Materials and methods I gathered species mean data from previously published sources for diurnal, group-living anthropoids (1-4). Data were analyzed using a series of phylogenetically informed multiple regressions (see below) with facial nucleus volume as the dependent variable and medulla volume as an independent variable to control for allometric effects (5). The following variables were also used as predictors: time spent grooming, group size, and neocortex ratio. Neocortex ratio was calculated as neocortex volume/(total brain volume – neocortex). I used neocortex ratio as a measure of relative neocortex size because it exhibits the strongest correlation with social group size of any relative brain size measure (6). Neocortex ratio is also highly correlated with various measures of socio-cognitive skill, including tactical deception rate and executive brain functioning (7, 8). The grooming data were derived from the same groups as the group size data (4). The group size data depicted in figure 4 were taken from the website of Charles Nunn1. All data were natural-log transformed prior to analysis. Regressions were performed using a phylogenetic generalized least-square (PGLS) approach (9-11) implemented in the program BayesTraits. This approach incorporates phylogenetic information directly into the regression model by representing the error term as a variance-covariance matrix scaled by the parameter λ, which is a measure of phylogenetic signal (12). The λ parameter is estimated from the data via maximum likelihood and ranges from 0 to 1. When λ = 0, the results are equivalent to nonphylogenetic regression because the internal branches of the tree are collapsed to zero, resulting in a star phylogeny. Values of λ > 1 represent increasing degrees of phylogenetic 1 1 dependence among the regression residuals, with λ = 1 indicating no transformation of the branch lengths were used because the error term is perfectly dependent on phylogeny. 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