Non-verbal communicative behaviors (non-vocal verbal

Module 3
Non-verbal communicative behaviors (non-vocal verbal behaviors)
Tracy Vail,MS,CCC/SLP
Take 10 minute interactive play sample with non-trained person before and after teaching protocol.
Pairing Experience – pairing people with reinforcement/establish social reciprocity/engagement- non-verbal
behaviors exhibited by 2 people for the function of sharing reinforcing interactions. (many may be
considered requests for the interaction to continue- imitate as a mand for the “listener” to repeat the
Mirroring Behaviors:
1. Shared affect- Reinforced by adult imitating the child’s affect in an exaggerated manner.
2. Social imitation- reinforced by continued presence of adult/child who’s attention has been established
as a conditioned reinforcer.
Mands/Requests - non-vocal behaviors exhibited by the child that serve the function of obtain an item or action
1. Look- reinforced by obtaining access to the item being looked at.
2. Reach (+ look)- reinforced by obtaining access to the item being reached for.
3. Point (+look)- reinforced by obtaining access to the item at which the child pointed
4. Give to activate (+look)- reinforced by activation of the object/toy.
5. Action to sustain (+look)- reinforced by repetition of the action.
Gestural Listener- responding to gestural mands/requests of others to exhibit a behavior.
1. Follow point – reinforced by adult attention or other conditioned reinforcer
2. Follow gaze- reinforced by adult attention or other conditioned reinforcer
3. Follow yes/no- reinforced by adult attention or other conditioned reinforce.
Combined - chains of behaviors that involve looking to request information then following a non-verbal
receptive instruction.
1. Look + follow point- look is reinforced by having information provided and follow point is reinforced by
conditioned reinforcement
2. Look + follow gaze- look is reinforced by having information provided and follow gaze is reinforced by
conditioned reinforcement
3. Look + respond to head nod/shake (yes/no)- look is reinforced by obtaining information and response to
yes/no reinforced by conditioned reinforcement
4. Point and look + respond to head nod/shake (yes/no)- point and look reinforced by obtaining
information and response to yes/no reinforced by conditioned reinforcement.
Gestural Bid for Joint Attention - child exhibits non-verbal behaviors for the function of drawing another’s
attention to an object, event, or other environmental stimulus. The attention of the adult must be
established as a conditioned reinforcer. (True Joint Attention as defined in behavioral literature)
1. Show object (+look)- reinforced by affective response/attention of adult/child
2. Look at object (+ look at person) reinforced by affective response/attention of adult/child
3. Give object (+look)- reinforced by affective response/attention of adult/child
4. Point at object (+ look)- reinforced by affective response/attention of adult/child
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