Air Permit Application and Registration Procedures

February 24, 2012
Sharon L. Reiter
David L. Patterson
Environmental Health & Safety
FILE: 2012:17
Air Permit Application Procedures
The following are the existing procedures for obtaining Air Permits and Registrations from the South
Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). These procedures are also available on the
Environmental Health & Safety Web Page at with imbedded links to
SCAQMD documents and forms. Please distribute copies of these procedures to your Managers,
Project Coordinators, Project Managers, Contractors, or others that may coordinate the construction,
installation, alteration, replacement or operation of equipment that emits or controls the emission of air
contaminants. Some examples of this type of equipment are air scrubbers, charbroilers, boilers,
internal combustion engines, furnaces, generators, incinerators, negative air machines, process
heaters, spray paint booths, street sweepers and water heaters. A list of the equipment currently on
campus is available in a Microsoft Excel file on the Environmental Health & Safety Web site at This file contains links to copies of the
current SCAQMD permits.
The purpose of this procedure is to comply with the current air quality laws, avoid fines, and expedite
the process of obtaining the required permits.
Air Permit Application and Registration Procedures
A SCAQMD Air Permit is written authorization to build, install, alter, replace or operate equipment that
emits or controls the emission of air contaminants. The possession of an SCAQMD permit and
compliance with the permit conditions ensures that California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
maintains compliance with federal, state and local air quality standards/regulations and is making
steady progress toward achieving and maintaining good air quality.
In order to maintain compliance with SCAQMD regulations the University requires that permits and
registrations be obtained before the equipment is installed and operated. Departments and
contractors will be responsible for any fines for operating equipment without a permit or proof of
registration. This will be accomplished by complying with the following:
1. Contact EH&S Michael P. Huyter, Environmental Specialist, at extension 3230 or E-mail at for consultation and assistance.
2. Determine if the equipment is exempt from permitting by SCAQMD Rule 219
( ). Note that charbroilers, negative air
machines. boilers/process heaters (1,000,000 up to and including 2,000,000 Btu/hr heat
input), etc. are typically exempt from permitting, but do require submission of a Rule 222
Registration Form (see below).
Air Permit Application Procedures
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3. Verify that Internal Combustion Engines will be located greater than 500 feet from any K12 School or any off site receptor and that no more than 2 engines are located within 500
feet of each other (Reference Rules 1470 and 1472).
4. Verify that the Equipment complies with and will be operated in compliance with applicable
SCAQMD Rules. SCAQMD Rules are located at
5. Determine if the equipment is certified by the SCAQMD. Information on certified
equipment can be found though the links listed under “AQMD Certified Equipment Lists” on
the SCAQMD Web Page at
6. Obtain the following required forms from SCAQMD’s Web Site (SCAQMD’s list of forms is
located at
An SCAQMD Application for Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate from 400-A
A California Environmental Quality Act Form 400 CEQA from
An applicable SCAQMD Equipment Specific Form 400 – E – xx from the list at
If applicable a Rule 222 ( Application
Form A for Asbestos Negative Air Machines
( or
Form B for Boilers and Process Heaters (1,000,000 up to and including 2,000,000
Btu/hr heat input) (
Form C for Charbroilers (
Form 222-OW for Oil Production Well
Form 222-Ag for Agricultural Engines (
Form 222-PCD for Printing, Coating and Drying Equipment
Form 222-SD for Agricultural Gasoline Storage & Dispensing Equipment
Form 222-4T for Facility with no written permits and four tons or more of VOC
emissions per year (
SCAQMD’s information on obtaining the above forms is at
SCAQMD maintains a consultant list of Certified Permitting Professionals, at, that can assist in the completion of the
appropriate forms.
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7. Fill out the required forms to the best of your knowledge. Some of the standard
information required on these forms is listed below for your convenience.
IRS Number: 9 5 4 2 5 5 6 5 9
Facility ID Number: 0 0 4 3 5 1
Type of Business: Education
Primary SIC Code: 8221
Number 0f Employees: 2300
Contact Person: Mr. Michael Huyter
Contact Person’s Phone: (909) 869-3230
Contact Person’s Fax: (909) 869-4698
Contact Person’s Email:
Name of Responsible Official of Firm: Mr. David L. Patterson
Responsible Official’s Phone: (909) 869-4697
8. Return all the completed forms and copies of any information regarding if the equipment is
listed on the SCAQMD Certified Equipment List (Note: A model/family of equipment is
certified when AQMD approves it as meeting all applicable air quality requirements) to
EH&S, attention Michael P. Huyter, for submission to SCAQMD.
EH&S will review/edit the forms and determine appropriate fees. The submitting
department or contractor will be responsible to obtain a check for the fees and provide
the check to EH&S.
EH&S will submit the completed forms and fee to SCAQMD.
9. EH&S shall, upon receipt of the actual permit from SCAQMD:
File a copy of the permit for record keeping purposes.
Forward the original permit or proof of registration to the contractor for inclusion into
the final construction package when the building/project is completed and turned over
to the University.
Forward a copy of the permit or proof of registration to the department for record
keeping and compliance with all permit conditions.
10. Departments (e.g. Facilities Management or Facilities Design and Construction) and
contractors shall ensure:
All permits are posted and proofs of registrations are maintained on site, including
construction sites, in accordance with SCAQMD Regulations.
The “Conditions of the Permit” are being followed and record keeping is being
accomplished in accordance with SCAQMD Regulations.
EH&S is provided with building and room numbers of the posted permit(s) and that all
the equipment included in a permit or registration is marked.
EH&S is notified for all SCAQMD inspections in order to provide a staff member to
accompany the inspection team and assist in answering any questions the inspector
may have regarding the equipment or the permit conditions.
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The above procedure does not apply to the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation. The Foundation is
currently handling its own SCAQMD permit program. As a courtesy, the Foundation forwards copies
of applications, permits, registrations and other information to EH&S.
Michael P. Huyter, of my staff is available to assist you with SCAQMD permit requests, Rule 222
registration, permit tracking and record keeping. Please feel free to contact him at extension 3230 or
via E-mail him at
Dr. Mahyar A Amouzegar, Dean, College of Engineering
Ms. Cora M. Culla, A.S.I. Executive Director
Mr. Andy Feinstein, Dean, Collins College of Hospitality Management
Ms. Daiken R. Fiore, Interim Manager, Graphic Communication Services
Mr. Mark Miller, Director, Facilities Management & Capital Projects
Dr. Mandayam A. Srinivas, Interim Dean, College of Science
Mr. George Barney Wright, Associate Director Facilities, University Housing Services
Dr. Lester Young, Dean, College of Agriculture