7. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chan, HY, Chen

Yu-Li Liu, Ph.D.
Assistant Investigator
Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
E-mail: ylliou@nhri.org.tw
Ph.D., East Tennessee State University, U.S.A., 1997
M.S., National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taiwan, 1987
Professional Experiences
Research Associate, Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Research,
National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
Post-doctor, Department of Medical Research/Psychiatry, National Taiwan
University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Clinical Researcher, Department of Education and Research Center, Shin Kong
WHS Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Research Interests
Yu-Li’s research interest is mainly in molecular schizophrenia search. This include
of candidate genes searching, functional verification, and treatment monitoring.
Until now, she have worked with the schizophrenia research team leading by
Professor Hai-Gwo Hwu at National Taiwan University Hospital and National
Taiwan College of Medicine and discovered several schizophrenia candidate genes
in the population of Taiwan. After joining the Division of Mental Health and
Substance Abuse Research in NHRI, she started working with other research team
and searching for the refractory schizophrenia. She is now looking for the factors
contributing to the treatment response.
Research Activities & Accomplishment
Yu-Li was joining the division at March 1, 2006. She has published 9 papers in
searching schizophrenia candidate genes since 2005. She has one paper published in
the field of alcoholism, one paper co-operating with the dermatologist on the
dopaminergic effect on skin pigment cell melanocytes (a neural crest derived cell),
and one paper examining the effect of antidepressants on cultured
neurotransmitter-secreting colon cancer cells.
Yu-Li is now organizing the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) system for the
division to assess if a patient takes enough dose of medicine for the treatment of
psychiatric illness, including schizophrenia.
Honors & Awards
Member of The Pharmacological Society in Taiwan
Licensed Pharmacist of Taiwan
Publications/ including books , chapters, journal articles
Journal Articles
1. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Chen, WJ, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chen, CH, Jou, YS,
Ou-Yang, WC, Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Lin, CY, Lee, SFC and Hwu, HG: (2008)
RASD2, MYH9, and CACNG2 Genes at Chromosome 22q12 Associated with
the Subgroup of Schizophrenia without Deficit in Sustained Attention and in
Executive Function. Biol. Psychiatry (In Printing). (SCI)
2. Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Yang, WC, Chen, WJ, Chueh, CM, Liu, WM,
Liu, CC, Hsieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Hwu, HG: (2007)
No Association Evidence between schizophrenia and Dystrobrevin-binding
protein 1 (DTNBP1) in Taiwanese families. Schizophr. Res. 93: 391-398. (SCI)
3. Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Chen, WJ, Chen, CH, Jou, YS, Ou-Yang, WC,
Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Liu, SK, Hsieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT
and Hwu, HG: (2007) Association Evidence of Schizophrenia with Distal
Genomic Region of NOTCH4 in Taiwanese families. Gene Brain and Behavior.
6(6): 497-502. (SCI)
4. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Chang, CC, Yang, WC, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chan,
HY, Chen, JJ, Hsieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Chen, WJ and
Hwu, HG: (2007) HTF9C Gene of 22q11.21 Region Associates with
Schizophrenia Having Deficit Sustained Attention. Psych. Gen. 17(6): 333-338.
5. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Yang, WC, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chan, HY, Chen,
JJ, Liu, SK, Shieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, OuYang, WC, Chen, CY, Lin, JJ, Chou,
FHC, Chueh, CM, Liu, WM, Tsuang, MM, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Chen,
WJ, and Hwu, HG: (2007) More evidence supports the association of PPP3CC
with schizophrenia. Mol. Psychiatry. 12(10): 966-974. (SCI)
6. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Chang, CC, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Liu, SK, Hsieh,
MH, Hwang, TJ, Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Chen, WJ, and
Hwu, HG: (2006) No Association of G72 and D-Amino Acid Oxidase Genes
with Schizophrenia. Schizophr. Res. 87: 15-20. (SCI)
7. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Pan, CC,
Liu, SK, Shieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, OuYang, WC, Chen, CY, Lin, JJ, Chou, FHC,
Chueh, CM, Liu, WM, Tsuang, MM, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Chen, WJ, and
Hwu, HG: (2006) Absence of significant associations between four AKT1 SNP
markers and schizophrenia in the Taiwanese population. Psych. Gene. 16(1):
39-41. (SCI)
8. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Chen, WJ, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chen, JH, Jou, YS,
Liu, SK, Hwang, TJ, Hsieh, MH, Ou-Yang, WC, Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Yang, WC,
Lin, CY, Lee, SFC and Hwu, HG: (2006) A SNP Fine Mapping Study on
Chromosome 1q42.1 Reveals Vulnerability Genes of GNPAT and DISC1 in
Schizophrenia: Association with Impairment of Sustained Attention. Biol.
Psych. 60: 554-562. (SCI)
9. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Lin, CY,
Liu, SK, Hsieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, Ou-Yang, WC, Chen, CY, Lin, JJ, Chou, FHC,
Chueh, CM, Liu, WM, Tsuang, MM, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Chen, WJ, and
Hwu, Hai-Gwo: (2006) Evaluation of RGS4 as a candidate gene for
schizophrenia. Am. J. Med. Genet B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 141 (4): 418-20.
10. Chu, CY, Liu, YL, Chiu, HC, Jee, SH: (2006) Dopamine-induced apoptosis in
human melanocytes involves generation of reactive oxygen species. Br. J. Derm.
154: 1071-1079. (SCI)
11. Lin, HF, Liu, YL, Liu, CM, Hung, SI, Hwu, HG and Chen, WJ: (2005)
Neuregulin 1 gene is associated with variations in perceptual aberration of
schizotypal personality in adolescents. Psychological Medicine 35 (11):
1589-1598. (SCI)
12. Sun, HS, Fann, CSJ, Lane, HY, Chang, YT, Chang, C-J, Liu, YL, Yu, WY,
Cheng, ATA: (2005) A functional polymorphism in the promoter region of the
tryptophan hydroxylase gene is associated with alcohol dependence in one
aboriginal group in Taiwan. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 29 (1): 1-7. (SCI)
13. Yue, CT, and Liu, YL: (2005) Fluoxetine increases extracellular levels of
3-methoxy-4- hydroxyphenylglycol in cultured COLO320 DM cells. Cell
Biochem. Func 23: 109-114. (SCI)
14. Liu, CM, Hwu, HG, Fann, SJ Cathy, Lin, CY, Liu, YL, Ou-Yang, WC, Lee, FCS:
(2005) Linkage evidence of schizophrenia to loci near neuregulin 1 gene on
chromosome 8p21 in Taiwanese families. Am. J. Med. Genet B Neuropsychiatr.
Genet. 134(B): 79-83. (SCI)
15. Liu, YL, Cheng, ATA, Chen, HR, Hsu, YPP: (2000) Simultaneous HPLC of
twelve monoamines and metabolites shows neuroblastoma cell line releases
HVA and HIAA. Biomed. Chromatogr. 14(8): 544-548. (SCI)
16. Liu, YL, Nwosu, UC, Rice, PJ: (1998) Relaxation of isolated human myometrial
muscle by ß2 but not ß1 adrenoceptors. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 179(4): 895-8.
17. Wu, YC, Liu, YL, Chang, CC, Kao, MC: (1992) Cellular effects of argon laser
irradiation on cultured human melanocytes. Europ. J. Dermatol. 2(3): 194-200.
18. Chang, CC, Wu, YC, Chiu, HC, Liu, YL, Lu, YC: (1991) Pentoxifylline inhibits
the proliferation of human fibroblasts derived from normal, hypertrophic scar
and keloid skin and their mitochondrial activity and collagen synthesis. Europ. J.
Dermatol. 1(3): 214-220. (SCI)
Meeting Abstracts
Liu, YL, Liu, CM, Fann, CSJ, Liu, TT, Tsai, SF, Yang, UC, Hsu, PC, Yang, WC,
Hwu, HG. (2008) The significant genetic regions of schizophrenia susceptibility
gene D-amino acid oxidase. World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract
Book page .
Hwu, HG, Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Yang, WC, Chang, CC, Yang, UC,
Hsu, PC, Wen, CC (2008) The polymorphisms in the promoter regions of
NRG1 are associated with schizophrenia. World Congress on Psychiatric
Genetics Abstract Book page .
Liu, CM, Hwu, HG, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Yang, WC, Chang, CC, Yang, UC,
Hsu, PC, Wen, CC. (2008) The risk polymorphisms of DISC1 for
schizophrenia are specifically associated with deficit of sustained attention.
World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract Book page .
Liu, CM, Hwu, HG, Yang, UC, Hsu, PC, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Yang, WC, Wen,
CC. (2007) Systemic mutation screening study for DPYSL2, PTK2B, and
TRIM35 in schizophrenia. World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract
Book page 111.
Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Yang, WC, Fann, CSJ, Chen, CY, Oyang, YJ, Hung, HG,
Hwu, HG, Wen, CC. (2007) Fine mapping study of chromosome 10q22.3
revealed significant association evidence between a 400 kb genomic region and
schizophrenia with deficit sustained attention and executive function. World
Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract page 111.
Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Yang, WC, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chan, HY, Chen,
JJ, Liu, SK, Shieh, MH, Hwang, TJ, OuYang, WC, Chen, CY, Lin, JJ, Chou,
FHC, Chueh, CM, Liu, WM, Tsuang, MM, Faraone, SV, Tsuang, MT, Chen,
WJ, and Hwu, HG: (2007) More evidence supports the association of PPP3CC
with schizophrenia. World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract page 105.
Liu, YL, Liu, CM, Yu, SL, Hwu, HG: (2007) The Relative Expressions of
Schizophrenia Candidate Genes in EBV-transformed Lymphoblasts and
Hippocampus. World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract page 53.
Hwu, HG, Liu, YL, Liu, CM, Fann, CSJ, Yang, WC, Liu, TT, Yang, UC, Hsu,
PC. (2007) Direct sequencing of RASD2-A potential candidate vulnerability
gene for schizophrenia. World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics Abstract page
Liu, YL, Liu, SC, Wang, SC, Lin, KM: (2007) Clozapine metabolic differences
among chronic schizophrenia. International Brain Research Organization
satellite meeting. P-36
Hwu, HG, Liu, CM, Fann, CSJ, Tsai, SF, Yang, UC, Hsu, PC, Liu, YL: (2006)
Systematic SNP polymorphisms screening for schizophrenia candidate gene of
calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit (CACNG2). Am. J. Med.
Genetics. 141B (7): P284, 802.
Liu, CM, Hwu, HG, Liu, YL, Yang, UC, Hsu, PC, Fann, CSJ, Yang, WC:
(2006) Systematic mutation screening study for DISC1 and NRG1 in
schizophrenia. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 141B (7): P248, 794.
Tseng, LJ, Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2006) Genootypes and plasma
levels of IL-6 in schizophrenia. The 21th joint annual conference of biomedical
sciences. Abstract P385, 111.
Fan, WL, Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2006) CACNG2 is a potential
vulnerability gene of schizophrenia. The 21th joint annual conference of
biomedical sciences. Abstract P371, 109.
Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, and Hwu, HG: (2005) SNP Fine Mapping of
Chromosome 8p21-12 Reveals Four Potential Candidate Genes for
Schizophrenia, DPYSL2, TRIM35, PTK2B, and CHRNA2. Am. J. Med.
Genetics. 138B (1): P126, 361.
Hwu, HG, Liu, CM, Liu, YL, and Fann, CSJ: (2005) SNP Fine Mapping of
Chromosome 6p24-23 Reveals Two Potential Candidate Genes for
Schizophrenia, BMP6 and TXNDC5. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 138B (1): P123,
16. Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2005) Failure to support both AKT1 and
ZDHHC8 as candidate genes for schizophrenia in the cohort of Taiwan. Am. J.
Med. Genetics. 138B (1): P126, 363.
17. Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Liu, CM, Chen, WJ, Wu, JY, Hung, SI, Chen, JH, Jou, YS,
Liu, SK, Hwang, TJ, Shieh, MH, OuYang, WC, Chan, HY, Chen, JJ, Pan, CC,
Lee, SFC, Hwu, HG: (2005) SNP fine mapping of chromosome 22q12 reveals
the novel vulnerability gene for schizophrneia, CACNG2: association with
impairment of sustained attention and executive function. Am. J. Med.
Genetics. 138B (1): P126, 362.
18. Tseng, LJ, Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2005) Three novel single
disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 gene. The twentieth joint annual conference of
biomedical sciences. Abstract P408, 354.
19. Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2005) Schizophrenia candidate genes
expressed in human neuroblastoma IMR-32 and EBV-transformed human
lymphoblast. The twentieth joint annual conference of biomedical sciences.
Abstract P407, 354.
20. Hwu, HG, Liu, CM, Fann, CSJ, Liu, YL, Lin, CY, Chen, WJ, Chuang, MJ,
Faraone, SV, Ou-Yang, WC, Jann, HY, Chen, JJ, and Wu, JY: (2004)
Association analysis of nine candidate genes of schizophrenia of RGS4,
Taiwanese family sample. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 130B (1): P14.5, 128.
21. Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Lin, CY, Fann, CSJ, Hwu, HG, Jann, HY, Chen, JJ, and
Ou-Yang, WC: (2004) Significant association evidence of polymorphisms of
PRODH/DGCR6 with negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Am. J. Med.
Genetics. 130B (1): P14.19, 132.
22. Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2004) Establishment of human plasma
proline analysis method by high performance liquid chromatography. The
nineteenth joint annual conference of biomedical sciences. Abstract P82, 221.
23. Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2003) Construction of a positive probe for
screening balanced translocation t(1;11)(q42.1;q14.3) causing disruption in a
candidate gene for schizophrenia. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 122B (1): P97, 81.
24. Liu, YL, Liu, CM, and Hwu, HG: (2003) DHPLC analysis of the TATA Box
region of DISC1 gene. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 122B (1): P239, 131.
25. Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Hwu, HG, Fann, CSJ, and Lin, CY: (2003) Significant
association evidence between polymorphisms of PRODH and schizophrenia.
Am. J. Med. Genetics. 122B (1): P111, 86.
26. Hwu, HG, Liu, CM, Liu, YL, Fann, CSJ, Wu, JY, Liu, CY, Ou-Yang, WC, Jann,
HY, and Chen, J-J: (2003) Genetic variation in the 1q42.1 locus and
susceptibility to schizophrenia. Am. J. Med. Genetics. 122B (1): P237, 131.
27. Liu, YL and Yue, CT : (2003) Fluoxetine inhibits COLO 320 DM cell growth
independent of serotonin. The eighteenth joint annual conference of biomedical
sciences. Abstract P427.
28. Liu, YL : (2002) Retinoic acid induced differentiation in high passages of
mouse embyonic stem cells. The seventeenth joint annual conference of
biomedical sciences. Abstract P234.
29. Liu, YL, Cheng, ATA, Hsu, YPP: (2000) Monoamines and their metabolites
released by cultured human neuroblastoma cell line IMR 32. The fifteenth joint
annual conference of biomedical sciences. Abstract P134.
30. Liu, YL, Nwosu, UC, Jaekle, RK, Rice, PJ: (1998) Beta1 and
beta2-adrenoceptors in relaxation of isolated human myometrial muscle. Am. J.
Obstet. Gynecol. 178(1): S34.
Liu, YL, Nwosu, UC, Rice, PJ: (1996) The effect of low dose beta2-agonists in
long-term treatment of cultured human leukocytes and myometrial cells.
FASEB J. 10: A134: 771.
Liu, YL, Nwosu, UC, Rice, PJ: (1996) Comparison of the pathways of
adenylyl cyclase stimulation in cultured human myometrium and mononuclear
leukocytes. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 174(1): 384.
Liu, YL, Nwosu, UC, Rice, PJ: (1995) The effect of beta2-agonists on human
myometrial cells and mononuclear leukocytes. FASEB J. 9: A372: 2153.
Nwosu, UC, Liu, YL, Rice, PJ: (1995) Beta-Adrenoceptors in myometrium and
leukocytes. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 172(1): 316.