BME1450 Term Paper 1 Systems biology and ecological risk assessment Tilak Dutta Abstract—Environmental risk assessment has traditionally been a difficult process due to the lack of concrete causal relationships between environmental stressors and their negative effects in the ecosystem. The application of the systems biology to ecological risk assessment can help to create links between specific anthropogenic stressors and their associated negative effects, facilitating the task of environmental management. Exploiting systems biology for ecological risk assessment can be useful for creating such causal links in a number of ways: previously compiled genomic data can be reexamined with new ecological risk assessment questions in mind; genomes of genetically significant organisms can be sequenced; DNA microarrays can be used to detect minute variations in gene expression of thousands of genes at one time to see the effects of stressors; and finally the use of the overall systems biology goal of developing predictive computational models. Conventional approaches in ecological risk assessment along with their limitations such as an inability of detecting effects of low level exposure, disentangling effects from multiple stressors, and the need for more immediate indicators rather than retrospective ones are discussed along with ways of overcoming these problems using the systems biology approach. Implications for the future in the field of ecological risk assessment such as the reduced need for destructive testing, as well as the potential for advancement of the systems biology field are considered. Index Terms—ecology, environmental monitoring, genomics, systems biology I. INTRODUCTION I ssues such as industrial waste treatment, sewage discharges, ozone layer depletion, and global climate change affect our daily lives and the sustainability of all ecosystems on the planet. In the past, damage to the environment has largely been identified retrospectively and in response to acute events such as major disasters. This damage has been measured only in terms of human health impacts and visible changes resulting from the loss of particular populations or communities. Increasingly, the scientific community is realizing that human health is directly linked to the health of the environment around us [1], [2]. This realization is resulting in a greater emphasis on ecological risk assessment [1]. Knowledge gaps in our understanding of ecological significance of anthropogenic stressors result in a lack of agreement for a decision-making framework, which could establish the roles of science and policy in formulating environmental management principles [1]-[3]. As Moore et. al. state, “[a] major challenge in impact and risk assessment…is to link harmful effects of pollution…in individual sentinel animals to their ecological consequences” [1]. Traditional ecological risk assessment faces a number of limitations such as an inability of detecting effects of low level exposure, disentangling effects from multiple stressors, and the need for more immediate indicators rather than retrospective ones. The sequencing of the genomes (made up of DNA that each organism uses to store the information it needs to grow and function) has created new areas of research such as genomics (the study of the genomes of various organisms), and proteomics (the study of proteins). Together these fields of research, along with many others, make up what is referred to as systems biology. Systems biology is the study of biological systems by systematically perturbing them while monitoring the system globally with the goal of characterizing the behaviour of, and the relationships between, all elements of the system. The overall process is an iterative approach, which forms a model of the system and continually refines it by alternating between hypothesis driven science and discovery driven science [4], [5]. Due to the magnitude and complexity of the data collected, information technology support through what is called bioinformatics plays the important role of development of system modeling, databases, and tools designed to mine these data [6], [7]. The application of systems biology to ecological risk assessment can help to link negative effects observed in various ecosystems to the anthropogenic stressors that are their cause and facilitate the task of environmental management by overcoming many of the problems faced by conventional methods in ecological risk assessment. The field of ecological risk assessment can take advantage of developments of systems biology to make these causal links in a number of ways: genomic data that has been amassed can be examined in trying to answer new ecologically significant questions; genomes of genetically significant organisms can be sequenced; and DNA microarrays can be used to detect minute variations in gene expression of thousands of genes at one time to see the effects of stressors. In addition, the systems biology paradigm may be applied to ecology in general with the ultimate goal of designing predictive computational models that can help to make ecology and ecological risk assessment more of a hypothesis driven science. II. LIMITATIONS OF TRADITIONAL ECOLOGY Classically, the study of ecology has been discovery driven. Areas of inquiry that are historically ecological include species BME1450 Term Paper interactions, the organization of communities and ecosystem functioning [8]. Risk to the environment has been done retrospectively in response to major disasters. Impacts have been measured based on immediate visible changes resulting from the total loss of populations or communities, decline in numbers of a sensitive indicator species [2], or on measures of whole-organism responses such as growth, and reproduction of indicator species [7]. Tests of substances are done on laboratory animals to generate data about toxicological responses seen in test organisms. The problem is that long term and chronic exposure to environmental stress will seldom result in rapid and catastrophic change. Rather, the impact will be much less pronounced, and frequently difficult to disentangle from the effects of natural environmental change. Another limitation is the inability to distinguish between effects of different stressors, as well as the issue that by the time significant population declines have been recorded, much damage has already occurred [1], [9]. Despite these drawbacks, data gathered through these methods is currently used to provide the foundation for risk assessments used by industry and regulatory agencies in deciding what actions may be necessary to protect the health of exposed populations [2]. However, the limitations make it clear that there is not enough information to make suitable links between stressors and their effects. Fully understanding the adaptive functions of an organism requires an account of how genotype, phenotype and environment interact [8]. III. LINKING CAUSE AND EFFECT The key to finding causal relationships between environmental stressors and their associated negative effects is to develop ways of detecting “distress signals” [1] at the molecular and cellular levels of organization. Ideally, we would want to link to high level effects in the organism to indicate overall health status of the organism [1], [2], [9]. However, restrictions imposed by our current knowledge level mean that within the foreseeable future it is only at the lower levels that we will have the reasonable expectation of developing a basis of mechanistic understanding. This knowledge of how the environment can affect organism function will help to link causality with predictability of response. Our inability for higher-level prediction is in part due to our ability to make certain generalizations about biological organization and function at the molecular and cellular level, which rapidly disappear within the complexity of biological and ecological interactions as we increase in system complexity [1]. In principle, distress signals at the molecular, cellular and physiological levels of organization should be capable of providing early warnings indicating reduced performance, impending disease and damage to health [1], [8], [9]. A. Low Level Exposure Of particular importance is the need to find distress signals for detection of exposure to stressors in the field at very low but chronic levels. Also important, is defining the level of exposure that will cause an effect [9]. 2 Systems biology provides us with a solution to this problem. Gene expression in the form of mRNA or proteins has been shown to be an early indicator of physiological problems that are not yet phenotypically visible. Changes in gene expression occur well in advance of reproductive or morphological problems and can be detected after small environmental changes [9]. This ability to see such effects on the molecular level may even challenge current definitions of threshold toxicological effects. Risk assessors have traditionally grouped chemicals in two categories: carcinogens, for which there is no threshold; and noncarcinogens, which are thought to have a threshold. However, at the molecular level, we may find the thresholds do not exist and that actually all effects of stressors are continuous [1]. B. Effects of Multiple Stressors Another problem is that there may be multiple potential stressors in any environment and effects can be a result of chronic low-level exposure to multiple stressors. It is difficult to separate the effects from each stressor and to know whether these factors act synergistically within an organism. Current monitoring techniques, such as measuring chemical concentrations in tissues are limited in that they are not able to distinguish among different pollutants or stressors [1], [9]. Within an organism, different forms of the same protein are produced to deal with compounds that are of the same structural group but not identical. Genomics takes advantage of this by providing not just a single compound as an indicator but a profile of hundreds of proteins or genes that have been up-regulated or down-regulated in response to a stimulus, providing a unique and specific profile of the organism’s response [9]. C. Current Monitoring Versus Retrospective Measurement Measurements are often retrospective, in that a change such as a reduction in the size of a population is recorded, and only afterward is there an attempt to find the cause. An early indicator that provides real-time information on the status of species and communities within the environment is needed [1], [9]. Ultimately, the creation of a database of stressors and their respective gene and protein expression profiles should make it possible to use this information outside the laboratory as a tool to more immediately identify problems within a population. Genomic technologies will be a direct means to identify the types of stressors to which an organism is exposed and to differentiate among the effects of various environmental factors that affect a population. The early changes in gene expression that occur in response to environmental stimuli, and the specificity of these responses, provide data about the immediate response of a species before a population decline. The development of tests specific to a particular population, which examines changes in the gene expression of native species, could provide an indication of exactly what an organism may have been exposed to and a way of monitoring the effects of various compounds at low doses before these effects are visible in the natural population [9]. BME1450 Term Paper IV. ECOLOGICAL GENOME DATABASES As mentioned previously, arriving at solutions to the problem of making risk assessments less retrospective can be facilitated by the development of genomic databases. Some such databases already exist. The Rat Genome Database, and the Daphnia Genomics Consortium are examples of databases in which all the relevant genomic data from the model organism has been compiled. Daphnia is of particular importance because it is a model organism that also happens to be ecologically interesting [6]. The information contained in these databases can be probed for answers to new ecologically relevant questions. The problem of working only with model organisms is that very few have been studied to any depth [8]. As Snape et. al. point out, “[c]learly there is a current lack of DNA sequence resources for the ecotoxicologist to utilize” [7]. Also, most model species were selected on the basis of particular genetic and developmental features (e.g. clonal propagation, self fertilization and short generation times), for ease of growth in the laboratory [8], or due to the focus on species that are models for human health, agricultural species, or disease organisms, rather than for their ecological importance. As a result, many ecologically important pathways, processes and structures are not currently represented in the set model organisms available today [8], [6]. The obvious solution to this problem is that more model organisms need to be sequenced. However, significant thought should be given to the selection of new model species. This new range of model species should attempt to represent diverse ecological and physiological attributes. For example, there exist three pathways of plant photosynthesis: C3, C4 and CAM. Arabidopsis and rice, the plant species for which genomic sequences are available, both use the C3 pathway. It would be advantageous to choose new model species that use C4 and CAM pathways [8]. Snape et. al. suggest that the most popular species used in ecotoxicology should be fully sequenced. For invertebrates they suggest Chironomus riparius, Daphnia manga and Mytilus edulis. They state that the situation for fish is encouraging due to the announcement of plans to fully sequence the zebrafish genome in the near future [7]. Also encouraging is the predicted drop in time and expense of genomic research. It is predicted that within the next decade, projects the size of the Human Genome Project will cost less than $10,000 and will take only a few hours to complete [9]. V. SYSTEMS BIOLOGY TOOLS APPLIED TO ECOLOGY Of course, having a fully sequenced genome is only the beginning. The next step is to begin assigning functions to these identified genes [7]. The functions of thousands of genes in animals, microbes and flowering plants that have been identified still remain a mystery [8]. One way to gain information about gene function of newly sequenced organisms is to make use of existing model organisms that are well characterized to isolate homologous genes from the new species [9], [8]. As Klaper and Thomas state, “[c]onserved pathways among phyla provide a basis for using well-studied 3 model species to study species of concern” [9]. It is encouraging to note that “[b]etween 48% and 60% of genes in Arabidopsis have counterparts in the other eukaryotic [nonplant] genomes sequenced to date, suggesting at least some highly conserved gene functions…” [8]. However, many ecological processes arise from complex, interacting systems that may not be explained by examining gene function alone. Identifying which ecological processes key genes control is the challenge ecological risk assessors are faced with. In the process of “[h]unting for ecological genes” [8], ecologists attempt to attain a mechanistic understanding of the phenotype of the organism and its response to ecological signals [8]. A. DNA Microarrays One of the tools ecologists have at their disposal to attempt to develop such in depth mechanistic understanding is the DNA microarray or DNA chip. Microarrays allow the expression of hundreds or thousands of genes to be analyzed at one time and determine which are expressed in a particular cell type. Although most cells in the body contain the same genes, not all of the genes are used in each cell. Some genes are turned on, or “expressed” when needed [2], [8], [9]. Cells change their pattern of gene expression in response to their environment, such as exposure to environmental chemicals [2]. Information from the development of gene or protein expression signatures for a limited range of organisms could be used to identify the mechanisms of action of a single chemical or complex environmental mixtures [7]. Microarrays will be useful in gaining a better understanding of how particular chemicals interact with genes to produce a particular kind of toxic response. Microarrays also make it possible to proceed with investigations without the need of complete genomic models for the species of interest. As Klaper and Thomas point out, “[m]icroarray experiments measuring mRNA production can be accomplished with or without the complete genomic sequence of the organism” [9]. B. Doing more with less One advantage of using cellular reactions for environmental assessment of toxic risk is that isolated cells can be exposed to chemical or complex mixtures of toxins in vitro, which facilitates rapid testing. In addition, at a time when the public is becoming aware and alarmed at animal suffering in the name of science, an in vitro approach requires the sacrifice of very few animals. Once disaggregated, a tissue biopsy or sample of body fluids or eggs can provide sufficient cells to undertake many exposure experiments in the knowledge that genetic heterogeneity has been removed as a confounding factor; which is in sharp contrast to traditional in vivo exposure studies where it is necessary to treat different animals with a given compound [1]. Another method to reduce the number of animals sacrificed for testing is the use of molecular markers from blood or tissue from an ecological sample. This type of diagnostic could aid in monitoring threatened or endangered species, replacing more destructive sampling techniques. Samples of blood and tissue contain many markers that are currently used in medical BME1450 Term Paper research [9]. Plasma proteins, for example have been used as a basis for human disease diagnostics, and the number of known protein markers is increasing exponentially because of advances in proteomics. One potential drawback to these techniques may be the variability caused by other environmental conditions. Organisms are exposed to greater variation in environmental factors in their natural habitat than in the laboratory, and this variation can have an effect on gene expression. Therefore, researchers will need to identify genomic responses that are consistent between the laboratory and the natural environment. Another potential difficulty is that some environmental factors affecting populations are of short duration, and the changes in gene expression patterns in response to these factors may last for only a short period of time. Protein profiles may be the best approach here, as they provide a longer-lasting signal than mRNA in response to change [9]. VI. APPLYING THE PROCESS OF SYSTEMS BIOLOGY Up to this point in this paper, the application of systems biology to ecological risk assessment has been discussed in terms of the use of tools and data that carry over from work focused in other areas of scientific research. However, the systems biology approach may also apply in a much broader sense. The systems biology approach, which attempts to characterize the behaviour of, and the relationships between, all elements of a given biological system [4], lends itself to the study of ecology particularly well due to the inherent “systemlevel” understanding desired. As Moore et. al. state, “[t]rying to understand the behaviour of a complex adaptive (or dynamic) system, such as an organism, population, ecosystem or biogeochemical cycle, by a reductionist approach often irretrievably destroys the inherent nature of the problem being addressed” [1]. Pursuing a whole system approach with the development of computational simulation models of cells, organs and animals in tandem with empirical data will facilitate the process of linking the impact of pollutants through the various levels of biological organization up to ecosystem health [1]. VII. THE FUTURE We are a long way away from the “canary on a chip”[9] as Kalper and Thomas put it, referring to the miner’s canary, who’s death served as an indicator of toxic gases in mine shafts. Currently, computational models are in their infancy. However, the advantage of simulation is that it encourages an understanding of how processes are linked and how systems properties emerge in space and time [9], and this is precisely the ultimate goal of ecological risk assessment. Some believe that, “…genomic methods will eventually allow understanding of life at the molecular, cellular, organism, species, and ecosystem level” [2]. The possibility of one day having predictive computational models is very exciting. Along with providing answers to all 4 the problems discussed in this paper so far, such predictive models will be able to predict the harmful effects of chemical substances that may not yet exist in the environment. Rapid developments in nanotechnology raise questions of potential environmental impacts of nanoparticles particularly because biological systems did not evolve in the presence of such substances [1]. This type of information can help us, as a society, to make preemptive, rather than reactionary decisions about the use of potentially hazardous substances. Combining systems biology and ecology research can help build links between the causes and effects of environmental pollutants. There is much that can be done with the data and tools that we have today, but to better realize the full potential, significant further study and development of the field is required [8]. Some say that the application of systems biology tools to ecology is directly beneficial to systems biology as well. Ecologists can provide a unique perspective for systems biology researchers. By participating in systems biology research, ecologists will have a leading role in helping understand the ecological basis for interactions among cells and molecules. As Martin Feder said loosely paraphrasing John F. Kennedy, “[a]sk not what genomics can do for ecology, but also what ecology can do for genomics” [6]. REFERENCES M. N. Moore, M. H. Depledge, J. W. Readman, and D. R. Leonard, “An integrated biomarker-based strategy for ecotoxicological evaluation of risks in environmental management,” Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, vol. 552, pp. 247-268, Aug. 18, 2004. [2] C. C. Travis, W. E. Bishop, and D. P. Clarke, “The genomic Revolution: What does it mean for human and ecological risk assessment?” Ecotoxicology, vol. 12, pp. 489-495, 2003. [3] A. N. 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