Grade 6 Math Q1 - CCSS

Skinner School Curriculum Plan
Teacher: Lee
Grade: 6
Subject: Math
Marking Period: 1
Common Core Goals: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, Statistics and Probability
Common Core Domain and Cluster
Common Core Standard
Number System
 Apply properties of operations as strategies
to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear
Apply and extend previous understandings of
expressions with rational coefficients.
multiplication and division to divide fractions by
Understand that rewriting an expression in
fractions. (6 )
forms in a problem context can
Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and
on the problem and how the
find common factors and multiples. (6th)
quantities in it are related.
Apply and extend previous understandings of
 Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical
numbers to the system of rational numbers. (6th)
problems posed with positive and negative
Apply and extend previous understandings of
rational numbers in any form (whole
operations with fractions to add, subtract,
numbers, fractions, decimals), using tools
multiply, and divide rational numbers. (7th)
strategically. Apply properties of operations
Expressions and Equations
Apply and extend previous understandings of
arithmetic to algebraic expressions (6th)
Reason about and solve one-variable equations
and inequalities (6th)
Represent and analyze quantitative
relationships between independent and
dependent variables (6th)
Use properties of operations to generate
equivalent expressions (7th)
Solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and
equations (7th)
to calculate with numbers in any form;
convert between forms as appropriate; and
assess the reasonableness of answers
using mental computation and estimation
Use variables to represent quantities in a
real-world or mathematical problem, and
construct simple equations and inequalities
to solve problems by reasoning about the
Apply and extend previous understandings
of addition and subtraction to add and
subtract rational numbers; represent
addition and subtraction on a horizontal or
vertical number line diagram.
Chapter 1Expressions and
Practice Workbook
Handouts and
Chapter 1 Test
Chapter 1 Notes
Skinner School Curriculum Plan
Number System
Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide fractions by
fractions. (6th)
Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and
find common factors and multiples. (6th)
Apply and extend previous understandings of
numbers to the system of rational numbers. (6th)
Apply and extend previous understandings of
operations with fractions to add, subtract,
multiply, and divide rational numbers. (7th)
Expressions and Equations
Apply and extend previous understandings of
arithmetic to algebraic expressions (6th)
Reason about and solve one-variable equations
and inequalities (6th)
Represent and analyze quantitative
relationships between independent and
dependent variables (6th)
Use properties of operations to generate
equivalent expressions (7th)
Solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and
equations (7th)
Apply properties of operations as strategies
to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear
expressions with rational coefficients.
Understand that rewriting an expression in
different forms in a problem context can
shed light on the problem and how the
quantities in it are related.
Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical
problems posed with positive and negative
rational numbers in any form (whole
numbers, fractions, decimals), using tools
strategically. Apply properties of operations
to calculate with numbers in any form;
convert between forms as appropriate; and
assess the reasonableness of answers
using mental computation and estimation
Use variables to represent quantities in a
real-world or mathematical problem, and
construct simple equations and inequalities
to solve problems by reasoning about the
Apply and extend previous understandings
of addition and subtraction to add and
subtract rational numbers; represent
addition and subtraction on a horizontal or
vertical number line diagram.
Apply and extend previous understandings
of multiplication and division and of
fractions to multiply and divide rational
Solve real-world and mathematical
problems involving the four operations with
Chapter 2- Integers
Practice Workbook
Handouts and
Chapter 2 Test
Chapter 2 Notes
Skinner School Curriculum Plan
Number System
Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide fractions by
fractions. (6th)
Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and
find common factors and multiples. (6th)
Apply and extend previous understandings of
numbers to the system of rational numbers. (6th)
Apply and extend previous understandings of
operations with fractions to add, subtract,
multiply, and divide rational numbers. (7th)
Expressions and Equations
Apply and extend previous understandings of
arithmetic to algebraic expressions (6th)
Reason about and solve one-variable equations
and inequalities (6th)
Represent and analyze quantitative
relationships between independent and
dependent variables (6th)
Use properties of operations to generate
equivalent expressions (7th)
Solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and
equations (7th)
rational numbers
Apply properties of operations as strategies
to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear
expressions with rational coefficients.
Understand that rewriting an expression in
different forms in a problem context can
shed light on the problem and how the
quantities in it are related.
Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical
problems posed with positive and negative
rational numbers in any form (whole
numbers, fractions, decimals), using tools
strategically. Apply properties of operations
to calculate with numbers in any form;
convert between forms as appropriate; and
assess the reasonableness of answers
using mental computation and estimation
Use variables to represent quantities in a
real-world or mathematical problem, and
construct simple equations and inequalities
to solve problems by reasoning about the
Apply and extend previous understandings
of addition and subtraction to add and
subtract rational numbers; represent
addition and subtraction on a horizontal or
vertical number line diagram.
Chapter 3 –
Rational Numbers
Practice Workbook
Handouts and
Chapter 3 Test
Chapter 3 Notes