Pelizzari - Radiation and Cellular Oncology

NAME: Charles A. Pelizzari
ACADEMIC RANK: University of Chicago, Associate Professor, Full Time
DEPARTMENT: Radiation and Cellular Oncology
PLACE OF BIRTH: Detroit, Michigan
CITIZENSHIP: United States of America
TITLE: Associate Professor, University of Chicago, Dept. of Radiation
and Cellular Oncology; Director, Section of Medical Physics
Dept. of Radiation and Cellular Oncology
University of Chicago Medical Center
5758 S. Maryland Avenue, MC 9006
Chicago, IL 60637
773-702-1688 Voice
773-834-7299 Fax
U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan
Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory, 1974-1975
Assistant Physicist; Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1975-1982
Senior Research Scientist, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1982
Senior Systems Analyst, University of Chicago, Department of Radiology and Department of
Radiation Oncology, 1982-1986
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago, Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology,
Associate Professor, University of Chicago, Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology,
Director, Section of Medical Physics, University of Chicago, Department of Radiation and
Cellular Oncology, 2000-Present
Associate Chair for Academic Affairs, University of Chicago, Department of Radiation and
Cellular Oncology, 2012-Present
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Member, 1989; Fellow, 2003)
AAPM Computer Committee
AAPM Computers and Medical Physics Special Interest Group
Faculty, AAPM Summer School “Imaging in Radiotherapy”, 1998
Faculty, AAPM Summer School “IMRT: State of the Art”, 2003
AAPM Liaison to ASTRO/NEMA IHE-RO Technical Committee, 2005-2008
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Member)
Program Committees:
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (Cambridge, UK, 1999)
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (Cambridge, MA, 1998)
Computer Vision,Visualization and Robotics in Medicine (Grenoble, France 1998)
Visualization in Biomedical Computing (Rochester, MN 1994; Hamburg, Germany 1996)
Computer Vision,Visualization and Robotics in Medicine (Nice, France 1995)
Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (Baltimore, MD 1995)
Organizer, Special Focus Session on Image Registration, RSNA, 1995
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington DC, 2004
International Conference on Computing in Radiotherapy, Seoul, Korea, 2004
ASTRO Annual Meeting Phyics Program, 2006-2007 (co-chair with C.X. Yu, 2006)
RSNA Physics Program Committee, 2007-2010
ASTRO Radiation Physics Committee, 2003 - 2005
Editorial Board, Medical Image Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
Medical Physics
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
Medical Image Analysis
Physics in Medicine and Biology
National Institutes of Health
Radiation Therapy and Biology study section, permanent member, 2003 - 2006
Human Brain Project ad hoc study section
Site review committees: diagnostic radiology programs, Alzheimer's Disease centers,
Program Project Grants
SBIR / STTR Special Study Section, ad hoc reviewer
Discovery and Development P01 Special Emphasis Panels
Image-Guided Therapy QuickTrials Special Emphasis Panels, 2008, 2009
Quantitative Imaging U01 Study Sections, 2009
National Science Foundation
Member, Engineering Review Centers final selection panel, 2000-2001
Member, Johns Hopkins CISST ERC site visit team, 1999 - 2009
Member, Northeastern University CenSSIS ERC site visit team, 2003, 2007, 2008,
Reviewer, Engineering Research Centers proposals, 2007, 2008, 2009
Dutch Cancer Society
National Science and Engineering Research Council (Canada)
Director- Graduate Program in Medical Physics, Committee on Medical Physics (1999- ) also
Chair of Publicity and recruitment committee.
Chairman-University of Chicago Network Management Committee. The committee was
responsible for operational management of the campus data communications local
area network ("ethernet") and off-campus connections to national and international
computer networks, and for review and approval of network expansion and usage.
Network extension to hospitals was accomplished during this time.
1987- 1994
Member - Board of Computing Activities and Services. The Board is the policy making body of
the University in the domain of computation and computer communication 19881991
Coordinator - Networking thrust group of the University's Center for Imaging Science. 1989Member - Executive Committee of the Board of Computing Activities and Services.
The Executive Committee examined issues, established the agenda for the board and
ensured timely implementation of board decisions. 1991- 1994
Member - Communications Architecture Coordinating Committee. The Committee (Vice
Provost for Information Technology; Associate Vice President for Administrative
Computing; Director of Telecommunications; Director of Networking and LargeScale Computing; two faculty) was responsible for the formulation of a consistent
plan for development of the data communication and telecommunications plant at
the University and for identifying both funding priorities and funding sources for
these activities.1992-1993
Member - Biological Sciences Division Advisory Committee on Academic Computing. The
committee was charged with formulation of an overall set of goals for academic
computing within the Division, including instructional and research computing. It
was also charged with developing recommendations for expansion of the Division's
computing infrastructure and support activities, development of instructional
computing application, and establishment of a consistent suite of services available
to all faculty of the Division. 1991-1996
Member - Image Analysis and Networking Facility Project, involving Radiology, Physics,
Astrophysics, Geophysics and University Computing. 1991-1993
Member - University Computing Task Force. Appointed by the Provost, the nine member task
force was charged to define the computing resources and services required to support
research and teaching in the University in future years. Implementation of the Task
Force report resulted in major restructuring of organizations providing computing
services at the University level. 1994
Member - BSD Committee on Reappointment of Assistant Professors, 1999 - 2003.
Ad Hoc Reviewer - BSD Committee on Appointments and Promotions.
Chair -
MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Core Facility Advisory Committee, 2006 -
Member - BSD Research Advisory Committee subcommittee on imaging research, 2007
Member - Imaging Research Institute steering committee, 2007-2009
Member - University of Chicago Cancer Research Center
Faculty Director – Image Computing, Analysis and Research PACS core facility, Biological
Sciences Division (2011 - )
Participation in grants and proposals
University of Chicago Cancer Research Center - Investigator
"Biomedical Computation Resource", R.A. Robb, PI (1989-91, NIH Research Resource):
"Multimodality Brain Image Registration", C.A. Pelizzari, PI (1988, Brain Research Foundation
Seed Grants)
"A High Speed Network for Image Archiving and Communication", S. Teissler, PI (1989-1992,
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, Technology Challenge Grant Fund):
"Proton Radiography", R.L. Martin, PI (1991, NIH SBIR Phase I): Consultant
"3-D Display of MR, CT, and PET Images of the Brain", D.N. Levin, PI (1990 - 1994, NIH R01)
"Image Guided Treatment of Brain Tumors", D.N. Levin, C.A. Pelizzari, Co-PI: (1991 - 1995,
NIH R01)
"Validation of Retrospective Image Registration", J.M Fitzpatrick (Vanderbilt), PI (1995 - 1996,
NIH R01):
"A Validation of Two Functional Mapping Techniques", V.L. Towle, PI (1996 - 1999, NIH
R01): Investigator
"A Scientific Visualization and Image Analysis System", M.L. Giger, P.I. (1996 -97, NIH Shared
Instrumentation Grant): Investigator
"Very Low Frequency EPR Imaging for in Vivo Physiology", H.Halpern, PI (1999-2012, NIH
Research Resource): Investigator, Image Development.
“Local Tomography for Radiation Therapy Tumor Imaging”, M.A. Anastasio (IIT), PI (20042006, NIH R21), consultant
"Image Guidance and Assessment of Radiation Induced Gene Therapy", C. Pelizzari, P.I. (20022005, DOD Prostate Cancer Research Program Idea Award): Principal Investigator
"Radiation Biology of EPR Oxygen Images", H. Halpern, P.I. (2002-2010, NIH R01): coinvestigator (grant was renewed in 2012)
" CT-Guided Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Gynecologic Malignancies", J. Roeske, PI (19992002, Whitaker Foundation): Investigator, CT image processing
“Microvessel Density with High Spectral/Spatial MRI”, G.S. Karczmar, PI (2004-2010, NIH
R21/R33): co-investigator
“Optimization of Imaging Capability of Cone Beam Imaging Systems” (2005-2006, Prostate
Cancer Foundation): principal investigator
“Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for Image-Guided Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer”
(2006-2007, US Army Prostate Cancer Research Program, predoctoral fellowship for
Seungryong Cho): designated mentor
“DNA damage targeted therapy in head and neck cancer”, R. Weichselbaum, P.I. (2005-2010,
NIH R01): co-investigator
“Optimized Cone-Beam CT for Image-Guided Radiation Therapy”, X. Pan, PI (2007-2012, NIH
R01): co-investigator
“Optimization of Imaging Capability of Cone Beam Imaging Systems” (2007-2009, Varian
Medical Systems): principal investigator
“Image Guided X-ray Irradiator for Biomedical Research” (2010-2011, NIH 1S10RR02674701): principal investigator
“Radiation Response Within the Tumor Microenvironment,” S. Kron, PI (2011-2016, NIH): coinvestigator
Service on dissertation committees
Past Students:
James Balter, Ph.D., 1991 (co-principal advisor)
John Roeske, Ph.D., 1991
Xiaolin Yu, Ph.D., 1994 (Radiology)
J. Hunter Downs III, Ph.D., 1994 (Medical Physics, University of Texas - San Antonio)
Shidong Li, Ph.D., 1995 (principal advisor)
Robert Grzeszczuk, Ph.D., 1996 (Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Ravinder Bansal, Ph.D., 2000 (Electrical Engineering, Yale University)
Jacqueline Esthappan, Ph.D., 2000 (Radiology)
Ernesto Fontenla, Ph.D., 2000 (principal advisor)
Leann Kinnunen, Ph.D., 2001 (Psychology, Committee on Human Development)
Scott Hadley, Ph.D., 2002 (principal advisor)
Dacian Bonta, Ph.D., 2002 (principal advisor)
Parminder Basran, Ph.D., 2002 (Physics, University of Calgary)
Benjamin B. Williams, Ph.D., 2003
Weiliang Du, Ph.D., 2003 (Radiology)
Lifeng Yu, Ph.D., 2005
Kang-Hyun Ahn, Ph.D., 2006
Junsheng Cao, M.S., 2006
Joshua Haslam, Ph.D., 2007
Michalis Aristophanous, Ph.D., 2008 (principal advisor)
Sean M. Foxley, Ph.D., 2009
Seungryong Cho, Ph.D., 2009 (co-principal advisor)
Michael B. Altman, Ph.D., 2010 (co-principal advisor)
Payam Seifi, Ph.D., 2010
Jonathan Bryant, Ph.D., 2011
Elizabeth Hipp, Ph.D, 2012
Present Students:
Erik Pearson, Medical Physics (principal advisor)
Xiao Han, Medical Physics
Alexandra Cunliffe, Medical Physics
Zachary Grelewicz, Medical Physics
Gage Redler, Medical Physics
Participation in classes
Radiation Oncology 351, Medical Physics 35100, Physics of Radiation Therapy, 1988-2005.
Course coordinator 1998-2005. (First year course for medical physics graduate students)
Biological Sciences 263, BioSci 29326, Introduction to Medical Physics, 2000-2009. One of
three instructors. (Survey course for junior and senior physics, chemistry, biology students).
Medical Physics 40100, Special Reading Course in Image-Guided Radiotherapy, 2005. (Seminar
course for advanced medical physics graduate students).
Teaching honors
Kurt Rossmann award for Teaching Excellence in the University of Chicago Graduate Program
in Medical Physics, 1999. (Awarded to entire Radiation Oncology physics faculty)
Kurt Rossmann award for Teaching Excellence in the University of Chicago Committee on
Medical Physics, 2005. (Awarded to C. Pelizzari)
Original peer reviewed articles
Mildner, D. F. R., Carpenter, J. M., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1974). “Generalized Attenuation
Correction for Scattering from Cylindrical Targets.” Review of Scientific Instruments, 45,
Carpenter, J. M., Mildner, D. F. R., Pelizzari, C. A., Sutton, J. D., and Gunning, J. E.
(1974). “A Mechanical Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer.” Nuclear Instruments and
Methods, 114, 417-42.
Rahman, A., Skøld, K., Pelizzari, C. A., Sinha, S., and Flotow, H. E. (1976). “Phonon
Spectrum of Nonstoichiometric Palladium Hydrides.” Physical Review, B14, 3630-3634.
Skøld, K., Pelizzari, C. A., Kleb, R., and Ostrowski, G. E. (1976). “Neutron Scattering
Studies of Elementary Excitations in Liquid Helium-3.” Physical Review Letters, 37, 842845.
Pelizzari, C. A., and Postol, T. A. (1977). “Comment on "Dispersion of Collective
Excitations in a Nematic Liquid Crystal.” Physical Review Letters, 38, 573-574.
Mildner, D. F. R., Pelizzari, C. A., and Carpenter, J. M. (1977). “Multiple Scattering
Corrections to Neutron Diffraction Data of Isotropic Systems Using Optimized Monte Carlo
Techniques.” Acta Crystallographica, A33, 954-971.
Pelizzari, C. A., and Postol, T. A. (1977). “Effect of Imperfect Beam Modulation in
Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy Using Mechanical Correlation Choppers.” Nuclear
Instruments and Methods, 143, 139-144.
Skøld, K., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1978). “Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Liquid Helium-3
at 40 mK and at 1.2K.” Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, C11, L589.
Postol, T. A., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1978). “Neutron Scattering Study of Thermally Excited
Density Fluctuations in a Dense Classical Fluid.” Physical Review, A18, 2321-2336.
10. Skøld, K., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1980). “Elementary Excitations in Liquid Helium-3.”
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London), B290, 605-61.
11. Postol, T. A., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1980). “Effect of a Light Impurity on the Dynamic
Structure of a Monatomic Fluid.” Physical Review, A22, 1698-1701.
12. Rauchas, A., Ostrowski, G., Pelizzari, C., and Volk, J. (1984). “IPNS Accelerator System
and Neutron Chopper Synchronization.” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
13. Levin, D. N., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T., Chen, C. T., and Cooper, M. D. (1988).
“Retrospective geometric correlation of MR, CT, and PET images.” Radiology, 169(3), 81723.
14. Kuchnir, F., Pelizzari, C., and Reft, C. (1988). “Experimental verification of the accuracy of
a 2-D dose calculation algorithm for beams incident on curved surfaces.” Radiation
Protection Dosimetry, 23, 479-481.
15. Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T., Spelbring, D. R., Weichselbaum, R. R., and Chen, C. T.
(1989). “Accurate three-dimensional registration of CT, PET, and/or MR images of the
brain.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 13(1), 20-26.
16. Kuchnir, F. T., Van Huis, J. M., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1989). “Effect of lung-density
correction in treatment planning for tangential-fields breast irradiation: a case report.”
Medical Dosimetry, 14(2), 109-11.
17. Vijayakumar, S., Rosenberg, I., Brandt, T., Chen, G. T. Y., Spelbring, D., Pelizzari, C. A.,
and Rubin, S. (1989). “The effect of posterior midline spinal cord block (PMSB) on
Hodgkin’s Disease Therapeutic Dose Estimates: A Dosimetric Study.” Br. J. Radiology
18. Levin, D. N., Hu, X. P., Tan, K. K., Galhotra, S., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T., Beck, R. N.,
Chen, C. T., Cooper, M. D., Mullan, J. F., and et, a. (1989). “The brain: integrated threedimensional display of MR and PET images.” Radiology, 172(3), 783-789.
19. Roeske, J. C., Chen, G. T., Atcher, R. W., Pelizzari, C. A., Rotmensch, J., Haraf, D.,
Montag, A., and Weichselbaum, R. R. (1990). “Modeling of dose to tumor and normal
tissue from intraperitoneal radioimmunotherapy with alpha and beta emitters.” International
Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 19(6), 1539-48.
20. Rotmensch, J., Roeske, J., Chen, G., Pelizzari, C., Montag, A., Weichselbaum, R., and
Herbst, A. L. (1990). “Estimates of dose to intraperitoneal micrometastases from alpha and
beta emitters in radioimmunotherapy.” Gynecologic Oncology, 38(3), 478-85.
21. Holman, B. L., Zimmerman, R. E., Johnson, K. A., Carvalho, P. A., Schwartz, R. B.,
Loeffler, J. S., Alexander, E., Pelizzari, C. A., and Chen, G. T. (1991). “Computer-assisted
superimposition of magnetic resonance and high-resolution technetium-99m-HMPAO and
thallium-201 SPECT images of the brain.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 32(8), 1478-84.
22. Cooper, M. D., Chen, C. T., Pelizzari, C. A., Levin, D. N., and Chen, G. T. (1991).
“Analysis of PET images with the use of anatomic information from CT and MR images.”
Acta Radiologica - Supplementum, 376, 85-86.
23. Myrianthopoulos, L. C., Chen, G. T., Vijayakumar, S., Halpern, H. J., Spelbring, D. R., and
Pelizzari, C. A. (1992). “Beam's eye view volumetrics: An aid in rapid treatment plan
development and evaluation.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
Physics, 23(2), 367-75.
24. Balter, J. M., Pelizzari, C. A., and Chen, G. T. (1992). “Correlation of projection
radiographs in radiation therapy using open curve segments and points.” Medical Physics,
19(2), 329-34.
25. Grzeszczuk, R., Tan, K. K., Levin, D. N., Pelizzari, C. A., Hu, X., Chen, G. T., Beck, R. N.,
Chen, C. T., Cooper, M., and Milton, J. (1992). “Retrospective fusion of radiographic and
MR data for localization of subdural electrodes.” Journal of Computer Assisted
Tomography, 16(5), 764-73.
26. Chen, G. T., Spelbring, D. R., Pelizzari, C. A., Balter, J. M., Myrianthopoulos, L. C.,
Vijayakumar, S., and Halpern, H. (1992). “The use of beam's eye view volumetrics in the
selection of non-coplanar radiation portals.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology,
Biology, Physics, 23(1), 153-63.
27. Schifter, T., Turkington, T. G., Berlangieri, S. U., Hoffman, J. M., MacFall, J. R., Pelizzari,
C. A., Tien, R. D., and Coleman, R. E. (1993). “Normal brain F-18 FDG-PET and MRI
anatomy.” Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 18, 578-582.
28. Cao, Y., Levin, D. N., Gregory, C. D., Raidy, T., So, G. J., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1993).
“Integrated 3D Display of Brain Surface Anatomy and MR Spectral Data.” Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, 11, 1043-1049.
29. Turkington, T. G., Jaszczak, R. J., Pelizzari, C. A., Harris, C. C., MacFall, J. R., Hoffman,
J. M., and Coleman, R. E. (1993). “Accuracy of registration of PET SPECT and MR images
of a brain phantom.” J. Nuclear Medicine, 34, 1587-1594.
30. Tan, K. K., Grzeszczuk, R., Levin, D. N., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T., Erickson, R. K.,
Johnson, D., and Dohrmann, G. J. (1993). “A frameless stereotactic approach to
neurosurgical planning based on retrospective patient-image registration. Technical note.”
Journal of Neurosurgery, 79(2), 296-303.
31. Balter, J. M., Chen, G. T., Pelizzari, C. A., Krishnasamy, S., Rubin, S., and Vijayakumar, S.
(1993). “Online repositioning during treatment of the prostate: a study of potential limits and
gains.” Int. J. of Radiat. Onc., Biol., Phys., 27(1), 137-43.
32. Alperin, N., Levin, D. N., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1994). “Retrospective registration of X-ray
angiograms with MR images by using vessels as intrinsic landmarks.” J. Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, 4, 139-144.
33. Li, S., Pelizzari, C. A., and Chen, G.T.Y. (1994). “Unfolding patient motion with biplane
radiographs.” Medical Physics, 21(9), 1427-33.
34. Li, S., Pelizzari, C. A., Reft, C., Sutton, H. G., and Chen, G.T.Y. (1994). “Computer-aided
geometric reconstruction of Fletcher-Suit source positions.” Medical Physics, 21(7), 112330.
35. Scott, A.M., Macapinlac, H.A., Divgi, C.R., Zhang, J.J., Kalagian, H., Pentlow, K., Hilton,
S., Graham, M.C., Sgouros, G., Pelizzari, C., Schlom, J., Goldsmith, S.J., Larson, S.M.
(1994). "Clinical validation of SPECT and C/MRI image registration in radiolabeled
monoclonal antibody studies of colorectal carcinoma." J. Nucl. Med. 35: 1976-1984.
36. Roeske, J. C., Forman, J. D., Mesina, C. F. H., Pelizzari, C. A., Fontenla, E., Vijayakumar,
S., and Chen, G. T. Y. (1995). “Evaluation of Changes in the Size and Location of the
Prostate, Seminal Vesicles, Bladder and Rectum During a Course of External Beam
Radiation Therapy.” Int.J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 33(5), 1321-1329.
37. Turkington, T. G., Hoffman, J. M., Jaszczak, R. J., MacFall, J. R., Harris, C. C., Kilts, C.D.,
Pelizzari, C. A., and Coleman, R. E. (1995). “Accuracy of registration of PET and MR
brain images using full and incomplete brain surfaces.” J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr., 19,
38. Lu, Y., Li, S., Spelbring, D. R., Vijayakumar, S., Pelizzari, C., and Chen, G. T. Y. (1995).
“Dose-surface Histograms as Treatment Planning Tool for Prostate Conformal Therapy.”
Med. Phys., 22(3), 279-284.
39. Hamilton, R. J., Kuchnir, F. T., Sweeney, P., Rubin, S. J., Dujovny, M., Pelizzari, C. A.,
and Chen, G. T. Y. (1995). “Comparison of Static Conformal Field with Multiple
Noncoplanar Arc Techniques for Stereotactic Radiosurgery or Stereotactic Radiotherapy.”
Int. Jnl. Rad. Onc., Biology, Physics, 33(5), 1221-1228.
40. Towle, V. L., Cohen, S., Alperin, N., Hoffmann, K., Cogen, P., Milton, J., Grzesczcuk, R.,
Pelizzari, C., Syed, I., and Spire, J.-P. (1995). “Displaying electrocorticographic findings on
gyral anatomy.” Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 94, 221-228.
41. Yu, J. N., Fahey, F. H., Gage, H. D., Eades, C. G., Harkness, B. A., Pelizzari, C. A., and
Keyes JR., J. W. (1995). “Intermodality, Retrospective Image Registration in the Thorax.” J
Nucl. Med., 36, 2333-2338.
42. Pelizzari, C. A., Ryan, M. J., Grzeszczuk, R., Fontenla, E., Levin, D. N., Vijayakumar, S.,
and Chen, G. T. Y. (1996). “Volumetric Visualization of Anatomy for Treatment Planning.”
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 34(1), (205-211).
43. Xing, L., Pelizzari, C.A., Kuchnir, F.T., Chen, G.T.Y. (1996). “Optimization of relative
weights and wedge angles in treatment planning.” Med. Phys. 24: pp.215-221.
44. Hamilton, R. J., Kuchnir, F.T., Pelizzari, C.A., Sweeney, P.J., and Rubin, S.J. (1996).
“Repositioning accuracy of a non-invasive head fixation system for stereotactic
radiotherapy.” Med Phys, 23(11), 1909-1917.
45. Li, S., Chen, G. T. Y., Pelizzari, C., Roeske, J. C., and Lu, Y. (1996). “A new source
localization algorithm with no requirement of one-to-one source correspondence between
orthogonal films.” Medical Physics, 23(6), 921-927.
46. Fontenla, E., Pelizzari, C.A., and Chen, G.T. Y. (1996). “Implication of 3D target shape and
motion in aperture design.” Medical Physics, 23(8), 1431-1442.
47. Ryan, M.J., R.K. Erickson, D.N. Levin, C.A. Pelizzari, R.L. Macdonald, G.J. Dohrmann,
(1996). "Frameless stereotaxy with real-time tracking of patient head movement and
rerospective patient-image registration." J. Neurosurgery 85: pp. 287-292.
48. West, J., Fitzpatrick, J. M., Wang, M. Y., Dawant, B. M., Maurer JR., C. R., Kessler, R. M.,
Maciunas, R. J., Barillot, C., Lemoine, D., Collignon, A., Maes, F., Suetens, P.,
Vandermeulen, D., van den Elsen, P. A., Napel, S., Sumanaweera, T. S., Harkness, B.,
Hemler, P. F., Hill, D. L. G., Hawkes, D. J., Studholme, C., Maintz, J. B. A., Viergever, M.
A., G., M., Pennec, X., Noz, M. E., Maguire JR., G. O., Pollack, M., Pelizzari, C. A., Robb,
R. A., Hanson, D., and Woods, R. P. (1997). “Comparison and Evaluation of Restrospective
Intermodality Brain Image Registration Techniques.” Journal of Computer Assisted
Tomography, 21(4), 554-566.
49. Jani, A. B., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y., Grzeszczuk, R. P., and Vijayakumar, S. (1997).
“Interactive Tool for Evaluating the Utility of Volume-rendered Images versus Sagittal
Plane-picked Images of the Prostate for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning.” Electronic
Journal, RSNA, Volume 1.
50. Hamilton, R., Chen, G.T.Y., Garada, B., Holman, B.L., Pelizzari, C.A., Sweney, P.J.,
Weichselbaum, R.R., Yetkin, F.Z. (1997). “Functional Imaging in Treatment Planning of
Brain Lesions.” Int. J. of Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys., 37, 181-188.
51. Jani, A. B., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y., and Grzeszczuk, R. P. (1998). “Accuracy of
Object Depiction and Opacity Transfer Function Optimization in CT Volume-Rendered
Images.” Journal of computer assisted Tomography 23(3), 459-470.
52. Xing, L., Hamilton, R.J. , Pelizzari, C.A., Chen, G.T.Y. (1998). “A Three Dimensional
Algorithm for Optimizing Beam Weights and Wedge Filters.” Med. Phys. 25: pp.18581865.
53. Xing, L., Hamilton, R.J. , Spelbring, D.R., Pelizzari, C.A., Chen, G.T.Y., Boyer, A.L.
(1998). “Fast iterative algorithms for three-dimensional inverse treatment planning.” Med.
Phys. 25: pp.1845-1849.
54. Vijayakumar, S., Dabrowski, J., Myrianthopoulos, L.C., Pelizzari, C.A., Rosengarten, J.,
Nguyen, A., Vaida, F., Chen, G.T.Y. (1999). “In the Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer:
Technique Determines the Dose to the Penile Structures.” British Journal of Radiology, 72:
55. Hamilton, R. J., Blend, M. J., Pelizzari, C. A., Milliken, B. D. and Vijayakumar, S. (1999).
“Using vascular structure for CT-SPECT registration in the pelvis.” J. Nuclear Medicine
40(2): 347-351.
56. Johnson, L. S., B. D. Milliken, S. W. Hadley, C. A. Pelizzari, D. J. Haraf and G. T. Chen.
"Initial clinical experience with a video-based patient positioning system." Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys, 1999. 45(1): 205-13.
57. Lee, J. S., A. B. Jani, C. A. Pelizzari, D. J. Haraf, E. E. Vokes, R. R. Weichselbaum and G.
T. Chen. "Volumetric visualization of head and neck CT data for treatment planning." Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999. 44(3): 693-703.
58. Jani, A. B., C. A. Pelizzari, G. T. Y. Chen, J. Roeske, R. J. Hamilton, R. L. Macdonald, F.
Bova, K. R. Hoffmann and P. A. Sweeney. "Volume Rendering Quantification Algorithm
for Reconstruction of CT Volume-Rendered Structures: Part I. Cerebral Arteriovenous
Malformations." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2000. 19(1): 12-24.
59. C.A. Pelizzari, N. N. Khodarev, N. Gupta, D. P. Calvin and R. R. Weichselbaum,
"Quantitative analysis of DNA array autoradiographs." Nucleic Acids Research, 2000.
28(22): p. 4577-4581.
60. E. Fontenla, C.A. Pelizzari, J.C. Roeske, G.T.Y. Chen, "Using serial imaging data to model
variabilities in organ position and shape during radiotherapy." Physics in Medicine and
Biology, 2001. 46: p. 2317-2336. (Awarded the Roberts Prize as "Best Paper of the Year" in
PMB for 2001).
61. E. Fontenla, C.A. Pelizzari, J.C. Roeske, G.T.Y. Chen, "Numerical analysis of a model of
organ motion using serial imaging measurements from prostate radiotherapy." Physics in
Medicine and Biology, 2001. 46: p. 2337-2358.
62. Khodarev, N.N, Park, J., Kataoka, Y., Nodzenski, E., Hellman, S., Roizman, B.,
Weichselbaum, R.R., Pelizzari, C.A., "Receiver operating characteristic analysis: a general
tool for DNA array data filtration and performance estimation." Genomics, 2003. 81(2):
63. Anastasio, M. A., D. Shi, X. Pan, C. Pelizzari and P. Munro (2003). "A preliminary investigation of
local tomography for megavoltage CT imaging." Med Phys 30(11): 2969-80.
64. Elas, M., B. B. Williams, A. Parasca, C. Mailer, C. A. Pelizzari, M. A. Lewis, J. N. River, G. S.
Karczmar, E. D. Barth and H. J. Halpern (2003). "Quantitative tumor oxymetric images from 4D
electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI): methodology and comparison with blood oxygen
level-dependent (BOLD) MRI." Magn Reson Med 49(4): 682-91.
65. Jani, A. B., C. M. Hand, C. A. Pelizzari, J. C. Roeske, L. Krauz and S. Vijayakumar (2003).
"Biological-effective versus conventional dose volume histograms correlated with late genitourinary
and gastrointestinal toxicity after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a matched pair
analysis." BMC Cancer 3: 16.
66. Mundel, T., J. G. Milton, A. Dimitrov, H. W. Wilson, C. Pelizzari, S. Uftring, I. Torres, R. K.
Erickson, J. P. Spire and V. L. Towle (2003). "Transient inability to distinguish between faces:
electrophysiologic studies." J Clin Neurophysiol 20(2): 102-10.
67. Roeske, J. C., C. Lund, C. A. Pelizzari, X. Pan and A. J. Mundt (2003). "Reduction of computed
tomography metal artifacts due to the Fletcher-Suit applicator in gynecology patients receiving
intracavitary brachytherapy." Brachytherapy 2(4): 207-14.
68. Singh, R., H. Al-Hallaq, C. A. Pelizzari, G. P. Zagaja, A. Chen and A. B. Jani (2003). "Dosimetric
quality endpoints for low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy using biological effective dose (BED) vs.
conventional dose." Med Dosim 28(4): 255-59.
69. Towle, V. L., L. Khorasani, S. Uftring, C. Pelizzari, R. K. Erickson, J. P. Spire, K. Hoffmann, D.
Chu and M. Scherg (2003). "Noninvasive identification of human central sulcus: a comparison of
gyral morphology, functional MRI, dipole localization, and direct cortical mapping." Neuroimage
19(3): 684-97.
70. Jani, A. B., M. J. Blend, R. Hamilton, C. Brendler, C. Pelizzari, L. Krauz, B. Sapra, S.
Vijayakumar, A. Awan and R. R. Weichselbaum (2004). "Radioimmunoscintigraphy for
postprostatectomy radiotherapy: analysis of toxicity and biochemical control." J Nucl Med 45(8):
71. Jani, A. B., M. J. Blend, R. Hamilton, C. Brendler, C. Pelizzari, L. Krauz, S. Vijayakumar, B.
Sapra, A. Awan and R. R. Weichselbaum (2004). "Influence of radioimmunoscintigraphy on
postprostatectomy radiotherapy treatment decision making." J Nucl Med 45(4): 571-8.
72. Jani, A. B., C. M. Hand, A. E. Lujan, J. C. Roeske, G. P. Zagaja, S. Vijayakumar and C. A.
Pelizzari (2004). "Biological effective dose for comparison and combination of external beam and
low-dose rate interstitial brachytherapy prostate cancer treatment plans." Med Dosim 29(1): 42-48.
73. Jani, A. B., D. Spelbring, R. Hamilton, M. J. Blend, C. Pelizzari, C. Brendler, L. Krauz, S.
Vijayakumar, B. Sapra and R. R. Weichselbaum (2004). "Impact of radioimmunoscintigraphy on
definition of clinical target volume for radiotherapy after prostatectomy." J Nucl Med 45(2): 238-46.
74. Lifeng Yu, Xiaochuan Pan, Charles A. Pelizzari, Mary Martel. “Few-view and limitedangle cone-beam megavoltage CT for breast localization in radiation therapy”. In: SPIE Vol.
5370, p. 2075-2082, Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing; J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Milan
Sonka; Eds.
75. Lifeng Yu, Xiaochuan Pan, Charles A. Pelizzari. “Image reconstruction in asymmetric fanbeam scans with spatially varying focal lengths”. In: SPIE Vol. 5370, p. 678-684, Medical
Imaging 2004: Image Processing; J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Milan Sonka; Eds.
76. Lifeng Yu, Xiaochuan M. Pan, Charles A. Pelizzari. “Asymmetric fan-beam configurations
with spatially varying focal lengths and shift-variant filtering reconstruction”. In: Optical
Engineering 43(10), p. 2340-2347, Donald C. O'Shea; Ed., Oct 2004
77. Jani, A. B., J. S. Irick and C. Pelizzari (2005). "Opacity transfer function optimization for volumerendered computed tomography images of the prostate." Acad Radiol 12(6): 761-70.
78. Xia, D., J. C. Roeske, L. Yu, C. A. Pelizzari, A. J. Mundt and X. Pan (2005). "A hybrid approach to
reducing computed tomography metal artifacts in intracavitary brachytherapy." Brachytherapy 4(1):
79. Haney, C. R., A. D. Parasca, K. Ichikawa, B. B. Williams, M. Elas, C. A. Pelizzari and H. J.
Halpern (2006). "Reduction of image artifacts in mice by bladder flushing with a novel doublelumen urethral catheter." Mol Imaging 5(3): 175-79.
80. Mailer, C., S. V. Sundramoorthy, C. A. Pelizzari and H. J. Halpern (2006). "Spin echo
spectroscopic electron paramagnetic resonance imaging." Magn Reson Med 55(4): 904-12.
81. Yu, L., Y. Zou, E. Y. Sidky, C. A. Pelizzari, P. Munro and X. Pan (2006). "Region of interest
reconstruction from truncated data in circular cone-beam CT." IEEE Trans Med Imaging 25(7):
82. Haney CR, Parasca AD, Ichikawa K, Williams BB, Elas M, Pelizzari CA, Halpern HJ
(2006). Reduction of image artifacts in mice by bladder flushing with a novel double-lumen
urethral catheter. Mol Imaging. 2006 Jul;5(3):175-9
83. Aristophanous, M., B.C. O’Brien-Penney, M.K. Martel, C.A. Pelizzari (2007). “A Gaussian
mixture model for definition of lung tumor volumes in positron emission tomography”.
Medical Physics 34(11): 4223-35.
84. Cho, S., J. Bian, C. A. Pelizzari, C. T. Chen, T. C. He and X. Pan (2007). "Region-of-interest image
reconstruction in circular cone-beam microCT." Med Phys 34(12): 4923-33.
85. Aristophanous, M., B. C. Penney and C. A. Pelizzari (2008). "The development and testing of a
digital PET phantom for the evaluation of tumor volume segmentation techniques." Medical
Physics 35(7): 3331-3342.
86. Cho, S., D. Xia, C. Pelizzari and X. Pan (2008). “Exact reconstruction of volumetric images in
reverse helical cone-beam CT.” Med. Phys. 35: 3030-3040.
87. Elas, M., R. Bell, D. Hleihel, E. D. Barth, C. McFaul, C. R. Haney, J. Bielanska, K. Pustelny, K. H.
Ahn, C. A. Pelizzari, M. Kocherginsky and H. J. Halpern (2008). "Electron paramagnetic resonance
oxygen image hypoxic fraction plus radiation dose strongly correlates with tumor cure in FSa
fibrosarcomas." Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 71(2): 542-9.
88. Haney CR, Fan X, Parasca AD, Karczmar GS, Halpern HJ, Pelizzari CA.(2008).
“Immobilization using dental material casts facilitates accurate serial and multimodality
small animal imaging.” Concepts Magn Reson Part B 2008; 33B:138-144.
89. Cho, S., E. Pearson, C. Pelizzari, X. Pan (2009). “Region-of-interest image reconstruction
with intensity weighting in circular cone-beam CT for image-guided radiation therapy.”
Med. Phys. 36: 1184-1192.
90. Altman, M.B., B. Vesper, B. Smith, M. Stinauer, C. Pelizzari, B. Aydogan, C. Reft, J.
Radosevich, S. Chmura, J. Roeske (2009). “Characterization of a novel phantom for threedimensional in vitro cell experiments.” Phys. Med. Biol. 54(5): N75-82.
91. Haney, C.R. , A. Parasca, X. Fan, R. Bell, M. Zamora, G. Karczmar, H. Mauceri, H.
Halpern, R. Weichselbaum, C. Pelizzari (2009). “Characterization of Response to Radiation
Mediated Gene Therapy via Multi-Modality Imaging,” Magn Reson Med 62(2):348-356.
92. Liauw, S.L., R. Weichselbaum, C. Rash, D. Correa, H. Al-Hallaq, C. Pelizzari, A. Jani
(2009). “Biochemical control and toxicity after intensity-modulated radiation therapy for
prostate cancer.” Technol. Cancer Res. Treat. 8(3): 201-6.
93. Seungryong Cho, Dan Xia, Charles A. Pelizzari, and Xiaochuan Pan (2010). “A BPF-FBP
tandem algorithm for image reconstruction in reverse helical cone-beam CT”, Med. Phys.
37: 32-39.
94. Aydogan B, Li J, Rajh T, Chaudhary A, Chmura SJ, Pelizzari C, et al. (2010). “AuNP-DG:
Deoxyglucose-Labeled Gold Nanoparticles as X-ray Computed Tomography Contrast
Agents for Cancer Imaging.” Mol Imaging Biol. (epub ahead of print, 17 March 2010).
95. Kalakota K, Rakhno E, Pelizzari CA, Jani AB, Liauw SL (2010). “Late rectal toxicity after
prostate brachytherapy: influence of supplemental external beam radiation on dose-volume
histogram analysis.” Brachytherapy 9(2):131-6.
96. Bian J, Siewerdsen JH, Han X, Sidky EY, Prince JL, Pelizzari CA, et al. Evaluation of sparse-view
reconstruction from flat-panel-detector cone-beam CT. Phys Med Biol. 2010;55(22):6575-99.
97. Li J, Chaudhary A, Chmura SJ, Pelizzari C, Rajh T, Wietholt C, et al. A novel functional CT
contrast agent for molecular imaging of cancer. Phys Med Biol. 2010;55(15):4389-97.
98. MacDermed DM, Khodarev NN, Pitroda SP, Edwards DC, Pelizzari CA, Huang L, et al. MUC1associated proliferation signature predicts outcomes in lung adenocarcinoma patients. BMC Med
Genomics. 2010;3:16. PMCID: 2876055.
99. Elas, M., et al., Where it's at really matters: in situ in vivo vascular endothelial growth factor
spatially correlates with electron paramagnetic resonance pO2 images in tumors of living mice.
Mol Imaging Biol, 2011. 13(6): p. 1107-13.
100. Fan, X., et al., High-resolution MRI of excised human prostate specimens acquired with 9.4T in
detection and identification of cancers: validation of a technique. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2011.
34(4): p. 956-61.
101. Haney, C.R., et al., HiSStology: high spectral and spatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging
detection of vasculature validated by histology and micro-computed tomography. Mol Imaging,
2011. 10(3): p. 187-96.
102. Liauw, S.L., et al., Evaluation of the Prostate Bed for Local Recurrence After Radical
Prostatectomy Using Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2012.
103. Pederson, A.W., et al., Late toxicity after intensity-modulated radiation therapy for localized
prostate cancer: an exploration of dose-volume histogram parameters to limit genitourinary and
gastrointestinal toxicity. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2012. 82(1): p. 235-41.
Non-peer reviewed original articles
Chen, G. T. Y., Pelizzari, C. A., Spelbring, D., Awan, A., and Weischselbaum, R. R.
“Evaluation of Lung Plans with Dose Volume Histograms, publ in Use of Computers in
Radiation Therapy,.” Proc 9th ICCR,, pp 165-168, 1987.
Chen, C. T., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y., Balter, J., Yu, X., Levin, D., and Cooper, M.
“Correlating functional nuclear medicine images with structural CT and MR images.” Nuclear
Medicine Update, 359-377.
Chen, G. T. Y., Pelizzari, C. A., Balter, J. M., and Levin, D. N. “Image Correlation in Precision
Radiotherapy.” CT Simulation for Radiotherapy, Madison WI, 35-44.
Hu, X., Tan, K. K., Levin, D. N., Galhotra, S. G., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y., Beck, R. N.,
Chen, C. T., and Cooper, M. D. “Volumetric rendering of multimodality, multivariable medical
imaging data.” Proc Chapel Hill Volume Visualization Workshop, 45-49.
Levin, D. N., Hu X, Tan K.K., Herman A, Galhotra S, Chen G.T.Y., Pelizzari C.A., Balter J,
Beck R.N., Chen, C. T., and M, C. “Neutrosurgical planning based on 3-D views of the brain
created from magnetic resonance images.” NCGA.
Levin, D. N., Hu, X., Tan, P., Galhotra, K. K., Hermann, A., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y.,
Beck, R. N., Chen, C.-T., and Cooper, M. D. “Integrated three-dimensional display of MR and
PET images of the brain.” Proc. Nat. Computer Graphics Assn., 179-186.
Mazziotta, J. C., Valentino, D., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y., and Bookstein, F. “StructureFucntion Correlation of the Living Human Brain with MRI and PEt: A Means of Anatomical and
Functional Localization.” Abstr 17th Int CINP Congress, Kyoto.
Mazziotta, J. C., Valentino, D., Grafton, S., Bookstein, F., Pelizzari, C., Chen, G., and Toga, A.
W. “Relating structure to function in vivo with tomographic imaging. [Review].” Ciba
Foundation Symposium, 93-101.
Pelizzari, C. A., and Chen, G. T. Y. (1987) “Registration of multiple diagnostic imaging scans
using surface fitting.” 9th Intern. ICCR, North Holland, 437-440.
Pelizzari, C. A., Spelbring, D. R., and Chen, G. T. Y. “Image Correlation in Radiation Therapy,
in Proc Joint US/Scandinavian Symposium on Future Directions of Computer Aided
Radiotherapy.” NCI.
Pelizzari, C. A., Evans, A. C., Neelin, P., Chen, C. T., and Chen, G. T. Y. “Comparison of 3D
Registration of PET and MRI Images. in.” Proc Ann Inter Conf of IEEE Engineering in Med and
Bio Society, 221-223.
Spelbring, D., Chen, G. T. Y., Pelizzari, C. A., and Awan, A. (1987) “Analysis of Dose
Advantages of Multivane Collimators in Therapy, in Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy.”
Proc 9th ICCR publ, pp 153-156.
Spire, J. P., Hosny, H., Levin, D., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y., Mullan, J., Yasillo, N., and
Towle, V.L. “Accurate presurgical simultaneous localization of electrographic, metabolic, and
anatomic features in epilepsy.” Abstr: XII Int Conf of EEG and Clinical Neruophysiology, Rio de
Chen, G. T. Y., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1994). “Image correlation: applications in nuclear medicine
and beyond [editorial; comment].” Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 35(11), 1781.
Grzeszczuk, R. P., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1996) “Real-Time Merging of Visible Surfaces for
Display and Segmentation.” Visualization in Biomedical Computing, 93-98.
Giger, M. L., and Pelizzari, C.A. (1996). “Advances in Tumor Imaging.” Scientific American,
275(3), 76-78.
Pelizzari, C. A. (1998). "Image fusion and multimodality 3D imaging." First International
Conference on Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Chicago, IL, Elsevier.
Book Chapters
Skøld, K., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1977). “Elementary Excitations in Liquid Helium-3.” Quantum
Fluids and Solids, New York: Plenum, 195-205.
Skøld, K., and Pelizzari, C. A. (1980). “Elementary Excitations in Liquid Helium-3.” Neutron
Scattering in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, London: Royal Society, 125-136.
Chen, G. T., Pelizzari, C. A., Spelbring, D. R., and Awan, A. (1987). “Evaluation of treatment
plans using dose volume histograms.” Frontiers of Radiation Therapy & Oncology, 44-55.
Chen, C.-T., C.A. Pelizzari, G.T.Y. Chen, M.D. Cooper, and Levin:, D. N. (1988). “Image
Analysis of PET Data with the Aid of CT and MR Images.” Information Processing in Medical
Imaging, C. N. D. a. M. A. Viergever, ed., New York: Plenum, 601-612.
Hu, X., Tan, K. K., Levin, D. N., Pelizzari, C. A., and Chen, G. T. Y. (1990). “"A VolumeRendering Technique for Integrated Three-Dimensional display of MR and PET Data.".” 3D
Imaging in Medicine, K.H. Hohne et al., eds., Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 379-397.
Chen, G. T., Pelizzari, C. A., and Levin, D. N. (1990). “Image correlation in oncology.
[Review].” Important Advances in Oncology, V. T. DeVita, Hellman, S., Rosenberg, S.A., ed.,
J.P. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 131-141.
Levin, D. N., Hu, X., Tan, K. K., Galhotra, S., Herrmann, A., Pelizzari, C. A., Chen, G. T. Y.,
Beck, R. N., Chen, C.-T., and Cooper, M. (1991). “Integrated 3D display of MR, CT and PET
Images.” 3D Imaging in Medicine, G. T. Herman, J.K. Udupa, eds., Boca Raton: CRC Press,
Pelizzari, C. A., Tan, K. K., Levin, D. N., Chen, G. T. Y., and Balter, J. (1991). “"Interactive
Patient Image Registration.".” Information Processing in Medical Imaging, D. J. Hawkes,. A.C.
Colchester, eds., ed., Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 132-141.
Pelizzari, C. A., Levin, D. N., Tan, K. K., Grzeszczuk, R., Ryan, M. J., and Chen, C.T. (1993).
“Image Registration Based on Anatomical Surface Matching.” Interactive Image-Guided
Neurosurgery, R.J. Maciunas, ed., Park Ridge, IL: American Association of Neurological
Surgeons, 47-62.
Pelizzari, C. A., Levin, D. N., Chen, G. T. Y., and Chen, C.-T. (1994). “Registration of
functional and anatomical images by surface matching.” Functional Neuroimaging, Thatcher,
R.W., Hallett, M., Zeffiro, T., Johns, E.R. , eds. New York: Academic Press, 233-244.
Chen, G. T. Y., Pelizzari, C. A., and Vijayakumar, S. (1996). “Imaging: The Basis for Effective
Therapy.” 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy, J. Meyer and J. Purdy, eds., Basel: Karger, 31-42.
Pelizzari, C. A. (1998). Volume Rendering. Imaging in Radiation Therapy. Hazle, J. D. and
Boyer, A. L. eds. Madison, WI: Medical Physics Publishing, 291-313.
Pelizzari, C. A. (2003). Medical Imaging in IMRT Planning. Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy:
State of the Art . J.R.Palta, T.R. Mackie, eds. Madison, WI: Medical Physics Publishing, 139181.
Pelizzari, C.A. and Lujan, A.E. (2005). Imaging And Fusion Technologies. Intensity Modulated
Radiation Therapy: A Clinical Perspective. A.J. Mundt, J.C. Roeske, eds. Hamilton, ON: B.C.
Decker, 97-114.
Chen, G.T.Y., Pelizzari, C.A., and Rietzel, E.R.M. (2007). Imaging in Radiotherapy. Treatment
Planning in Radiation Oncology. F.M. Khan, ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,