Eighth_Physical_Science_Unit - Forest Ridge Elementary School

SCIENCE: Forest Ridge School District 142
Properties of Matter: Eighth Grade
Unifying Theme: Evidence & Explanation
Essential Question: How can we support our explanations (claims) with supporting evidence gathered through scientific investigation and technological design?
Guiding Questions:
How can we identify substances based upon their characteristic properties?
How can we distinguish between elements, compounds, mixtures and solutions?
How can we distinguish between physical and chemical changes?
How can we use the concept of atoms to explain conservation of matter?
How can we use the properties of matter to create a system of organization?
How has our study of nanoscale impacted technological advances?
Big Ideas
Substances have
characteristic properties
all of which are
independent of the size
or phase of the sample.
A mixture of substances
can be broken down into
the original components,
or elements, showing
one or more of its
characteristic properties.
There are more than 100
known elements. They
are able to combine in
many ways to produce
compounds that make up
the living and nonliving
substances on Earth.
Technological advances
Power Standards
Analyze the characteristic properties of matter,
recognizing that a mixture of substances can be
broken down into original components showing one or
more of its characteristic properties.
Descriptors: Based on National & State Documents
Classify objects based on their physical and chemical
properties. Determine an unknown by analyzing its
properties. (i.e. mixtures, solutions, pure substances,
acids, bases, reactivity, phases)
Formulate an explanation of phase changed based on
the transfer of energy.
Compare positions, movements and relationships of
molecules in different phases as an interaction with
thermal energy transfer.
Generate an explanation that provides evidence that
all living and nonliving things are composed of
different combinations of elements.
Analyze and classify substances as pure substances
or mixtures based upon their properties.
Formative Assessmen
 Support a claim w
 Diagram - The re
molecules, eleme
 Quiz – Formulate
relationships amo
and compounds.
 Synthesis of perio
 Peer Practice - Ar
element on the p
chemical characte
Chemistry Quiz –
Conservation of M
Formulate an explanation of the relationships among
atoms, molecules, elements and compounds.
Analyze conservation of mass and energy.
Argue the placement of an element on the periodic
table based upon its chemical characteristics.
Describe density as a relationship between mass and
Describe how nanoscale has impacted technological
Summative Assessme
Argue the placement of
based upon its chemical
Summative Assessme
Develop an i-movie, stor
communicating how nan
engineering and/or Cost
in matter are being made
on the nanoscale.
Scientific Inquiry
Scientific inquiry is a dynamic
process that is not limited to
one scientific method.
Formative Assessmen
 Define Nanoscale
 Synthesize resea
 T Chart Cost/Ben
Propose scientific questions and engage in active
inquiry gathering and prioritizing evidence,
formulating explanations, making connections to
scientific knowledge and communicating and
justifying explanations.
Design and conduct a scientific procedure to
determine the identity an unknown substance.
Report, display, and defend, to an audience
conclusions drawn from an investigation.
Inquiry engages learners in
asking scientifically oriented
questions, gathering and
prioritizing evidence,
formulating explanations,
making connections to scientific
knowledge and communicating
and justifying explanations.
Design systems have
interacting parts that can be
analyzed by investigating the
complexity of inputs and
outputs and their relationship
to the feedback loop.
design/engineering is a
dynamic problem-solving
process that engages designers
in proposing solutions, testing,
analyzing and modifying.
The Nature of Science
Science is an imaginative
endeavor that is subject to
modification as new information
challenges current theories. It
Summative Assessme
Design and conduct a sc
the identity an unknown
and defend to an audien
Formative Assessmen
 Peer Practice- Ste
 Peer Practice – La
 Analyze quantitat
 Graph and interp
Apply the design process by proposing solutions,
testing, analyzing and modifying designs, and
communicating results
Propose solutions based upon understanding of
properties of matter concepts
Create designs
Summative Assessme
Apply the design process
and communicate) to cre
can be used to separate
Analyze designs
Communicate solutions
Develop an explanation based upon evidence/data
Report and display the process and results of a
scientific investigation.
Use quantitative data and representational methods
to analyze measurements.
Formative Assessmen
 Vocabulary asses
mixture, solution
 Peer Practice – S
See assessments above
involves the collection of data,
the use of logical reasoning,
argumentation and the devising
of hypotheses and explanations
informed by evidence.
Habits of Mind
Scientists keep
honest/unbiased, clear and
accurate records, value
hypotheses and understand
that more than one explanation
can be given for the same
Argue the placement of an element on the periodic
table based upon its chemical characteristics.
Apply accepted practices of science.
Generate, represent and analyze data
Collect data
Represent data
Analyze phase change graph i
Analyze data
Generate phase change graph
Scientists value the role of
computation and estimation in
their work.
Scientists use a variety of tools
to inform their observations.
Scientists organize information
using tables, graphs, diagrams
and symbols.
Scientists question claims
based on vague attributions
and are skeptical of arguments
based on small data samples.
Scientists embrace unexpected
Tier Two: evidence, claim, support, argue, defend, analyze, justify, unknown
Tier Three: mixtures, solutions, pure substances, acids, bases, reactivity, phases, physical property, chemical property, element, compound, atom, molecule,
conservation of matter, periodic table, characteristic property, density, volume, mass, boiling point, melting point/freezing point, phase change graph