Dean of Postgraduate Research Vice-Chancellor’s Office Extension: 7285 Email: Summer Research Scholarship Scheme 2015-2016 Project Application Form Please complete and submit the application form as a WORD document and send to The Project Title of Project (max 30 words): Transdermal Drug Delivery: permeability enhancement by Sonoporation Project Leader(s): Sid Becker Host Department/Organization: Mechanical Engineering Other persons involved in this topic/activity: (List other significant members involved along with their affiliation to the research project.) Name Affiliation to project Barbara Zorec Clinical Collaborator (University of Ljubljana) Brief outline of project Describe the proposed research project – maximum of 400 words (box will expand as you type). Note that this information will be published on the web in order to attract student applicants and therefore be mindful of any Intellectual Property issues This work is a component of a combined Theoretical-Experimental research project that is funded by the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marden Grant in conjunction with the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. The work considers experimental and theoretical modelling strategies which are designed in order to capture the increase in drug delivery across the skin that results from exposure to intense electrical and acoustic fields. One part of this project involves transdermal delivery of drugs after sonoporation. This is an acoustic field that results in micro-cavitations near the skin surface. The dynamics of these cavitating bubbles results in increased permeability to transdermal transport. We will be attempting to study this experimentally in the laboratory and theoretically using numerical methods. 1 The experimental work involves the development of the modified Franz Cell so that it can be used in conjunction with the acoustic probe. We have an existing design for the test chamber and are now developing the actual prototype. The Summer Scholarship work would involve preliminary data acquisition of acoustic signatures, electrical conductivity changes in the skin, and of the total solute transported across the skin. The computational work involves an alteration of existing computational models in order to capture the local transport associated with the alteration of the skin. We have an existing model that has been used to describe the alteration of biological tissue to transport enhancement technology. In this study the successful summer scholarship awardee would (under the supervision of the PI and in collaboration with the group) further the existing model so that it can capture the effects of a composite medium like skin. If the student be required to work outside of normal university hours (8am-5pm) please provide details Benefits student will gain from involvement in the project Describe the research experience and skills that the student will acquire through involvement in this research project – maximum of 100 words. Students will get the experience of working in a multinational research consortium. Develop mathematical skill set in the computational analysis of coupled pde’s Experience in the laboratory in classical Franz-cell diffusion measurements This project will give you more perspective on experimental, theoretical reseach. This is especially helpful if you are considering postgraduate work. Specific student requirements Please provide details of all requirements you have for the student to work on this project – for example, if specific courses/experience are necessary. Students should be in their second or third professional years in engineering or the sciences Students should have a strong interest in research methods and be considering Postgraduate school Students should be able to provide evidence of strong competence in at least one of the following Computational analysis of mathematical models Laboratory analysis of measurements (spectro-fluorometer or the like) - 2