
Research Award
of the International Society on Animal Husbandry (IGN)
Reactions to intra- und inter-specific tactile stimulation of different body regions in cattle
Dissertation of Claudia Schmied, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna 2007
For improving human-animal interactions in dairy cattle husbandry, three studies on differences in the
reactions to tactile stimulation depending on the body region were conducted in cows.
In investigations of social licking (= intra-specific tactile stimulation) in a beef suckler herd with 16
adult cows, both the data of the licking animal (frequency of licking) and of the licked animal
(behaviour, heart rate) indicated a preference of the body regions neck ventral (NV) and withers (W)
for social licking.
In two further studies the effects of stroking (= inter-specific tactile stimulation) different body regions
were investigated with 60 dairy cows in a tie stall. Stroking the NV and W led to more immediate
behavioural reactions (neck stretching, ear hanging), as compared to stroking the lateral chest (LC, a
body region licked rarely). Moreover, the cows stroked at the neck ventral revealed the lowest heart
rate, as compared to stroking the other body regions. These physiological and behavioural responses
are similar to those during social licking, thereby indicating that cows may in part perceive human
stroking similarly to social licking.
In the third study where cows were stroked regularly at one of the three body regions (NV, W, LC) for
three weeks, a general beneficial effect of stroking was detected, because all cows which had been
stroked before – independent of the body region – approached the person quicker than control animals
with mere presence of the human. According to the different body regions, only stroking of the NV
revealed a better effect for improving the animal-human relationship, as compared to the LC and the
control. After having been stroked at the neck ventral cows showed an increase of approach behaviour
as well as a decrease in avoidance reactions, i.e. more cows having been stroked at the NV allowed
touching at their heads. In contrast, stroking the W did not lead to less avoidance reactions as
compared to the other body regions.
Considering all findings – the results of social licking, the immediate reactions to stroking and the
effects of regular stroking on the animal-human relationship – tactile contact at the neck ventral
generally seems to be perceived more positive by cattle as compared to other body regions. Therefore,
stroking the neck ventral can be especially recommended in practice.
Contact: Dr. Claudia Schmied, E-Mail:
Gesamtheitliche Beurteilung innovativer Schweinemastverfahren für Baden-Württember
Dissertation of Wilhelm Pflanz, University of Hohenheim 2007
Within the field of animal finishing the consumers’ demands on ethic aspects regarding the keeping
conditions and housing systems increase. Especially the fattening of pigs is strongly criticized due to
its intensity, concurrent the farmers are confronted with rising production costs and decreasing sales
revenues. The field study in hand comparing different fattening pig production systems investigates
how animal welfare, a “high” profitability and a high consumers’ acceptance can be combined in
innovative housing systems.
The following forward-looking housing systems were investigated: Improved conventional system
with reduced slots in the lying area and occupation technique, sloped floor system with minimal litter,
open front stable with resting boxes and litter systems with outdoor exercise yards. Five stables on
practical farms per housing system category were investigated over a period of one year. A wellgrounded basis for the data analysis was achieved with four repetitions of the measurements per farm
respectively twenty repetitions per housing system. Investigation parameters were animal welfare
aspects, operational reliability, work requirement per animal place, building costs and consumers’
Animal welfare aspects were examined by means of direct behaviour observation, integument scoring
with as well registration of stable related additional functional and climatic parameters. The
transcription of the animal behaviour was carried out with the scan-sampling method. A mobile video
equipment for the field was developed, which supported the observation of non visible pen areas and
an own registration software (ETHOSCAN 04) was programmed. The use of the software on robust
tablet computers lead to a standardized data recording procedure and prevented from transcription
errors. In order to standardize the integument scoring a predefined picture catalogue was set up. The
data recording was additionally objectivised by means of comparative tests between the different
observers and judges, which resulted in high (r = 0,89; direct observation) respectively medium (r =
0,65; scoring) correlation coefficients. The operational reliability of the housing system was assessed
via scoring of the pen soiling and the measurement of indoor air quality parameters. The work
requirement was documented in working log books, the building costs were calculated according to
DIN 276. A questionnaire was answered by 249 grammar school teachers as consumers. All results
flow together in an integrated overall evaluation. The final analysis of the behaviour observation and
integument scoring was done with a mixed effect model.
The results can be hold down as follows: The acceptance of the lying area in housing systems with
separate climatic areas (open front stable 82,07%, outdoor exercise stable 62,64% )was twice as good
as in systems with an uniform climate area (improved conventional system 31,39%, sloped floor
system 43,94%).
A higher quantitative and qualitative exploration behaviour “rooting” was exercised in housing
systems with straw litter, whereas a more frequent treatment of the pen equipment and offered
occupation technique in systems without straw was observed. Behavioural disorders were found
declining from conventional systems (4,91%) to sloped floor systems (3,1%) to open front stable
(2,34%) to outdoor exercise stable (2,26%), but on an altogether acceptable level. Less
pathophysiological changes respectively injuries at the extremities thus lamenesses were detected in
pens with straw litter compared to systems without straw, which underlines the absorbing protective
function for the extremities of already small amounts of straw. Notwithstanding these bodily changes
existed across all housing systems on a high level. A significant increase of the parameter “changes at
the tail” is associated with a reduced net pen floor area per pig. All parameters to evaluate the animal
friendliness of the housing systems were strongly influenced by the individual farm, thus the farm
effect was partly higher than the effect of the housing system.
In the course of the year the cleanness of the lying areas of nearly all stables was satisfactory, the
highest risk for an utilisation reversion of the functional areas existed in the summer months for the
outdoor exercise stable. The indoor climate measurements gave for the hydrothermical complex in
nearly all stables acceptable levels. During the autumn months especially in insulated stables relative
high indoor air ammonia concentrations (> 20 ppm) occurred. The measurement of the illuminance
revealed, that nearly no insulated stable met the legal requirement of 80 lux during 8 h (animal
welfare-productive livestock ordinance, 2006).
The calculated building costs per animal place (1,0 m²/pig each) amounted to 611€ for the improved
conventional system, to 513€ for the sloped floor system, to 447€ for the open front stable and to 423€
for the outdoor exercise yard stable. For a conventional animal place according to animal welfare
productive-livestock ordinance (2006) with a required minimum floor space of 0,75m²/pig were
building costs of 458€ calculated. The work requirement per animal place was higher in systems with
straw litter (sloped floor system 1,42 APh, outdoor exercise system 1,76 APH) compared to systems
without straw (conventional stable 0,98 APh, open front stable 0,81 APh). These differences were
though mainly caused by workings independent from the housing system.
The assessment of the animal friendliness of the housing systems is overriding for the overall
consumers’ judgement. They prefer stables with exercise yards respectively near to outdoor
conditions. Slotted floor is not directly rejected when it is embedded in an integrated animal friendly
concept. The donation of small amounts of straw respectively the offer of occupation techniques were
not recognised as to their ethological importance.
Further research has to be done particularly in a cause analysis for the in all systems accumulate
occurrence of thickened joints at the extremities of the pigs. Probably there can be found a remedy
with floor materials which also can be installed with operational reliability.
In view of the investigated question aim in this study, the outdoor exercise yard stable as well as the
open front stable achieve in the final overall evaluation the highest rank with the digit of 1,9 closely
followed by the sloped floor stable with the rank digit of 2,5. For the improved conventional stable a
rank digit of 3,7 was determined. In the whole study the individual farm effect on the potential of the
respective system became obvious.
In summary all investigated stables in this field study with good construction work, pen design and
corresponding animal care and marketing management were acceptable concerning animal
friendliness, operational reliability and economics. Depending on the definition of requirements it has
to decided individually which pig housing system is the most suitable for a single farm.
Contact: Dr. Wilhelm Pflanz, E-Mail: