Grahn N - University of Adelaide

MICROBIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY ................................................................................................ 3
REVIEWS ........................................................................................................................................... 3
ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE.............................................................................................................. 3
BACTERIA ......................................................................................................................................... 4
DRUG RESISTANCE DETECTION .................................................................................................. 6
FUNGI ................................................................................................................................................. 6
VIRUSES............................................................................................................................................. 6
PROTOZOA ............................................................................................................................................ 7
CLINICAL RESEARCH ....................................................................................................................... 8
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE ................................................................................................................. 8
AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS ........................................................................................................... 8
BOWEL DISEASE .............................................................................................................................. 9
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE ..................................................................................................... 10
CORONARY HEART DISEASE ...................................................................................................... 11
DERMATOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 11
DIABETES ........................................................................................................................................ 12
DIAGNOSTIC METHOD DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................... 14
EYE DISEASE .................................................................................................................................. 14
GENE EXPRESSION AND IMPRINTING ...................................................................................... 14
GYNECOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 15
HAEMATOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 15
HEARING LOSS ............................................................................................................................... 16
HEMATOPOIETIC CHIMERISM.................................................................................................... 16
IMMUNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 16
MITOCHONDRIAL DISORDERS ................................................................................................... 17
NEPHROLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 17
NEUROLOGY .................................................................................................................................. 18
OBESITY .......................................................................................................................................... 19
ONCOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 20
ORTHOPAEDICS ............................................................................................................................. 25
PSYCHIATRIC GENETICS ............................................................................................................. 26
TRAUMA .......................................................................................................................................... 27
OTHER .............................................................................................................................................. 27
PHARMACOGENETICS ................................................................................................................... 29
CPG METHYLATION ......................................................................................................................... 32
ANIMALS ............................................................................................................................................. 34
ANIMAL MODEL SYSTEMS.......................................................................................................... 34
ANIMAL STUDIES .......................................................................................................................... 34
PLANT STUDIES ................................................................................................................................ 35
FORENSICS ......................................................................................................................................... 36
TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................... 37
REVIEWS ......................................................................................................................................... 37
EARLY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 37
TECHNOLOGY MODIFICATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS ...................................................... 38
SIMULATIONS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS ..................................................................... 39
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................... 39
GENE COPY NUMBERS ................................................................................................................. 41
DNA POOLING ................................................................................................................................ 41
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ALLELE-SPECIFIC GENE EXPRESSION AND MRNA STABILITY ........................................... 42
MULTIPLEXED SNP ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 43
HETEROPLASMY ........................................................................................................................... 43
MUTATION DETECTION ............................................................................................................... 43
TECHNICAL COMPARISONS........................................................................................................ 43
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