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CV/Shraga Bross
Curriculum Vitae
Shraga Bross
Personal Data:
Work Address: Engineering Dept. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900
Phone: 03-5317023
Academic Degrees:
1977 B.Sc.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel
1983 M.Sc.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel
1991 Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland,
College Park
Invited talks
S. I. Bross, Y. Steinberg and S. Tinguely, ``The causal cognitive interference channel,''
presented at the International Zurich Seminar March 3-5, 2010, Zurich,
Organized conferences
“Information Theory Workshop at Bar-Ilan’’ March 14, 2011.
ISF grant for the period October 2009-September 2013. Research topic ``Broadcasting
of correlated sources in the presence of receivers cooperation''.
CV/Shraga Bross
List of Publications
Shraga Bross
A. Theses
“Trellis Coding for the Two-User Multiple-Access Channel”, Ph.D. Dissertation, E.E.
Dept. University of Maryland, August 1991.
“Asymptotic Bounds on the Minimal Error in Nonlinear Filtering”, M.Sc. Thesis,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, May
B. Refereed Journal Papers
1. S. I. Bross, “Trellis Coding for the Two-User Multiple-Access Channel, Part I: An
Error Probability Upper Bound,” Journal of Combinatorics Information and
System Sciences, vol. 19, pp. 241–265, 1995.
2. S. I. Bross, “Trellis Coding for the Two-User Multiple-Access Channel, Part II: A
Free Distance Lower Bound,” Journal of Combinatorics Information and System
Sciences, vol. 19, pp. 183–206, 1995.
3. S. I. Bross, “Unit-Memory Codes for Continuous Phase Modulation in an AWGN
Channel,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-43 no. 2, pp. 261–
269 Feb. 1995.
4. S. I. Bross and I. F. Blake, “Upper Bound for Uniquely Decodable Codes in a
Binary Input N-User Adder Channel,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–44,
no. 1, pp. 334-340 Jan. 1998.
5. S. I. Bross, M. Burnashev and S. Shamai (Shitz), “Error exponents for the two-user
Poisson multiple-access Channel,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–47 no.
5, pp. 1999-2016 July 2001.
6. S. I. Bross and S. Shamai (Shitz), “Capacity and decoding rules for the Poisson
arbitrarily varying channel,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–49 no. 11, pp.
3076-3093, November 2003.
7. Sokolovsky and S. I. Bross, “Attainable error exponents for the Poisson broadcast
channel with degraded message sets,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–51
no. 1, pp. 364-374, Jan. 2005.
8. S. I. Bross and A. Lapidoth, “An improved achievable region for the discrete
memoryless two-user multiple-access channel with noiseless feedback,” IEEE
Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–51 no. 3, pp. 811-833, March 2005.
CV/Shraga Bross
9. B. Haddad and S. I. Bross, “Amplitude modulated multi-pulse PPM for bandwidthlimited optical systems,” European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 17
no. 1, pp. 63-75, January/February 2006.
10. S. I. Bross and S. Litsyn, “Improved upper bounds for codes with unequal error
protection,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–52 no. 7, pp. 3329-3333, July
11. S. I. Bross, ``A converse result for the discrete memoryless relay channel with
relay-transmitter feedback,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–52 no. 8, pp.
3789-3792, August 2006.
12. G. Nakibly and S. Bross, “On the reliability exponents of two discrete-time timing
channel models,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–52 no. 9, pp. 43204335, September 2006.
13. E. Hof and S. I. Bross, “On the deterministic-code capacity of the two-user
discrete memoryless arbitrarily varying general broadcast channel with degraded
message sets,” IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, vol. IT–52 no. 11, pp. 5023-5044,
November 2006.
14. Y. Gabbai and S. I. Bross, “Achievable rates for partial feedback configurations of
the discrete memoryless relay channel,” IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, vol. IT–52 no. 11, pp. 4989-5007, November 2006.
15. Y. Ovadia and S. I. Bross, “On the reliability exponent of the additive exponential
noise channel,” Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 298318, October-December 2006.
16. S. Ronen, S. I. Bross, S. Shamai (Shitz) and T. M. Duman, “Iterative channel
estimation and decoding in turbo coded space-time systems,” European
Transactions on Telecommunications s, vol. 18 no. 7, pp. 719-734, October 2007.
17. S. I. Bross and M. Wigger, “On the relay channel with receiver-transmitter
feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT–55 no. 1, pp. 275291, Jan. 2009.
18. S. I. Bross, “On the discrete memoryless partially cooperative relay broadcast
channel and the broadcast channel with cooperating decoders,” IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory, vol. IT–55 no. 5, pp. 2161-2182, May 2009.
19. S. I. Bross, Amos Lapidoth and Stephane Tinguely, “Broadcasting correlated
Gaussians,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT–56 no. 7, pp.
3057-3068, July 2010.
CV/Shraga Bross
20. S. I. Bross, Amos Lapidoth and M. Wigger, “Dirty-paper coding for the multiaccess channel with conferencing,” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory.
Submitted Papers
1. S. I. Bross, Y. Steinberg and S. Tinguely, “The discrete memoryless
interference channel with one-sided generalized feedback,” submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, July 2011.
2. S. I. Bross, and Y. Steinberg, “The state-dependent interference channel with
state available at a cribbing encoder and one receiver,” submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, December 2011.
C. Conference papers
S. Bross, “Error Probability Upper Bound for Two-User Trellis Codes on
Multiple-Access Channels”, CISS 1991, Baltimore.
S. Bross and Ian F. Blake, “Trellis Codes for the Binary and N-User Adder
Channel,” CISS 1992, Princeton.
S. I. Bross and I. F. Blake, “Upper Bound for Uniquely Decodable Codes in a
Binary Input N-User Adder Channel,” ISIT 1993, San Antonio.
Anand Oka, S. Bross and Shlomo Shamai, “Two Approaches to High Gain
Multilevel QAM Coding,” ISIT 1998, MIT Boston.
Tamar Danon and S. Bross, “Free distance lower bounds for unequal errorprotection convolutional codes,” ISIT 2000, Sorrento.
S. Bross, Marat Burnashev and Shlomo Shamai, “Error exponents for the twouser Poisson multiple-access channel,” ISIT 2000, Sorrento.
S. Bross and Shlomo Shamai, “Capacity and decoding rules for the Poisson
arbitrarily varying channel,” ISIT 2001, Washington DC.
Sokolovsky and S. Bross, “Attainable error exponents for the Poissson broadcast
channel with degraded message sets,” ISIT 2002, Lausanne.
S. Bross and A. Lapidoth, “Code constructions for the ideal two-user Poissson
multiple-access channel with noiseless feedback,” ISIT 2002, Lausanne.
10. A. Dabbagh and S. Bross, “Sequential signaling under peak-power constraint in
the Poisson regime,” Presented at the IEEE 2002 convention December 2002,
Tel-Aviv, Israel.
11. S. Bross and A. Lapidoth, “An improved achievable region for the discrete
memoryless two-user multiple-access channel with noiseless feedback,” ISIT
2003, Yokohama.
CV/Shraga Bross
12. G. Nakibly and S. Bross, “On the reliability exponent of the geometric-server
timing channel,” ISIT 2004, Chicago IL.
13. Y. Ovadia and S. Bross, “On the reliability exponent of the exponential telephone
signaling channel,” Presented at the ETH-Technion meeting Feb. 16-17 2004, and
IEEE Israel convention 2004.
14. S. Ronen, S. Bross, S. Shamai (Shitz) and T. M. Duman, “Iterative channel
estimation and decoding in turbo coded space time systems,” IEEE Israel
convention 2004.
15. Y. Gabbai and S. Bross, “Achievable rates for partial feedback configurations of
the discrete memoryless relay channel,” CISS 2005, Baltimore.
16. E. Hof and S. Bross, “On the deterministic-code capacity of the two-user discrete
memoryless arbitrarily varying general broadcast channel,” CISS 2005,
17. S. Bross and S. Litsyn, “Improved upper bounds for codes with unequal error
protection,” ISIT 2005, Adelaide Australia.
18. Y. Gabbai and S. Bross, “On the discrete memoryless relay channel with relaytransmitter feedback,'' ISIT 2006, Seattle USA.
19. S. Bross, A. Lapidoth and S. Tinguely, “Superimposed coded and uncoded
transmissions of a Gaussian source over the Gaussian channel,'' ISIT 2006,
Seattle USA.
20. S. Bross, and M. Wigger, “A Schalkwijk-Kailath type encoding scheme for the
Gaussian relay channel with receiver-transmitter feedback,'' ISIT 2007, Nice,
21. S. Bross, “On the discrete memoryless partially cooperative broadcast relay
channel,'' ISIT 2007, Nice, France.
22. S. Bross, A. Lapidoth and S. Tinguely, “Broadcasting correlated Gaussians,'' ISIT
2008, Toronto, Canada.
23. S. Bross, A. Lapidoth and M. Wigger, “The Gaussian MAC with conferencing
encoders,'' ISIT 2008, Toronto, Canada.
24. S. Bross, and T. Weissman, “On successive refinement for the Wyner-Ziv
problem with partially cooperating decoders,'' ISIT 2008, Toronto, Canada.
25. S. Bross, and T. Weissman, “An outer bound for side-information scalable source
coding with partially cooperating decoders,'' ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea.
26. S. Bross, A. Lapidoth and L. Wang, “The Poisson channel with side information,''
Allerton 2009.
27. S. Bross, Y. Steinberg and S. Tinguely, “The causal cognitive interference
channel,'' IZS 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
28. S. Bross, Y. Steinberg and S. Tinguely, “The discrete memoryless interference
channel with one-sided generalized feedback,'' ISIT 2010, Austin, USA.
CV/Shraga Bross
29. S. Bross, and A. Lapidoth, “The state-dependent multiple-access channel with
states available at a cribbing encoder,” IEEE Israel convention Nov. 2010, Eilat.
30. S. Bross, Y. Steinberg and S. Tinguely, “The noisy feedback interference channel
with secrecy,” IEEE Israel convention Nov. 2010, Eilat.
31. S. Bross, and Y. Steinberg, “The state-dependent interference channel with states
available at a cribbing encoder and one receiver,'' ISIT 2011, St. Petersburg.
32. S. I. Bross and H. Permuter, ``On the Gaussian listening-helper source-coding
problem,'' IZS 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
US Patent no. 5,898,698 Date: Apr. 27, 1999. Inventor: S. Bross, ``Multiple codeword
interleaver method and apparatus.”