bus260 chapter 1 without answers

BUS260 Business Communications
Chapter 1 Quiz
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Communication is the process of
A) listening actively.
C) sending and receiving messages.
1) _______
B) transferring knowledge.
D) writing effective messages.
2) Your ability to communicate effectively as a business professional gives both you and your
employer benefits in
A) enhanced professional images.
B) more efficient problem solving.
C) increased productivity.
D) all of the above
2) _______
3) Communicating effectively yields all of the following benefits except
A) stronger decision making.
B) decreased need for teams in the workplace.
C) better responses from colleagues, employees, customers, and other stakeholders.
D) stronger business relationships.
3) _______
4) Communication is effective only if your message
A) stimulates action.
B) encourages the audience to think in new ways.
C) is understood.
D) all of the above
4) _______
5) Good communication skills are more important today than ever in history because of
A) the growth of globalization.
B) advances in technology.
C) the need to manage vast amounts of information.
D) all of the above
5) _______
6) Good communication skills are vital today because
A) of an aging population.
B) there are multiple sets of generations in the workplace that have different methods of
C) people need to adapt to a constantly changing workplace.
D) of the numerous kinds of media used to communicate.
6) _______
7) One of the greatest challenges that communicators face in the new age of information is
A) effectively catching their audience's attention.
B) successfully editing for clarity.
C) successfully analyzing their audience.
D) effectively formatting their documents.
7) _______
8) Communicating in team-based organizations requires that you
A) speed up the decision-making process.
B) listen well and understand how groups interact.
C) be assertive and take charge.
D) all of the above
8) _______
9) In the communication process all of the following occur, except:
A) the sender transmits the message
B) the receiver has an idea
C) the receiver decodes the message
D) the sender has an idea
9) _______
10) When senders transmit a message, they must
A) select a communication channel.
B) analyze the message, the audience's location, the need for speed, and the formality
C) choose a communication medium.
D) all of the above
10) ______
11) When the receivers of a message respond in some way, they are providing ________ to the
A) feedback
B) attention
C) an evaluation
D) an answer
11) ______
12) Ethical communication is
A) a strategy for increasing profits.
C) designed to enhance public image.
12) ______
B) a way to conceal errors.
D) not deceptive in any way.
13) Identify the characteristic that is not a part of ethical communication.
A) It includes all relevant information.
B) It is designed to hide some negative information.
C) It is true in every sense.
D) It is not deceptive in any way.
13) ______
14) Which of the following is the best definition of ethics?
A) the accepted principles of conduct that govern a person or a group
B) the belief that one's own culture is superior to others
C) predicting individuals' behavior on the basis of their membership in a particular group
D) stealing someone else's words or work and claiming it as your own
14) ______
15) All of the following are examples of unethical communication practices except:
A) distorting visuals
B) misquoting
C) plagiarism
D) using jargon
15) ______
16) ________ occurs when the writer steals someone else's work and claims it as his/her own.
A) Selective misquoting
B) Distortion
C) Copying
D) Plagiarism
16) ______
17) Choosing between alternatives that aren't clear-cut is termed an:
A) ethical misdeed
B) ethical dilemma
C) ethical crime
D) ethical lapse
17) ______
18) When one person takes credit for the words and writing of another, it is called
A) plagiarism.
B) cultural diversity.
C) ethics.
D) ethnocentrism.
18) ______
19) Identify the claim that is most true.
A) ethical choices may lie somewhere in the gray area between right and wrong
B) ethical dilemmas are never easy to solve
C) ethical questions are always clear-cut
D) ethical behavior will result in higher pay
19) ______
20) Making a clearly unethical or illegal choice is termed an:
A) ethical crime
B) ethical lapse
C) ethical misdeed
D) ethical dilemma
20) ______
21) Miscommunication between cultures often occurs because
A) the senders are encoding messages that the receivers will not be able to decode.
B) the receivers are decoding messages that the senders were not able to encode.
C) the senders and receivers are encoding and decoding messages using the assumptions of
their different cultures.
D) the senders and receivers are encoding and decoding messages that offend each other.
21) ______
22) You can improve your intercultural sensitivity by
A) holding to the ethics of your own culture.
B) recognizing cultural differences.
C) insisting that any transaction be conducted in English only.
D) all of the above
22) ______
23) Cultures like South Korea and Taiwan that rely less on verbal communication and more on
context and setting to convey meaning are considered ________ cultures.
A) basic-context
B) low-context
C) high-context
D) moderate-context
23) ______
24) Recognizing and accommodating cultural differences involves all of the following except:
A) social customs
B) impact
C) nonverbal communication
D) ethics and laws
24) ______
25) Cultural context is
A) implicit understanding that conveys meaning.
B) a pattern of physical cues.
C) a pattern of environmental stimuli.
D) all of the above
25) ______
26) All of the following are features found in low-context companies, except:
A) Competence is valued.
B) Business and social relationships are discrete.
C) Information is shared with everyone.
D) Workers rely on detailed background information.
26) ______
27) You will find all of the following features in a high-context company, except:
A) Workers do not expect detailed information.
B) Information is centralized and controlled.
C) Executive offices are shared and open to all.
D) Meetings are often called on short notice.
27) ______
28) The pattern of physical cues, environmental stimuli, and implicit understanding that conveys
meaning between two members of the same culture is termed:
A) nonverbal communication
B) ethics
C) social customs
D) context
28) ______
29) Cultures like the U.S. and Germany that rely more on verbal communication and less on
circumstance and cues to convey meaning are considered ________ cultures.
A) basic-context
B) moderate-context
C) low-context
D) high-context
29) ______
30) Rules and expectations are usually spelled out in ________ cultures.
A) high-context
B) moderate-context
C) low-context
D) basic-context
30) ______
31) People in these cultures tend to view laws with flexibility.
A) moderate-context
B) basic-context
C) high-context
D) low-context
31) ______
32) People in these cultures tend to adhere more strictly to the law.
A) moderate-context
B) basic-context
C) low-context
D) high-context
32) ______
33) The U.S. is governed by this type of law.
A) the Napoleonic code
C) the King's Rules of common law
33) ______
B) Locke's code of law
D) the English common law
34) Law in Turkey presumes that you are
A) innocent until proven guilty.
B) innocent, as long as you can pay court costs.
C) guilty until proven innocent.
D) neither guilty nor innocent until tried.
34) ______
35) All of the following are suggestions to help keep your message ethical when communicating
across cultures except:
A) seek mutual ground
B) show respect for cultural differences
C) focus on profits
D) send messages that are honest
35) ______
36) The formal rules of a culture that govern behavior, such as table manners at meals, are termed:
A) nonverbal communication
B) context
C) ethics
D) social customs
36) ______
37) Nonverbal communication that differs from culture to culture includes things such as
A) gestures.
B) style of dress.
C) facial expressions.
D) all of the above
37) ______
38) Forming opinions on others based upon their affiliation or membership in a particular group is
A) stereotyping.
B) context.
C) ethnocentrism.
D) ethics.
38) ______
39) Ethnocentrism is
A) the formal rules that govern a culture's social behaviors.
B) predicting individuals' behavior or character based upon group affiliation.
C) the belief that one's culture is superior to all others.
D) the promotion of ethnic cultures.
39) ______
40) To overcome ethnocentrism, follow all of these suggestions except:
A) always hold to U.S. customs
B) avoid judgments
C) acknowledge distinctions
D) avoid assumptions
40) ______
41) When writing for multicultural audiences, it's important to
A) address international correspondence properly.
B) be clear.
C) use plain English.
D) all of the above
41) ______
42) ________ is the fear of foreigners and strangers, and can reduce the effectiveness of
communication between two business people from different cultures.
A) Cultural Pluralism
B) Ethnocentrism
C) Stereotyping
D) Xenophobia
42) ______
43) Identify the one item listed below that would not help you communicate effectively with people
who speak English as a second language.
A) try to eliminate noise
B) observe body language
C) always hold to U.S. customs and common greetings
D) rephrase sentences where necessary
43) ______
44) Identify the item from the list below that is not one of the basic principles for communicating
across cultures.
A) Withhold judgment.
B) Recognize your own cultural biases.
C) Ignore body language.
D) Show respect for cultural differences.
44) ______
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
45) One challenge you will face as a business communicator is to get your audience's attention so
they will read and act on your message.
45) ______
46) Stronger business relationships and stronger decision making are two of the benefits received
from effective communication.
46) ______
47) Good communication skills are important because people need to adapt to a workplace that is
culturally diverse.
47) ______
48) Today's organizations often use teams and workgroups in order to collaborate and make fast
48) ______
49) The channel a communicator selects to transmit a message depends only on his or her personal
49) ______
50) Plagiarism is claiming someone else's work as your own.
50) ______