endocrine activity hormones

production cell
target cell (s)
target cell (s) action
(s) response
stimulus- excesive blood levels of ionic Ca
production cell - parafollicular cells of the thyroid
target cell (s)- skeleton (inhibits osteoclast cells)
target cell (s) action (s)- Inhibits osteoclast cell activity (bone matrix resorption),
stimulates Ca uptake & incorporation into bone matrix
response- lowers blood calcium level
stimulus- falling blood Ca levels
production cell- parathyroid glands
target cell (s)-skeleton (osteoclasts), nephron (kidney cells), intestinal mucosal cells
target cell (s) action (s)-increases osteoclast cell number and activity, increases Ca
resorption from urine by neprhron (kidney cells), increases formation of Calcitriol
response - overall response is an increase in blood calcium (increases bone matrix
resorption, increases resorption of Ca from diet into intestine)
stimulus- GHRH release (which is triggered by low blood levels of GH), secondaries are
estrogens, hypoglycemia, > in blood levels of amino acids, < levels of fatty acids,
exercise and other types of stressors.
production cell -somatotroph cells of anterior pituritary
target cell (s)- bone, muscle, & body cells undergoing metabolism
target cell (s) action (s)-Increases mitotic rates in bones and muscle cells, increases
protein synthesis, increase use of fats and amino acids to fuel cellular metabolism in body
cells, decreases use of glucose for cell metabolism (and therefore allowing glucose levels
to rise)
response- growth of bone and muscle; mobilizes fats; spares glucose
stimulus- high levels of ACTH (low blood glucose)
production cell- cells in zona fasciculate
target cell (s)- muscle, adipose, liver, histiocytes, & immune cells
target cell (s) action (s)- Increases breakdown of proteins, in muscle cells, and fats, in
adipose cells, (gluconeogenesis) by liver cells, resist stress by variety of cells by use of
increased blood glucose, reduces histamine and other inflammatory chemicals produced
by histiocytes (anti-inflammatory), reduces response by immune cells (immune
response- stimulates conversion of proteins to carbohydrates, raises blood sugar levels
and promotes glycogen storage in the liver (see above).
stimulus- high levels of TSH (low blood glucose)
production cell -thyroid follicular cells
target cell (s)- all body cells (enzymes concerned with glucose oxidation) except adult
brain, spleen, testes, uterus, and thyroid
target cell (s) action (s)- Increase use of oxygen and glucose to elevate cell metabolism of
all body cells, increase protein synthesis to promote normal growth of muscle and
nervous tissue increase use of fats for cellular metabolism thereby sparing glucose,
increase contraction of smooth muscle cells in arterioles and cardiac muscle
response- increased basal metabolism and body temperature; normal growth of muscle
and nervous tissue, increased blood glucose levels, >bp, > heart rate
stimulus- low levels of blood glucose and increased sympathetic activity
production cell- alpha cells in Isle of Langerhans
target cell (s)- liver cells
target cell (s) action (s)- Increases blood glucose levels increasing glycogenolysis in
liver, increases gluconeogenesis
response -synthesis of glucose
stimulus-high levels of blood glucose
production cell- beta cells in Isle of Langerhans
target cell (s)- body cells which take in glucose, liver cells, adipose cells
Target cell (s) Action (s)- Increase glucose uptake into body cells, increase Amino acids
intake, increase glycogenesis (convert glucose to glycogen), increase lipogenesis
response-decreased blood glucose levels
stimulus- high levels of sympathetic nervous stimulation
production cell- chromaffin cells in adrenal medula
target cell (s)- sympathetic nervous system is mobilized to produce effects on liver cells,
smooth muscle cells in bronchioles, smooth muscle cells in arterioles, heart muscle cells
target cell (s) action (s)- increase contraction of cardiac muscles (increased heart rate),
alter blood flow to brain, heart, lungs, increase glucose release (glycogenolysis),
increased bronchodilation.
response- produces flight or fight response
stimulus- increased osmolarity of blood or < blood volume, also pain, some drugs, low
production cell -neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus
target cell (s)- nephrons, smooth muscle cells in arterioles
target cell (s) action (s)- Increases retention of water by nephrons (kidney cells),
increases vasoconstriction of smooth muscle cells in arterioles
response- inhibits urine formation (but > water and blood volume), increases blood
pressure under extreme conditions
stimulus- high levels of blood K, production stimulated by low levels of blood Na ,
dehydration or blood loss (reduced blood volume) which triggers eventual production of
Angiotensin II, a urinary hormone that stimulates Aldosterone production.
production cell- cells in the zona glomerulosa
target cell (s)- kidneys (nephron cells)
target cell (s) action (s)- Increases kidney (nephron cells) retention of Na+ (Cl- and water
follows osmotic gradient produced by Na +), increases secretion of K+ out of body, by
nephron cells, increases secretion of H+ out of the body, by nephron cells.
response- increase in Na blood levels, decreased K blood levels and increased blood