Energetics of Early Development Electronic supplementary material: Methods and Statistics Time to First Heartbeat (TFH) To the best of our knowledge, we have included all species for which there were data available on TFH, along with sizes and temperatures at this stage. In a few cases, embryo mass was estimated based on length-weight regressions, or based on linear dimensions assuming that biomass density is equal to the density of water. Wet-mass values were converted to dry mass by assuming 90% body water at TFH (references 20-21 below). Time to hatching (TH) and time to maturity (TM) TH data were taken from the same studies as the TFH data, when available, so the TH data represent a subset of the species used for TFH. We used TH because it was a late stage in development having the most available data for this group of species. However, TH is not an ideal late-stage measure because larger species tend to hatch at earlier stages of development (see reference 19 of Online Supplement 2). The TM data include all the data compiled by Savage et al. (2003) for heterotrophic eukaryotes (excluding endotherms). These data represent a diverse assortment of ectothermic invertebrates and vertebrates, and do not include species listed in Table 1. For the TH and TM data, wet masses of hatchlings and adults were converted to dry masses, when necessary, by assuming 75% body-water content (Gillooly et al. 2002). Statistical Analyses We chose Model I regression, rather than Model II regression, in evaluating the relationship of time to first heartbeat with size and temperature for three reasons. First, Model I assumes a causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables such that size and temperature 1 Energetics of Early Development control developmental times (as assumed by our model), and not vice versa. Second, since all of the body size and temperature values were direct measures taken at the time to first heartbeat, we assume the error in measuring the independent variables of these plots (i.e. size and temperature) is negligible relative to variability among taxa in the time to first heartbeat, Third, we therefore assume that most of the variability about the fitted lines is due to biological factors that operate through their effects on Em and bo. Model I (and not Model II) regression yields the corrected sizeand temperature-corrected slopes regardless of variability about the fitted lines attributable to variation among taxa in Em and bo. With respect to the issue of possible phylogenetic effects, note that our analyses include a diverse set of taxonomic groups (birds, amphibians, fish, invertebrates), and that species are generally distantly related even within taxonomic groups. Thus, it is unlikely that a phylogenetic correction would change the slopes or intercepts of the relationships in Table 1. Still, to address this issue, we performed ANCOVA analyses on the TFH and TH data, assuming differences in intercepts among taxonomic groups. For all four models (the two size-corrected models and the two temperature-corrected models), the slope remains significant (P < 0.05), but the differences in intercepts among groups are not statistically significant. These findings are consistent with other recent work indicating that size- and temperature-corrected rates of growth (i.e. bo/Em) are similar across varied taxonomic groups (Gillooly et al. 2002; Ernest et al. 2003; Savage et al. 2004). Thus, the chance that these relationships are a spurious result due to differences among groups is very small. Unfortunately, we had insufficient statistical power to simultaneously test for differences in slopes and intercepts among groups using ANCOVA. Ernest, S. K. M., Enquist, B. J., Brown, J. H., Charnov, E. L., Gillooly, J. F., Savage, V. M., White, E. P., Smith, F. A., Hadly, E. A., Haskell, J. P., Lyons, S. K., Maurer, B. A., Niklas, K. J. & Tiffney, B. 2003. Thermodynamic and metabolic effects on the scaling of production and population energy use. Ecology Letters 6, 990-995. 2 Energetics of Early Development Gillooly, J. F., Charnov, E. L., West, G. B., Savage, V. M. & Brown, J. H. 2002 Effects of size and temperature on developmental time. Nature 417, 70-73. Savage, V. M., Gillooly, J. F., Brown, J. H., West, G. B. & Charnov, E. L. 2004 Effects of body size and temperature on population growth. The American Naturalist 163, 429-441. 3 Energetics of Early Development Data and sources from Figure 1 Table 2. Data compiled on times to first heartbeat (TFH) and times to hatching (TH) for diverse taxa. The term “NA” is used to indicate no data available. Taxon fish fish fish fish fish fish amphibian amphibian amphibian amphibian amphibian invertebrate invertebrate invertebrate bird bird bird bird Species Clupea harengus Phoxinus phoxinus Raja erinacea Salmo gairdneri Salmo gairdneri Salmo gairdneri Ascaphus truei Bryobatrachus nimbus Bryobatrachus nimbus Eleutherodactylus coqui Heleioporus eyrei Artemia franciscana Daphnia magna Procambarus clarkia Coturnix chinensis Gallus gallus Larus schistisagus Tyto alba Temperature (°C) 12 25 17 10 7 13 15 10 15 25 21 20 20 25 38 38 38 37 Time to first Heartbeat mass at TFH (g dry) time (h) 1.00x10-4 97 1.70x10-4 48 -3 2.00x10 648 1.21x10-3 360 1.17x10-3 535 9.62x10-4 240 2.34x10-2 276 1.20x10-3 969 1.20x10-3 569 3.00x10-4 151 1.40x10-3 172 1.34x10-5 63 4.74x10-6 70 -4 4.40x10 312 1.00x10-4 48 2.00x10-3 48 7.00x10-3 58 4.20x10-1 168 4 Time to Hatching mass at TH (g dry) 1.10x10-4 5.00x10-4 1.09x100 7.50x10-3 7.50x10-3 6.80x10-3 2.13x10-2 1.92x10-3 1.92x10-3 5.73x10-3 1.90x10-2 NA 1.10x10-5 1.25x10-3 9.84x10-1 8.55x100 2.08x101 3.70x100 time (h) 168.0 52.0 3456.0 592.8 NA 520.8 432.0 1809.6 1060.8 NA 240.0 NA 76.1 528.0 372.0 504.0 648.0 480.0 Source 1,2 3 4 5,6 5,6 5,6 7 8 8 9, 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17,18 Energetics of Early Development 1. 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