: o A 3-ring binder with section for chemistry o Pen or pencil Grading: Your academic grade will be calculated as follows: 40% - tests and quizzes 35% - lab work and project reports 15% - homework 10% - mad minute (Journal entries and practice worksheets) Homework: Except on rare occasions, homework will be assigned every night. Late work (that is, work that is first submitted after the due date) will receive a maximum of ½ credit, except in the case of an excused absence. Absences: If you miss school, you must go to the office to have your absence excused. When your absence is excused, you must check with Mr. Brown before class or during lunch to get assignments for the day. You will not be given the opportunity to make up work if your absence is unexcused. 45 Tardy: Students are expected to be in their seats silently working on the mad minute when the bell rings. Students who are late will not receive credit for the mad minute. Hall Passes: Try and take care of all needs (trips to lockers, bathrooms, water fountain, office, etc.) before class. Leave one of your ten “emergency” passes at Mr. Brown’s desk if you have to take care of a need. Collect your hall pass after you return to class. Lab Safety: Safety is our number one priority in lab. Students and their parent(s) must sign a Science Lab Safety Contract before participating in any lab activities. Students who break this contract, misuse lab equipment or, fail to follow written or verbal directions will be immediately removed from the lab area of the class room, given up to two verbal warnings for misconduct and, seated at their desks for the remainder of the lab period to complete written projects that will be provided for students who fail to conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner during lab experiments Mr. Brown’s contact info. At school: (510) 879-8877 (you can leave a message with the office) Room 304 Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:45 – 4:45, 6th period everyday By e-mail: Classroom Norms: 1. Show respect when others are speaking by giving them your full attention and listening silently. 2. Raise your hand to comment or question. 3. Keep hands, feet, objects and, negative comments to yourself. 4. Be on time with all class materials. 5. Take care of your needs (trips to lockers, bathrooms, water fountain, office, etc.) in between classes. 6. No personal electronics (including cell phones, iPods, etc.). 7. Follow all written and verbal direction during lab to ensure your personal safety and the safety of your school community. Consequences for choosing to violate our class norms: 1. Student will receive two (2) verbal warnings in the class for behavior that disrupts the learning environment. 2. The first occurrence of a classroom disruption occurs at a repeat disruption after 2 warnings in the class. The student will be referred in writing to the Principle and the student’s parent will get a phone call from the teacher in accordance with the current Y.E.S. Student Handbook. Misconduct may also result in a call to the School Security Officer and a change of setting for the student. Student receives no credit for participation for the day. Students: I have read this classroom plan, understand it and, agree to honor our classroom policies. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ 46 Chemistry 2009-2010 YES Charles Brown, Teacher Period 1 Students Seat No. Brenda Acevedo Salina E. Bishop Guillermo Carillo Sandra Casillas-Diaz Aun’Janae F. Finch Nelly Flores 1 Edwin R. Garcia David GarciaMonzon Jamesha B. Hawkins Auric Horneman Maijji Jackson Eliesa S. Latu Monica T. Mendez Alejandra J. Moran Allen K. Mosley Jennifer Quintanilla Oscar Rios Sierra N. Roach Denyell Rocha-Perez Odette Rushing Contact No. Address Parent(s) 22 17SEP09: HW CH. 2.2 Section Assessments, p.47 # 11 and 12 and define “homogenize” A+ 2 F 5 4 B 6 7 24 Absent 19 510-842-6375 A+ 21 9 10 11 8 13 B 23 14 F 15 16 B 47 Emma I. Salinas 17 Rodrigo Valdovinos Fortino Vasquez 18 20 Period 3 Students Seat No. Contact No. Address Parent(s) 14sep09: Goggles: Safety Quiz #1 A Lavonte Allen 1 Dennis Bradshaw 2 Eli CalderonRodriguez C’Airra R. Callum 3 A 4 A LaTanya T. Cornelius 5 A Maria Cuaya 30 A Tracy Curry 9 A Federico C. Gallarzo 8 A Juan C. Garcia 7 Aquetea Goodman Jamika Harris warning 21 24 Rosa M. Marquez Antonio D. Moore 10 Rafael Navarro 11 Cynthia Paez 25 Duana D. Palmer 12 Katherine Pleitez 22 Vanessa Quintanilla 14 Jesus Rafael Ramos 15 Leslie Rosales 16 Joshua V. Smith 17 Lashai Walker 29 Likes to Draw A A A A 48 Period 3 Students Seat No. Contact No. Address Michael L. Wilder 19 14sep09: Goggles: Safety Quiz #1 A Eduardo Zamoro 20 A 49 Parent(s)