March 16th QUALITY CONTROL PROTOCOL OF THE PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES FOR THE ATLAS TILE CALORIMETER Warning: This document is not a technical documentation on the PMT testbench but a draft on the planned protocol for PMT quality control. It will be updated when first test-bench will be finally assembly. The time needed for each measurement is just an indicative estimation. The exact time needed for the protocol will be adjusted after qualification batch experience. At that time a complete and detailed technical documentation will be available 1 Introduction Delivery will be in batches as agreed in the contract schedule. Once all quality control checks have been performed and provisional acceptance granted after conformity of the material agreed upon and signed, CERN will authorize payment of the batch to Hamamatsu. Table 1 summarize Tilecal specifications as agreed between CERN and Hamamatsu The acceptance-rejection of each batch will be notified by CERN Hamamatsu within 8 weeks from the arrival of the tubes. The size of a sub-batch that will be used to qualify the average characteristics will be 250 photomultipliers. Provisional acceptance will be done in subbatches. The basic production unit, in a sub-batch, that will be tested and qualified for provisional acceptance is a photomultiplier. The provisional acceptance of the tubes will be based on following criteria: Visual inspection. 480 N.M. quantum efficiency. Nominal voltage to get the Tilecal nominal amplification. Dark current at 800 and 900 Volts. Photocathode linearity. Short term stability (ON/OFF drift). The results of the measurements performed by ATLAS and the values that the contractor has measured will be filed in a quality acceptance database and quality control sheets. It will result in an acceptance-rejection certificate that will be issued by CERN to Hamamatsu as shown in Table (2) and (3). If a tube do not conform to some of the minimum specifications, it will be rejected. If a sub-batch of tubes does not conform to the average quantum efficiency at 480 nm, to the average dark current and to the average short drift requirements, the sub-batch will be rejected. Hamamatsu should replace some of the worse tubes so that the whole sub-batch fulfill average specifications The voltage repartition of the photomultiplier used for all measurements of the PMT’s quality control is the nominal voltage repartition that had been designed to optimize tubes’s linearity. The nominal amplification used for all measurements of the PMT’s quality control is 10**5 2 The room temperature used for all measurements of the PMT’s quality control is defined as 25°C ± 3°C Out of the first batch of tubes (qualification batch), a set of 50 pieces should be delivered by Hamamatsu with the following data: 480 nm quantum efficiency short term stability with nominal voltage repartition pulse linearity with nominal voltage repartition current amplification at 800 and 900 Volts with nominal voltage repartition dark current at 800 and 900 Volts with nominal voltage repartition From these data Hamamatsu and Tilecal measured data the final procedure established to control the quality of the tubes will be agreed A set of 7x5 tubes will be chosen from these 50 pieces. This batch of 35 tubes will be defined as the batch of reference photomultipliers. This reference tubes will be used in order to : provide a long term monitoring of each bench by measuring all along the PMTs quality control period the characteristics of 4 reference PMTs achieve a cross calibration of the 7 test benches used for the PMTs quality control. Such a calibration will be repeated at regular periods during the production phase. This quality control comprises two parts: those tests that should be carried to achieve selection-rejection of the tubes. These tests will be called hereafter STEP1 tests those that should be carried to characterize the pair PMT-voltage divider. These tests will be called hereafter STEP2 tests STEP1 measurements Here photomultipliers are coupled with the special dividers that allow to switch between the photocathode mode and the anode one: in photocathode mode, one can apply a desired voltage value (up to 100V) between the photocathode and the first dynode. and measure the corresponding current in anode mode, one can apply a desired high voltage value and measure the corresponding current between the photocathode and the last dynode. 3 The light used is a DC one at 480nm. There are 25 locations in the test bench grid: one is taken by the large area central photodiode and four by reference photomultipliers. It means that 20 photomultipliers can be tested at the same time. As there are 250 of them in each sub-batch , the whole sub-batch test should divided in 12 grids of 20 tubes and one of 10 for a total of 13 successive periods of test. Prelude to PMTs measurements Between each successive period, some manual operation should be done. This is the only part of the all STEP 1 which needs human actions. It seems that it could take one hour with two people involved: First, one has to remove the grid from the box, remove the photomultipliers from the grid, dismount each of them from its special divider, and replace them in the stocking area. One can then take the new set of 20 tubes, associate each photomultiplier with a special divider, mount them in the grid, and replace the grid in the box. After having introduced the serial number of the new batch of photomultipliers in the controlling computer, one can start the bench autotest. Bench auto-test is done by comparison with expected values and lasts about two hours. Tested systems are: light (and therefore preamplifiers), programmable voltages, LECROY HV4032, movements of the X-Y table (for channel intercalibration), filter-wheels (movements, and attenuation measurements for current amplification determinations). The temperature regulation system is autonomous. It is able to regulate the temperature of the photomultipliers box to (25.0 0.2)C which is very important in particular for PMTs stability measurements. For that, the testing room temperature had also to be somehow regulated. The PMT box temperature stabilisation is obtained few hours after closing the box. By moving the photodiode in front of each channel using the X-Y table, we determine the correction coefficient to apply to each of them for quantum efficiencies measurement. The tested PMTs are then heated for 10 hours without any illumination. After these autotest and calibration period, the different PMTs chararcteristics involved in the selection-rejection criteria are measured, that are: 4 Dark current measurement Photocathode linearity 480 nm quantum efficiency Current amplification Short term stability Each measurements is performed automatically under the control of a functional block of the Labview program. Each functional block is independant of the others but could chained together to do only one global measurement block. For each measured characteristics, corresponding data are recorded in one excel file, but the whole global measurements data will be also summarized in a global file. Rejection-acceptation criteria will be introduced directly in the software to finaly reject PMTs out of specification Dark current measurement The photomultipliers dark current will be measured with the ATLAS voltage repartition and at room temperature defined as 25°C ± 3°C. Special divider is set in anode mode by the logic of the DAQ and control electronic. Dark current will be measured over the whole voltage range from 500V to 900V. Selection-rejection specifications agred with Hamamatsu in the contract are: The maximal dark current at 800 Volts should be less than 2nA. At 800 Volts the average value should not exceed 250 pA. At 900 Volts the maximal value of dark current should be less than 8 nA, with a ratio of the dark current values between 900 Volts and 800 Volts smaller than 10. Photocathode linearity The photocathode linearity will be measured as a function of the photocathode to dynodes voltage. Special divider is set in photocathode mode by the logic of the DAQ and control electronic. The photocathode current is measured between the photocathode and the ground. The voltage is applied between the dynodes and the ground. A voltage of 100 Volts is first applied between the photocathode and the dynodes to be sure to be at the plateau of the PMTs collection efficiency. The light is then adjusted to get a photocathode current of 10 nA for one of the reference PMTs. Then, we measure the currents for voltages from 0V to 100V and deduce the photocathode linearity curves. Selection-rejection specification agreed with Hamamatsu in the contract is that tubes have not reached 90 % of the plateau value at a voltage of 50 Volts will be rejected 480 nm quantum efficiency The tube quantum efficiency will be measured by ATLAS at a wavelength of 480 5 nm. The tubes will be illuminated over all the effective photocathode 5 area using the standard light mixer (18x18x43) mm and a continuous light source (LED) filtered by an interferential filter (ANDOVER 480FS10-50). The light flux will be measured using large area photodiodes (Hamamatsu S6337-01) set in place of the tubes, in front of the light mixer with a gap less than 1mm. The geometry of the implementation in the test bench of one of the standard PMT channel and of the large area photodiode will result in a different light flux illuminating a tube and the large area photodiode. Such a difference is taken into account by a calibration factor for each PMT channel measured in the preliminary bench auto-test period The large area photodiodes used in the 7 control sites will be calibrated by a reference large area photodiode. ATLAS and Hamamatsu will agree on the calibration of this reference photodiode and accept that measurements done by the set of large area photodiodes after calibration corrections correspond to the tube’s 480 nm quantum efficiency. Special divider is set in photocathode mode by the logic of the DAQ and control electronic. A voltage of 100V is first applied between photocathode and dynodes. Then we adjust the light using filters to get a current of 20nA at one of the reference photomultipliers. Finally, we acquire the currents of the photodiode and of the photomultipliers and deduce the quantum efficiencies from the ratios taking into account the light yield non uniformity for each channel (channel calibration coefficients) Selection-rejection specification agreed with Hamamatsu in the contract is that tubes with a 480 nm quantum efficiency below 15 % will be rejected and the contractor agree to replace them by tubes with the correct quantum efficiency. If the averaged 480 nm quantum efficiency of a sub-batch of tubes is below 18%, the sub-batch will be rejected. Current amplification The tube current amplification will be measured with a 480 nm DC light source and the ATLAS voltage repartition in a two steps procedure: First the photocathode sensitivity is measured by measuring the current between the photocathode and all the dynodes electrically connected together. In this photocathode mode, the voltage between the photocathode and the dynodes is set first to 100V and the light is adjusted to get a current of 10nA at one of the reference photomultipliers In that condition we assume that the photocathode current has reached the full collection efficiency plateau value. Photocathode currents of the tested PMTs is so measured Then logic of the command and control electronic switch between photocathode mode and anode mode. In this anode mode, we interpose a filter of known attenuation (this nominal value is around 1000 but should be 6 measured during the bench auto-test period) to keep the corresponding current at an acceptable level of few A. We deduce photomultipliers current amplification gains from the ratio of two modes currents, taking into account the filter attenuation. Measurements will be repeated every 50 Volts over the whole voltage range (500V to 800V) Fitting the obtained curves, we get the nominal high voltage corresponding to a gain of 105 and the of each photomultiplier. Selection-rejection specification agreed with Hamamatsu in the contract is that the nominal amplification (105) value must be reached in a voltage range between a minimum value of 600 V and a maximum value of 800 V Short term stability The tube short term stability will be measured, recording the anode sensitivity variation as a function of the time. The amplification is set to its nominal value (105) with the ATLAS nominal voltage repartition. A DC light source, giving a typical anode current of 3 A, will be monitored by a photodiode to correct from light source unstability. First, we put each photomultiplier under its own nominal high voltage and let them without light for 10 hours. Then, we alternate cycles of 3 hours with and without light for a total time measurement of 3x5 hours. At regular intervals, we measure photomultipliers currents and central photodiode one During the measurement, the high voltage should be applied to the tested tubes. The measurement robustness is guaranteed by the temperature regulation system. The drift will be determined as the maximum of the variation (in %) of the anode sensitivity between the beginning and the end of the 3 illumination periods Selection-rejection specification agreed with Hamamatsu in the contract is that the maximum of this short term drift has to be at maximum 1.5%, and the averaged over the whole sub-batch less than 0.8% STEP 1 schedule As mentioned above, two peoples are needed for one hour for the photomultipliers installation. After the bench auto-test, one of them has to check 7 if all tests have been passed successfully and so if the automatic acquisition had started: this operation is a matter of few minutes. After that, everything is automatic. STEP 1 measurements of one batch will last two days: the succession of operation is shown in following table. So 3 batches can be measured in one week if batch installations are done on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To complete the measurements of an Hamamatsu delivery batch, it will take 5 weeks if no major problems Hour To To + 1 To + 2 To + 3 To + 4 To + 5 To + 6 To + 7 To + 8 To + 9 To + 10 To + 11 To + 12 To + 13 To + 14 To + 15 To + 16 To + 17 To + 18 To + 19 To + 20 To + 21 To + 22 To + 23 First Day Batch installation Bench auto-test Second day HV on and no light Temperature stabilisation Channel intercalibration HV on and no light Short term Stability Dark current Collection efficiency Quantum efficiency Current amplification HV on and no light Spare STEP2 measurements Here photomultipliers are coupled with their own dividers, same as in ATLAS, and a pulsed light is used. For linearity measurements, the background is simulated adding the DC light. Results on linearity, dark current could be used to choose the PMT implantation in the Tilecal. Prelude to PMTs measurements This is the only part of the all STEP 2 which needs human actions. It seems that it could take one hour with two people involved : First, one has to remove the grid from the box, remove the photomultipliers from the grid, and replace them in the stocking area. 8 One can then take the new batch, associate each photomultiplier with its own divider, mount them in the grid, and replace the grid in the box. After having introduced the serial number of the new batch of photomultipliers and of the corresponding dividers in the controlling computer, one can start the bench auto-test. Bench auto-test is done by comparison with expected values and lasts about two hours. Tested systems are: light (and therefore preamplifiers), programmable voltages, LECROY HV4032, filter-wheels (movements, and attenuation of the filters). Temperature stabilisation is achieved as in STEP 1 Dark current The photomultipliers and the divider dark current will be measured at room temperature defined as 25°C ± 3°C. Dark current will be measured over the whole voltage range from 500V to 900V. Pulsed light amplification The high voltage is varying from 500V to 800V. For each value, 10000 events are acquired with the pulsed light only. The amplification is deduced from the width of the spectrum. Points taken too close to the pedestal or to the end of the range are automatically removed. Fitting the remaining points, we get the nominal high voltage corresponding to a gain of 10 5 and the of each photomultiplier in pulsed mode. Linearity without background We put each photomultiplier under its own nominal high voltage obtained in 3-2. Using the filter wheel, we change the amount of light received. Taking as a reference the pulsed photodiode inside the photomultipliers box, we obtain ten measurements corresponding to the different positions of the filter wheel. The non-linearity over the full dynamic range should not exceed 2% Linearity with background Same as above except that we first adjust the DC light at the desired background value using one of the reference photomultipliers. Possible values are 0.1, 1, and 2 A. STEP 2 schedule As mentioned above, two peoples are needed for one hour for the photomultipliers installation. After the bench auto-test, one of them has to check if all tests have been passed successfully and so if the automatic acquisition had started: this operation is a matter of few minutes. 9 After that, everything is automatic. STEP 2 measurements of one batch will last one day: the succession of operation is shown in the following table. So 5 batches can be measured in one week if batch installations are done on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. To complete the measurements of an Hamamatsu delivery batch, it will take 3 weeks. Hour To To + 1 To + 2 To + 3 To + 4 To + 5 To + 6 To + 7 To + 8 To + 9 To + 10 To + 11 To + 12 To + 13 To + 14 To + 15 To + 16 To + 17 To + 18 To + 19 To + 20 To + 21 To + 22 To + 23 First Day Batch installation Bench auto-test Temperature stabilisation HV on and no light Dark current Pulsed light amplification Linearity without background Linearity with background Spare 10 Quantity : 10140 photomultipliers Unit 105 Nominal Tilecal amplification High voltage at nominal gain Requirement Minimum 600 V Maximum 800 V 2 2 % Non-linearity for pulses of 20 ns and 50 mA currents Dark current (DC800) at room Maximum temperature and 800 Volts Averaged Dark current (DC900) at room Maximum temperature and 900 Volts DC900/DC800 250 8 nA pA nA 10 % Minimum at 480 nm 18 15 Averaged at 520 nm 12.5 % HV between cathode and first dynode for 90% (Cathode linearity) Rise time for delta-like pulses 50 V 2.5 ns Response time FWHM to delta-like pulses 8 ns Drift 1.5 % Short term average 0.8 % Long term 2 + 10, - 30 % < ±10 % < 60 mm 250 mm2 Quantum efficiency Averaged at 480 nm Short term maximum Ageing (relative output for integrated Q = 100 C): variation respect the initial response Photocathode non-uniformity Length (including pins) Useful photocathode area 80 Stability with temperature (variation of nominal gain per ºC ~ 0.25 between 20 and 30 ºC) Insensitivity to neutron and gamma fluxes Magnetic sensitivity (relative output for 20 Gauss) % % % % Table 1 : Summary of the Tilecal requirements 11 Control Anode sensitivity measured with ATLAS voltage repartition at 800 Volts. Photocathode sensitivity measured in the same condition that the anode sensitivity 480 nm quantum efficiency Dark current measured with ATLAS nominal repartition at 800 and 900 Volts Current amplification voltage dependence with ATLAS voltage repartition and 480 nm DC light Photocathode linearity with 480 nm DC light Short term stability at nominal amplification Amplification voltage dependance with standart divider Dark current voltage dependance with standart divider Linearity with divider Made by Hamamatsu Made by Tilecal X X X X X X X X X X Table 2 : quality control measurements summary 12 Item 1 2 3 Approved Rejected Anode sensitivity at 800 V with nominal voltage repartition Photocathode sensitivity measured in the same condition that anode sensitivity 480 nm Quantum efficiency >15% (individual) 5 480 nm Quantum efficiency <Sub-Batch> > 18% 6 G=10^5 Voltage Point (650 < HV < 800 Volts) 7 Dark Current (800 V, 25 °C) < 2 nA (individual), 8 Dark Current (800 V,25 °C) <Sub-Batch> < 250 pA 9 Dark Current (900 V, 25 °C) < 8 nA (individual), 10 (DC900/DC800) < 10 11 Non-Linearity < 2% (20 ns pulses and 50 mA) 13 ATLAS Value Visual Inspection 4 12 Producer Value Short-Term Drift < 1.5 % (300 pC, 1KHz) <average> < 0.8% 90% Photocathode to dynodes Photocatode linearity < 50 Volts Table 3 : PMT quality sheet 13