Papers in International Journals - Sezione di Ingegneria Informatica

Papers in International Journals
[1] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Design of Self-diagnosable Minicomputers using Bit-sliced
Microprocessors”, Journal of Design Automation and Fault Tolerant Computing, Vol.1, n.4, pp.363-375,
October 1977.
[2] A. D. Friedman, L. Simoncini, “The Effect of LSI Technology on the Theory of Modular Computer
Design”, Computer, Vol. II, n.7, pp. 60-67, July 1978.
[3] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Analysis and Optimal Design of Self-diagnosable Systems with Repair”,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-28, n.5, May 1979, pp. 362-365.
[4] L. Simoncini, “Microelectronics: its Influence on the Theory of Modular Design of Digital Systems”,
Invited Paper on the State of the Art Report “Microelectronics in Data Processing” della Infotech
International Limited, January 1980, pp. 381-396.
[5] A. D. Friedman, L. Simoncini, “System Level Diagnosis”, Invited Paper, Computer, Vol. 13, n.3,
March 1980, pp. 47-53.
[6] L. Simoncini, H, Taylor, “Subgraphs smaller than the Girth in a Regular Graph”, Journal of Graph
Theory, Wiley Interscience, Vol.4, 1980, pp. 101-105.
[7] F. Saheban, L. Simoncini, A. D. Friedman, “Design of Self-diagnosable multiprocessor Systems with
Concurrent Computation and Diagnosis”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-29, n.6, June 1980,
pp. 540-546.
[8] A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, “Design of Multi-level Fault Tolerant Systems”, Invited Paper a Workshop
on Self-Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance, July 1981 e in Self-Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance, ATTEMPTO
Verlag, Tubingen GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany, pp. 65-83.
[9] M. La Manna, L. Simoncini, “An Implementation of Optimistic Policy for Concurrency Control on a
Computer Network for Real-Time Applications”, Microprocessing and Microprogramming, North Holland
Pub. Co.,Vol.14, n.1, August 1984, pp.9-15.
[10] P. Corsini, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “The MuTEAM Distributed Multiprocessor Architecture”, IEEE
Computer Architecture TC Newsletter, June 1985.
[11] D. Briatico, A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, “An Implementation of Error Detection and Fault Treatment
for the MuTEAM Prototype”, IEEE Distributed Processing TC Newsletter, October 1985.
[12] P. Corsini, A. Prete, L. Simoncini, “MuTEAM: an Experience in the Design of Robust
Multimicroprocessor Systems”, Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Butterworth
Scientific Ltd., October 1985, pp.23-35.
[13] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini " The Evolution of Dependable Computing in Italy",
in The Evolution of Fault-Tolerant Computing, eds. A. Avizienis, H. Kopetz, J.C. Laprie, Springer-Verlag,
1987, pp. 373-408.
[14] A.V. Nikolov, P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, "Performance Evaluation of a Multimicroprocessor
System with Cluster Organization", Journal on Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics,
Bulgarian Academy of Science, Vol. 27, Sofia, 1987.
[15] F. Di Giandomenico, M.L. Giudotti, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini "Gracefully Degradable Algorithm for
Byzantine Agreement", Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Butterworth Scientific,
Vol. 3, n.1, January 1988, pp. 32-40.
[16] F. Di Giandomenico, M.L. Giudotti, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini "Evaluating the Efficiency of Byzantine
Agreement Algorithms", Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Butterworth Scientific,
Vol. 4, n.1, January 1989, pp.3-11, also in Hardware and Software Fault Tolerance in Parallel
Computing Systems, D. Avresky ed., Ellis Horwood, 1992, pp. 227-242.
[17] M. Scevarolli, L. Simoncini, "Reliable Multicast Protocols for a Token-Ring Architecture", Journal of
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Butterworth Scientific, Vol. 4, n. 2, April 1989, pp. 67-77.
[18] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "A Data-Flow-Like Model for Robust Computations", Journal of
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Butterworth Scientific, Vol. 4, n. 3, July 1989, pp.176-184.
[19] L. Simoncini, "Garanzia di Funzionamento: Concetti Base e Terminologia", in Dependability: Basic
Concepts and Terminology, J.C. Laprie editor, Springer Verlag, 1992, pp. 153-206.
[20] C. Landwehr, B. Randell, L. Simoncini (eds.), Dependable Computing for Critical Application 3, Vol.
8 Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, June 1993.
[21] C. Bernardeschi, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Using Process Algebras for the Semantic Analysis of
Data Flow Networks", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E78-D, n. 8, August 1995,
pp. 959-968.
[22] C. Bernardeschi, A. Bondavalli, Gy. Csertan, I. Majzik and L. Simoncini "Temporal Analysis of Data
Flow Control Systems," in Automatica vol 34, no 2, IFAC, February1998, pp. 169-182.
[23] A. Bondavalli, A. Fantechi, D. Latella, L. Simoncini, “Towards a Discipline of System Engineering:
Validation of Dependable Systems”, in Computer Security, Dependability, & Assurance: from Needs to
Solutions (p. Amman, B. Barnes, S. Jajodia, E. Sibley eds.) IEEE Computer Society, 1999, pp. 144-165.
[24] C. Bernardeschi, A. Fantechi, L. Simoncini, “Formally verifying fault tolerant system designs”, The
Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, Vol. 43, n. 3, 2000, pp.191-205.
[25] A. Bondavalli, G. Mongardi, M. Nelli, L. Simoncini, "Hierarchical Modelling of Complex Control
Systems: Dependability Analysis of a Railway Interlocking", Journal of Computer System Science and
Engineering, CRL Publishing, Vol. 16, n. 3, July 2001, pp. 249-261.
[26] A. Bondavalli, A. Fantechi, D. Latella, L. Simoncini, “Design Validation of Embedded Dependable
Systems”, IEEE Micro, IEEE Computer Society, 2001, September/Octobert issue, pp. 52-62.
[27] L. Simoncini, “Ambient Dependability: A Grand Challenge”, Journal of Computer System Science
and Engineering, CRL Publishing, Vol. 20, n. 3, May 2005, pp. 193-202.
[28] L. Simoncini, "Technological and Educational Challenges of Resilient Computing", International
Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS), IGI-Global
Papers in national Journals
[1] L. Simoncini, “Il Software delle Guerre Stellari”, Scienza & Esperienza, n.35, May 1986.
[2] L. Simoncini, “Affidabilita’ del Sistema di Comando e Controllo delle Armi Strategiche degli Stati
Uniti”, Diritto alla Pace, n.5, July 1986.
[3] L. Simoncini, “L’Automazione nell’SDI”, SAPERE, n.8/9 (889), Anno 52, August-September 1986, pp.
[4] L. Simoncini, "Una Nuova Generazione di Armi", SAPERE, Anno 55, n. 10, October 1989, pp.45-52.
[5] L. Simoncini, "La Sicurezza delle Banche Dati", SAPERE, Anno 60, n. 3, March. 1994, pp.43-49.
Papers at International Conferences
[1] P.Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “On the Equivalence and Similitude of Systems of Interconnected Sequential
Machines”, Proceedings 8th Yugoslav International Symposium, Bled, 1973.
[2] P.Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Computational Speed and Equivalence Transformations of Different
Microprogrammed Systems”, Proceedings 8th Yugoslav International Symposium, Bled, 1973.
[3] P.Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “General Microprogrammed Models and their Influence on the Computational
Speed”, Proceedings 2nd Texas Conference on Computing Systems, Austin, Texas, USA, November
[4] P.Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “The Boundary Graphs: an Approach to the Diagnosability with Repair of
Digital Systems”, Proceedings 3rd Texas Conference on Computing Systems, Austin, Texas, USA,
November 1974.
[5] P.Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Digital Systems: a Review”, Proceedings
3rd International Seminar on Applied Aspects of the Automata Theory”, Varna, Bulgaria, June 1975.
[6] P.Ciompi, L. Simoncini, M. Tomljanovich, G. Valle, “State of the Art and Trends in Design Automation
in Italy”, Proceedings 12th Design Automation Conference, Boston, June 1975.
[7] A. D. Friedman, L. Simoncini, “Incomplete Fault Coverage in Modular Multiprocessor Systems”,
Proceedings ACM Annual Conference 1978, Washington, D.C., USA, December 1978, pp. 210-216.
[8] F. Saheban, L. Simoncini, A. D. Friedman, “Concurrent Computation and Diagnosis in Multiprocessor
Systems”, Proceedings FTCS-9, 9th IEEE International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing,
Madison, WI, June 20-22, 1979, pp. 149-155.
[9] A. D. Friedman, L. Simoncini,”Concurrent Diagnosis in Parallel Systems”, Proceedings 1979
International Conference on Parallel Processing, Bellaire, MI, USA, August 21-24, 1979, pp.279-286.
[10] L. Simoncini, “Recent Developments in Self-diagnostic Models, Proceedings FTSD-2, 2nd
International Conference on Fault Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Brno, CSSR, September 4-5,
1979, pp.79-92.
[11] L. Simoncini, “Recent Developments in System Level Fault Diagnosis and their relation to the
General Organization of Multiprocessor Systems”, Invited Paper a IFIP Working Conference on Reliable
Computing and Fault Tolerance in the 1980’s, London, UK, September 26-29, 1979.
[12] F. Baiardi, G. Cioffi, P. Ciompi, P. Corsini, A. Fantechi, G. Frosini, F. Grandoni, L. Lopriore, L.
Simoncini, A. Tomasi, M. Vanneschi, “The MuTEAM Approach: General Guidelines”, Proceedings
FTCS-11, 11 International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing, Portland, USA, June 1981, pp. 1516.
[13] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, “Distributed Diagnosis in Multiprocessor Systems: the
MuTEAM Approach”, Proceedings FTCS-11, 11 International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing,
Portland, USA, June 1981, pp. 25-29.
[14] A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, “Integrated Design Methodology of Failure Tolerant Systems”,
Proceedings FTSD-4, 4th International Conference on Fault Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Brno,
CSSR, September 1981, pp. 49-53.
[15] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, “Self-Diagnosis in Multiprocessor Systems: the MuTEAM
Approach”, Proceedings FTSD-4, 4th International Conference on Fault Tolerant Systems and
Diagnostics, Brno, CSSR, September 1981, pp. 193-199.
[16] P. Ciompi, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, I. R. Martin, L Simoncini, “A Proposal for a Highly Available
Multi-microprocessor System”, Proceedings 5th International Conference on Control System and
Computer Science, Bucuresti, Romania, June 8-11, 1983.
[17] P. Ciompi, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, I. R. Martin, L Simoncini, “A Highly Available Multimicroprocessor System for Real-Time Applications”, Proceedings SAFECOMP ’83, Cambridge, UK,
September 20-22, 1983.
[18] P. Ciompi, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, L Simoncini, “A Redundant Distributed System supporting
Atomic Transactions for Real-Time Control”, Proceedings 1983 Real-Time Systems Symposium,
Arlington, VI, USA, December 1983 e in Actes Journees Europeennes d’Etude sur le Systemes
Informatiques Distribues, Le Mont Saint Michel, September 24-28, 1983, pp. 45-50.
[19] P. Corsini, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “MuTEAM: a Multi-microprocessor Architecture with
Decentralized Fault Treatment”, Proceedings 17 Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences, Hawaii, January 1984 e in Actes Journees Europeennes d’Etude sur le Systemes
Informatiques Distribues, Le Mont Saint Michel, September 24-28, 1983, pp. 181-193.
[20] A. Nikolov, P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “Performance Evaluation of a Multi-microprocessor
System with Cluster Organization”, Proceedings Second IASTED International Symposium on Applied
Informatics AI’84, Innsbruck, Austria, February 14-17, 1984.
[21] P. Corsini, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “ The Architecture and the Fault Treatment of MuTEAM”,
Proceedings 2nd GI/NTG/GMR Conference on Fault Tolerant Computing Systems, Bonn, Repubblica
Federale di Germania, September 19-21, 1984.
[22] D. Briatico, A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, “ A Distributed Domino-effect free Recovery Algorithm”,
Proceedings SRDSDS-4, 4th Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems,
Silver Spring, USA, October 15-17, 1984.
[23] P. Ciompi, P. Mancini, L. Simoncini, “Stable Paths for an Efficient Recovery in Real-Time
Distributed Systems”, Proceedings SAFECOMP ’85, Como, Italy, October 1985, pp. 117-122.
[24] L. Simoncini, “Dependable Architectures for Process Control”, Proceedings International
Conference on Microelectrinics and Fiber Optics, Chandigar, India, November 5-8, 1985.
[25] A. Briccoli, G. Fantasia, L. Simoncini, A. Vigetti, “Models of Adaptive Load Allocation in a Distributed
Electronic Digital Exchange”, Proceedings 1986 International Zurich Seminar on Digital
Communications, Zurich, Switzerland, March 11-13, 1986, pp. 237-247.
[26] F. Malabocchia, L. Simoncini, “On-line Error Detection in the Access of Shared Resources”,
Proceedings FTSD-9, 9th International Conference on Fault Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Brno,
CSSR, June 25-27, 1986, pp. 58-63.
[27] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “ Evolution of Dependable Computing in Italy”,
Proceedings One day Symposium on the Evolution of Fault Tolerant Computing, Baden, Austria, June
30, 1986, pp. 205-228.
[28] L. Simoncini, “Panel on Safety Issues for Computer Controlled Systems”, Proceedings FTCS-16,
16th International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing, Vienna, Austria, July 1-4, 1986, pp. 198204.
[29] F. Malabocchia, L. Simoncini, “Protection of Shared Resources”, Proceedings SAFECOMP’86, 5 th
IFAC Workshop on Safety of Computer Control Systems, Sarlat, France, October 1986, pp. 57-61.
[30] F. Di Giandomenico, M.L. Guidotti, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini "A Gracefully Degradable Algorithm
for Byzantine Agreement", Proceedings 7th Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and
Database Systems, Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 1987.
[31] L. Simoncini, L. Strigini "Fault Tolerance, Design for Testability and System Safety", 5th European
Workshop on Design for Testability, Castiglione della Pescaia, June 1987.
[32] F. Di Giandomenico, M.L. Guidotti. F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini "Efficient Algorithms for Byzantine
Agreement" Proceedings 10th Intern. Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Varna,
Bulgaria, September 1987.
[33] M. Scevarolli, L. Simoncini "Reliable Multicast Protocols for a Token-Ring Architecture",
Proceedings 3rd Intern. Conf. on Fault Tolerant Computing Systems, Bremerhaven, Federal Republic of
Germany, September 1987.
[34] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Modeling Robust Computations in a Data-Flow-Like Style", Workshop
on Fault Tolerance in Parallel and Distributed Computing, San Diego, California USA, December 7-8,
[35] L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, "Computers in Critical Environments: Past Mishaps and Lessons to be
Learned", Invited Paper at the 11th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and
Diagnostics, Suhl, German Democratic Republic, June 1988.
[36] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, "Open, Dependable Distributed Systems: the
DELTA-4 Approach", Invited Paper at the 11th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and
Diagnostics, Suhl, German Democratic Republic, June 1988.
[37] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Modeling Robust Computations in Data-Flow-Like Style", Workshop on
Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems in the '90, Hong Kong, September 14-16, 1988.
[38] M.A. Bonuccelli, L. Simoncini, "A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Control VLSI Permutation Network",
Proceedings 4th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems, September 20-22,
1989, Baden-Baden, FRG.
[39] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Failure Classification with respect to Detection", Proceedings of 2nd
Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing, Cairo, Egypt, September 1990.
[40] A. Bondavalli, M. Mannocci, L. Nardone, L. Simoncini, F. Tarini, P. Zini, "A Performable BSM
Architecture", Proceedings 5th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems,
September 25-27, 1991, Nürnberg, Germany.
[41] L. Strigini, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Data-Flow like Languages for Designing Dependable RealTime Control Systems", Proceedings10th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems,
September 9-11, 1991, Vienna, Austria.
[42] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Structured Software Fault-Tolerance with BSM", Third Worksop on
Future Trends of Distributed Systems in the 1990's, April 14-16, 1992, Taipei, Taiwan.
[43] L. Simoncini, "Design Description Languages for the Design of Predictably Dependable Real-Time
Systems", Proceedings 12th World Computer Congress, IFIP Congress '92, Madrid, Spain, September
[44] A. Bondavalli, L. Strigini, L. Simoncini, "Dataflow-Like Languages for Real-Time Systems: Issues of
Computational Models and Notation", Proceedings SRDS11, 11th Symposium on Reliabile Distributed
Systems, Houston, USA, October 1992.
[45] A, Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, C. Bernardeschi, " The Design of Distributed, Dependable, Real-Time
Systems using a Functional Paradigm", (invited paper), NATO Advanced Study Institute on Real-Time
Computing, Sint Marteen, Dutch Antilles, October 1992
[46] L. Simoncini, "What is the right Specification/Design/Implementation Paradigm for Real-Time
Applications ?", (panel session), NATO Advanced Study Institute on Real-Time Computing, Sint
Marteen, Dutch Antilles, October 1992
[47] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Functional Paradigm for Designing Dependable Large-Scale Parallel
Computing Systems", (invited paper), International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems,
ISADS 93, Kawasaki, Japan, March 1993, pp. 108-114.
[48] C. Bernardeschi, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "From Data Flow Networks to Process Algebras",
Proceedings PARLE 93, Monaco, Germania, 14-18 June 1993.
[49] C. Bernardeschi, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Data Flow Control Systems: an Example of Safety
Validation", Proceedings SAFECOMP'93, Poznan, Poland, October 27-29, 1993, pp. 9-20.
[50] C. Bernardeschi, A. Fantechi, L. Simoncini, "Formal Reasoning on Fault Coverage of Fault Tolerant
Techniques: a case study", Proceedings 1st European Dependable Computing Conference EDCC-1,
Berlin, Germany, October 4-6, 1994, LNCS n.852, Springer-Verlag.
[51] Gy. Csertan, C. Bernardeschi, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Analysis of Temporal Properties of
Dataflow Networks" Proceedings 12th IFAC DCCS Conference, Toledo, Spain, September 28-30, 1994,
pp. 153-158.
[52] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Dependable Data Flow Control Systems", Proceedings P'94, Eight
Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications, Budapest, Hungary, October 12-14,
[53] C. Bernardeschi, A. Fantechi, L. Simoncini, "Analytical Verification of the Design of Fault Tolerant
Systems", Proceedings 2nd Annual ENCRESS Conference, Espace Champerret, Paris, France, June
13-14, 1996.
[54] M. Nelli, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Dependability Modelling of Complex Control Systems: an
Application to Railway Interlocking", Proceedings 2nd European Dependable Computing Conference
EDCC-2, Taormina, Italy, October 2-4, 1996, LNCS n.1150, Springer-Verlag.
[55] A. Bondavalli, G. Mongardi, M. Nelli, L. Simoncini, “Analytical model-based Evaluation of Railway
Applications: a case study on Sensitivity Analysis” Proceedings World Congress on Railway Research,
Florence, Italy, November 16-19, 1997.
[56] C. Bernardeschi, A. Fantechi, L. Simoncini, “Validating the Design of Dependable Systems”,
Proceedings ISORC '98 - 1st IEEE Computer Society on Object-oriented Real-time distributed
Computing, Kyoto, Japan, IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1998, pp. 364-372.
[57] L. Simoncini, “Towards a Discipline of System Engineering: Validation of Dependable System
Architectures”, Proceedings ISADS 99, Fourth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized
Systems, Tokyo, Japan, March 21-23, 1999, pp. 409-410.
[58] A. Bondavalli, A. Fantechi, D. Latella, L. Simoncini, “Integrated Validation of Dependable Systems”,
Proceedings Fourth World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, IDPT 1999
[59] A. Coccoli, L. Simoncini, A. Bondavalli, “Analysis and Validation of Protocols for the Realisation of
Distributed Dependable Applications in Wireless Networks”, First International Workshop on Networked
Group Communication, NGC ’99, Pisa, Scuola Superiore S.Anna, November 17-20, 1999.
[60] A. Coccoli, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, “Consensus in Asynchronous Distributed Systems”,
Proceedings Fifth Biennial World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, IDPT 2000,
Dallas, Texas, USA, June 4-8, 2000.
[61] A. Bondavalli, A. Fantechi, D. Latella, L. Simoncini, “An Integrated and Compositional Approach to
Design Validation of Embedded Dependable Systems”, IEEE International Workshop on Embedded
Fault-Tolerant Systems, Washington D.C., USA, September 21-22, 2000.
[62] F. Tataranni, S. Porcarelli, F. Di Giandomenico, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, “Modelling and
Analysis of Dependability and Performance of GPRS Systems”, accepted for publication at WORDS
2001, Sixth International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, January 8-10,
2001, Roma, Italy.
[63] L. Simoncini, “ Towards Information Society Dependability Initiative in FP6: Roadmapping Activities
in Dependability”, EDCC-4, 4th European Dependable Computing Conference, October 23-25, 2002,
Toulouse, France, LNCS 2485, pp. 227-233.
[64] L. Simoncini, “Current and future needs for Distributed Computing Systems”, IEEE Workshop
FTDCS 2003 (Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems), June 28-30, 2003, San Juan, Puerto
[65] L. Simoncini, “Architectural Challenges foe Ambient Dependability”, 9th IEEE International
Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems – WORDS 2003F, October 1-3, 2003,
Capri Island, Italy.
[66] L. Simoncini, “AMSD: A Dependability Roadmap for the Information Society in Europe” (Invited
Paper), 22nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, - SRDS 2003, October 6-8,
2003, Florence, Italy.
[67] L. Simoncini, “DSN 2004”, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks, June 28 - July 1, 2004, Florence, Italy
[68] L. Simoncini, F. Di Giandomenico, A. Bondavalli, and S. Chiaradonna, “Architectural Challenges for
a Dependable Information Society.” In Building the Information Society, IFIP 18th World Computer
Congress, Toulouse, France, August 22-27, 2004, pp. 283-304, Kluwer Academic Publisher.
[69] L. Siimoncini, “Grid Computing Evolution and Challenges for Resilience, Performance and
Scalability”, invited lecture to Workshop on “Grid Computing and Dependability”, 48 th Meeting of the IFIP
Working Group 10.4, July1-5, 2005, Hakone, Japan.
[70] L. Simoncini, "Trustworthiness Challenges", Invited lecture to Workshop for the Beyond the Horizon
project's thematic group Security, Dependability and Trust, coordinated by ERCIM, Future and Emerging
Technologies (FET) Unit of the European Commission, October 12, 2005, Brussels, Belgium.
[71] L. Simoncini, "Some Issues to be taken into account for a Dependable 2031", invited lecture to
Workshop on "Dependable Computing in 2031 - Special Session", 50th Meeting of the IFIP Working
Group 10.4, June 28-July 1, 2006, Annapolis, USA.
[72] L. Simoncini, "Activity on Education and Training in the ReSIST NoE", Invited Panelist at Panel on
Education in Dependable and Resilient Computing - Meeting the Needs of the Information Society at
EDCC-6, 6th European Dependable Computing Conference, October 18-20, 2006, Coimbra, Portugal.
[73] F. Romani, S. Chiaradonna, F. Di Giandomenico, L. Simoncini, "A Simulator for Performability
Analysis of Electrical Power Systems considering Interdependencies", Proceedings DSN2007,
Supplemental Volume, June 25-28, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 354-355.
[74] L. Simoncini, "MSc Curriculum in Resilient Computing", Informatics Europe - European Computer
Science Summit 2007, October 8-9, 2007, Berlin, Germany.
[75] F. Romani, S. Chiaradonna, F. Di Giandomenico, L. Simoncini, "Simulation Models and
Implementation of a Simulator for the Performability Analysis of Electric Power Systems considering
Interdependencies", Proceedings HASE 2007 - 10th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering
Symposium, November 14-16, 2007, Dallas, Texas, USA, pp.305-312.
[76] L. Simoncini, "MSc Curriculum in Resilient Computing", Research Report, 53th Meeting of
the IFIP 10.4 Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, February 25, 2008,
Natal, Brazil.
[77] L. Simoncini, "MSc Curriculum in Resilient Computing", Special Session on Education at
EDCC-7, 7th European Dependable Computing Conference, May 9, 2008, Kaunas, Lithuania.
[78] L. Simoncini, "MSc Curriculum in Resilient Computing", Bird of a Feather Session on
"Education in Resilient Computing Systems: why and how?" at DSN2008, 38th Annual IEEE/IFIP
Conferente on Dependable Systems and Networks, June 25, 2008, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
[79] L. Simoncini, "Is Technology (only) the Solution?", Open Response Session at Workshop on
Challenges and Directions in Dependability, 54th Meeting of the IFIP 10.4 Working Group on
Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, June 29, 2008, Girdwood, Alaska, USA.
[80] L. Simoncini, "MSc Curriculum in Resilient Computing - Courseware Availability", Research
Report, 54th Meeting of the IFIP 10.4 Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault
Tolerance, June 29, 2008, Girdwood, Alaska, USA.
[81] L. Simoncini, "Presentation of ReSIST - Resilience for Survivability in IST European Network
of Excellence", Workshop on Challenger Problema for Resiliente-Explicit Computing in Grids,
July 14, 2008, Pisa, Italy.
[82] L. Simoncini, "Teaching Resilient Computing: Proposal of an MSc Curriculum", Proceedings
2009 Northeast American Society of Engineering Education Conference, University of Bridgeport,
April 3-4, 2009, Bridgeport, CT, USA
[83] L. Simoncini, "Resilient Computing: an Engineering Discipline", Proceedings DPDNS'09,
IEEE Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems Workshop, Roma, Italy,
May 29, 2009
[84] L. Simoncini, "Resilient Computing: a multi-disciplinary MSc Curriculum", Informatics Europe
- European Computer Science Summit 2009 - ECSS2009, October 8-9, 2009, Paris, France.
Papers at National Conferences
[1] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, “Procedura di Diagnosi Automatica nel Sistema MuTEAM”, Atti
AICA 1981, Congresso Annuale Nazionale AICA, Pavia, September 1981, pp. 581-585.
[2] A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, “Structured Design of Failure Tolerant Systems”, Atti AICA 1981,
Congresso Annuale Nazionale AICA, Pavia, September 1981, pp. 587-593.
[3] P. Ciompi, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, L Simoncini, “Proposta per un Sistema Distribuito Fault-Tolerant
per Applicazioni Real-Time”, Atti AICA 1983, Congresso Annuale Nazionale AICA, Napoli, September
[4] L. Simoncini, “Fault Tolerant Architecture for Process Control”, Atti Convegno sull’Automazione dei
Processi Industriali, Torino, December 14-16, 1983.
[5] L. Simoncini, “Disponibilita’ e Menutenibilita’ del Software”, Atti Giornata di Studio su Disponibilita’ dei
Sistemi Complessi, Roma, March 13, 1984.
[6] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini "Un modello per la descizione di Computazioni Robuste Data-Flow Like",
Atti Congresso Annuale AICA, Trento, October 1987.
[7] A. Bondavalli, M. Mannocci, L. Nardone, L. Simoncini, F. Tarini, P. Zini, "PACS: Performability
Achieving Computing System", Proceedings Congresso Annuale AICA, 25-27 September 1991, Siena,
[8] L. Simoncini, "Concetti di Garanzia di Funzionamento (Dependability)", Atti Giornate di Studio su
Ingegneria della Conoscenza, 15-17 May 1991, Milano, Italy, pp. 181-203.
[9] C. Bernardeschi, A. Fantechi, L. Simoncini, "Verifying the Design of Fault Tolerant Systems",
Proceedings AICA'94, Palermo, Italy, October 1994.
Research Reports
[1] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Test di una Macchina Sequenziale inserita in una Struttura composta da
Macchine Sequenziali Interconnesse”, Research Report CNR-ENI E72-1, January 1972.
[2] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Equivalenza e Similitudine di Sistemi costituiti da Macchine Sequenziali
Interconnesse”, Research Report IEI R73-3, March 1973.
[3] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “On the Diagnosability with Repair of Digital Systems”, Research Report
Selenia-CNR 75001/E, January 1975.
[4] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “Design of Self-diagnosable minicomputers by bit-sliced microprocessors”,
Research Report Selenia-CNR 76006/P/E, July 1976.
[5] G. Alia, F. Bernardini, P. Ciompi, E. Martinelli, “Tecniche per il Calcolo di una Funzione Booleana a
Tre Valori”, Research Report Selenia-CNR 77004/P, May 1977.
[6] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, “Survey on Models for System Level Diagnosis”, Research
Report MUMICRO 1979 F80-18, n. 14, July 1980.
[7] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini, “Metodologie di Implementazione di Tecniche
Autodiagnostiche in Sistemi Multiprocessori”, Research Report MUMICRO 1979 F80-17, n. 15, July
[8] L. Simoncini, “Atti del Working Meeting on Handling of Exceptions for Reliable Computing”, Research
Report MUMICRO 1980, January 1981.
[9] L. Simoncini, “MuTEAM: rapporto generale sull’attivita’ del primo semester 1980”, Research Report
MUMICRO 1980, March 1981.
[10] A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, “Methodology for Improving System Reliability through Control
Distribution and Level Structuring”, Research Report MUMICRO 81-P1-4-MUMICRO, September 1981.
[11] P. Ciompi, F. Grandoni, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, L Simoncini, “Gestione di una Configurazione
Matched-pair di Nodi Multiprocessori”, Research Report MUMICRO 81-P1-4-MUMICRO, September
[12] P. Ciompi, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, I. R. Martin, L Simoncini, “A Proposal for a Highly Available
Multi-microprocessor System”, Research Report Selenia-CNR 82008/P/E, December 1982.
[13] M. La Manna, L. Simoncini, “An Implementation of Optimistic Policy for Concurrency Control on a
Computer Network for Real-Time Applications”, Research Report Selenia-CNR 82009/P/E, December
[14] P. Ciompi, M. La Manna, C. Lissoni, L Simoncini, “Proposte per un Sistema Distribuito Fault
Tolerant per Applicazioni Real-Time”, Research Report Selenia-CNR 82010/P/E, December 1982.
[15] AA.VV. (incluso L. Simoncini), “The MuTEAM Experience in Designing Distributed Systems from
Microprocessors”, Volume Collana Sottoprogetto P1, Obiettivo MUMICRO, Progetto Finalizzato
Informatica CNR, December 1983.
[16] AA.VV. (incluso L. Simoncini), “Tecniche di Tolleranza ai Guasti per MARA”, Volume Collana
Sottoprogetto P1, Obiettivo MUMICRO, Progetto Finalizzato Informatica CNR, December 1983.
[17] D. Briatico, A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “A Domino-effect free Recovery Algorithm: Formal
Specification”, Research Report IEI, January 1984.
[18] D. Briatico, A. Ciuffoletti, L. Simoncini, L. Strigini, “Error Detection/Fault Treatment in the MuTEAM
System”, Research Report IEI, January 1984.
[19] AA.VV. (incluso L. Simoncini), “MuTEAM: Distributed Multiprocessor Architecture and ECSP
Concurrent Language”, Volume Collana Sottoprogetto P1, Obiettivo MUMICRO, Progetto Finalizzato
Informatica CNR, November 1984.
[20] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, ”Linguaggio per un Ambiente di Programmazione Data-flow like”,
Research Report IEI B4-07, March 1986.
[21] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini,”Proposta di Architettura Data-flow like Robusta ed Efficiente”, Research
Report IEI B4-08, March 1986.
[22] AA.VV. (incluso L. Simoncini), "Overall System Specification", Six months Technical Report,
ESPRIT "DELTA-4", August 1986.
[23] F. Di Giandomenico, M.L. Guidotti, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini "A Gracefully Degradable Algorithm
for Byzantine Agreement", F. Di Giandomenico, M.L. Guidotti, F. Grandoni, L. Simoncini "A Gracefully
Degradable Algorithm for Byzantine Agreement", Research Report IEI B4-49, September 1986.
[24] M. Scevarolli, L. Simoncini, “Algoritmi Affidabili per Broadcasts Tolleranti i Frazionamenti”,
Research Report IEI B4-57, October 1986.
[25] M. Scevarolli, L. Simoncini, “Algoritmi Affidabili per Multicasts su Token Ring”, Research Report IEI
B4-58, October 1986.
[26] P. Alvari, M. La Manna, L. Simoncini, "Tecniche di Tolleranza ai Guasti in Ambiente MARA
Distribuito", Research Report R-87001/P, Convenzione Selenia-CNR, January 1987.
[27] Autori Vari, "Dependability in DELTA-4: Concepts and Techniques", Technical Report, ESPRIT
"DELTA-4", February 1987.
[28] M.A. Bonuccelli, L. Simoncini, "A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Control VLSI Permutation Network",
Research Report TR-6/89 Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita' di Pisa, 1989.
[29] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Failure Classification with respect to Detection", in Specification and
Design for Dependability, First Year Report, Task B, ESPRIT BRA Project 3092 Predictably Dependable
Computing Systems, May 1990.
[30] A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Structured Software Fault-Tolerance with BSM", in Specification and
Design for Dependability, Second Year Report, Task B, ESPRIT BRA Project 3092 Predictably
Dependable Computing Systems, May 1991.
[31] C. Bernardeschi, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "A Semantic Model for Data Flow Networks based on
Process Algebras", CNUCE Research Report C93-03, Marzo 1993.
[32] M. Nelli, A. Bondavalli, L. Simoncini, "Hierarchical Modelling of HW/SW Control Systems: an
Application to Dependability Analysis of Railway Interlocking", Technical Report, CNUCE C96-09, March
[33] Svariati Autori, "AMSD: A Dependability Roadmap for the Information Society in Europe Part 1 - An
Insight into Future", 2003.
[34] Svariati Autori, "AMSD: A Dependability Roadmap for the Information Society in Europe Part 2 Appraisal of related IST Roadmaps", 2003.
[35] Svariati Autori, "AMSD: A Dependability Roadmap for the Information Society in Europe Part 3 Towards a Dependability Roadmap", 2003.
[36] L. Simoncini (ed.), Deliverable D14 Student Seminar and Proceedings for ReSIST - Resilience for
Survivability in IST, A European Network of Excellence, n. 26764, June 2006, pp. 177.
[37] L. Simoncini, "Deliverable D16 Resilient Computing Curriculum Draft" ReSIST - Resilience for
Survivability in IST, European Network of Excellence, n. 26764, June 2007, pp. 126.
[38] L. Simoncini, "Deliverable D17 Resilient Computing Courseware Outline" ReSIST - Resilience for
Survivability in IST, European Network of Excellence, n. 26764, June 2007, pp. 30.
[39] S. Donatelli (Editor), E. Alata, A. Bondavalli, D. Cerotti, A. Daidone, S. Chiaradonna, F. Di
Giandomenico, M. Kaâniche, V. Nicomette, F. Romani, L. Simoncini, "Model-based evaluation of the
middleware services and protocols & architectural patterns", Deliverable D25 Progetto CRUTIAL, ISTFP6-STREP - 027513, December 2007, pp. 47.
[40] L. Simoncini, "Deliverable D37 Resilient Computing Curriculum" ReSIST - Resilience for
Survivability in IST, European Network of Excellence, n. 26764, March 2009, pp. 38.
[41] L. Simoncini, "Deliverable D38 Resilient Computing Courseware" ReSIST - Resilience for
Survivability in IST, European Network of Excellence, n. 26764, March 2009, pp. 104.
[42] H. Glaser, L. Simoncini, "Deliverable D40 RKB and Courseware Legacy" ReSIST - Resilience for
Survivability in IST, European Network of Excellence, n. 26764, March 2009, pp. 12.
[1] P. Ciompi, L. Simoncini, “1991:la quinta Generazione”, Supplemento Speciale Informatica, Il Tirreno,
February 24, 1984.
[2] C. Parodi, L. Simoncini, D. Latella, E. Ricciardi, C. Telmon (Eds.) “Atti del Convegno
Nazionale su Informatica e Riservatezza”, S.T.A.R. Servizio Tecnografico Area di Ricerca del
CNR di Pisa, ISBN 88-7958-008-6, 1998, pp.250.