Carson Rich Mrs. Janis Period 4 10-31

Carson Rich
Mrs. Janis
Period 4
Have you ever thought of a world where it was to polluted to even breath? All
America the world cities including, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Atlanta, are all
polluted due to car emissions, factory pollution, and trash management. More than
40 people per year die due to pollution exposure. Mostly everyone has cars and
there emissions are a key contributor to our pollution. Everything we have are made
places, those places are factories, which give off pollution. Every food, toy, product
we purchase has an article of trash attached to it, we give that trash to the “trash
men” and they take it to a land field. That land field give’s of harmful gas, and
pollution. 1.2 Trillion gallons of sewage, storm water, and industrial waste are
discharged into U.S. waters annually. I will be researching how pollution affects our
earth, what the government wants to do about it and what they have already done,
and people who take advantage and don’t care about what our pollution is like now
or in the future.
The concern of pollution is we will not be able to breath, see, talk, and live in
the next generation unless someone or everyone does something about pollution.
The risk of cancer from breathing diesel exhaust is about ten times more than
ingesting all other toxic air pollutants combined, with diesel emissions contributing
to over 70% of the cancer risk from air pollution in the USA. This became an issue
when we started using cars, building factories, disposing of our trash, average day
things, that we don’t even think about. There are many controversies about
pollution, people think that it destroys our ozone layer; some people think that
pollution isn’t even in our lives. This affects everyone in our country, not only
people in this generation, but in the generations to come. For society today this is a
concern because it is creating health problems in kids and adults. According to the
US-EPA, emissions from power plants contribute to over 2,800 lung cancer deaths
and 38,200 heart attacks annually in the U.S. There are many sub issues to pollution,
but the main topics are emissions, factories, and trash distribution. Let’s just hope
we can make some changes, so we can breath in the future.
Andres, Davis. "The Enviorment, A Globel Challenge." Think Quest. N.p., n.d.
Web. 16 Aug. 1994. <
"Pollution, Water Pollution, Air Pollution |" GreenStudentU:
Green Students, Environmental Education, & Eco-Lifestyles. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.
"Pollution." World News Network. World News Network, 17 Sept. 2010. Web. 11
2010. <>.