TOOTH EXTRACTION POST-SURGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR SAFETY PLEASE FOLLOW THESE RECOMMENDATIONS CAREFULLY FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS GENERAL: You should rest today, do not go to work. Do not drive at all. It recommended that you be taken home by a responsible adult, which will stay with you for the rest of the day. Do not drink any alcoholic beverages. You should not make any important decision or sign legal papers today. Always rest with your head elevated at a 45°angle. Always rest on your back. BLEEDING: Patient will be provided a package with sterile gauze. The gauze should be replaced every hour until oozing stops. Do not be alarmed if saliva is pink; one drop of blood will color all your saliva. Only heavy bleeding is a cause of concern. SWELLING: Swelling and bruising may increase during the first 48hours follow surgery. To minimize swelling, apply an ice pack to your cheek. Alternate for 25 minutes side to side or on and off. If procedures have been done to both sides of the face, alternate the ice pack from side to side. MEDICATION: Take all medications as directed. Please note that all antibiotics are to be taken until finish. ORAL HYGIENE: You may brush your front teeth as normal (for wisdom teeth extractions). Avoid touching the operated area. The toothbrush bristles may cause an irritation. You may rinse minimally with cold water very gently this first day – but do not swish the water around in your mouth. It is very important that patients do not SMOKE for the next 2 weeks; this also includes nicotine gum. DIET: For the day of surgery, stay with a diet of cold, soft, bland foods, such as ice cream, pudding, Jell-O, tuna salad, egg salad, applesauce, etc. Do not consume anything that requires chewing, or that is fried, or crunchy Do not use a straw for 2 weeks. DAY AFTER SURGERY GENERAL: Continue to limit your activity. Do not do vigorous exercise for 2-3 days after surgery, or in any way increase blood flow to your head. Sleep up on a 45° angle. Alcohol is dangerous when consumed with pain medication, and can delay the healing process; tobacco also delays healing, the suction created by smoking will displace the forming blood clots, and tobacco usage frequent causes dry sockets. SWELLING: Swelling will peak 36 hours after surgery. Around 48 hours after surgery, you may apply heating packs to the side of your face, just as you did the ice packs. Swelling will begin to decrease on the Fourth day after surgery, and should subside 7-10 days after surgery. MEDICATION: Continue taking the medication as directed. ORAL HYGIENE: It is extremely important that patient to keep the area clean, around 24 hours after surgery, you may begin to soak your mouth gently with warm salt water for the next 2 weeks (1cup of water, 1 tsp. salt) after meals. Start brushing your teeth after meals. Be cautious when brushing – avoid direct contact between the toothbrush and the surgical area for the first week. SUTURES: Your sutures are absorbable and will dissolve by themselves in approximately 4 to 7 days. DIET: Continue eating only soft, bland foods; you may progress to room temperature foods the day after surgery, and warm foods the day after that. Patient may eat pasta, soft meats and vegetables (Do not return to normal eating habits and especially fried, spicy foods) until a week have passed. AFTER-HOUR/EVENING CONTACT NUMBERS: Dr. Paul Kuo (617) 465-5470 This is a pager. After the beep enter your phone number and press the pound key. Please do not leave voice message!