NOM Prénom

Name & Surname:
Isabelle Marcotte
Date & place of birth:
November 25, 1971
Département de Chimie
Université du Québec à Montréal
P.O. Box 8888, Downtown Station
Montreal (Qc) Canada H3C 3P8
+1-514-987-3000 #5015
Academic career
 2010- : Adjunct Professor, ISMER, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada
 2006- : Professor, Department of Chemistry, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada
 2003-2006: Postdoctoral fellow, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
 1998-2003: PhD in Chemistry, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
 Project leader: NSERC strategic project « Impact des variations environnementales sur la structure du
byssus de la moule bleue: un biomatériau valorisable », FRQNT team grant « Determination of the
molecular features explaining the mechanical properties of mussel byssus - a high-performance biofibre,
NSERC-CHRP project « Improved membrane permeation assays for drug bioavailability assessment »
 Supervision: 15 Master students, 4 PhD students, 2 postdoctoral fellows, 1 research assistant
 Expertise: reviewer for scientific articles and grant proposals, organization of scientific symposia
Main scientific expertise
 Solid-state NMR of biological systems
 Membrane physico-chemistry
 Natural protein-based fibers and biomaterials
List of publications (2009-2013)
M-O Seguin-Heine, A-A Lachance, B Genard, B Myrand, C Pellerin, I Marcotte & R Tremblay* (2013)
Impact of open-sea habitat on byssus attachment of suspension-cultured blue mussels (Mytilus edulis).
Submitted to Aquaculture (#AQUA-S-13-00485).
R Hennebicq, G Fabra, B Myrand, C Pellerin, I Marcotte & R Tremblay* (2013) The effect of cultured
mussels (Mytilus edulis) spawning on mechanical properties, chemical and biochemical composition of
byssal threads. Accepted in Aquaculture (#AQUA-D-12-01615)
A Gravel, AA Arnold, EJ Dufourc & I Marcotte* (2013) An NMR investigation of the structure, function and
role of the hERG channel selectivity filter in the long QT syndrome. Biochim. Biophys. Acta in press. (DOI:
C Tardy-Laporte, AA Arnold, B Génard, R Gastineau, M Morançais, J-L Mouget, R Tremblay & I
Marcotte* (2013) A 2H solid-state NMR study of effect of antimicrobials on intact Escherichia coli without
mutating. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1828, 614–622.
AA Arnold, F Byette, M-O Séguin-Heine, A LeBlanc, L Sleno, R Tremblay, C Pellerin & I Marcotte*
(2013) Solid-state NMR structure determination of whole anchoring threads from the blue mussel Mytilus
edulis. Biomacromolecules 14, 132-141.
S Nirasay, A Badia, G Leclair, JP Claverie* & I Marcotte* (2012) Polydopamine-supported lipid bilayers.
Materials 5, 2621-2636.
PP Brisebois, AA Arnold, YM Chabre, R Roy & I Marcotte* (2012) Comparative study of the interaction of
fullerenol nanoparticles with eukaryotic and bacterial model membranes using solid-state NMR and FTIR
spectroscopy. Eur. Biophys. J. 41, 535-544.
A Leblanc, AA Arnold, J-B Nadalini, M-O Seguin-Heine, I Marcotte, R Tremblay & L Sleno* (2012).
Isotopic enrichment determination of proteins by liquid chromatography and precursor ion scanning of
AQC-derivatized amino acids on a triple quadrupole. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 26, 1165–1174.
S Nirasay, Y Mouget, I Marcotte* & JP Claverie* (2011) Supported bilayer on a nanopatterned membrane
as model PAMPA membranes. Int. J. Pharm. 412, 170-175.
A-A Lachance, R Hennebicq, B Myrand, J-M Sévigny, É Kraffe, Y Marty, I Marcotte & R Tremblay*
(2011) Biochemical and genetic characteristics of suspension-cultured mussels (Mytilus edulis) in relation to
byssal thread production and losses by fall-off. Aquat. Living Resour. 24, 283-293.
DE Warschawski, AA Arnold, M Beaugrand, A Gravel, E Chartrand, & I Marcotte* (2011) Choosing
membrane mimetics for structural studies of transmembrane proteins. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1808, 19571974.
F Byette, F Bouchard, C Pellerin, J Paquin, I Marcotte* & MA Mateescu* (2011) Cell-culture compatible
silk fibroin scaffolds concomitantly patterned by freezing conditions and salt concentration. Polym. Bull. 67,
Y Chabre, P Brisebois, L Abbasi, SC Kerr, JV Fahy, I Marcotte & R Roy* (2011) Polypropargylated
hexaphenylbenzene as an original template for the straightforward syntheses of “star-shaped”
glycodendrimers. J. Org. Chem. 76, 724-727.
G Larocque, AA Arnold, É Chartrand, Y Mouget & I Marcotte* (2010) Effect of sodium bicarbonate as a
pharmaceutical formulation excipient on the interaction of fluvastatin with membrane phospholipids. Eur.
Biophys. J. 39, 1637-1647.
É Chartrand, AA Arnold, A Gravel, S Jenna & I Marcotte* (2010) Potential role of the membrane in the
hERG channel functioning and long QT syndrome. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1798, 1651-1662.
AA Arnold & I Marcotte* (2009) Studying natural structural protein fibres by solid-state nuclear magnetic
resonance, Concepts Magn. Res. 34A, 24-47.
Total : 24 articles in peer-reviewed journals.