[GGUS-1021] GGUS-SNOW: SNOW Service Element (SE) field becomes mandatory Created: 03/May/12 Updated: 19/Jun/12 Resolved: 09/May/12 Status: Project: Component/s: Affects Version/s: Fix Version/s: Closed the GGUS shopping list GGUSinterfaces None Type: Reporter: Resolution: Labels: Remaining Estimate: Time Spent: Original Estimate: Support Maria Dimou Fixed None Not Specified Attachments: SE_Mapping.csv SNOW_SE_Mapping.xlsx SNOW_SE_Mapping.xlsx Guenter Grein, Maite Barroso Lopez, Maria Alandes Pradillo, Maria Dimou, Stefan Roiser, Zhechka Toteva Watchers: July 2012 Priority: Assignee: Votes: Major Guenter Grein 0 Not Specified Not Specified Description Zhechka, Guenter and I had a meeting this morning on this subject. GGUS should now send a default SE value when creating a SNOW ticket from a GGUS one. The SNOW supporter can change the value to make it more appropriate to the ticket content. I suggest the following values. Guenter and people in Cc (mbarroso, aimar, malandes, campana,roiser) please comment in this ticket if I forgot something or if you don't like the proposed value selection. Thanks MariaD -----------------------------------------1. For GGUS SU ROC_CERN == SNOW FE: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/function.do?name=grid-2nd-line-support use SNOW SE: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/service-element.do?name=WLCG-operationsupport 2. For the special mapping used for GGUS ALARMs (see https://savannah.cern.ch/support/?119821#comment0 ) GGUS SU ROC_CERN == SNOW 'Assignment Group' CERN Grid 2nd Line Support 3rd Line Support use SNOW SE: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/service-element.do?name=WLCG-operationsupport 3. For GGUS SU == SNOW FE 'Elog operations' use SNOW SE: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/service-element.do?name=WLCG-operationsupport If this is not allowed (I don't see it in the relevant tree) use any of the 2 SEs on page https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/function.do?name=elog&s=elog that Stefan Roiser prefers. 4. For all GGUS SUs related to middleware namely GGUS SU = SNOW FE names: * D4ScienceII Technical Services * DPM Development * FTS Development * lcg_util Development * LFC Development * EMI QA * EMI Testbeds * ETICS * gLite Release Pages and Repository * gLite UI * gLite VOBOX * gLite WN * GridMap * GridView/Availabilities * Information System Development * Messaging * SAM/Nagios use SNOW SE: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/service-element.do?name=GRID-middlewarerelease Comments Comment by Maite Barroso Lopez [ 04/May/12 ] I agree with Maria's proposal. Comment by Maria Dimou [ 09/May/12 ] Maria Alandes and Stefan, Please say if you also agree with the SE values that I propose. Thanks MariaD Comment by Stefan Roiser [ 09/May/12 ] Hi Maria, for what concerns elog, none of the SEs really match, but the one which is less wrong I'd say is "Grid Infrastructure Monitoring", otherwise we'd need a new SE a la "Experiment Tools" or something like that. cheers Stefan Comment by None [ 09/May/12 ] Dear Maria, for the EMIR SU we need also an SE. Guenter Comment by None [ 14/May/12 ] Am I right, assuming that the SNOW SE name is the part behind the "name=" string I have to use? Guenter Comment by None [ 14/May/12 ] Pasting an email reply from Zhechka for the record answering my question in comment #5. Hi Guenter, 1. yes, name is the name of the service element. In fact this is the display value of the table service element and that is what you need. 2. u_business_service is the service element. I agree, it is not very intuitive. 3. yes, you have to provide the service name for the request as well. Thanks Cheers Zhechka Comment by None [ 15/May/12 ] Pasting another email conversation for the record: Hi It is mandatory to be in the ticket. If the ticket already has a u_business_service it is not mandatory to provide it again. Please also, do not send empty u_business_service as this will clean any existing value. Cheers Zhechka -------From: Grein, Guenter (SCC) guenter.grein@kit.edu Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 3:19 PM To: Zhechka Toteva Cc: Maria Dimou Subject: RE: SNOW service element required (https://savannah.cern.ch/support/index.php?128377) Hi Zhechka, Is 'u_business_service' only mandatory for the "insert" operation or also for the "update" operations? Thanks. Guenter Comment by None [ 15/May/12 ] This is life on the test instance now and will go in production with the May release. Guenter Comment by Maria Dimou [ 15/May/12 ] Maria A. I am assigning this to you now for approval of my proposal in comment #0 of the SNON SE<>FE values' mapping for your SUs/FEs and the EMIR SU, please. I did ask you in comment #2 but you probably missed this because of multiple comments coming in at once. Please do tell us before you leave for CHEP, if possible. Guenter's development work is completed and this can go into production on May 30th. Muchas Gracias!!! Maria D. Comment by Maria Alandes Pradillo [ 16/May/12 ] The SNOW SE <-> FE mapping should be the following: SE "GRID Development Service" for: â¿¢D4ScienceII Technical Services â¿¢DPM Development â¿¢FTS Development â¿¢lcg_util Development â¿¢LFC Development â¿¢gLite UI â¿¢gLite VOBOX â¿¢gLite WN â¿¢Information System Development SE "GRID Middleware Release Service" for: â¿¢EMI QA â¿¢gLite Release Pages and Repository SE "Grid Infrastructure Monitoring" for: â¿¢GridMap â¿¢GridView/Availabilities â¿¢Messaging â¿¢SAM/Nagios SE "Grid Middleware Build and Test Service" for: â¿¢ETICS SE "Grid Testbed Management Service" for: â¿¢EMI Testbeds Comment by None [ 21/May/12 ] Dear Maria A., For setting the SE I need the value used by SNOW and not the label taken from the SNOW portal. This value can be derived from the SNOW portal URL. It is the part at the end of the URL starting after the "name=" option, e.g. for https://cern.service-now.com/serviceportal/service-element.do?name=GRID-middleware-release the SE value is "GRID-middlewarerelease". Please fill the file attached with the relevant SE values. Thank you. Guenter (file #26419) Comment by None [ 21/May/12 ] Attachment SE_Mapping.csv has been added with description: None Comment by Maria Dimou [ 21/May/12 ] Guenter, MariaA is at CHEP in New York. I am not sure if she can do much. In case of doubt I fully support this item to be left for June because we don't want to take any risk with such visible service. What do you think? MariaD Comment by None [ 29/May/12 ] Due to a lack of testing I move this to June release. Guenter Comment by Maria Dimou [ 04/Jun/12 ] Querida Maria A., now that CHEP is over and this was not put in production with the May release, please reply to comment #11 (re-upload a file attached with your desired values in, I guess). Yours MariaD Comment by Maria Alandes Pradillo [ 04/Jun/12 ] This is the correct list of SUs beloging to IT-GT (In the file attached by Guenter there are wrong or missing SUs): DPM Development;GRID-development FTS Development;GRID-development LFC Development;GRID-development lcg_util Development;GRID-development gLite UI;GRID-development gLite VOBOX;GRID-development gLite WN;GRID-development Information System Development;GRID-development EMI QA;GRID-middleware-release gLite Release Pages and Repository;GRID-middleware-release EMI Testbeds;GRID-testbed-management ETICS;GRID-middleware-build-test GridView;GRID-infrastructure-monitoring GStat;GRID-infrastructure-monitoring Messaging;GRID-infrastructure-monitoring SAM/Nagios;GRID-infrastructure-monitoring ELOG Operations is no longer part of my group at CERN, it was transferred to IT-ES, I think. EMIR is, as far as I know, not belonging to IT-GT, or have I missed something? Comment by None [ 05/Jun/12 ] Attachment SNOW_SE_Mapping.xlsx has been added with description: None Comment by None [ 05/Jun/12 ] I attached a spreadsheet with the current mapping. Please confirm that this is correct. Thank you. Guenter (file #26689) Comment by Maria Dimou [ 13/Jun/12 ] Two GGUS SUs are left, today, without SNOW SE, EMIR and REBUS. Maria will check this with the supporters. Comment by Maria Dimou [ 13/Jun/12 ] Immediate investigation showed that EMIR is handled in Hungary, no CERN connection, no need to enter SNOW. Guenter just changed the wrapper accordingly. Luckily, since its entry in production via support #126104, only one test ticket was ever created. Maria will continue with the REBUS investigation. Comment by Maria Dimou [ 13/Jun/12 ] REBUS SE value is also known now in support #129469 so we can go ahead for July. Guenter, I'd be grateful if you linked another file with all the mappings including everything from comment #0 (ROC_CERN and ELOG) to be also used to update the interface document as we shall forget this ticket number. Thank you very much in advance. Maria Comment by None [ 19/Jun/12 ] Attached latest version of SE mapping Guenter (file #26910) Comment by None [ 19/Jun/12 ] Attachment SNOW_SE_Mapping.xlsx has been added with description: None Comment by None [ 20/Jun/12 ] Although providing a value for 'u_business_service' on ticket creation as said by Zhechka in comment #7 I can't see this value in the SNOW ticket. I sent 'u_business_service' -> WLCG-operation-support for ticket https://cerntest.servicenow.com/nav_to.do?uri=incident.do?sysparm_query=number=INC105155 but the field Service Element is empty. Shouldn't field "Service Element" be set? Guenter Comment by None [ 27/Jun/12 ] https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/view-incident.do?n=INC140651 Comment by None [ 29/Jun/12 ] There was a misunderstanding on which values to use for the service element field. Now this is fixed and the SE value is set correctly. Guenter Comment by None [ 29/Jun/12 ] This will go online with the release. Guenter Comment by Maria Dimou [ 05/Jul/12 ] I called Zhechka and told WLCG (GGUS section of https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WLCGDailyMeetingsWeek120701#Thursday ) that there will be a GGUS-SNOW test this time for a "Change Request" as this is the 1st entry in production. Maria Comment by None [ 09/Jul/12 ] The test ticket is https://cern.servicenow.com/nav_to.do?uri=u_request_fulfillment.do?sys_id=RQF0118408 Guenter Generated at Wed Feb 10 03:06:36 CET 2016 using JIRA 6.4.9#64024sha1:1f1084e06c9893c77549621edbccfecfaa68be5d.