INVITATION TO TENDER Knowledge transfer coordination and delivery for the COWS industry steering group COWS – Control of Worms Sustainably, is an industry stakeholder group which aims to promote best practice in control of all cattle parasites. The stakeholder steering group currently comprises the organisations listed below and has attracted sufficient industry funds to enable it to expand and develop the resources it can offer the cattle industry across the UK: DairyCo, EBLEX, HCC, QMS, AgriSearch, AHDA, AMTRA, NFU, BCVA, NOAH, Moredun Research Institute, Liverpool University, VMD, AHVLA, SRUC as well as a number of farmers, vets and independent scientific experts. COWS has no employed staff and all activities are co-ordinated by the stakeholder steering group. COWS funds are held on behalf of COWS by AMTRA; as COWS has no legal status, it is envisaged that the contract for this tender will be with a COWS member. Objective of tender COWS want to increase the impact of its activities and resources across the UK and needs to recruit professional support to achieve that in a timely and effective manner. This document refers to activity to support the objectives of the COWS group to communicate its messages to industry (farmers, vets, SQPs, other advisers and students) for a twelve month period, ideally commencing 1st January 2015. Your tender should be sent electronically to Dr Mary Vickers ( no later than 23rd September 2014. at EBLEX Further information on this application tender is available by phoning Mary Vickers on 07990 506012 or emailing at the address above. Requirements of proposals Proposals must contain sufficient information to be assessed against the criteria given below. Typically they will be 5-10 pages in length and should contain the following information: 1. Outline core communications plan, including a time line of diseases/topics and the key time to target messages relating to them 2. Press releases – scheduled into the above time line (1) 3. Text alerts – scheduled into (1) 4. Case studies – to include topical issues affecting the beef and dairy industry. Consideration should also be given to case studies from different geographical and topographical regions. Costings should be provided on a per case study basis. 5. Film clips for use on You Tube or similar. At this stage ideas are sought on topics and potential farms for filming. Additional funds will need to be found for filming the clips and ideas are also welcomed on how this funding can be sourced. Information should be supplied on costs for providing scripts for film clips and coordination of filming. 6. Engagement with social media eg Twitter and Facebook. Consideration should be given as to the most appropriate use of social media i.e. should it be passive with articles posted driving the audience to website for more information. 7. Hot topic articles for website and use on COWS partners’ websites 8. Contribution to website content; using technical specialists as appropriate to keep the content fresh. Processes to ensure technical accuracy and consistency must be agreed with the COWS stakeholder group. 9. Ideas on how to link with others working in this area – e.g NADIS, SCOPS 10. Ideas to attract additional funds to COWS to fund specific elements of work 11. Costs – matched to deliverables 12. Applicants should make allowance for discussion and feedback with the COWS steering group and communications sub-group as part of their coordination role; agreeing technical messages, developing ideas and reporting activity. The above proposal should be presented as a core communication package (comprising points 1, 2 and 3) with an outline budget of £3 - 5,000, with additional deliverables and ideas (see points 4 – 10) itemised separately to give a total cost in the region of £8-9,000 for a 12 month period. Assessment of applications Proposals received in response to this call will be assessed by the 3rd November 2014 according to the follow criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Relevance to COWS objectives Additionality (i.e., does it build on current COWS activities and resources?) Innovation Strength of the delivery team Track record of delivering organisation Value for money Successful applicants will be notified by email by mid November 2014. Applicants may choose to withdraw if they do not wish to pursue this application and COWS will not divulge to other parties the content of any applications without the permission of the applicant.