Tim Walsworth Zoology 511 Wednesday Lab Ecology of Your Fish Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) “Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and the Spawning Habitat of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens” by Williamson, et al identifies ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as abiotic factors that affect the behavior and function of yellow perch. The UV radiation affects yellow perch by damaging their eggs, which perch often lay in shallow waters. Therefore, the perch need to select a habitat to spawn that is deep enough that the UV radiation is not intense enough to damage the eggs. As the ozone continues to be depleted, lakes will be exposed to more intense UV radiation, which would force the perch to spawn in deeper waters, which could expose them to predation and colder temperatures. The colder temperatures would slow the maturation of the eggs, thus leaving them vulnerable to predation for longer periods of time. This paper used several charts and graphs to explain the results of the study. These were very helpful, as it is much easier to explain the results visually than through words. The graphs show the distribution of the eggs and the mortality rates of the eggs, among other results. “Ontogenetic Changes in the Distribution of Larval and Juvenile Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens): A Response to Prey or Predators?” by Post, et al identifies prey density and predator habitat as factors influencing where larval and juvenile yellow perch live in lakes, whether it be offshore or nearshore, and at what times of day these areas are occupied. The results of this experiment showed that the movements of the perch did not always coincide with where their preferred prey was located. However, their movements did not always coincide with a lack of predator presence, except the initial migration after hatch. However, when the authors compared these results to other experiments done, they concluded that this initial avoidance of predators would not hold up in all lakes, especially those that had offshore predators, such as walleye. The graphs and tables used in this paper were very helpful in explaining some of the points the authors were trying to get across, such as which prey were preferred at different stages of perch development and what time of day the fish were eating compared with what type of prey were in their location. Striped Marlin (Tetrapturus audax) “Trophic dynamics and seasonal energetics of striped marlin Tetrapturus audax in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico” by Abitia-Cardena, et al identifies chub mackerel, the California pilchard, and the jumbo squid as the primary diet of the striped marlin, and whose presence affects the range of the striped marlin. These organisms that swim in large schools allow the striped marlin to maximize its energy intake as they can eat many organisms in one feeding. Since these organisms swim in large schools, the striped marlin does not need to expend much energy getting from one prey item to the next, allowing for energy to be stored so as to be used for other processes, such as reproduction and migration. The presence of these prey organisms south of the Gulf of California leads the authors to conclude that the area is along a migration route for the striped marlin, and also near an unknown spawning habitat. The tables and graphs in this paper helped visualize the relationships between food/energy intake and time of year, which species is being preyed upon at what time of year, and which species was most prevalent in the stomachs of the striped marlin. “Vertical and horizontal movements of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) near the Hawaiian Islands , determined by ultrasonic telemetry, with simultaneous measurement of oceanic currents” by Brill, et al identifies temperature change and oceanic currents as two abiotic factors that affect the movement of striped marlin. The striped marlin’s vertical movement was affected by the change in temperature with change in depth. The authors found no absolute temperature preference, just preferred temperatures relative to the mixed layer. The striped marlin spent nearly all of its time in waters no cooler than that 2 degrees Celsius lower than that of the mixed layer, or in the warmest water available. The horizontal movement of the striped marlin was affected by the oceanic currents, which caused the marlins studied to swim in slowly curving arcs. The figures in this article gave visual support to the ideas presented about direction of travel being affected by the currents and also to the effect of temperature on swimming depth. The individual graphs of depth against temperature for each fish followed were especially interesting, as they showed how the patterns of depth control by temperature were repeated in each fish. Literature Cited Abitia-Cardenas, L. A., Muhlia-Melo, A., Cruz-Escalona, V., Galvan-Magana, F. 2002. Trophic dynamics and seasonal energetics of striped marlin Tetrapturus audax in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. Fisheries Research 57: 287-295. Brill, R. W., Holts, D. B., Chang, R. K. C., Sullivan, S., Dewar, H., Carey, F. G. 1993. Vertical and horizontal movements of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) near the Hawaiian Islands , determined by ultrasonic telemetry, with simultaneous measurement of oceanic currents. Marine Biology 117: 567-574. Post, J. R., McQueen, D. J. 1988. Ontogenetic changes in the distribution of larval and juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens): a response to prey or predators? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 1820-1826 Williamson, C. E., Metzgar, S. L., Lovera, P. A., Moeller, R. E. 1997. Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and the Spawning Habitat of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens. Ecological Applications 7(3):1017-1023.