Lynette F - Learning Objects

Lynette F. Plowe
CIS 106
Project 2
In today’s society there are many difference languages ranged from foreign to
dialect to computer language. In learning about computers and the languages it uses to
work is truly amazing. According to the Discovering Computers 2005 textbook the
author speaks about the different language a computer uses to access, manage, and
operates on. Today I will present how a computer use a languages to communicate, work
and designs a program in which humans can access, work and process different task
using different computer languages.
A computer is an amazing technology, in which the sole purpose of the computer
is to process and execute programs which are required by the users. For any computer to
work effectively a program language is perform. According to the Thomson-Discovery
Computers 2005 by Shelly and Cashman, “a programming language or machine language
is a set of words, symbols and codes that enables the programmer to write instructions”.
In this program the language the machine is executing a program in which it uses a series
of binary digits, or combination of numbers and letters are used. In comparison to the
Thomason text, the technology encyclopedia refers to the machine language as a native
language in which tells the computer what to do and how to do it.1
In connection with the machine language the assembler becomes on of the most
necessary language that ties the machine language to the computer. The assembler is
Tech Encyclopedia
when the programmer writes instruction using symbolic instruction codes, which means it
explains the conventions for function return values, register usage and data alignment at
the assembly language level. In other words the assembly language routine is from the C
function routed to the C++ connection.
Another language computers use is the visual programming language in which
provides a visual or graphical interface called visual programming environment.
According to Visual Programming basic the system provides sets of tools to aid
individuals in building exciting applications. Visual Basic provides these tools to make
ones life far easier because all the real hard code is already written for them.2 The place
of using the visual language is in the rapid application development in which
programmers’ implements programs in segments and use scripting languages to interpret
other languages for web pages.
Through these different languages the characteristics of Object Oriented
Programming language becomes more necessary in which this program implants
procedures that reads and manipulate the data. For example for any one to use or
understand what OOP is they need to understand the underlying concepts. One needs to
know what an object is, what a class is, how objects and classes are related, and how
objects communicate by using messages. An Object is a software bundle of related
variables and methods. Software objects are often used to model real-world objects you
find in everyday life a class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the variables and the
examples of these methods are objects created when the user launches the application.
The Visual Basic Programming Language
The application's main method creates an object to represent the entire application, and
that object creates others to represent the window, label, and custom component. The
object representing the custom component in turn creates an object to represent the spot
on the screen. Every time you click the mouse in the custom component, the component
moves the spot by changing the spot object's x,y location and repainting itself. The spot
object does not display itself; the custom component paints a circle based on information
contained within the spot object. Other, nonvisible objects also play a part in the
application. Three objects represent the three colors used in the custom component
(black, white, and olive green), an event object represents the user action of clicking the
mouse, and so on, these codes are very hard yet the help the users us the computer more
efficiently. 3
Just as all these languages are connected to each other help a programmer make a
great computer understand what each language means make the users aware of the
sufficient and patience it take to build or program a great machine.
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts (