this document - Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

From the Trustees, Members, Associate Members and Supporters of
Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Genetics (New Zealand)
October 11, 2001
We, the undersigned scientists, recognise the Recommendations of the Royal
Commission as a guide to proceeding, with due caution, in the use of genetic
engineering. While the Commission's Report could not be, nor was it intended to be, a
scientifically rigorous document, it offers certain strategic options which we feel it is
valuable to take up. We believe it would be a serious error of judgement to conclude
that the Commission's report is a definitive and authoritative assessment of all of the
relevant scientific facts. The Warrant of the Commission was :
To receive representations upon, inquire into, investigate, and report upon the following
the strategic options available to New Zealand to address, now and in the future, genetic
modification, genetically modified organisms, and products; and
any changes considered desirable to the current legislative, regulatory, policy, or
institutional arrangements for addressing, in New Zealand, genetic modification,
genetically modified organisms, and products.
Thus, no scientific investigation or research into genetic modification was required by the
Commission's warrant.
(1) We support many of the Recommendations of the Royal Commission, particularly
Recommendations 6.12, 6.14, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 14.1, 14..2
and 14.3.
(2) It is impossible to guarantee containment of pollen from GM plants in field trials and
we have serious concerns about the possible environmental impact of genetically
modified crops on New Zealand soil and ecosystems. We therefore welcome
Recommendation 6.12 which states that the Environmental Risk Management Authority
(ERMA) should require research on these impacts before release of genetically modified
crops is approved; and Recommendation 7.1 which states that "prior to the release of
any Bt-modified crops, the appropriate agencies develop a strategy for the use of the Bt
toxin in sprays and genetically modified plants."
(3) In the light of the above Recommendations we make the strongest possible
recommendation that the moratorium on the release of any GMOs into the environment,
both commercially and in open field trials, be extended so that the relevant research can
be conducted.
(4) Consequently, we recommend that both Recommendations 6.12 and 7.1 should be
implemented retrospectively. In other words all applications for field trials of GMOs for
which approval has already been granted should be reconsidered.
(5) Recommendation 6.14, which states that "public research funding portfolios be
resourced to include research on the socio-economic and ethical impacts of the release
of genetically modified organisms," should also be implemented retrospectively in
respect of all ERMA approved field trials. We suggest this should apply particularly to the
ERMA approvals to conduct field-trials on GM-pine trees (GMF99001 and GMF99005),
as approval for these was given without appropriate ecological and soil research by the
forestry research organisations.
(6) Recommendation 7.4 states that "in connection with any proposal to develop
genetically modified forest trees, an ecological assessment be required to determine the
effects of the modification on the soil and environmental ecology, including effects on
soil micro-organisms, weediness, insect and animal life, and biodiversity." This
Recommendation should also be implemented retrospectively and ERMA should be
required to insist that research, as envisaged in this Recommendation, be an integral
and on-going component of undertaking any field-trials of this kind. The extended
moratorium on conducting field trials could be used to address this consideration.
(7) We support Recommendation 14.1, that Section 68 of the HSNO Act be modified
and that the establishment of a Bioethics Council (Recommendation 14.2) together with
a Parliamentary Commissioner on Biotechnology (Recommendation 14.3) be appointed.
(8) We strongly urge that any future committee or council be put together in a manner
such that it is, and can be seen to be, truly representative, containing scientists who are
able to offer an alternative view to the consensual view of governmental bodies,
academic institutions and representatives of industry. To date this has been sadly
lacking in such committees as the Independent Biotechnology Advisory Council (IBAC).
(9) We consider that patents on living processes, organisms, seeds, cell lines and
genes should not be allowed. Patents on life-forms and living processes threaten food
security; they sanction biopiracy of indigenous knowledge (of Maori in the case of New
Zealand) as well as genetic resources; they can violate basic human rights and dignity,
compromise healthcare, impede medical and scientific research.
(10) We find no convincing evidence to date that GM crops offer any benefits to farmers
or consumers. Instead, many problems have been identified, including yield drag,
increased herbicide use, erratic performance, and poor economic returns to farmers. GM
crops also intensify corporate monopoly on our food, which is marginalizing family
farmers in several countries and preventing the essential shift to sustainable agriculture
that can guarantee food security and health around the world.
(11) We consider there is a clear need for an independent, centrally funded and
developed public education programme about genetic engineering. Had one existed
prior to the hearings of the Royal Commission, public debate about the issues would
have almost certainly been conducted at a much more sophisticated level, and
community organizations would have been able to have ready access to up-to-date and
unbiased factual information.
PSRG rejects the conclusion that continuing the moratorium on field trials and
commercial releases of genetically modified organisms in New Zealand will have an
adverse effect on truly scientific research. The over-emphasis of research funders on
molecular biology to the detriment of other approaches has long been in need of readjustment in order to preserve the local knowledge base that has been developed over
decades within New Zealand's academic and other publicly-funded research institutions.
The exciting new developments in molecular genetics research must now be
incorporated into a wider view of biological knowledge rather than being pursued as an
exclusive goal, as has finally been acknowledged by the leaders of the Human Genome
Project. By doing this, our country will continue to make important contributions to
humanity's legacy of scientific achievements.
SIGNED by the Trustees and Members of Physicians and Scientists for Responsible
Paul G Butler, BHB, MB, ChB, FRNZCGP
General Practitioner, Trustee PSRG, AUCKLAND
John R Clearwater, BSc, MSc, PhD
Principal Scientist, Clearwater Research and Consulting, Trustee PSRG,
General Practitioner, Trustee PSRG, MURUPARA
Peter R Wills, BSc, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Auckland, Trustee PSRG, AUCKLAND
Robert G Anderson, BSc, PhD
Lecturer, Retired, Trustee PSRG, TAURANGA
Jean Anderson
Businesswoman, Retired, Trustee PSRG, TAURANGA
A full list of signatories will be collated on the PSRG website