Rosedale Middle School Gown Order Form Student Name: ______________________________ Rosedale Middle School will be providing gowns for use at graduation. If you wish to purchase a gown the cost of the gown will be $25.00, and you get to keep the gown. If you wish to purchase the gown your order must be in no later than Feb 29th . If your student has a sibling that graduated in the last 10 years they may use their gown. Please make sure they try on the gown to ensure a proper fit. Your student will be loaned a gown unless, you chose to purchase a gown, or wear a siblings. Please mark one of the following and attach payment accordingly: My student will be wearing a siblings gown: ____________ I wish to purchase a gown to keep: _____________ Must be ordered by Feb 29th – no exceptions I would like my child to wear an RMS gown with the understanding it is to be returned after graduation ceremony __________________ First period teacher: ______________________ For those purchasing the gown to keep, this form and money are due by Feb 29th. If turned in after Feb 29th, we cannot provide you a newly purchased gown. Please make checks to Rosedale Union School District and write gown in the memo section. For those using a siblings gown or borrowing a RMS gown this form is due April 8th.