Mon. 4/30 Check-out and Literature paper presentations

Suffolk County Community College
Eastern Campus
Riverhead, NY
CH 34 – College Chemistry II
Section 0484 – Mon 8:00 – 9:15, Lab 9:30 – 12:15
Wed 8:00 – 9:15, 9:30 – 10:20
Text – Chemistry, 9th Edition, Chang
Bring your text and a calculator to every class
Chapter exams
Final exam
Attendance and homework
Literature paper
 There will be 3 exams given during the semester. The lowest of the 3 grades
will be dropped.
 The final exam will be partially cumulative and is on Monday, May 14th.
 Bring only a non-programmable calculator and pencils to the exams.
 Once an exam has started, you may not leave the room until you have finished
the exam.
 Cell phones may not be used as a calculator in an exam. All cell phones are to
be turned off during exams
This is the second semester of a two-semester course. This semester the
course will include the concepts of chemical kinetics and equilibrium in chemical
reactions. The relationship of energy and chemical reactions will be covered as
well as acids and bases, atmospheric chemistry, electrochemistry, and metals in
chemistry. An introduction to organic and nuclear chemistry and biochemistry will
also be included.
WEEKLY OUTLINE – CH34 Spring 2007
Chapter and Subject
Mon 1/22
Wed 1/24
Chapter 13 – Chemical Kinetics: the study of rates of
reactions. Measuring rates, rate laws, half-lives,
mechanisms, effects of temperature, catalysts
Mon 1/29
Wed 1/31
Chapter 14 – Chemical Equilibrium: the equilibrium
law for chemical reactions, the equilibrium constant, Le
Châtlier’s Principle, equilibrium calculations
Mon 2/5
Wed 2/7
Mon 2/12
Chapter 15 – Acids and Bases: the pH concept,
ionization of water, strong/weak acids and bases
Chapter 16 – Acid and Base Equilibrium: Ka and Kb,
buffers, titrations
Wed 2/14
Exam Chapters 13 – 16
Wed 2/21
Chapter 17 – Atmospheric Chemistry: components of
our atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon cycles
Mon 2/26
Wed 2/28
Chapter 18 – Entropy, Free Energy, Equilibrium: Laws
of Thermodynamics, bond energies, free energy and
Mon 3/5
Wed 3/7
Mon 3/12
Chapter 19 – Electrochemistry: conduction,
electrolysis, quantitative aspects, galvanic cells,
reduction potentials, spontaneity of redox reactions, the
thermodynamic equilibrium constants from cell
potentials, Nernst equation
Wed 3/14
Exam Chapters 17 – 19
Chapter and Subject
Mon 3/19
Wed 3/21
Chapter 20 – Chemistry of Metals: occurrence, trends
in metallic behavior, metal compounds, metallugy
Mon 3/26
Wed 3/28
Chapter 21 – Nonmetallic Elements: occurrence,
trends, study of elements like phosphorus, sulfur,
silicon, halogens, and the noble gases
Mon 4/9
Wed 4/11
Chapter 22 – Transition Metals: general properties,
periodic trends in oxidation states, magnetic
properties, transition metal complexes; coordination
number and structure, crystal field theory
Mon 4/16
Chapter 23 – Nuclear Chemistry: radioactive decay,
measurement of radioactivity, kinetics of decay,
applications of nuclear reactions, nuclear stability,
transformations, fission, fusion and nuclear energy
Wed 4/18
Exam Chapters 20 – 23
Mon 4/23
Wed 4/25
Mon 4/30
Wed 5/2
Mon 5/7
Chapter 24 – Organic Chemistry. Nomenclature, using
functional groups to identify and classify organic
Chapter 25 – Synthetic and Natural Polymers.
Synthetic polymers: PVC, plastics, polyurethane.
Natural polymers: amino acids and proteins, nucleic
acids and DNA.
Wed 5/9
Review for Final Exam
Mon 5/14
Final Exam
CH 34 – College Chemistry II Laboratory
Mon. 1/22
Check-in/Safety Requirements and Video
Mon. 1/29
#500 – Determining the Molar Mass by Freezing Point
Mon. 2/5
#504 – Determining the Rate Law for the Crystal VioletHydroxide Ion Reaction
Mon. 2/12
#453 – Determining the Equivalent Mass and Dissociation
Constant of a Weak Acid by Titrimetry
Mon. 2/26
#308 – Solubility Constant of Lead (II) Iodide
Mon. 3/5
#427 – Quantitatively Determining the Acid Content of
Fruit Juices
Mon. 3/12
#450 – Studying Electrochemical of Half-Cells and HalfReactions
Mon. 3/19
#357 – Spectrophotomeric Determination of Copper in
Mon. 3/26
#364 – Qualitative Inorganic Analysis of Cations: Group
Separations and Separation of Group I
Mon. 4/9
#365 – Qualitative Analysis Cations Group II
Mon. 4/16
#366 – Qualitative Analysis of Cations Group III and of IV
Mon. 4/23
#366 – continued
Mon. 4/30
Check-out and Literature paper presentations
Mon. 5/7
Literature paper presentations
Pre-laboratory assignments are to be handed in at the start of the lab. Please
be sure to do these ahead of time so if there is difficulty it can be addressed in class
before lab. Pre-laboratory assignments will not be accepted late. The absence of
the pre-lab assignment will result in a loss of 3 of 10 points on your grade for that
lab report. All lab reports are to be completed neatly and handed in the Monday
following the completion of the lab. Lab reports will be accepted up to 1 week late
with a 5% reduction in grade.