DOC - Primary Resources

Art. Year 5/6. Term 4.2. Nov-Dec 2005. A Portrait of My Hand
Art: Term 4.2. Nov-Dec 2005.
A Portrait of My Hand.
Years 5 & 6
This unit replaces the QCA Yr 6 Unit on Movement.
Main objectives: 1a) record from experience and imagination, to select and record from first-hand observation and to explore ideas for different purposes;
1ab)question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas to use in their work  2a) investigate and combine visual and tactile
qualities of materials and processes and to match these qualities to the purpose of the work;  2b) apply their experience of materials and processes, including
drawing, developing their control of tools and techniques; apply their experience of materials and processes, including drawing, developing their control of tools
and techniques;  2c) use a variety of methods and approaches to communicate observations, ideas and feelings, and to design and make images and artefacts;
3a) compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others' work and say what they think and feel about them; 3b) adapt their work according to
their views and describe how they might develop it further. 4a) visual and tactile elements, including colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and
space, and how these elements can be combined and organised for different purposes; the roles and
4b) purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures;  5c) using a range of materials and processes, investigating art,
craft and design in a variety of genres, styles and traditions [for example, in original and reproduction form, during visits to museums, galleries and sites, on the
internet] .
Resources: a range of papers of different colours and textures; a range of drawing media such as pastels, pencils and chalks. Copies of pictures of hands such as
M.C. Escher’s Hand holding a globe, A.Durer’s Praying Hands, photographs of old people’s hands, detail of hands of God and Adam from Sistine Chapel
By the end of this unit:
most children will be able to: explore ideas the
representation of hands; investigate a range of
materials and processes and combine and organise
line, tone, shape and colour to represent hands;
compare and comment verbally and in writing on
ideas, methods and approaches used in their own
and others' work, relating these to the context of the
work; adapt and improve their work to realise their
intentions; produce a mounted display of their own
Adapted from QCA unit on Movement.
some children will not have made so much
progress. They will be able to: investigate different
methods and techniques to communicate their ideas;
comment on differences in their own and others'
work; suggest ways of improving their own work;
with help, produce a mounted display of their own
some children will have progressed further. They
will be able to: manipulate materials and
techniques; analyse and comment on ideas, methods
and approaches; refine their work to reflect their
view of its purpose and meaning.
Art. Year 5/6. Term 4.2. Nov-Dec 2005. A Portrait of My Hand
Week 1.
W/s 31.10.05
to question and make thoughtful observations
about starting points for their work
Look at representations of hands by various artists e.g. Durer, Escher. Look at
own hands. In sketchbook, experiment with ways of sketching hand e.g. by
drawing each joint as a sausage.
to select and record from first-hand observation
and to explore ideas for different purposes
to compare methods and approaches used by
others to show hands
Week 2
W/s 07.11.05
to use a variety of methods and techniques to
represent hands
to experiment with light and shade.
Look at a range of drawing media, and different types of paper, and
experiment with the effects of using different combinations. Draw on little
bits of each type of paper to make a collection to stick in sketchbook. Decide
on a medium to use, then begin to draw a portrait of own hand, using a
chosen medium e.g. drawing pencils on rough white paper.
Week 3
To evaluate and appreciate own work and
describe how they might develop it further
Complete drawing and evaluate it in writing – what I would do differently,
what was difficult, etc. Also, explanation of how the drawing was done.
Week 4
W/s 21.11.05
to adapt their work according to their views,
considering the constraints and possibilities of
the contrasting media.
Draw a portrait of own hand, using a contrasting medium e.g. chalks and
chalk pastels on dark paper.
Week 5
W/s 28.11.05
To evaluate and appreciate own work and
consider how they might display it.
Week 6
W/s 05.12.05
To prepare and mount own work for display.
Week 7
W/s 12.12.05
Adapted from QCA unit on Movement.
Complete second drawing and evaluate & explain.
Consider how to display the two drawings, plus assessments. Decide on
backing paper, positioning etc. Begin to prepare and mount own work for
display. This will involve careful use of paper trimmer and ruler.
Complete mounting of work for display.
Art. Year 5/6. Term 4.2. Nov-Dec 2005. A Portrait of My Hand
Level 1 Pupils respond to ideas. They use a variety of materials and processes to communicate their ideas and meanings, and design and make images and
artefacts. They describe what they think or feel about their own and others' work.
Level 2 Pupils explore ideas. They investigate and use a variety of materials and processes to communicate their ideas and meanings, and design and make
images and artefacts. They comment on differences in others' work, and suggest ways of improving their own.
Level 3 Pupils explore ideas and collect visual and other information for their work. They investigate visual and tactile qualities in materials and processes,
communicate their ideas and meanings, and design and make images and artefacts for different purposes. They comment on similarities and differences between
their own and others' work, and adapt and improve their own.
Level 4 Pupils explore ideas and collect visual and other information to help them develop their work. They use their knowledge and understanding of materials
and processes to communicate ideas and meanings, and make images and artefacts, combining and organising visual and tactile qualities to suit their intentions.
They compare and comment on ideas, methods and approaches used in their own and others' work, relating these to the context in which the work was made.
They adapt and improve their work to realise their own intentions.
Level 5 Pupils explore ideas and select visual and other information. They use this in developing their work, taking account of the purpose. They manipulate
materials and processes to communicate ideas and meanings and make images and artefacts, matching visual and tactile qualities to their intentions. They analyse
and comment on ideas, methods and approaches used in their own and others' work, relating these to its context. They adapt and refine their work to reflect their
own view of its purpose and meaning.
Adapted from QCA unit on Movement.