International Workshop Impact of flooding on growth, physiology and disease susceptibility of trees in floodplain forests and artificially flooded forest stands PROGRAMME (Updated 31.10.2001) 15. November 2001 – Übungsraum 2 /Freiburg Tennenbacherstr. 4 09:00-9:15 Begrüßung, Eröffnung (Opening), KONOLD, SITTLER Session 1: 09:15-10:45 Moderator KREUZWIESER 09:15-9:45 MICHIELS, ALDINGER; FVA Freiburg Neudefinition der Auewaldstufen und neue Standortsgliederung (Reassessment of floodplain forest vegetation zoning and propositions for a new site factors typology) 9:45-10:15 VOLK; FVA Freiburg Bedingungen für umweltverträgliche Flutungen von Rheinauenwäldern (Prerequisites to ecological floodings in the Rhine River riparian forests) 10:15-10:45 SPAETH; Inst. Landschaftsökologie/Bühl &.Gewässerdirektion Südl. Oberrh. Hochwassertoleranz von Auewaldbäumen in der Rheinaue (Relative tolerance to flooding of floodplain tree species ) 10:45-11:15 Kaffeepause (Coffee break) Posterausstellung? Session 2: 11:15-12:45 Moderator KAHLE 11:15-11:30 SCHIRMER, SCHWARZ; FVA Freiburg Untersuchungen zur Hochwassertoleranz von Forstpflanzen im Rückhaltebecken Salemer Aachtobel (Fbezirk Überlingen) (Investigations on flooding tolerance of forest trees in the water retention basin Salemer Aaachtobel) 11:30-12:00 HUSSENDORFER, ALDINGER; FVA Freiburg Genetische Untersuchungen zur Überfutungstoleranz von Eschen (Genetic surveys of ashes in regard to their tolerance to flooding) 12:00-12:30 DE SIMONE - SCHMIDT; Bereich Pflanzenökologie, Universität Oldenburg Anpassungsstrategien von Bäumen an längere Überflutungen entlang des Amazonas (Adaptive strategies of trees from the central Amazon floodplains to prolonged flooding). 12:30-14:00 Mittagspause (Lunch) Session 3: 14:00-16:00 Moderator SCHWARZE (?) 14:00-14:30 METZLER; Forstbotanik TU Dresden Untersuchungen zur Uberflutungsresistenz von versch. Auewaldarten im Verjüngungsstadium (Projekt Elbe-Aue) (Surveys on flooding tolerance of trees species in the Elbe flooplain) 14:30-15:00 BÜCKING, OSTERMANN; FVA Freiburg Bestandesstruktur und Vegetationsdynamik in Bannwäldern der Rheinaue (Stand and vegetation structure in strict forest reserves of the Rhine floodplain) 15:00-15:30 SCHNITZLER; Phytoécologie, Univ. Metz/ F Changes in forest structure through succession. Comparison of patterns in Rhine and Danube floodplains. Zur Veränderung der Waldstruktur durch Suzsession. Ein Vergleich Rheinaue(Ile de Rhinau) und Donauaue 15:30-16:00 AD VAN HEES; NL- Ecology and Environment Wageningen Long term monitoring of riparian forest vegetation in the Ile de Rhinau Reserve Langzeitbeobachtungen zur Vegetationsentwicklung auf der Ile Rhinau () 16:00 – 16:30 Kaffeepause (Coffee break) Session 4: 16:30-18:00 Moderator BÜCKING 16:30–17:00 GLENZ; Ecosystem Management CH-Lausanne Modellisierung der Vegetationsentwicklung in Ueberschwemmungsgebieten mit Hilfe eines GAP Modells (Modelling vegetation of floodplains by using a GAP Model) 17:00–17:30 DEILLER; Inst. Botanique F - Strasbourg Somes aspects of forest regeneration in three former flooded stands of the Rhine floodplain 17:30–18:00 KAHLE – SCHWARZE – KREUZWIESER (Forstfakultät Freiburg) Berichte zur laufenden Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes über Hochwassertoleranz von Bäumen – Presentation of ongoing research project on flooding tolerance of trees Freitag 16.11.2001, Freiburg, Übungsraum 2 Tennenbacherstr. 4 Session 5: 09:15- Moderator KAHLE (?) 09:15-10.30 Berichte der Moderatoren Reports by chairmen Forschungsbedarf – General discussion - Research needs 10:30-11:00 Kaffeepause Coffee break 11:00-11:45 Abschluß / Concluding remarks – Outlook – Future cooperations 12:00-17:00 Lunch and Excursion =================================================================== Dr. Benoît SITTLER Institut für Landespflege Universität 79085 FREIBURG Tel. 0761 2033629 Fax. 0761 2033638 E-mail: Freiburg, den 4.11.2001 Liebe Workshop-Teilnehmer Dear Participant, Now that all contributors have submitted the titles of their papers, we would like to forward you the programme of our workshop. Note that this schedule may still undergo some minor changes or adjustments. Please check whether the title of your contribution is correctly referenced. In this regard, we would be grateful if you could send us latest at 09.11.2001 your abstract (max. one page, title, author(s), affiliation, address, max 5 keywords; to be submitted to or by fax 07612033638). As only a limited number of contributors from not German speaking countries will present papers, we have decided that presentations may be either in German or in English, with some translation assistance for colleagues from France. However, we would encourage German speakers with a strong command of English to opt for a presentation in English. In the case of presentations addressed in German, we would ask these colleague that captions and legends of figures and tables should be bilingual. In addition, we would also appreciate that their abstracts in English should me more comprehensive (at least one page). For the sake of convenience, please inform us as soon as possible whether your presentation will be in German or English. In addition, we would like to stress that the primary purpose of this workshop is to exchange information about ongoing research on effects of flooding on trees and to define future priorities. Rather than long presentations of results, we would therefore ask you to focus more on key challenges of research and to set out ways to better address these issues and to share research efforts accordingly. In order to save enough time for discussion, we would ask you that time devoted to oral presentation should not exceed 15-20 minutes, leaving at least 10 minutes for discussion. As practical information you should know that organizers will provide a beamer for slides presentations, in addition to normal facilities (overhead and dia projector). We will also dispose on special boards for participants intending to present posters. Participation will involve the payment of fees amounting DM 30 or Euro 15 for current costs (coffees, copies of abstracts, ). Additional DM 20 (Euro: 10) will be requested from participants to the excursion on the second day (covering travel costs and lunch on Friday 16.11). The settlement of these fees may be done at registration prior to opening of the workshop (8.00 to 9.00 on Nov. 15). Additional practical information will be dispatched at a later stage by circular letter or may be obtained by contacting me. Best regards Benoît Sittler