Date of Birth: March 8, 1968 Place of Birth: Tze'elim, Israel
Office address: InSyst Intelligent Systems, 7 Hamarpe St., Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem, 91450, Israel
Office Phone: +972-2-5400920 Ext. 241 Office Fax: +972-2-5400044 E-mail:
Home address: 71 Frishman st., Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL. Home Phone: +972-3-7313437.
1997-present: Studying for a Ph.D. in Mathematics in Tel-Aviv University.
Thesis supervisors: Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob and Prof. Zeev Schuss.
1994-1997: M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University (Magna Cum Laude).
Thesis Subject: ``Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Pattern Formation and Colonial Organization in Bacterial
Thesis advisors: Prof. Zeev Schuss and Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob.
1992: Summer student at the Weizmann Institute under the direction of Prof. Edelman - work on preliminary image processing and functional mapping in the visual system.
1990-1994: The interdisciplinary program for fostering excellence at Tel-Aviv University.
2001-present: Algorithms development, InSyst Intelligent Systems, Jerusalem.
1997-1998: Teaching Assistant, Tel-Aviv University.
1997: Information Analyzer, Influence Medical Technologies Ltd. Ramat-Gan.
1996-1997: Teaching Assistant, Tel-Aviv University.
1996: Data extraction from Internet resources - advisory, AMVision Technologies Ltd. Tel-Aviv.
1995-1996: Research Assistant, Tel-Aviv University.
1994-1995: Teaching Assistant, Tel-Aviv University.
1990-1991: Users Advisor for UNIX systems & IBM Mainframes, Tel-Aviv University.
1986-1990: Israel Defense Force.
1998-2001: Colton Foundation Scholarship.
1990-1994: Fellowship in the interdisciplinary program for fostering excellence at Tel-Aviv university.
1988: ILA (Israeli Data Processing Association) Award for expert systems.
1988: Israeli Air Force Commander Award.
List of publications:
"Orientation field model for chiral branching growth of bacterial colonies" I. Cohen and E. Ben-Jacob.
(submitted to Phys. Rev. E 2002 ).
"Biofluiddynamics of lubricating bacteria" I. Cohen, I. Golding, I.G. Ron and E. Ben-Jacob. Math. Meth.
Appl. Sci.
24:1429-1468 (2001).
"Adaptive branching during colonial development of lubricating bacteria" I. Golding, I. Cohen, I.G. Ron and E. Ben-Jacob. in Branching in nature : dynamics and morphogenesis of branching structures, from cell to river networks V.Fleury, J.-F.Gouyet and M.Leonetti, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
"Self-organization in systems of self-propelled particles" H. Levine, W.-J. Rappel and I. Cohen. Phys. Rev.
E 63:017101 (2001).
"Modeling branching and chiral colonial patterning of lubricating bacteria" E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, I.
Golding and Y. Kozlovsky. in Mathematical Models for Biological Pattern Formation, IMA Vol. Math.
Appl., 121 , P. Maini and H. Othmer, eds. Springer-Verlag, New-York, 2001.
"From branching to nebula patterning during colonial development of the Paenibacillus alvei bacteria" I.
Cohen, I.G. Ron and E. Ben-Jacob. Physica A 286:321-336 (2000).
"Bacterial cooperative organization under antibiotic stress" E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, I. Golding, D.L.
Gutnick, M. Tcherpakov, D. Helbing and I.G. Ron. Physica A 282:247-282 (2000).
"Cooperative self-organization of microorganisms" E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen and H. Levine. Adv. Phys.
49(4):395-554 (2000).
"Studies of bacterial cooperative organization" I. Golding, I. Cohen and E. Ben-Jacob. In Traffic and
Granular Flow '99: Social, Traffic and Granular Dynamics , D. Helbing, H. J. Herrmann, M.
Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000.
"Studies of sector formation in expanding bacterial colonies", I. Golding, I. Cohen and E. Ben-Jacob.
Europhys. Lett.
48:587-593 (1999).
"Continuous and discrete models of cooperation in complex bacterial colonies", I. Cohen, I. Golding, Y.
Kozlovsky and E. Ben-Jacob. Fractals 7:235-247 (1999).
"Lubricating bacteria model for branching growth of bacterial colonies" Y. Kozlovsky, I. Cohen, I. Golding and E. Ben-Jacob, Phys. Rev. E 59:7025-7035 (1999).
"Studies of bacterial branching growth using reaction-diffusion models for colonial development" I.
Golding, Y. Kozlovsky, I. Cohen and E. Ben-Jacob Physica A 260:510-554 (1998).
"Cooperative organization of bacterial colonies: From genotype to morphotype", E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen and D.L. Gutnick, Annu. Rev. Microbiol.
52:779-806 (1998).
"Chemomodulation of cellular movement, collective formation of vortices by swarming bacteria, and colonial development", E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, A. Czirók, T. Vicsek and D.L. Gutnick, Physica A
238:181-197 (1997).
"Adaptive self-organization of bacterial colonies", E. Ben-Jacob and I. Cohen, in Self-Organization of
Complex Structures: From Individual to Collective Dynamics , F. Schweitzer ed. Gordon and Breach,
Berlin, 1997, pp. 243-256.
"Smart bacterial colonies" E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, and A. Czirók, in Physics of Biological Systems: From
Molecules to Species , H. Flyvbjerg, J. Hertz, M. H. Jensen, O. G. Mouritsen, K. Sneppen, eds. (Lecture
Notes in Physics) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997, pp. 307-324.
"Cooperative formation of bacterial patterns" E. Ben-Jacob and I. Cohen, in Bacteria as Multicellular
Organisms , J. A. Shapiro and M. Dworkin eds., Oxford University Press, New-York, 1997, pp. 394-416.
"Chemotactic-based adaptive self organization during colonial development", I. Cohen, A. Czirók and E.
Ben-Jacob, Physica A , 233:678-698 (1996).
"Formation of complex bacterial colonies via self-generated vortices" A. Czirók, E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen and T. Vicsek, Phys. Rev. E.
54:1791-1801 (1996).
"Response of bacterial colonies to imposed anisotropy", E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet, A. Tenenbaum, I.
Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, Phys. Rev. E.
53:1835-1845 (1996).
"Cooperative strategies in formation of complex bacterial patterns" E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet, I. Cohen, A.
Tenenbaum, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, in
Fractal Geometry and Analysis : The Mandelbrot Festschrift,
Curacao , C.J.G. Evertsz, H.-O. Peitgen and R. Voss, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, pp. 445-464.
"Cooperative strategies in formation of complex bacterial patterns" E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet, I. Cohen, A.
Tenenbaum, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, Fractals 3(4):849-868 (1995).
"Aggregation patterns in stressed bacteria", L. Tsimring, H. Levine, I. Aranson, E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, O.
Shochet and W. N. Reynolds, Phys. Rev. Lett.
75(9):1859-1862 (1995).
"Cooperative formation of chiral patterns during growth of bacterial colonies", E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, O.
Shochet, A. Tenenbaum, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, Phys. Rev. Lett.
75:2899-2902 (1995).
"Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles", T. Vicsek, A. Czirók, E. Ben-Jacob, I.
Cohen, O. Shochet and A. Tenenbaum, Phys. Rev. Lett.
75:1226-1229 (1995).
"Complex bacterial patterns", E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, O. Shochet, I. Aranson, H. Levine and L. Tsimring,
Nature 373:566-567 (1995).
"Cooperative strategies and genome cybernetics in formation of complex bacterial patterns", E. Ben-Jacob,
O. Shochet, I. Cohen, A. Tenenbaum, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek. in Fractal Aspects of Materials
(Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 28 Nov.-1 Dec. 1994). F. Family, P. Meakin, B. Sapoval and R. Wool., eds. Mater. Res. Soc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1995.
"Communication, regulation and control during complex patterning of bacterial colonies", E. Ben-Jacob, O.
Shochet, A. Tenenbaum, I. Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, in Fractals in Natural Sciences , T. Vicsek, M.
Shlesinger, M. Matsushita, eds. World Scientific, Singapore, 1994.
"Communication, regulation and control during complex patterning of bacterial colonies", E. Ben-Jacob, O.
Shochet, A. Tenenbaum, I. Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, Fractals 2:15-44 (1994).
"Generic modeling of cooperative growth patterns in bacterial colonies", E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet, A.
Tenenbaum, I. Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, Nature 368:46-49 (1994).
"Fractal patterns and complexity during diffusive growth of bacterial colonies", E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet,
A. Tenenbaum, I. Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek, Symmetry: Culture and Science 4:303-317 (1993).
Invited talks:
"Chemotactic-based adaptive self organization during colonial development" I. Cohen, A. Czirók and E.
Ben-Jacob. Pattern Formation, Fractals and Statistical Mechanics , Sydney, Australia. Jan. 1996.
"From snowflakes to bacterial colonies" I. Cohen and E. Ben-Jacob. Workshop on Domain Walls Near and
Far from Equilibrium , Sede-Boker, Israel. Feb. 1996.
"Cooperative self-organization during growth of bacterial colonies" I. Cohen and E. Ben-Jacob. Patterns,
Non-Linear Dynamics and Stochastic Behaviour in Spatially Extended, Complex Systems , Budapest,
Hungary. Oct. 1997.
Inon Cohen
Thu Apr 18 12:48:41 IDT 2002