5.0 Analysis 5.1 Introduction: All twelve subjects successfully completed full analysis sessions lasting approximately 45 minuets with no adverse effects. Each session consisted of a familiarisation period, a free breathing analysis session and then the audio and visual training / feed-back sessions. Each session was conducted in a quiet, preprepared room specifically set up for the measurements – see chapter 4 – experimental method. 5.2 Free Breathing and the ubiquitous sine-wave formulation It has been common practice for several years and advocated by several research groups, to replicate a patient’s breathing pattern using a single compartment model. Such a model, described by Bloes et al, results in a formalism that describes the breathing displacement time graph using a single sine wave with a fixed period and amplitude. Unfortunately all the evidence in the literature points to anything but such a model. Shown if figures ?? and XX are samples of free breathing patterns from two subjects measured during this work. The individual traces correspond to isolated inhale-exhale cycles (of which we are showing seven in each plot for brevity). What is clearly evident is that the amplitude, the position of maximal inhalation (corresponding to the phase) and the period vary from cycle to cycle. The effect is subject dependent as can be seen by comparing figures ?? and XX. In figure ?? the variation in all parameters is quite pronounced – for example the peaks of the green and black plots (peaks marked as B and A respectively) occur at quite different times - approximately 54.2 seconds and 55 seconds respectively. The subject shown in figure XX, exhibits a more tightly controlled breathing pattern. This variation in period, amplitude and phase appears both across cycles for a single subject and also across subjects - for all subjects studied in this work. Clearly then it is inappropriate to fit a single compartment model in which the parameters are purely deterministic to such data in order to analyse the effects of different feedback protocols on the breathing patterns of subjects. In this chapter we use the methods discussed in chapter XXX(theory) to analyse the results. 220 A - peak of black plot 200 Displacement 180 160 140 120 B - peak of green plot 100 52.5 53 53.5 54 54.5 55 Time Sec 55.5 56 56.5 57 57.5 Figure ??; The figure shows the variation in free-breathing pattern for subject 1. Each curve represents a measured inhalation-exhalation cycle. In this figure, seven cycles are shown. Clearly the shape, period and location of maximum changes from cycle to cycle as does the mean breathing level. That the phase is changing is seen by the times at which the peaks marked A and B occur. 110 100 Displacement 90 80 70 60 50 40 30.5 31 31.5 32 32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 Time Sec Figure XX:The figure shows the variation in free-breathing pattern for subject 2. Each curve represents a measured inhalation-exhalation cycle. Seven cycles are shown. Here the location of the maxima, the mean level and the period are more consistent from cycle-to-cycle in comparison with that of subject 1 – figure ?? Figures aa – dd demonstrate the effects of video feed-back on the breathing pattern of a subject – the kernel of this thesis. Figure aa shows that during the free breathing session the subject continuously modified their mean breathing position, as seen by the positive slope to the mean breathing depth (dotted arrow in the figure). This corresponds to the subject not completely exhaling. Also seen are non-periodic changes in the overall local shape of the graph with some large excursions in breath – presumably to compensate for the slowly increasing lack of lung emptying. Figure bb is the breathing pattern from the same subject as in aa but this time the subject is attempting to follow a visually presented synthetic breathing pattern. The synthetic pattern is a simple sinusoid with a period equal to the average period of the subject’s free breathing trace and amplitude equal to the mean amplitude from the free-breathing trace. Clearly evident in figure bb is the now stable mean breathing position as compared with the free-breathing case. Also, the amplitude appears to be much more stable throughout the measurement period. Figure cc shows a short-time window of the data in bb. We can see quite clearly that the subject is matching quite well the period and phase of the training signal – shown in black. That this consistency continues over the whole of the measurement period can be seen in figure dd – this is figure aa but with the training waveform included. 300 250 Relative displacement 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time Sec 120 140 160 180 200 Fig: aa Free breathing trace for subject 2. The subject had no training, notice the irregularity in the breathing pattern, the changing mean breathing depth (corresponding to a change in the subject’s mean chest position at exhale.(sal) – and shown by the dotted arrow-line. 190 170 Relative Displacement 150 130 110 90 70 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time Sec Fig: bb Video trained breathing trace for subject 2 – the training signal has been removed for clarity. Notice how the breathing pattern doesn’t show the mean breathing depth drift present in the free breathing trace Figure aa). 160 150 Amplitudes 140 130 120 110 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time Sec Fig: cc Video trained breathing trace (blue) for subject B –including the training pattern (black) – for clarity we have limited the time axis to 80 seconds but the pattern persists beyond this – see figure dd. We can see that the subject is matching the peaks-and troughs of the training signal (breathing period and phase) very well. Also the amplitude (depth of breathing) is remaining relatively constant. 190 170 Relative Displacement 150 130 110 90 70 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time Sec Fig: dd Video trained breathing trace (Blue) for subject 2 –including the training pattern (Black) for the whole measurement period. Consistency is maintained throughout.(Sal- Chart video 2) 5.3 Free-breathing analysis. Video phase 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 SynthTime-Subj Time -0.5 -1 SynthTime-Real phase -1.5 -2 -2.5 Synth Time Fig; showing the video phase of subject