White Paper Guidelines

CCNY Guidelines for White Paper Submission
NSF 10-536
Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE)
in Engineering
Program Synopsis
This solicitation aims at introducing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through a
variety of interdisciplinary approaches into undergraduate engineering education. The focus of
this year's competition is on nanoscale engineering education with relevance to devices and
systems and/or on the societal, ethical, economic and/or environmental issues relevant to
Related funding opportunities are posted on http://www.nsf.gov/nano. Research and education
projects in nanoscale science and engineering will continue to be supported in the relevant NSF
programs and divisions.
NSF 10-536 solicitation – http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10536/nsf10536.htm
NSF NUE program page – http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13656
Eligibility Information
Only one (1) proposal may be submitted by a US academic institution, College/Department of
Engineering or College/Department of Engineering Technology as the lead institution with the
following exception: A US academic institution may submit a second proposal as the lead
institution, only if it is focused on the societal, ethical, economic and/or environmental issues
relevant to nanotechnology.
Notice of Intent (NOI):
White Paper:
Committee Decision:
NSF NUE proposal Deadline:
March 5, 2010
March 19, 2010
March 29, 2010 (anticipated)
May 7, 2010
Notice of Intent (NOI) (due March 5)
The newly required Notice of Intent to submit a white paper should include the following:
Project title;
PI, Co-PIs, and other collaborators, including affiliations
Brief description of the project
Please email Notice of Intent to Dean Barba (barba@ccny.cuny.edu), with a cc to Laura
Bartovics, Grant Writer for Science & Engineering (lbartovics@ccny.cuny.edu).
White Paper (due March 19)
The committee members who will review your White Paper are scientists and engineers, but may
not have a background in the specific field related to your grant application. It is likely that
many of the Agency’s review panel members will also have general, not in-depth, knowledge of
your specific research area. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you take this into consideration
and present the technical aspects of your White Paper as clearly as possible.
White Papers must be written in size 11 font or larger, with the project description limited to
four (4) pages (budgets are not included in the page limit). The following sections must be
included in the white paper:
Title: concise and descriptive
Participants: list PI and all Co-PI(s) from CCNY, CUNY or other institutions
Affiliation of PI & Co-PI(s): university, department, research center, etc.
Agency and Program: NSF 10-536 Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE)
in Engineering
Project Description: must not exceed four (4) pages (see requirements in NSF solicitation)
1. Goals and Objectives – the goals of the project should be stated clearly and concisely in
relation to the goals of the NUE component
2. Project Plan – including background on the proposed project, expected impact on the
undergraduate curriculum, number and percentage of undergraduate students impacted,
especially under-represented groups, and plans for institutionalization.
3. Experience and Capability of PIs/Co-PIs – include a brief description of the rationale
for including the specific faculty members and institutional units within the project. State
the role of each and cite the expertise that each will contribute to the project.
4. Evaluation Plan – All projects must conduct their own formative and summative (thirdparty) evaluation and all projects must participate in an NSF-supported program
evaluation. Describe criteria for evaluating the project, how student learning will be
assessed, and the process for collecting and analyzing information.
5. Dissemination of Results – describe plans to communicate the results of the project to
other STEM professionals and education communities, both during and after the project.
Budget: provide a brief summary of funds to be requested, showing an understanding of NSF
allowable costs for IGERT programs (e.g., the major portion of the funds must be used for
doctoral student stipends and educational and training activities).
Appendices: (optional) PIs are encouraged to submit relevant supporting documentation, such as
agency reviews of past proposals or letters of commitment from collaborators. Please include
only relevant information and limit appendices to 10 pages.
White Paper Submission
Please email White Papers to Dean Barba (barba@ccny.cuny.edu), with a cc to Laura
Bartovics, Grant Writer for Science & Engineering (lbartovics@ccny.cuny.edu).