TITLE: CWES BULLETIN 08-04 AREA: Rapid Response Revised ET Alert REFERENCE: DATE: 3/27/08 TO: All CWES STAFF FROM: Denise Boland- DEBS Administrator With the continued efforts to increase WPR Review Results, the CWES Management Team has revised the WPR Rapid Response ET Alert to emphasize the need for all CWES staff to participate in the combined efforts to increase WPR. Meeting the state mandates for WPR continues to be challenging for all counties and other than having the perfect client and caseload, counties continue to develop new and innovative ideas to meet the WPR challenge. Our own RRT Pilot has developed over the past 3 months and everyone is to be congratulated with making the efforts to see that our clients meet WPR. It is understandable the frustration that is felt when after working so closely with a WPR client that because of circumstances, many times beyond our control, the client does not meet WPR in some cases by just a few hours. Clients need to be closely monitored during WPR months to ensure that the hours are being met. This includes transition periods during school breaks and between activities when the client would need to possibly make up hours so that their WPR can be met. To address this issue, the RRT workers can now assist the client to make-up hours needed through distance learning referrals which can be completed at our Employment Connection Centers, Workforce Investment Centers and County Libraries. The changes to the WPR Rapid Response ET Alert have been developed to address these needs. The alert will continue to be sent by the RRT worker if the ET case is pulled for the monthly WPR review by the state. The RRT worker will continue to work with the ET to identify additional activities and/or make-up hours as needed so the case can meet WPR requirements. The alert when received will need to be saved to the ET desktop or document file as the revision includes the ET responding to the actions listed below. The revised alert for assigned ET’s has three sections to be completed by the worker: Section I Requires ET to complete activity and contact information and send back to RRT worker within 24 hours. All information must be completed and cc’d to supervisor when sending back to RRT worker. Section II ET to attempt contact client once a week during review month to insure that client is participating and meeting WPR hours. At contacts the ET should re-enforce: Importance of state review To contact ET if any hours are missed during review month so make-up hours can be arranged. Remind client of $50 incentive gift cards if all required hours are met for the review month. ET to track dates of contacts and add any comments regarding client participation in the rap-around COMMENT area provided. These contacts will be returned to the RRT worker along with Section III information when due by the 10th of the following month. Section III ET to complete CalWIN and IDM information once received and verified. ET to return Alert to RRT worker with CC: to supervisor by the 10th of the following month. *Unit Supervisors and/or leads will need to track the alerts for their units each month to ensure that the 24 hour turn around is met (Section I) and the completed Alert (All Sections) is returned to the RRT worker by the 10th of the following month. *Intake cases selected for WPR review during the month that need to be transferred should include a copy of the WPR Rapid Response ET Alert along with the SC163T. The alert sections should be completed up to the point of transfer where continuing ET will finish and complete. WPR continues to be a focused issue at the state and county, and CWES is committed to making all efforts to meet the required WPR rates. Along with that, future trainings and clarifications are being developed to provide staff with the knowledge and tools to making the WPR rates a reality. Meeting these rates is truly a group effort being taken on at all levels of the agency. P WPR Rapid Response Team (RRT) Worker: RRT Worker Phone Number: CalWIN Case Number: Name of Participant: Assigned ET: Section I Attention: Your client has been selected for WPR review for the month of: Your responses to the following questions about your client are due back to the RRT Worker within 24 hours. Please complete form and return to RRT worker via e-mail attachment with CC: to your supervisor. 1. Current Activity: 2. Assigned Weekly Hours: 3. Provider Location: Provider Contact: 4. Current Client Contact Phone Number: 5. If not currently meeting hours, provide reason: Note: If you become aware that client has missed any time, please contact RRT worker immediately to arrange make-up hours. Section II To ensure client continues to be engaged during the review month, assigned ET is required to follow-up with client during designated intervals: I have contacted client, and client continues to be meeting hours during week 2. Date of contact: I have contacted client, and client continues to be meeting hours during week 3. Date of contact: I have contacted client, and client continues to be meeting hours during week 4. Date of contact: Comments: Section III Sections II and III are due back to RRT work no later than the 10th of the month following the WPR review month. Please complete sections and return to RRT worker via e-mail attachment with CC: to your supervisor. CalWIN Attendance and Maintain Activity screens have been updated. Total Monthly Hours Entered into CalWIN: SC 1755, pay stubs and other supporting verification received and placed in IDM.