EDWIN R. HAJIC PERSONAL DATA Address: 55 Camino Cabo

55 Camino Cabo
Santa Fe, NM 87508
Telephone: 505/466-1792; 505/466-1792 FAX; 505/670-8227 cell; erhajic@mac.com
Ph.D. Geology University of Illinois, Urbana, IL (1983-1990), degree, Jan. 1990
M.S. Geology University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (1978-81), degree, May 1981
B.A. Geology Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA (1973-77), degree, May 1977, Cum
1985 - present: Geoarchaeologist, Geomorphologist, Quaternary
Environmental Geologist, Santa Fe, NM.
(selected projects)
Geomorphology and Archaeological Site Contexts, Guadalupe National Park, West Texas. Dr. James
Rust, 4G-Consulting, for the U.S. Department of the Interior. July 2004 – present.
Stratigraphy and Landscape Evolution of Two Sites Along the Red River, East Grand Forks,
Minnesota. Jennifer Harvey, Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center, for U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, St. Paul District, July 2004 – present.
Geomorphic and Geoarchaeological Survey of the 120 Acre Milam Parcel of the Horseshoe Lake
Meander Point Bar Complex, American Bottoms, Illinois. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell, Inc.,
for Waste management of Illinois, Inc. July 2004 – August 2004.
Geomorphic and Geoarchaeological Survey of sites 11MS1314 and 11MS1385 on the Horseshoe Lake
Meander Point Bar Complex, American Bottom, Illinois. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell, Inc.,
for City of Madison, July 2004 – August 2004.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology of the Agrimergent Technology Park Location, Des Moines
River Valley, Polk County, IA. Michael Gregory, Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center,
for the City of Des Moines. Dec 2003 – Jan 2004.
Geomorphic Environments and Geomorphic Context of Sites in Burn Units 19, 20 and 24, El Malpais
National Monument, Southeast Margin of the Colorado Plateau, NM. Dr. James Rust, 4G
Consulting, for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Nov 2003 – Jan 2004.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology of Selma Hollow, Jefferson County, MO. Dr. Steve Dasovich,
SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO, for Union Pacific Railroad. Nov 2003 – Jan 2004.
Geomorphology and Historic Vegetation Modeling for Arnold Engineering and Development Center,
TN. Dr. Jack Bennett, Archaeological Assessments, Inc., Nashville, AR, for CH2M Hill and U.S.
Air Force. Sept. 2003 – present.
Geomorphology and Holocene Alluvial Stratigraphy in the Lower Reach of Perry Creek Valley in the
Loess Hills, Woodbury County, IA. Dr. James Rust, 4G Consulting, for the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. June 2003 – July 2003.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology of the Proposed Madison County Wetland Mitigation Bank in the
American Bottoms, IL. Dr. Steve Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO, for Madison
County, IL. June 2003 – July 2003.
Geoarchaeology, Landscape Evolution, and Paleoenvironments of a Paleoindian District in the Sac
River Valley, Southwest Missouri, on the Plains – Ozarks Boundary. Dr. Neal Lopinot, Center for
Archaeological Research, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO; for U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. May 2003 – present.
Preliminary Geomorphic Assessment of Part of Site 11MS31 in the American Bottoms, IL. Dr. Steve
Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO, for a private developer. May 2003 – June
Observations on the Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments at Sites 23SC832 and 23SC834, St.
Charles County, Missouri. Dr. Robert Reeder, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson
City, MO. April 2003 – June 2003.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeological Evaluation of a Monterey Coal Company Water Line Route,
Lower Kaskaskia River Valley, IL Dr. Steve Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO,
for the Monterey Coal Company. March 2003 – May 2004.
Wetland Environments and Illinois River Paleoflood History Feasibility Study. Donald Hey, The
Wetland Initiative, Chicago, IL, for The Wetland Initiative. Feb 2003 – present.
Archaeological Geology Along a Proposed Transmission Line in the American Bottoms. Dr. Steve
Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO, for Illinois Power. Feb 2003 – April 2003.
Geomorphic and Geoarchaeological Assessment of New Poag Road Tract 3 in the American Bottom.
Dr. Steve Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St Charles, MO, for the YMCA and a private
developer. Feb 2003 – Mar 2003.
Geologic Potential for Buried Archaeology in a Rock-Cored Paleomeander of the Meramac River
Valley, Eureka, MO. Dr. Steve Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO, for a private
developer. Feb 2003 – April 2004.
Assessment of Buried Archaeological Site Potential, Verizon Wireless Lease Parcel, Missouri Valley.
Dr. Steve Dasovich, SCI Engineering, Inc., St. Charles, MO, for Verizon Wireless, Inc. Dec 2003
– Dec 2003.
Geomorphological and Geoarchaeological Investigations of a Landfill Expansion in the American
Bottoms. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell, Inc., Kansas City, MO; for Waste Management, Inc.
Oct 2002 – Nov 2002.
Pre-Contact Vegetation and Upland Landscape Evolution of the Barrens Ecosystem, Arnold
Engineering Development Center, Tennessee: Feasibility Study. Dr. Jack Bennett, Archaeological
Assessments, Inc., Nashville AR; for the U.S. Air Force. May 2002 – Jan. 2003.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology of River Crossings for Planning, I-70, St. Louis to Kansas City,
MO. Jerry Mugg, HNTB Corporation, Kansas City, MO, for Missouri Department of
Transportation. May 2002 – Aug 2003.
Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Assessment of Ravines in the Surplus Operable Unit, Fort Sheridan,
Illinois. Mr. Gary Schaefer, Hey and Associates, Inc., Libertyville, IL; for U.S. Forest Service.
Nov. 2001 - January 2002.
Geomorphology and Phase 1 Geoarchaeology of the Union Pacific Yard Expansion in the American
Bottoms of the Mississippi Valley, Dupo, Illinois. Dr. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell Inc.,
Kansas City, MO; for Union Pacific Railroad. Oct 2001 - January 2002.
Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution, and Buried Site Potential, of a Part of the Lakeview Commerce
Park Development in the Mississippi Valley, Illinois. Charles Markman, Markman & Associates
Inc., St. Louis, MO, for Sherrill and Associates. Oct 2001 – Dec 2001.
Wetland Geomorphology, Evolution and Function in the Hennepin Levee and Drainage District,
Upper-Middle Illinois River Valley. Donald Hey, The Wetland Initiative, Chicago, IL, for The
Wetland Initiative. Sept 2001 – Sept 2002.
Geology and Geoarchaeology of Site 48CR5844, a High Altitude Alluvial Site in the Savory Reservoir
Basin, Wyoming. Dr. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell Inc., Kansas City, MO; for the State of
Wyoming. July 2001 - Feb 2002.
Stratigraphy, Age and Geologic Potential for Buried Cultural Deposits of Terrace Sediment
Assemblages, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee.
Dr. Jack Bennett,
Archaeological Assessments, Inc., Nashville AR; for the U.S. Air Force. May 2001 – Sept. 2001.
Assessment of Mound Fill and Landscape Modification, Sugarloaf Mound Overlooking the American
Bottoms, Illinois. Dr. John Kelly, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, for the Illinois State
Historic Preservation Agency. May 2001 - present.
Geoarchaeology of the Spunky Bottoms Drainage and Levee District, Illinois Valley, Illinois. Dr.
Terry Norris, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. May 2001 - October 2001.
Refined Landscape Analysis of Camp Joseph T. Robinson: Detailed Analysis of the Upland Spur High Terrace Landscape Sediment Assemblage. Dr. Jack Bennett, Archaeological Assessments,
Inc., Nashville AR; for the U.S. Army. March 2001 – July. 2001
Geomorphology and Geologic Potential for Buried Cultural Deposits at the Proposed Waste Water
Treatment Plant Location, Ft. Riley, Kansas. Dr. Brian Mullineaux, University of South Dakota,
Vermilion, SD; for the U.S. Army. April 2001 - Oct 2001.
Preliminary Paleoenvironmental Assessment of White Oak Swamp, Camp Robinson, Arkansas. Dr.
Jack Bennett, Archaeological Assessments, Inc., Nashville AR, for the U.S. Army. March 2000 –
May 2000.
Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution, and Buried Site Potential, of part of the Lakeview Commerce
Park Development in the Mississippi Valley, Illinois. Charles Markman, Markman & Associates
Inc., St. Louis, MO, for Sherrill and Associates. April 2000 – May 2000.
Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution, and Buried Site Potential, Highway 61, Fort Madison, IA Dr.
Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell Inc., Kansas City, MO, for the Iowa Department of
Transportation. Nov. 1999 – Nov. 2000.
Geomorphology, Highway 188, Arizona. Richard Ciolek-Turrelo, Statistical Research Inc., Tuscon,
AZ, for the Arizona Department of Transportation. Nov. 1999 – Dec. 1999.
Geomorphic investigation in support of Phase I cultural resources survey, I-255 – Route 162 tract,
Madison County, IL. Charles Markman, Markman & Associates Inc., St. Louis, MO, for Mr. T. E.
Glosier, St. Charles, MO. Oct 1999 – Dec. 1999.
Geomorphic setting, stratigraphy, and sediment flocculation problems in Swan Lake, Middle Illinois
Valley. Al Pyott, The Wetlands Initiative, Chicago, IL June 1999 – April 2000.
Prepared geological, geoarchaeological, and pedological entries for the Penguin Guide to Archaeology.
Dr. Paul Bahn, for Penguin UK, London, England. May 1999- Dec. 1999.
Geomorphology and Archaeological Contexts, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee.
Dr. Jack Bennett, Archaeological Assessments, Inc., Nashville AR, for the U.S. Air Force. April
1999 – Sept. 1999.
Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution, and Archaeological Site Contexts in the Cheyenne River Valley
and tributaries, DME Railroad Project, South Dakota. Dr. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell Inc.,
Kansas City, MO, for the U.S. Surface Transportation Board. April 1999 – Jan 2001.
Sink Hole Evolution and Archaeological Contexts, Page Avenue Corridor, St. Charles Co., Missouri.
Mike Meinkoth, Missouri Department of Transportation, Rolla MO. June 1998 – May 1999.
Spunky Bottoms (Little Creek Levee and Drainage District, Illinois Valley) Flood Pulse Restoration
Project. Al Pyott, The Wetlands Initiative, Chicago, IL Dec 1997 – April 2000.
Geomorphic Overview and Buried Archaeological Site Potential, Proposed Spillway Corridor, Devils
Lake, North Dakota. Dr. Dan Shinn, Burns & McDonnell Inc., Kansas City, MO, for the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District. October 1997 - April 1998.
Geologic and Geoarchaeologic Overview of the Central Mississippi Valley, St. Louis Corps of
Engineers Reach. Dave Stanley, Bear Creek Archaeology, Decorah, IA. August 1997 - February
Beaver Dams and Wetland Evolution at the Des Plaines Wetland Demonstration Plot. Mr. Donald
Hey, Wetland Research Inc., Chicago, IL. May 1997 - April 1998.
Geomorphology, Preliminary Model of Landscape Evolution, and Buried Site Potential, Highway 65,
Carrollton to Marshall, Missouri. Mike Meinkoth, Missouri Department of Transportation, Rolla
MO. April - June 1997.
Geomorphology and Preliminary Model of Landscape Evolution, Page Avenue Extension Across the
Missouri Valley, St. Louis and St.Charles, Missouri. Mike Meinkoth, Missouri Department of
Transportation, Rolla MO. May 1996 - April 1998.
Geoarchaeology of Selected Sites, Express Pipe Line Route, Montana. Ken Deever, Ethnoscience,
Billings, Montana, May 1996 - April 1998.
Stratigraphy and Quaternary Geology of Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Art Bettis, Iowa
Geological Survey Bureau, May 1996 - Oct 1997.
Geomorphic Investigation (Testing), Avenue of the Saints Corridor, St. Francisville to Canton,
Missouri, Mississippi Valley. Dr. Rolfe Mandel, Topeka, KS, for the Missouri Department of
Transportation, April 1996 - August 1996.
Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of the Wind Lake Wetland Area, Wisconsin, R.A. Smith and Assoc.,
Milwaukee, WI. Aug. 1995.
Geomorphological Evaluation of Seagull Pipeline Company's Proposed Midwest Pipeline in Clinton
County, Iowa and Rock Island, Whiteside, Bureau, LaSalle and Grundy Counties, Illinois. Dr.
Adrien Hannus, Archeology Laboratory, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD. June 1995 - Dec.
Phase I Geoarchaeologic and Geomorphologic Investigations of Camp Robinson, Arkansas. Dr. Jack
Bennett, Archaeological Assessments Inc., Nashville AR, for the Department of the Army. Mar
1995 - May 1996.
Des Plaines Wetland Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution. Mr. Donald Hey, Wetland Research
Inc., Chicago, IL. Feb 1995 - Feb.1996.
Geoarchaeologic and Geomorphologic Investigations of Illinois Route 24, Banner to Kingston Mines,
Illinois Valley, Illinois Department of Transportation. Kenneth Farnsworth, Center for American
Archaeology, Kampsville, IL. Oct 1994 - April 1994.
FAP-413 Archaeological Project, testing and mitigation, Illinois Department of Transportation, Central
Mississippi Valley, IL. Charles Bareis and Thomas Emerson, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Fall 1993 - present.
Geomorphology, stratigraphy and archaeological potential, Area 3, Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. Dr. Jack
Bennett, Archaeological Assessments Inc., Nashville, AR, for the Department of the Army. Spring
Evaluation of Testing and Mitigation Recommendations, Projects SP0715-25 & 26, geomorphic,
stratigraphic, geoarchaeologic analysis in support of management decisions, south-central
Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minneapolis, MN, Dr. Joseph Hudak.
Summer 1993.
Regionalization of Wetland Evaluation Technique; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, Dr. Lawson M. Smith. May 1992 - June 1993.
Scott Air Force Base Archaeological Project, geomorphic, stratigraphic, geoarchaeologic survey and
testing, Illinois Department of Transportation, Edwardsville, IL. Dr. William Woods, Southern
Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL. May 1992 - Dec 1995.
Peer review of Memorial Park Site Geomorphology, Lock Haven, PA; R. Christopher Goodwin &
Associates, Inc., and, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. June 1992.
Glendale Gardens Reservoir, geomorphic, stratigraphic and geoarchaeologic survey and testing, City of
Wood River, IL. Dr. William Woods, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL. summer
Illinois Route 3, stratigraphic testing, Illinois Department of Transportation, Monroe Co., IL. Dr.
William Woods, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL. summer 1992.
Paleocrossing Site, testing, Cleveland, OH. Dr. David Brose, Cleveland Museum of Natural History,
Cleveland. summer 1992.
Monks Mound, stratigraphic testing, State of Illinois Historic Preservation Office and Cahokia Mounds
State Park, Cahokia, IL. Dr. William Woods, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL.
summer 1992.
Lake Ilo Reservoir Project, mitigation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Knife River basin, ND. Dr. Stan Ahler,
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. summer 1992.
FAP-413 Archaeological Project, testing, Illinois Department of Transportation, Central Mississippi
Valley, IL. Dr. William Woods, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL. Fall 1991 Summer 1992.
Bostrom Paleoindian Site, mitigation, Troy, IL. Dr. Ken Tankersley, Illinois State Museum,
Springfield, IL. Fall, 1991.
Plumas National Forest, Boyles, Deane, and Hosselkus parcels, survey, Quincy (northern Sierra
Nevada), CA. Dr. Jack Bennett, Archaeological Assessments, Inc., Nashville, AK. Summer 1991
- Fall 1991.
Lake Ilo Reservoir Project, testing, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Knife River basin, ND. Dr. Stan Ahler,
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. summer 1990 - fall 1991.
Prepared geological and pedological entries for the Collins Reference Dictionary of Archaeology.
Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London, England. Spring 1990 - Fall 1990.
U.S. Route 61, survey, Muscatine to Davenport, IA; Iowa Department of Transportation, east-central
Iowa. Dirk Marcucci, Louis Berger and Associates, Inc., Cedar Rapids, IA. Fall 1990
FAP-14; Illinois Route 3 project, Cleiman Mound Site, testing, Illinois Department of Transportation,
Central Mississippi Valley, IL. Dr. Brian Butler, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
Summer 1990.
Illinois Rte 100, Tree Row Site, testing, middle Illinois Valley, IL, Illinois Department of
Transportation. Charles Bareis, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana,
IL. 1989- 1990.
Modoc Archaeological Project, excavation, NSF research grant, Central Mississippi Valley, IL. Dr.
Bonnie W. Styles, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL. 1986- 1989.
Preliminary Investigation of Pond Sediments, Argonne National Laboratory, north-central IL. Dr. Eric
Grimm, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL. 1989.
Tonica Thermokarst, FAP-412 Archaeological Project, testing and mitigation, Illinois Department of
Transportation, north-central IL. Dr. Robert Warren, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL. 1987
- 1989.
FAP-413 Archaeological Project, survey, Central Mississippi Valley, IL, Illinois Department of
Transportation. Dr. William Woods, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL. Summer
Krueger Site, testing, Illinois Department of Transportation, Central Mississippi Valley, IL. Dr. Brian
M. Butler, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
Summer 1987.
Liverpool Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Central Illinois Valley, IL. Dr. Michael D. Wiant,
Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL. Summer 1985.
1990 - 2002: Research Associate, Center for American Archaeology, Kampsville, IL.
Phase I Geoarchaeological and Geomorphological Investigations, FAP-310, Godfrey to Jacksonville,
Illinois Department of Transportation. Kenneth Farnsworth, Center for American Archeology,
Kampsville, IL. June 1994 - June 1995.
FAP-407; Route 336, survey, Illinois Department of Transportation, western Illinois. Kenneth
Farnsworth, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville, IL. Fall 1990 - Summer 1992.
1991 - present: Research Associate, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeological Assessment of Yard 34, Upper Illinois River Valley. Dr.
Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Srpingfield, IL; for Material Services Corporation. Sept
2002 – Nov 2002.
Geomorphology and Geoarchaeological Potential of the Pekin Lake District, Lower-Middle Illinois
River Valley. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Srpingfield, IL; for U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. Sept 2002 – Nov 2002.
Geoarchaeological Evaluation of the Copperas Creek Pump Station Parcel, Lower-Middle Illinois
River Valley. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illiinois State Mkuseum, Springfield, IL, for U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, Rock Island District. Sept 2002 – Dec 2002.
District Training on Landform Sediment Assemblage Identification and Assessment, Selected Portions
of the Illinois Waterway Project. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL; for
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District. Oct 2001 - Oct 2001.
Geomorphology and Buried Site Potential of a Portion of the Spoon River Channel Belt in the Illinois
River Floodplain. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL; for U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. Sept 2001 - Sept 2001.
Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology and Potential Impact to the Kimmswick Paleoindian - Mastadon Site
by Secman Road Reconstruction. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL.
April 2001 - July 2001.
Landform Sediment Assemblage (LSA) Units and Mapping in the Illinois River Valley and the Lower
Des Plaines River Valley, Illinois. Dr. Dale Henning, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL, for
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District. June 1998-April 2000.
Geomorphic Overview of the Illinois River Valley, Illinois. Dr. Dale Henning, Illinois State Museum,
Springfield, IL, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District. Aug - Oct 1997.
Distribution and Dating of Prehistoric Earthquake Liquefaction in Southeastern Illinois, Central U.S.,
Phase 2, (geomorphic, stratigraphic, temporal analysis of Holocene and late Pleistocene alluvial
contexts), U.S. Geological Survey, Memphis, TN. Feb 1995 - Sept 1997.
Geomorphologic Evaluation of Lock Sites, Illinois River, in Support of Historic Archaeology
Evaluation, Rock Island District Corps of Engineers. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum,
Springfield, IL. Nov 1994 - April 1995.
Geoarchaeology, Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Horseshoe Lake State Recreation Area,
Mississippi Valley, Illinois, Illinois Department of Conservation. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State
Museum, Springfield, IL. Dec 1994 - Sept 1995.
Geoarchaeology, Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Starved Rock State Park, Illinois,
Illinois Department of Conservation. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL.
Dec 1993 - Sept 1994.
Distribution and Dating of Prehistoric Earthquake Liquefaction in Southeastern Illinois, Central U.S.,
geomorphic, stratigraphic, temporal analysis of Holocene and late Pleistocene alluvial contexts,
U.S. Geological Survey, Memphis, TN. April 1993 - Jan 1994.
Geoarchaeologic and Geomorphologic Investigations of Banner Marsh, Illinois Valley, Illinois
Department of Conservation. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL. Fall,
Spoon River Valley Emergency Geoarchaeologic Evaluation of Flooded Levee and Drainage Districts,
Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District. Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield,
IL. Fall, 1993.
Panther Creek Archaeological Project, survey, Department of the Army, Chandlersville (central), IL.
Dr. Michael Wiant, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL. summer 1992 - winter 1992.
Hunter Lake Project, survey, City of Springfield, IL. Dr. Steve Ahler, Illinois State Museum,
Springfield, IL. Summer 1990 - late Winter 1992.
1993 - present: President, In Depth Inc.
Giddings Hydraulic Soil Probe rental and custom drilling, Santa Fe, NM, Iowa City, IA, and Topeka,
1993 - present: Lead Geologist, Foth & Van Dyke Inc., Eagan, MN.
Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution, and Archaeological Landscape Suitability in the Upper
Mississippi Valley, St. Paul to St. Cloud, MN. Dr. Curt Hudak, Foth & Van Dyke, Inc., Eagan,
MN, for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. March 2001 - 2002.
Phase I archaeological and geomorphic investigations along T.H. 169 between T.H. 27 and Garrison,
Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, and Aitkin Counties, Minnesota. April 1999 – April 2000.
Phase I geomorphic investigations along T.H. 200 between Lake Itasca and Zerkel, Clearwater County,
Minnesota. Dr. Curt Hudak, Foth & Van Dyke Inc., Eagan, MN, for the Minnesota Department of
Transportation. April 1999 – April 2000.
Preliminary geomorphic assessment of Trunk Highway 6 project, Crow Wing County, in support of
cultural resource management. July 1998 – Feb. 1999.
Preliminary geomorphic assessment of Trunk Highway 169 Project, Itasca and Aitkin Counties, in
support of cultural resource management. April 1998 – Dec. 1998.
MN/Model: Development of a High Probability Predictive Model for Identifying Archaeological Sites,
Phase 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation. Oct 1997 – Oct 1998. (GIS implementation
and evaluation of mapping efforts from Phase 1)
MN/Model: Development of a High Probability Predictive Model for Identifying Archaeological Sites,
Phase 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation. Feb 1995 - Sept 1997. (Detailed geologic
mapping of the seven largest valleys and largest bog in the state)
Evaluation of Site Limits and Geologic Context of the Jackpot Junction Site (21 RW 53) Redwood Co.,
Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Transportation. Jan - Feb 1995.
Geoarchaeology of the McKinstry Archaeological Site and Rainy River Valley, Northern Minnesota,
Minnesota Department of Transportation. Aug 1994 - Jan 1995.
Reconnaissance geomorphological investigation of the T.H. 23 Alternative Alignments, St. Cloud, MN.
Winter, 1994.
1998 - present: Research Associate, Center for Archaeological Research, Southwest
Missouri State University, Springfield, MO.
Late Quaternary Geology of the Lower Sac River Valley, Southwest Missouri, and the Geologic
Context of Paleoindian Deposits. Dr. Neal Lopinot, Center for Archaeological Research,
Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO; for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas
City District. May 2002 - present.
Geoarchaeology of the 2001 Excavations at the Big Eddy Paleoindian Site, Sac River Valley, Missouri.
Dr. Neal Lopinot, Center for Archaeological Research, Southwest Missouri State University,
Springfield, MO; for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. May 2001 - September
Geoarchaeology in support of Phase II archaeological testing within Canteen Creek and Cahokia Canal,
East St. Louis Flood Protection Rehabilitation Project, Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois.
Dr. Michael Conner, Center for Archaeological Research, southwest Missouri State University,
Springfield, MO, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. May 1999 – Dec 1999.
Geomorphic context of stratified Paleoindian deposits at the Big Eddy Site, Sac River Valley, Missouri.
Dr. Neal Lopinot, Center for Archaeological Research, Southwest Missouri State University,
Springfield, MO, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. April 1999 – April
Geologic and Geoarchaeologic Overview of the Proposed St. Louis Harbor. Dr. Michael Conner,
Center for Archaeological Research, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, for
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. July 1998 – Jan 1999.
Geology and Landscape Evolution of the Big Eddy Site, a Stratified Paleoindian Site in the Sac River
Valley, Southwest Missouri. Dr. Neal Lopinot, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield,
MO, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. May 1997 – Aug 1999.
Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution Along Canteen Creek and Cahokia Canal, Mississippi
Valley, Madison County, Illinois. Dr. Michael Conner, Center for Archaeological Research,
southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St.
Louis District. April 1997 – Aug 1997.
2000 – present: Registered Professional Geologist, State of Minnesota
2003 - present: Adjunct Research
Champaign, IL
1979 - 1990:
Co-Founder and Director, Geomorphology Laboratory, and Research
Geomorphologist, Center for American Archaeology, Kampsville, IL.
Instructor (Geomorphology), Department of Geology, University of Illinois,
Urbana, IL.
1985 - 1987:
Research Assistant (glacial and Quaternary geology; geomorphic mapping;
evaluation of shuttle radar imagery), Department of Geology, University of
Illinois, Urbana, IL.
1983 - 1985:
Teaching Assistant (Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Engineering Geology,
Physical Geology), Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana,
1979 - 1980:
Teaching Assistant (Earth History and Resources), Department of Geology,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
1978 - 1979:
Research Assistant (macrobotanical sample preparation, identification),
Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
1978 – 1979 summers Field Supervisor, various archaeological field schools, Center for
American Archeology, Kampsville, IL.
1974 - 1977:
Curator, Mineral Museum, Department of Geology, Cornell College, Mt.
Vernon, IA.
1975; 1977:
Field Supervisor, Koster Archaeological Site, Northwestern University
Archeological Program, Kampsville, IL.
Laboratory Assistant, Central Data Processing Laboratory, Foundation for
Illinois Archeology, Kampsville, IL.
Government Committees
Illinois River Watershed Technical Advisory Committee, Tri-County Regional Planning
Commission, 1997 to 1999.
Member, Lieutenant Governor’s Illinois River Ecology and Economics Advisory Committee,
1995 to 1997.
Professional Associations
American Quaternary Association
Council for Minnesota Archaeology
Friends of the Pleistocene
Geological Society of America
Illinois Archaeological Survey
Society for American Archaeology
Offices Held in Professional Associations
Councilor, Terrestrial Geoprocesses, American Quaternary Association, 1998 – 2002.
Joint Technical Program Committee, Geological Society of America, 1997 – 1999.
President, Geologists of Jackson Hole, 1997.
Vice President, Geologists of Jackson Hole, 1996.
Chairman, Archaeological Geology Division, Geological Society of America, 1995 - 1996.
First Vice-Chair, Archaeological Geology Division, Geological Society of America, 1994 1995.
Second Vice-Chair, Archaeological Geology Division, Geological Society of America, 1993 1994.
Member, Liason Committee, Archaeological Geology Division, Geological Society of
America, 1992 - 1994.
Member, Lake Agassiz - Great Lakes Working Group, History and Drainage of Large IceDammed Lakes Subproject, International Geological Correlation Project 253
(Termination of the Pleistocene). 1991 - 1995.
Field Trip Leader, Quaternary Deposits and Landforms, Confluence Region of the
Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois Rivers, Missouri and Illinois: Outwash Terraces and
Terrace Problems. Friends of the Pleistocene, Midwest Cell. 1991.
Field Trip Leader, Archaeological Geology and Geomorphology in the Central MississippiLower Illinois Valley Region, Illinois and Missouri. Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. 1989.
Field Trip Co-Leader, Quaternary Loess and Glacial Record of Southwestern Illinois.
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. 1989.
Field Trip Co-Leader, Quaternary Records of Southwestern Illinois and Adjacent Missouri.
American Quaternary Association, Champaign, Illinois. 1986.
Short Courses Taught
Geology in Cultural Resource Management (with Art Bettis), 1995 Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, MN
Manuscript and Grant Proposal Evaluations and Book Reviews
American Antiquity (6)
Geoarchaeology (4)
Illinois Antiquity (1)
Quaternary Research (1)
U.S. Geological Survey (8)
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
Hajic, E.R. and Mandel, R.D. 2004. Landscape Evolution and Paleoindian Stratigraphy on
the Eastern Plains – Ozark Boundary at the Big Eddy Site, Western Missouri. American
Quaternary Association 18th Biennial Meeting, Lawrence, KS.
Wozniak, L.A., Bettis, E.A., Mandel, R.D., Hajic, E.R., Lopinot, N.H. and Ray, J.H. A
Younger Dryas Carbon Isotope Record From Soil Organic Matter on the Southern Margin
of the Prairie Peninsula. American Quaternary Association 18th Biennial Meeting,
Lawrence, KS.
Hajic, E.R., Kolb, M. and Hargrave, M. 2004. Geoarchaeology of Cahokia Mounds World
Heritage Site and Related Regional Settlement System. Invited paper for the symposium
“Geoarchaeology and Complex Societies”, Society for American Archaeology, 2004
Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Hajic, E.R. 2003. Investing in Geoarchaeological Investigations. Society for American
Archaeology, 2003 Annual Meeting,
Hajic, E.R. 2003. History of Landscape and Wetland Evolution, Spunky Bottoms, Illinois
Valley. Invited paper at a workshop on Current Wetland Research at Spunky Bottoms,
Illinois State Museum, Lewistown, IL.
Bettis, E.A., III, Hajic, E.R., and Quade, D.J. 1999. Geologic mapping of large valleys in
glaciated regions: The use of landform and landscape sediment assemblages for multi-use
maps. Geological Society of America, North-Central Meeting, Urbana, IL
Hajic, E.R. and Mandel, R.D. 1999. Geoarchaeology and paleoenvironments at the Big
Eddy Site, Ozarks-Plains boundary. Society for American Archaeology, 1999 Annual
Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Ray, J.H., Hajic, E.R., Mandel, R.D., and Lopinot, N.H. 1997. Stratified Clovis and Dalton
components at the Big Eddy Site, Southwest Missouri. 55th Annual Plains Conference,
Boulder, CO.
Hajic, E.R. and Bettis, E.A., III. 1997. Pleistocene - Holocene Marker Bed in the
Mississippi Valley Links Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico Deglacial Records. Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.
Hajic, E.R. 1997. Late Woodland land systems. Urbana Late Woodland Conference.
Invited paper.
Hajic, E.R., Obermeier, S.F., and Wiant, M.D. 1996. Timing of prehistoric earthquake
liquefaction in southeastern and central Illinois. Geological Society of America, North Central Section, Ames.
Hajic, E.R. 1996. Fluvial discontinuities in the American Bottoms as context for evaluating
cultural discontinuities. Society for American Archaeology, 61st Annual Meeting, New
Bettis III, E. Arthur and Hajic, E.R. 1996. Geologic framework for the Paleoindian record of
the Eastern Plains and Prairies. Society for American Archaeology, 61st Annual Meeting,
New Orleans.
Hajic, E.R., Obermeier, S.F., Munson, P.J., Wiant, M.D., Tankersley, K.B., and Garniewicz,
R.C. 1995. Distribution and dating of prehistoric earthquake liquefaction in southeastern
Illinois, Central U.S. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle.
Hajic, E.R. 1995. Geoarchaeology of the McKinstry Site, Rainy River, Minnesota. Ontario
Archaeological Society, Thunder Bay.
Hajic, E.R. and Freeman, A. 1994. Stratigraphic and geomorphic context at the Paleo
Crossing Paleoindian Site, Cleveland, Ohio. Society for American Archaeology Annual
Hajic, E.R. 1993. Holocene landscape evolution and the upland archaeological record:
modeling and testing. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, St. Louis.
Hajic, E.R. 1993. Late Quaternary geomorphic change in the Central Mississippi River
Valley. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, St. Louis.
Hajic, E.R. and Smith, L.M. 1992. Geomorphological considerations in the regionalization
of wetland evaluation. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New
Hajic, E.R. 1992. History of late glacial flow through the Illinois River valley. Workshop
on Paleohydrology of late glacial runoff through the Mississippi River drainage basin,
International Geological Correlation Project 253, Termination of the Pleistocene,
Bettis, E.A., III and Hajic, E.R. 1992 History of flow through the middle Mississippi River
valley. Workshop on Paleohydrology of late glacial runoff through the Mississippi River
drainage basin, International Geological Correlation Project 253, Termination of the
Pleistocene, Flagstaff.
Hajic, E.R. 1992.. Discussant for the symposium Contributions of the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers to North American Archaeology. Society for American Archaeology meetings,
Hajic, E.R. 1992. Model of Holocene landscape evolution for midwestern dissected uplands
and the upland archaeological record. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, Abstracts and
Hajic, E.R. 1992. Central Mississippi River and Valley during the last glacial maximum
(21,000 - 16,500 B.P.); geomorphic, sedimentologic and stratigraphic changes. (Abs)
Geol. Soc. of America, Abstracts and Programs.
Hajic, E.R. and Bettis, E.A., III. 1991. Landscape Development and the Location of
Evidence of Archaic cultures in the upper Midwest. (Abs)..Geol. Soc. of America,
Abstracts and Programs.
Hajic, E.R. 1991. Geomorphology, stratigraphy and landscape evolution of the Modoc Rock
Shelter in the Mississippi Valley. (Abs) Society for American Archaeology, 56th Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Bettis, E.A., III and Hajic, E.R. 1991. A stratigraphic model for interpretation of the
archaeological record of the upper Mississippi River basin, USA. (Abs) XIII INQUA
Congress, Beijing, China.
Follmer, L.R., McKay, E.D., Hajic, E.R., Clark, P.U., Rutledge, E.M., and Autin, W.J. 1989.
Current loess research and problems along the Mississippi River Valley from Illinois to
Louisiana. (Abs) International Geological Congress, Abstracts and Programs.
Hajic, E.R. 1989. Anatomy and sedimentary environments of a late Wisconsinan thaw lake
in north-central Illinois. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, North-Central Section, Abstracts
and Programs 21:4: 14.
Hajic, E.R. and Bettis, E.A., III. 1989. Settlement patterns or sediment patterns? -- A
stratigraphic model for interpretation of the archaeological record of the upper
Mississippi River basin. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, Abstracts and Programs 21:6:
Hajic, E.R. and Johnson, W.H. 1989. Catastrophic flooding in the Illinois River Valley:
"Kankakee Torrent" revisited. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, Abstracts and Programs
21:6: A280.
Hajic, E.R. 1988. Influence of colluvial and alluvial fan evolution on archaeology in the
Prairie Peninsula. (Abs) 46th Annual Plains Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 41.
Wichita, Kansas.
Stafford, C.R. and Hajic, E.R. 1988. Geoenvironmental approaches to understanding
prehistoric settlement strategies. (Abs) Society for American Archaeology, Program and
Hajic, E.R., Kukla, G., Johnson, W.H., and Follmer, L.R. 1987. Stratigraphy and magnetic
susceptibility of a multiple loess - paleosol section, Pancake Hollow, west-central Illinois,
U.S.A. (Abs) International Union for Quaternary Research, XII International Congress,
p. 180.
Hajic, E.R. 1986. Late-Quaternary alluvial history of the lower Illinois Valley and adjacent
middle Mississippi Valley. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, Abstracts with Programs 18:6:
Hajic, E.R. 1985. Terminal Pleistocene events in the Mississippi Valley near St. Louis as
inferred from Illinois Valley geology. (Abs) In, Pleistocene Geology and Evolution of the
Upper Mississippi Valley, Abstracts and Field Trip Guide, Lively, R.S (coord.), p. 49-52..
Minnesota Geological Survey, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Hajic, E.R. 1983. Predictive modeling of location and preservation potentials for surface
and buried sites in major river valleys: A landscape evolution approach in the lower
Illinois. Midwest Archaeological Conference, program and abstracts, p. 17.
Hajic, E.R. and Flock, M.A. 1983. Age and origin of the late Wisconsinan Deer Plain
terrace in the Illinois Valley. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, North-Central Section,
Abstracts with Programs 15:4: 263.
Hajic, E.R. and Styles, T.R. 1982. Dynamic surficial geology of the lower Illinois Valley
region and the impact on the archaeological record. (Abs) Society for American
Archaeology, Program and Abstracts, p. 51.
Hajic, E.R. and Styles, T.R. 1982. Holocene landscape evolution and archeological site
location in the Lower Illinois River Valley region, U.S.A. (Abs) Eleventh International
Congress on Sedimentology, Abstracts of Papers, p. 142. Hamilton, Ontario.
Hajic, E.R. 1981. Geology and paleopedology of the Koster archeological site, Greene
County, Illinois. (Abs) Geol. Soc. of America, North-Central Section, Abstracts with
Programs 13:6: 279.
Invited Public Lectures
2004 Ice and Floods, Lakes and Wetlands: The Geological Course of the Illinois River.
Illinois State Museum, Lewistown, IL.
2001 Late Quaternary and Holocene Landscape Evolution of the American Bottoms,
Mississippi River Valley. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Winter Lecture Series,
1995 Fluvial processes and the Mackinaw River. The Nature Conservency, Mackinaw
River Project Planning Team, Normal, IL.
1994 Pleistocene chronology of North America. Geology in the Lower Mississippi Valley,
Implications for Engineering, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River
Commission, and U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
Fluvial and glaciofluvial deposits. Illinois Soil Classifiers Association, Short Course
in Soil On-Site Investigations for Wastewater Disposal Systems
Geologic overview of the lower Illinois Valley Region. Central States Forest Soils
Workshop, Pere Marquette State Park, Godfrey, IL.
Holocene landscape evolution in Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL.
Late Quaternary geologic history of the lower Illinois River Valley. Department of
Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Pre-Wisconsinan loesses and paleosols in west-central Illinois. Illinois State
Geological Survey, Urbana, IL.
Graduate Student Representative, 1986
List of University of Illinois Excellent Teachers, Spring 1985
Sigma Xi, 1984
Sigma Gamma Epsilon National Honorary Society in the Earth Sciences, 1979
Cornell College Scholarship, 1973-77
Illinois State Scholar, 1973
Second Place, Illinois Institute of Technology Architectural Design and Drafting
Competition, 1972
"Distribution and Dating of Prehistoric Earthquake Liquefaction in Southeastern Illinois,
Central U.S., Phase 2"; U.S. Geological Survey, Memphis, TN, 1995 - 1996.
"Distribution and Dating of Prehistoric Earthquake Liquefaction in Southeastern Illinois,
Central U.S."; U.S. Geological Survey, Memphis, TN, 1993-1994.
University of Illinois Graduate College Travel Support Grant, 1987
University of Illinois Department of Geology Dissertation Research Grant, 1986
University of Illinois Graduate College Travel Support Grant, 1986
Principal Geologist on National Science Foundation Research Grant awarded to Bonnie W.
Styles, Illinois State Museum, for the Modoc Archaeological Project, 1986
University of Illinois Department of Geology Dissertation Research Grant, 1985
American Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies Scholarship Grant, 19771979
Book Chapters
Hajic, E.R., Mandel, R.D., and Bettis, E.A., III. 2000. Stratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental
Investigations. In, The 1999 Excavations at the Big Eddy Site (23CE426), Lopinot, N.H.,
Ray, J.H., and Conner, M.D. (eds.), p. 26-36. Southwest Missouri State University,
Center for Archaeological Research, Special Publications No. 3.
Hajic, E.R., Mandel, R.D., Ray, J.H., and Lopinot, N.H. 1998. Geomorphology and
Geoarchaeology. In, The 1997 Excavations at the Big Eddy Site (23CE426) in Southwest
Missouri, Lopinot, N.H., Ray, J.H., and Conner, M.D. (eds.), p. 74-110. Southwest
Missouri State University, Center for Archaeological Research, Special Publication No.
Lopinot, N.H., Ray, J.H. and Hajic, E.R. 1998. Conclusions and Recommendations. In, The
1997 Excavations at the Big Eddy Site (23CE426) in Southwest Missouri, Lopinot, N.H.,
Ray, J.H., and Conner, M.D. (eds.), p. 288-307. Southwest Missouri State University,
Special Publication No. 2.
Bahn, P (ed). 1992. Collins Reference Dictionary of Archaeology. Wm. Collins Sons & Co.
Ltd., London, England. Geology, soil, and geoarchaeological entries prepared by Hajic.
Stafford, C.R., and Hajic, E.R. 1992. Landscape scale: geoenvironmental approaches to
prehistoric settlement strategies. In, Space, Time, and Archaeological Landscapes,
Rossignol, J., and Wandsnider, L. (eds.), p. 137-165. Plenum Press, New York.
Wiant, M.D., Hajic, E.R. and Styles, T.R. 1983. Napoleon Hollow and Koster site
stratigraphy: Implications for Holocene landscape evolution and studies of Archaic Period
settlement patterns in the lower Illinois River Valley. In, Archaic Hunters and Gatherers
in the American Midwest, Phillips, J.L. and Brown, J.A. (eds.), p. 147-164. Academic
Press, New York.
Hajic, E.R., Mandel, R.D., Ray, J.H., and Lopinot, N.H. Submitted. Geoarchaeology of
stratified Paleoindian deposits at the Big Eddy Site, southwestern Missouri.
Bettis, E.A., III, and Hajic, E.R. submitted. Linking Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico
Deglacial Records: A Pleistocene – Holocene Marker Bed in the Mississippi Valley.
Hajic, E.R. and Walz, G.R. 2000. Evidence of prehistoric beaver activity in the Des Plaines
River valley, Illinois. Technical Paper No. 8, Wetlands Research, Inc., Chicago. 11 p.
Hajic, E.R. and Hudak, C.M. 1999. The geomorphic component of a GIS based state-wide
predictive model for prehistoric archaeological site locations in Minnesota. Newsletter of
the Geoarchaeology Interest Group, Society for American Archaeology, Volume 1,
Number 2, p. 10-11.
Lopinot, N.H., Ray, J.H., Hajic, E.R., and Mandel, R.E. 1998. Stratified Paleioindian
deposits at the Big Eddy site, southwest Missouri. Current Research in the Pleistocene
15: 39-42.
Ray, J.H., Lopinot, N.H., Hajic, E.R., and Mandel, R.E. 1998. The Big Eddy site: A
multicomponent Paleoindian site on the Ozark border, southwest Missouri. Plains
Anthropologist 43(163): 73-81.
Munson, P.J., Obermeier, S.F., Munson, S.A., and Hajic, E.R. 1997. Liquefaction evidence
for Holocene and latest Pleistocene seismicity in the southern halves of Indiana and
Illinois: A preliminary overview. Seismological Research Letters.
Bettis, E.A. and Hajic, E.R. 1995. Landscape Development and the Location of Evidence of
Archaic Cultures in the Upper Midwest. In, Bettis, E.A., III, (ed.), Archaeological
Geology of the Archaic Period in North America, Geological Society of America, Special
Paper 297, p. 87-113.
Tankersley, K.B., Koldehoff, B., and Hajic, E.R. 1993. The Bostrom Site: A Paleo-Indian
habitiation in southwestern Illinois. North American Archaeologist 14:1:43-69.
Hajic, E.R. 1991. Terraces in the Central Mississippi Valley. In, E.R. Hajic, W.H. Johnson,
and L.R. Follmer (eds.), Quaternary deposits and landforms, confluence region of the
Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois rivers, Missouri and Illinois: Terraces and terrace
problems. Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene, 38th Field Conference Guidebook, pp. 189.
Hajic, E.R., Wiant, M.D., Graham, R.W., Styles, B.W., Ahler, S.R., Iseminger, W.R., Bettis,
E.A., III, Morrow, T.A., and Styles, T.R. 1989. Archaeological geology and
geomorphology in the central Mississippi - lower Illinois River Valley Region, Illinois
and Missouri. Guidebook, Geological Society of America, Archaeological Geology
Division Field Trip, 47 p.
Hajic, E.R. 1986. Pre-Wisconsinan loesses and paleosols at Pancake Hollow, west- central
Illinois. In, Quaternary Records of Southwestern Illinois and Adjacent Missouri,
Graham, R.W., Styles, B.W., Saunders, J.J., Wiant, M.D., McKay, E.D., Styles, T.R., and
Hajic, E.R., p. 90-97. American Quaternary Association, Field Guide. University of
Illinois, Urbana.
Hajic, E.R. 1986. The late Wisconsinan Deer Plain Terrace in the lower Illinois Valley. In,
Quaternary Records of Southwestern Illinois and Adjacent Missouri, Graham, R.W.,
Styles, B.W., Saunders, J.J., Wiant, M.D., McKay, E.D., Styles, T.R., and Hajic, E.R., p.
80-89. American Quaternary Association, Field Guide. University of Illinois.
Styles, B.W., Ahler, S.R., and Hajic, E.R. 1986. Holocene archeology and geology of the
Modoc Rock Shelter site, In, Quaternary Records of Southwestern Illinois and Adjacent
Missouri, Graham, R.W., Styles, B.W., Saunders, J.J., Wiant, M.D., McKay, E.D., Styles,
T.R., and Hajic, E.R., p. 31-44. American Quaternary Association, Field Guide.
University of Illinois, Urbana.
Wiant, M.D., Hajic, E.R., Styles, B.W., and Styles, T.R. 1986. Geology and archaeology of
a Holocene alluvial/colluvial fan at the Koster site, In, Quaternary Records of
Southwestern Illinois and Adjacent Missouri, Graham, R.W., Styles, B.W., Saunders, J.J.,
Wiant, M.D., McKay, E.D., Styles, T.R., and Hajic, E.R., p. 98-112. American
Quaternary Association, Field Guide. University of Illinois, Urbana.
Hajic, E.R. 1985a. Geomorphological and stratigraphic investigations. In, Smiling Dan:
Structure and Function at a Middle Woodland Settlement in the Illinois Valley, Stafford,
B.D. and Sant, M.B. (eds.), p. 41-82. Kampsville Archeological Center, Center for
American Archeology, Research Series Volume 2.
Hajic, E.R. 1985b. Geomorphic and stratigraphic investigations at Campbell Hollow. In,
The Campbell Hollow Archaic Occupations, Stafford, C.R. (ed.), p. 53-81. Kampsville
Archeological Center, Center for American Archeology, Research Series Volume 4.
Hajic, E.R. 1985c. Landscape evolution and archeological contexts in the lower Illinois
River Valley. American Archeology 5:2: 127-136.
Over 100 Technical Reports
Dr. E. Arthur Bettis
Dr. Leon R. Follmer
Dr. Neal Lopinot
Dr. Rolfe Mandel
Dr. Michael D. Wiant
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, IL.
Southwest Missouri State University, MO
Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS.
Curator of Anthropology, and Director, Dixon Mounds, Illinois
State Museum, Springfield, IL.
08.04 incomplete update