Rejsende i Afrika: En komparativ analyse af travelogues fra sidste

Rejsende i Afrika: En komparativ analyse af
travelogues fra sidste halvdel af det 19. århundrede, og
rejseblogs fra det 21. århundrede
Travellers in Africa: A comparative analysis of
travelogues from the second half of the 19th century, and
travel blogs from the 21th century
Navn: Line Eriksen
Opgave: Speciale
Afleveringsdato: 3.2.2014
Vejleder: Lars Konzack
Ordoptælling: 28.807
This thesis investigates, through a comparative analysis, how travel literature reflects and influences
Western discourses about non-Western cultures; specifically African cultures, and, at the same time,
the Western world itself. I pay special attention to the way this literary genre revolves around the
concept of difference and contrasts: Between them and us, home and away, Africa and the West. I
focus on two different historical periods and two different travel literary genres: Travelogues from
the second half of the 19th century, and travel blogs from the 21th century. For the theoretical
framework of my text, I draw on postcolonial studies, such as Mary Louise Pratt (2008), David
Spurr (1993), and Said (2002), and Foucauldian discourse analysis.
In regards to the first period, the 19th century, I will examine quotations and examples from two
travelogues by John Hanning Speke (1863), and Henry M. Stanley (1878). Both of the travelogues
can be seen as very explicit examples of a colonial discourse. I begin by sketching a framework for
travelogues as a genre. Important for the comparative aspect of my analysis is their close relation to
the diary; a trait travelogues share with travel blogs. After this discussion I examine passages from
Speke and Stanley’s travelogues. In the second part of my analysis, travel blogs from the 21th
century, I begin with a general discussion of contemporary travel literature. Even though the overall
genre is often though of as politically “innocent” (Said, 2002), it becomes clear that a reimplementation of the colonial discourse can still be identified in much contemporary travel
literature (Lisle, 2006).
Moving on, I investigate travel blogs from three interrelated topics; as a genre, in relation to tourism
and in relation to authenticity. Through travel blogs, all written by Western travellers, a number of
contemporary trends show themselves, such as the need to be mobile while on the move, the
tendency towards self-exposure and self-reflexion. Looking at how non-Western cultures;
specifically Africa, are represented through this contemporary genre, I show how two of my blogexamples can be seen as an expression of respectively a colonial, and a cosmopolitan vision. The
conclusion of my thesis is that a focus on differences and contrasts still plays a defining role in
regards to how Africa is represented through contemporary travel blogs. Even though they often
focus on the attractiveness of these differences (e.g. the exotic, the authentic), it is still an
expression of how the West is seen as developed, and Africa as less developed.
1. Indledning........................................................................................................................1
2. Problemformulering..........................................................................................................3
2.1 Emneafgrænsning.......................................................................................................4
3. Metode..............................................................................................................................6
3.1 Empiri.........................................................................................................................9
3.2 Litteratur...................................................................................................................11
4. Teori...............................................................................................................................14
5. Analyse: Travelogues fra sidste haldvel af det 19. århundrede......................................18
5.1 Hvad er en travelogue?.............................................................................................18
5.2 John Hanning Speke.................................................................................................21
5.3 Spekes travelogue.....................................................................................................22
5.4 Henry M. Stanley.....................................................................................................30
5.5 Stanleys travelogue..................................................................................................32
6. Analyse: Rejseblogs fra det 21. århundrede..................................................................42
6.1 Rejselitteratur og Afrikabilleder i dag.....................................................................42
6.2 Rejseblogs...............................................................................................................45
6.3 Turister og rejsende.................................................................................................55
6.4 Autenticitet..............................................................................................................62
7. Konklusion og afslutning..............................................................................................67
8. Kildefortegnelse...........................................................................................................70
9. Bilag
Bilag 1..........................................................................................................................77