UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE College of Nursing UWS NSG 341 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Collaborative Nursing Program Course Course Syllabus Fall, 2012 Faculty Dr. James A. Bockeloh, DNP, RN, FNP-BC Clinical Instructor University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee College of Nursing, Room 522 1921 E. Hartford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53201 Office: 414-229-5556 Fax: 414-229-6474 Cell/Home: 262-880-6415 Email: Office Hours: Monday, 4:30-5:30 PM, Froedtert Hospital Other hours by appointment Class Location and Schedule Monday evenings, 6:00 – 9:50 PM Froedtert Hospital, Helfaer Auditorium Capsule Statement Concepts and theories pertinent to professional nursing practice are developed and historical, legal, cultural, economic, and social factors that influence nursing and health care delivery are analyzed. Credits: 4 Prerequisites Admission to the Collaborative Nursing Program Course Description Selected concepts and theories pertinent to the practice of professional nursing are developed. Historical, legal, cultural, economic, and social factors that influence nursing and health care delivery are analyzed. Various philosophical perspectives upon professional nursing practice are considered. Nursing theories are addressed as frameworks for practice. Strategies are discussed for analyzing and managing ethical dilemmas in nursing and health care. 1 Course Objectives 1. Demonstrate understanding of professional nursing practice 2. Articulate a personal philosophy of nursing 3. Develop a commitment to enact a theory-based practice 4. Evaluate factors that create dilemmas in nursing/health care 5. Critically examine the importance of diverse cultural, historical, legal, and economic influences in nursing practice and the health care industry Required Texts: American Psychological Association, (2010). Publication manual of the American psychological association, 6th ed. Chicago: American Psychological Association. Blais, K.K., et. al., (2010). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives, 6th ed. NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0135080908 ISBN-13: 978-0135080900 George, J.B., (2010). Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice, 6th ed. NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0135135834 | ISBN-13: 9780135135839 Other course materials are posted on the D2L site. Course Requirements: Class Participation Course Assignments Theory Presentation Final Course Paper 20% 30% 20% 30% Class Participation: Based on attendance and participation in discussion and inclass activities. Course Assignments: A variety of short exercises and activities will be required in the course. Guidelines for assignments are posted on the D2L course site. Theory Presentation: Small group/pair presentation of a selected nursing theory. Guidelines are posted on the D2L website. Course Final Theory and Practice Paper: A comprehensive paper integrating concepts and theories presented in the course is required. Guidelines are posted on the D2L website. Student Expectations: Attend class weekly. Notify faculty BEFORE class if unable to attend. 2 Come prepared for class. You should expect to spend 6 to 8 hours per week preparing for this course. Course preparation includes completing the assigned readings, accessing the PowerPoint handouts on D2L, and completing the weekly and course assignments. Bring course materials (e.g. materials posted on D2L) to each class session. Be on time and stay for the entire class session. Actively participate in class lectures, discussions, and activities. Respect peers, guests and faculty. Give thoughtful feedback. Turn off cell phones and pagers during class. Use laptops during class only for course-related note taking or group activities. Help to maintain a clean classroom. Check your UWM email account and D2L course site for announcements at least 2 times per week and as needed. Grading Scale 95 - 100 % = A 93 - 94 % = A91 - 92 % = B+ 87 - 90 % = B 85 - 86 % = B83 - 84 % = C+ 79 - 82 % = C 77 - 78 % = C- 75 - 76 % = D+ 72 - 74 % = D 70 - 71 % = D<70 % =F Academic Conduct UWM and the College of Nursing expect each student to be honest in academic performance in all aspects of academic work. Refer to the following website for additional information regarding expectations for academic conduct and behaviors that are considered to be academic dishonesty and misconduct: Academic conduct includes behaviors relating to: Correct procedures for citing sources of information, word, and ideas Ways to properly credit collaborative work with project team or study group members Strategies for planning and preparing for exams, papers, projects and presentations A useful link to avoid plagiarism is 3 Class Schedule Fall, 2012 Date Topic Readings Sept 10 Introduction to the Course Nursing As a Profession Sept 17 Professional Nursing Roles Donley & Flaherty 2012 article (on D2L, or email instructor to have copy emailed) Blais, Chapters 2 and 17 Sept 24 Historical Foundations of Professional Nursing Blais, Chapter 3 October 1 Theoretical Foundations of Professional Nursing Blais, Chapter 6 George (2002), Chapter 1 October 8 Theoretical Foundations as a Base for Professional Practice George (2002), Chapters 2 & 24 October 15 Nursing Theories – Presentations October 22 Nursing Theories – Presentations George – Chapters TBD *Philosophy of Nursing paper due* George – Chapters TBD October 29 Nursing Theories – Presentations George – Chapters TBD Nov 5 Ethical Foundations of Professional Nursing Blais, Chapter 4 Nov 12 Legal Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice Blais, Chapter 5 Nov 19 Spiritual and Cultural Diversity Nov 26 Technology and Informatics; The Nurse as Political Advocate Blais, Chapters 21 & 22 George (2002), Chapter 21 Blais, Chapter 16 Blais, Chapter 11 Dec 3 Health Care Economics Blais, Chapter 18 Dec 10 The Future of Professional Nursing Course & Teacher Evaluations *Final Paper Due* Note: If UWM closes for evening classes, then this class is cancelled. UWM announcements for evening classes are usually made before 4:30 PM. Check the UWM website for announcements. 4 University Policies and Procedures Academic Misconduct he University has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of others’ academic endeavors. (UWM Faculty Document #1686) Accommodation for Religious Observances Students will be allowed to complete examinations or other requirements that are missed because of a religious observance. (UWM Faculty Document #1853) Complaint Procedure Students may direct complaints to the head of the academic unit or department in which the complaint occurs. If the complaint allegedly violates a specific university policy, it may be directed to the head of the department or academic unit in which the complaining occurred or to the appropriate university office responsible for enforcing the policy. All complaints should be directed to the Professor first. If you are unsatisfied with results of this meeting, then the next step is to go to the Course Coordinator. If you are unsatisfied with the results of this meeting, then the final step is to go to the Director, Undergraduate program. Discriminatory Conduct Policy The University will not tolerate discriminatory conduct as defined: 1) intentional conduct, either verbal or physical by a member of the faculty, staff or student body, which 2) occurs on property under the jurisdiction of the Regents or under circumstances where an affiliation with UWM is significant in the occurrence; and 3) is predicated on considerations of any of the following: race, color, national origin, creed, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or other status protected under the law; and 4) which has the purpose and effect of adversely affecting any aspect or condition of an individual's education, employment, housing or participation in a university activity. (UWM Faculty Document #1670) Please be respectful of yourself, your peers, and the Professor. Disciplinary action for Non-Academic misconduct will be filed for anyone violating this policy. Financial Obligation The submission of your registration form and your subsequent assignment to classes obligates you to pay the fee-tuition for those classes or to withdraw your registration in writing no later than the date specified by the university. It is important to both you and the University to make payment on time. A complete description of UWM Fee Facts may be obtained from the Department of Enrollment Services. Grade Appeal Procedure A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based on a capricious or arbitrary decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall follow the established procedures adopted by the department, college, or school in which the course resides. These procedures are available in writing from the respective Director, Undergraduate Program, or the Academic Dean of the School. (UWM Faculty Document #1243) Inclement Weather In the event of inclement weather, UWM students should listen to local radio and television stations to ascertain whether the campus has been closed. The campus will be specifically identified if classes have been cancelled. Even when classes are canceled, University offices and services remain available, unless the Governor closes the entire University. Incompleteness A notation of “Incomplete” may be given in lieu of a final grade to a student who has carried a subject successfully until the end of a semester, but who, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student's control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some limited amount of term work. An incomplete is not given unless you prove to the instructor that you were prevented from completing course requirements for just cause as indicated above. (UWM Faculty Document #1558 and #1602) Participation by students with Disabilities If you need special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact me as soon as possible. Safety Safety techniques and strategies are described in a School of Nursing Brochure distributed to all nursing students in Spring 1994 and subsequently to new students. Copies are available in the Office of Student Affairs. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the mission of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of the University community, which creates an unacceptable working environment. (UWM Faculty Document #1605) 5